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path: root/nixpkgs/pkgs/servers/sql/postgresql/generic.nix
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Diffstat (limited to 'nixpkgs/pkgs/servers/sql/postgresql/generic.nix')
1 files changed, 322 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/nixpkgs/pkgs/servers/sql/postgresql/generic.nix b/nixpkgs/pkgs/servers/sql/postgresql/generic.nix
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..5d93cf9aa31b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/nixpkgs/pkgs/servers/sql/postgresql/generic.nix
@@ -0,0 +1,322 @@
+  generic =
+      # dependencies
+      { stdenv, lib, fetchurl, makeWrapper, fetchpatch
+      , glibc, zlib, readline, openssl, icu, lz4, zstd, systemd, libossp_uuid
+      , pkg-config, libxml2, tzdata, libkrb5, substituteAll, darwin
+      , linux-pam
+      # This is important to obtain a version of `libpq` that does not depend on systemd.
+      , systemdSupport ? lib.meta.availableOn stdenv.hostPlatform systemd && !stdenv.hostPlatform.isStatic
+      , enableSystemd ? null
+      , gssSupport ? with stdenv.hostPlatform; !isWindows && !isStatic
+      # for postgresql.pkgs
+      , self, newScope, buildEnv
+      # source specification
+      , version, hash, muslPatches
+      # for tests
+      , testers, nixosTests, thisAttr
+      # JIT
+      , jitSupport
+      , nukeReferences, patchelf, llvmPackages
+      , makeRustPlatform, buildPgxExtension, cargo, rustc
+      # PL/Python
+      , pythonSupport ? false
+      , python3
+      # detection of crypt fails when using llvm stdenv, so we add it manually
+      # for <13 (where it got removed: https://github.com/postgres/postgres/commit/c45643d618e35ec2fe91438df15abd4f3c0d85ca)
+      , libxcrypt
+    } @args:
+  let
+    atLeast = lib.versionAtLeast version;
+    olderThan = lib.versionOlder version;
+    lz4Enabled = atLeast "14";
+    zstdEnabled = atLeast "15";
+    systemdSupport' = if enableSystemd == null then systemdSupport else (lib.warn "postgresql: argument enableSystemd is deprecated, please use systemdSupport instead." enableSystemd);
+    pname = "postgresql";
+    stdenv' = if jitSupport then llvmPackages.stdenv else stdenv;
+  in stdenv'.mkDerivation (finalAttrs: {
+    inherit pname version;
+    src = fetchurl {
+      url = "mirror://postgresql/source/v${version}/${pname}-${version}.tar.bz2";
+      inherit hash;
+    };
+    hardeningEnable = lib.optionals (!stdenv'.cc.isClang) [ "pie" ];
+    outputs = [ "out" "lib" "doc" "man" ];
+    setOutputFlags = false; # $out retains configureFlags :-/
+    buildInputs = [
+      zlib
+      readline
+      openssl
+      libxml2
+      icu
+    ]
+      ++ lib.optionals (olderThan "13") [ libxcrypt ]
+      ++ lib.optionals jitSupport [ llvmPackages.llvm ]
+      ++ lib.optionals lz4Enabled [ lz4 ]
+      ++ lib.optionals zstdEnabled [ zstd ]
+      ++ lib.optionals systemdSupport' [ systemd ]
+      ++ lib.optionals pythonSupport [ python3 ]
+      ++ lib.optionals gssSupport [ libkrb5 ]
+      ++ lib.optionals stdenv'.isLinux [ linux-pam ]
+      ++ lib.optionals (!stdenv'.isDarwin) [ libossp_uuid ];
+    nativeBuildInputs = [
+      makeWrapper
+      pkg-config
+    ]
+      ++ lib.optionals jitSupport [ llvmPackages.llvm.dev nukeReferences patchelf ];
+    enableParallelBuilding = !stdenv'.isDarwin;
+    separateDebugInfo = true;
+    buildFlags = [ "world" ];
+    env.NIX_CFLAGS_COMPILE = "-I${libxml2.dev}/include/libxml2";
+    # Otherwise it retains a reference to compiler and fails; see #44767.  TODO: better.
+    preConfigure = "CC=${stdenv'.cc.targetPrefix}cc";
+    configureFlags = [
+      "--with-openssl"
+      "--with-libxml"
+      "--with-icu"
+      "--sysconfdir=/etc"
+      "--libdir=$(lib)/lib"
+      "--with-system-tzdata=${tzdata}/share/zoneinfo"
+      "--enable-debug"
+      (lib.optionalString systemdSupport' "--with-systemd")
+      (if stdenv'.isDarwin then "--with-uuid=e2fs" else "--with-ossp-uuid")
+    ] ++ lib.optionals lz4Enabled [ "--with-lz4" ]
+      ++ lib.optionals zstdEnabled [ "--with-zstd" ]
+      ++ lib.optionals gssSupport [ "--with-gssapi" ]
+      ++ lib.optionals pythonSupport [ "--with-python" ]
+      ++ lib.optionals stdenv'.hostPlatform.isRiscV [ "--disable-spinlocks" ]
+      ++ lib.optionals jitSupport [ "--with-llvm" ]
+      ++ lib.optionals stdenv'.isLinux [ "--with-pam" ];
+    patches = [
+      (if atLeast "16" then ./patches/disable-normalize_exec_path.patch
+       else ./patches/disable-resolve_symlinks.patch)
+      ./patches/less-is-more.patch
+      ./patches/hardcode-pgxs-path.patch
+      ./patches/specify_pkglibdir_at_runtime.patch
+      ./patches/findstring.patch
+      (substituteAll {
+        src = ./patches/locale-binary-path.patch;
+        locale = "${if stdenv.isDarwin then darwin.adv_cmds else lib.getBin stdenv.cc.libc}/bin/locale";
+      })
+    ] ++ lib.optionals stdenv'.hostPlatform.isMusl (
+      # Using fetchurl instead of fetchpatch on purpose: https://github.com/NixOS/nixpkgs/issues/240141
+      map fetchurl (lib.attrValues muslPatches)
+    ) ++ lib.optionals stdenv'.isLinux  [
+      (if atLeast "13" then ./patches/socketdir-in-run-13.patch else ./patches/socketdir-in-run.patch)
+    ];
+    installTargets = [ "install-world" ];
+    LC_ALL = "C";
+    postPatch = ''
+      # Hardcode the path to pgxs so pg_config returns the path in $out
+      substituteInPlace "src/common/config_info.c" --replace HARDCODED_PGXS_PATH "$out/lib"
+    '' + lib.optionalString jitSupport ''
+        # Force lookup of jit stuff in $out instead of $lib
+        substituteInPlace src/backend/jit/jit.c --replace pkglib_path \"$out/lib\"
+        substituteInPlace src/backend/jit/llvm/llvmjit.c --replace pkglib_path \"$out/lib\"
+        substituteInPlace src/backend/jit/llvm/llvmjit_inline.cpp --replace pkglib_path \"$out/lib\"
+    '';
+    postInstall =
+      ''
+        moveToOutput "lib/pgxs" "$out" # looks strange, but not deleting it
+        moveToOutput "lib/libpgcommon*.a" "$out"
+        moveToOutput "lib/libpgport*.a" "$out"
+        moveToOutput "lib/libecpg*" "$out"
+        # Prevent a retained dependency on gcc-wrapper.
+        substituteInPlace "$out/lib/pgxs/src/Makefile.global" --replace ${stdenv'.cc}/bin/ld ld
+        if [ -z "''${dontDisableStatic:-}" ]; then
+          # Remove static libraries in case dynamic are available.
+          for i in $out/lib/*.a $lib/lib/*.a; do
+            name="$(basename "$i")"
+            ext="${stdenv'.hostPlatform.extensions.sharedLibrary}"
+            if [ -e "$lib/lib/''${name%.a}$ext" ] || [ -e "''${i%.a}$ext" ]; then
+              rm "$i"
+            fi
+          done
+        fi
+      '' + lib.optionalString jitSupport ''
+        # Move the bitcode and libllvmjit.so library out of $lib; otherwise, every client that
+        # depends on libpq.so will also have libLLVM.so in its closure too, bloating it
+        moveToOutput "lib/bitcode" "$out"
+        moveToOutput "lib/llvmjit*" "$out"
+        # In the case of JIT support, prevent a retained dependency on clang-wrapper
+        substituteInPlace "$out/lib/pgxs/src/Makefile.global" --replace ${stdenv'.cc}/bin/clang clang
+        nuke-refs $out/lib/llvmjit_types.bc $(find $out/lib/bitcode -type f)
+        # Stop out depending on the default output of llvm
+        substituteInPlace $out/lib/pgxs/src/Makefile.global \
+          --replace ${llvmPackages.llvm.out}/bin "" \
+          --replace '$(LLVM_BINPATH)/' ""
+        # Stop out depending on the -dev output of llvm
+        substituteInPlace $out/lib/pgxs/src/Makefile.global \
+          --replace ${llvmPackages.llvm.dev}/bin/llvm-config llvm-config \
+          --replace -I${llvmPackages.llvm.dev}/include ""
+        ${lib.optionalString (!stdenv'.isDarwin) ''
+          # Stop lib depending on the -dev output of llvm
+          rpath=$(patchelf --print-rpath $out/lib/llvmjit.so)
+          nuke-refs -e $out $out/lib/llvmjit.so
+          # Restore the correct rpath
+          patchelf $out/lib/llvmjit.so --set-rpath "$rpath"
+        ''}
+      '';
+    postFixup = lib.optionalString (!stdenv'.isDarwin && stdenv'.hostPlatform.libc == "glibc")
+      ''
+        # initdb needs access to "locale" command from glibc.
+        wrapProgram $out/bin/initdb --prefix PATH ":" ${glibc.bin}/bin
+      '';
+    doCheck = !stdenv'.isDarwin;
+    # autodetection doesn't seem to able to find this, but it's there.
+    checkTarget = "check";
+    preCheck =
+      # On musl, comment skip the following tests, because they break due to
+      #     ! ERROR:  could not load library "/build/postgresql-11.5/tmp_install/nix/store/...-postgresql-11.5-lib/lib/libpqwalreceiver.so": Error loading shared library libpq.so.5: No such file or directory (needed by /build/postgresql-11.5/tmp_install/nix/store/...-postgresql-11.5-lib/lib/libpqwalreceiver.so)
+      # See also here:
+      #     https://git.alpinelinux.org/aports/tree/main/postgresql/disable-broken-tests.patch?id=6d7d32c12e073a57a9e5946e55f4c1fbb68bd442
+      if stdenv'.hostPlatform.isMusl then ''
+        substituteInPlace src/test/regress/parallel_schedule \
+          --replace "subscription" "" \
+          --replace "object_address" ""
+      '' else null;
+    disallowedReferences = [ stdenv'.cc ];
+    passthru = let
+      this = self.callPackage generic args;
+      jitToggle = this.override {
+        jitSupport = !jitSupport;
+      };
+    in
+    {
+      psqlSchema = lib.versions.major version;
+      withJIT = if jitSupport then this else jitToggle;
+      withoutJIT = if jitSupport then jitToggle else this;
+      dlSuffix = if olderThan "16" then ".so" else stdenv.hostPlatform.extensions.sharedLibrary;
+      pkgs = let
+        scope = {
+          inherit jitSupport;
+          inherit (llvmPackages) llvm;
+          postgresql = this;
+          stdenv = stdenv';
+          buildPgxExtension = buildPgxExtension.override {
+            stdenv = stdenv';
+            rustPlatform = makeRustPlatform {
+              stdenv = stdenv';
+              inherit rustc cargo;
+            };
+          };
+        };
+        newSelf = self // scope;
+        newSuper = { callPackage = newScope (scope // this.pkgs); };
+      in import ./ext newSelf newSuper;
+      withPackages = postgresqlWithPackages {
+                       inherit makeWrapper buildEnv;
+                       postgresql = this;
+                     }
+                     this.pkgs;
+      tests = {
+        postgresql = nixosTests.postgresql-wal-receiver.${thisAttr};
+        pkg-config = testers.testMetaPkgConfig finalAttrs.finalPackage;
+      } // lib.optionalAttrs jitSupport {
+        postgresql-jit = nixosTests.postgresql-jit.${thisAttr};
+      };
+    };
+    meta = with lib; {
+      homepage    = "https://www.postgresql.org";
+      description = "A powerful, open source object-relational database system";
+      license     = licenses.postgresql;
+      changelog   = "https://www.postgresql.org/docs/release/${finalAttrs.version}/";
+      maintainers = with maintainers; [ thoughtpolice danbst globin marsam ivan ma27 ];
+      pkgConfigModules = [ "libecpg" "libecpg_compat" "libpgtypes" "libpq" ];
+      platforms   = platforms.unix;
+      # JIT support doesn't work with cross-compilation. It is attempted to build LLVM-bytecode
+      # (`%.bc` is the corresponding `make(1)`-rule) for each sub-directory in `backend/` for
+      # the JIT apparently, but with a $(CLANG) that can produce binaries for the build, not the
+      # host-platform.
+      #
+      # I managed to get a cross-build with JIT support working with
+      # `depsBuildBuild = [ llvmPackages.clang ] ++ buildInputs`, but considering that the
+      # resulting LLVM IR isn't platform-independent this doesn't give you much.
+      # In fact, I tried to test the result in a VM-test, but as soon as JIT was used to optimize
+      # a query, postgres would coredump with `Illegal instruction`.
+      broken = jitSupport && (stdenv.hostPlatform != stdenv.buildPlatform);
+    };
+  });
+  postgresqlWithPackages = { postgresql, makeWrapper, buildEnv }: pkgs: f: buildEnv {
+    name = "postgresql-and-plugins-${postgresql.version}";
+    paths = f pkgs ++ [
+        postgresql
+        postgresql.lib
+        postgresql.man   # in case user installs this into environment
+    ];
+    nativeBuildInputs = [ makeWrapper ];
+    # We include /bin to ensure the $out/bin directory is created, which is
+    # needed because we'll be removing the files from that directory in postBuild
+    # below. See #22653
+    pathsToLink = ["/" "/bin"];
+    # Note: the duplication of executables is about 4MB size.
+    # So a nicer solution was patching postgresql to allow setting the
+    # libdir explicitly.
+    postBuild = ''
+      mkdir -p $out/bin
+      rm $out/bin/{pg_config,postgres,pg_ctl}
+      cp --target-directory=$out/bin ${postgresql}/bin/{postgres,pg_config,pg_ctl}
+      wrapProgram $out/bin/postgres --set NIX_PGLIBDIR $out/lib
+    '';
+    passthru.version = postgresql.version;
+    passthru.psqlSchema = postgresql.psqlSchema;
+  };
+# passed by <major>.nix
+# passed by default.nix
+{ self, ... } @defaultArgs:
+self.callPackage generic (defaultArgs // versionArgs)