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path: root/nixpkgs/pkgs/tools/networking/envoy/default.nix
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Diffstat (limited to 'nixpkgs/pkgs/tools/networking/envoy/default.nix')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 303 deletions
diff --git a/nixpkgs/pkgs/tools/networking/envoy/default.nix b/nixpkgs/pkgs/tools/networking/envoy/default.nix
deleted file mode 100644
index f35a90273530..000000000000
--- a/nixpkgs/pkgs/tools/networking/envoy/default.nix
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,303 +0,0 @@
-{ stdenv, lib, fetchFromGitHub, pkgconfig, bazel, c-ares, backward-cpp
-, libevent, gtest, gperftools, http-parser, lightstep-tracer-cpp
-, nghttp2, protobuf, tclap, rapidjson, spdlog, boringssl, buildEnv
-  protobuf_bzl =
-    fetchFromGitHub {
-      owner = "htuch";
-      repo = "protobuf";
-      rev = "d490587268931da78c942a6372ef57bb53db80da";
-      sha256 = "100494s66xclw88bdnpb6d386vgw0gwz90sni37q7fqmi9w99z6v";
-    };
-  # Based on ci/prebuilt/BUILD
-  #
-  # The paths have been fixed up, and the static archives have been replaced
-  # with dynamic libraries where presently possible.
-  #
-  # At the moment, this doesn't _need_ to be a map that we dynamically create a
-  # BUILD file from (we could instead just include the contents directly);
-  # however, this sets us up to be ready if we (or upstream) decide to split
-  # things into multiple bazel repos, instead of one.
-  ccTargets = {
-    ares = {
-      pkg = c-ares;
-      srcs = ''["lib/libcares.so"]'';
-      hdrs = ''glob(["include/ares*.h"])'';
-      includes = ''["include"]'';
-    };
-    backward = {
-      pkg = backward-cpp;
-      hdrs = ''["include/backward.hpp"]'';
-      includes = ''["include"]'';
-    };
-    crypto = {
-      pkg = boringssl;
-      srcs = ''["lib/libcrypto.a"]'';
-      hdrs = ''glob(["include/openssl/**/*.h"])'';
-      includes = ''["include"]'';
-    };
-    event = {
-      pkg = libevent;
-      srcs = ''["lib/libevent.so"]'';
-      hdrs = ''glob(["include/event2/**/*.h"])'';
-      includes = ''["include"]'';
-    };
-    event_pthreads = {
-      pkg = libevent;
-      srcs = ''["lib/libevent_pthreads.so"]'';
-      deps = ''[":event"]'';
-    };
-    googletest = {
-      pkg = gtest;
-      srcs = ''[ "lib/libgmock.so", "lib/libgtest.so" ]'';
-      hdrs = ''glob(["include/gmock/**/*.h", "include/gtest/**/*.h"])'';
-      includes = ''["include"]'';
-    };
-    http_parser = {
-      pkg = http-parser;
-      srcs = ''["lib/libhttp_parser.so"]'';
-      hdrs = ''glob(["include/http_parser.h"])'';
-      includes = ''["include"]'';
-    };
-    lightstep = {
-      pkg = lightstep-tracer-cpp;
-      srcs = ''["lib/liblightstep_core_cxx11.a"]'';
-      hdrs = ''glob([ "include/lightstep/**/*.h", "include/mapbox_variant/**/*.hpp" ]) + [ "include/collector.pb.h", "include/lightstep_carrier.pb.h" ]'';
-      includes = ''["include"]'';
-      deps = ''[":protobuf"]'';
-    };
-    nghttp2 = {
-      pkg = nghttp2;
-      srcs = ''["lib/libnghttp2.so"]'';
-      hdrs = ''glob(["include/nghttp2/**/*.h"])'';
-      includes = ''["include"]'';
-    };
-    protobuf = {
-      pkg = protobuf;
-      srcs = ''glob(["lib/libproto*.so"])'';
-      hdrs = ''glob(["include/google/protobuf/**/*.h"])'';
-      includes = ''["include"]'';
-    };
-    rapidjson = {
-      pkg = rapidjson;
-      hdrs = ''glob(["include/rapidjson/**/*.h"])'';
-      includes = ''["include"]'';
-    };
-    spdlog = {
-      pkg = spdlog;
-      name = "spdlog";
-      hdrs = ''glob([ "include/spdlog/**/*.cc", "include/spdlog/**/*.h" ])'';
-      includes = ''["include"]'';
-    };
-    ssl = {
-      pkg = boringssl;
-      srcs = ''["lib/libssl.a"]'';
-      deps = ''[":crypto"]'';
-    };
-    tclap = {
-      pkg = tclap;
-      hdrs = ''glob(["include/tclap/**/*.h"])'';
-      includes = ''["include"]'';
-    };
-    tcmalloc_and_profiler = {
-      pkg = gperftools;
-      srcs = ''["lib/libtcmalloc_and_profiler.so"]'';
-      hdrs = ''glob(["include/gperftools/**/*.h"])'';
-      strip_include_prefix = ''"include"'';
-    };
-  };
-  # Generate the BUILD file.
-  buildFile =
-    let field = name: attrs:
-      if attrs ? ${name} then "    ${name} = ${attrs.${name}},\n" else "";
-    in
-    ''
-    licenses(["notice"])  # Apache 2
-    package(default_visibility = ["//visibility:public"])
-    '' +
-    lib.concatStringsSep "\n\n" (
-      lib.mapAttrsToList (name: value:
-          "cc_library(\n"
-        + "    name = \"${name}\",\n"
-        + field "srcs" value
-        + field "hdrs" value
-        + field "deps" value
-        + field "includes" value
-        + field "strip_include_prefix" value
-        + ")"
-      ) ccTargets
-    ) + ''
-    filegroup(
-        name = "protoc",
-        srcs = ["bin/protoc"],
-    )
-    '';
-  workspaceFile = 
-    ''
-    workspace(name = "nix")
-    load("//bazel:repositories.bzl", "envoy_dependencies")
-    load("//bazel:cc_configure.bzl", "cc_configure")
-    new_local_repository(
-        name = "nix_envoy_deps",
-        path = "${repoEnv}",
-        build_file = "nix_envoy_deps.BUILD"
-    )
-    envoy_dependencies(
-        path = "@nix_envoy_deps//",
-        skip_protobuf_bzl = True,
-    )
-    new_local_repository(
-        name = "protobuf_bzl",
-        path = "${protobuf_bzl}",
-        # We only want protobuf.bzl, so don't support building out of this repo.
-        build_file_content = "",
-    )
-    cc_configure()
-    '';
-  # The tree we'll use for our new_local_repository in our generated WORKSPACE.
-  repoEnv = buildEnv {
-    name = "repo-env";
-    paths = lib.concatMap (p:
-      lib.unique [(lib.getBin p) (lib.getLib p) (lib.getDev p)]
-    ) allDeps;
-  };
-  rpath = stdenv.lib.makeLibraryPath (allDeps ++ [ stdenv.cc.cc ]);
-  allDeps = [
-    c-ares
-    backward-cpp
-    libevent
-    gtest
-    gperftools
-    http-parser
-    lightstep-tracer-cpp
-    nghttp2
-    protobuf
-    tclap
-    rapidjson
-    spdlog
-    boringssl
-  ];
-  # Envoy checks at runtime that the git sha is valid,
-  # so we really can't avoid putting some sort of sha here.
-  rev = "3afc7712a04907ffd25ed497626639febfe65735";
-stdenv.mkDerivation rec {
-  pname = "envoy";
-  version = "1.3.0";
-  src = fetchFromGitHub {
-    owner = "lyft";
-    repo = "envoy";
-    rev = "v${version}";
-    sha256 = "0j1c9lyvncyhiq3kyhx91ckcjd2h68x56js7xb6ni6bzxinv6zb6";
-  };
-  nativeBuildInputs = [
-    pkgconfig bazel
-  ];
-  buildInputs = allDeps;
-  patches = [ ./nixos.patch ];
-  hardeningDisable = [ "all" ];
-  dontPatchELF = true;
-  dontStrip = true;
-  # set up our workspace,
-  # and prevent an error where bazel/get_workspace_status tries to determine the
-  # version by invoking git.
-  postUnpack = ''
-    cat <<'EOF' > $sourceRoot/WORKSPACE
-    ${workspaceFile}
-    EOF
-    cat <<'EOF' > $sourceRoot/nix_envoy_deps.BUILD
-    ${buildFile}
-    EOF
-    cat <<'EOF' > $sourceRoot/bazel/get_workspace_status
-    #!${stdenv.shell}
-    echo "BUILD_SCM_REVISION ${rev}"
-    echo "BUILD_SCM_STATUS Modified"
-    EOF
-  '';
-  buildPhase = ''
-    runHook preBuild
-    mkdir .home
-    export HOME=$PWD/.home
-    BAZEL_OPTIONS="--package_path %workspace%:$PWD"
-      --strategy=Genrule=standalone \
-      --spawn_strategy=standalone \
-      --verbose_failures \
-      --action_env=HOME \
-      --action_env=PYTHONUSERBASE \
-      --show_task_finish"
-    bazel \
-      --batch \
-      build \
-      -s --verbose_failures \
-      --experimental_ui \
-      -c opt \
-      //source/exe:envoy-static
-    exe=bazel-bin/source/exe/envoy-static
-    chmod +w $exe
-    patchelf --set-rpath ${rpath} $exe
-    runHook postBuild
-  '';
-  installPhase = ''
-    mkdir -p $out/bin
-    mv $exe $out/bin/envoy
-  '';
-  meta = with lib; {
-    description = "L7 proxy and communication bus designed for large modern service oriented architectures";
-    homepage = "https://lyft.github.io/envoy/";
-    license = licenses.asl20;
-    platforms = platforms.linux;
-    maintainers = with maintainers; [ cstrahan ];
-  };