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path: root/nixpkgs/pkgs/os-specific/linux/minimal-bootstrap/mes/default.nix
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'nixpkgs/pkgs/os-specific/linux/minimal-bootstrap/mes/default.nix')
1 files changed, 238 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/nixpkgs/pkgs/os-specific/linux/minimal-bootstrap/mes/default.nix b/nixpkgs/pkgs/os-specific/linux/minimal-bootstrap/mes/default.nix
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..04ab2fdbfaf0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/nixpkgs/pkgs/os-specific/linux/minimal-bootstrap/mes/default.nix
@@ -0,0 +1,238 @@
+{ lib
+, fetchurl
+, callPackage
+, kaem
+, m2libc
+, mescc-tools
+# Maintenance note:
+# Build steps have been adapted from build-aux/bootstrap.sh.in
+# as well as the live-bootstrap project
+# https://github.com/fosslinux/live-bootstrap/blob/1bc4296091c51f53a5598050c8956d16e945b0f5/sysa/mes-0.24.2/mes-0.24.2.kaem
+  pname = "mes";
+  version = "0.24.2";
+  src = fetchurl {
+    url = "mirror://gnu/mes/mes-${version}.tar.gz";
+    sha256 = "0vp8v88zszh1imm3dvdfi3m8cywshdj7xcrsq4cgmss69s2y1nkx";
+  };
+  nyacc = callPackage ./nyacc.nix { inherit nyacc; };
+  config_h = builtins.toFile "config.h" ''
+    #undef SYSTEM_LIBC
+    #define MES_VERSION "${version}"
+  '';
+  sources = (import ./sources.nix).x86.linux.mescc;
+  inherit (sources) libc_mini_SOURCES libmescc_SOURCES libc_SOURCES mes_SOURCES;
+  # add symlink() to libc+tcc so we can use it in ln-boot
+  libc_tcc_SOURCES = sources.libc_tcc_SOURCES ++ [ "lib/linux/symlink.c" ];
+  meta = with lib; {
+    description = "Scheme interpreter and C compiler for bootstrapping";
+    homepage = "https://www.gnu.org/software/mes";
+    license = licenses.gpl3Plus;
+    maintainers = teams.minimal-bootstrap.members;
+    platforms = [ "i686-linux" ];
+  };
+  srcPost = kaem.runCommand "${pname}-src-${version}" {
+    outputs = [ "out" "bin" ];
+    inherit meta;
+  } ''
+    # Unpack source
+    ungz --file ${src} --output mes.tar
+    mkdir ''${out}
+    cd ''${out}
+    untar --non-strict --file ''${NIX_BUILD_TOP}/mes.tar # ignore symlinks
+    MES_PREFIX=''${out}/mes-${version}
+    cd ''${MES_PREFIX}
+    cp ${config_h} include/mes/config.h
+    mkdir include/arch
+    cp include/linux/x86/syscall.h include/arch/syscall.h
+    cp include/linux/x86/kernel-stat.h include/arch/kernel-stat.h
+    # Remove pregenerated files
+    rm mes/module/mes/psyntax.pp mes/module/mes/psyntax.pp.header
+    # These files are symlinked in the repo
+    cp mes/module/srfi/srfi-9-struct.mes mes/module/srfi/srfi-9.mes
+    cp mes/module/srfi/srfi-9/gnu-struct.mes mes/module/srfi/srfi-9/gnu.mes
+    # Fixes to support newer M2-Planet
+    catm x86_defs.M1 ${m2libc}/x86/x86_defs.M1 lib/m2/x86/x86_defs.M1
+    cp x86_defs.M1 lib/m2/x86/x86_defs.M1
+    rm x86_defs.M1
+    # Remove environment impurities
+    __GUILE_LOAD_PATH="\"''${MES_PREFIX}/mes/module:''${MES_PREFIX}/module:${nyacc.guilePath}\""
+    boot0_scm=mes/module/mes/boot-0.scm
+    guile_mes=mes/module/mes/guile.mes
+    replace --file ''${boot0_scm} --output ''${boot0_scm} --match-on "(getenv \"GUILE_LOAD_PATH\")" --replace-with ''${__GUILE_LOAD_PATH}
+    replace --file ''${guile_mes} --output ''${guile_mes} --match-on "(getenv \"GUILE_LOAD_PATH\")" --replace-with ''${__GUILE_LOAD_PATH}
+    module_mescc_scm=module/mescc/mescc.scm
+    replace --file ''${module_mescc_scm} --output ''${module_mescc_scm} --match-on "(getenv \"M1\")" --replace-with "\"${mescc-tools}/bin/M1\""
+    replace --file ''${module_mescc_scm} --output ''${module_mescc_scm} --match-on "(getenv \"HEX2\")" --replace-with "\"${mescc-tools}/bin/hex2\""
+    replace --file ''${module_mescc_scm} --output ''${module_mescc_scm} --match-on "(getenv \"BLOOD_ELF\")" --replace-with "\"${mescc-tools}/bin/blood-elf\""
+    replace --file ''${module_mescc_scm} --output ''${module_mescc_scm} --match-on "(getenv \"srcdest\")" --replace-with "\"''${MES_PREFIX}\""
+    mes_c=src/mes.c
+    replace --file ''${mes_c} --output ''${mes_c} --match-on "getenv (\"MES_PREFIX\")" --replace-with "\"''${MES_PREFIX}\""
+    replace --file ''${mes_c} --output ''${mes_c} --match-on "getenv (\"srcdest\")" --replace-with "\"''${MES_PREFIX}\""
+    # Increase runtime resource limits
+    gc_c=src/gc.c
+    replace --file ''${gc_c} --output ''${gc_c} --match-on "getenv (\"MES_ARENA\")" --replace-with "\"100000000\""
+    replace --file ''${gc_c} --output ''${gc_c} --match-on "getenv (\"MES_MAX_ARENA\")" --replace-with "\"100000000\""
+    replace --file ''${gc_c} --output ''${gc_c} --match-on "getenv (\"MES_STACK\")" --replace-with "\"6000000\""
+    # Create mescc.scm
+    mescc_in=scripts/mescc.scm.in
+    replace --file ''${mescc_in} --output ''${mescc_in} --match-on "(getenv \"MES_PREFIX\")" --replace-with "\"''${MES_PREFIX}\""
+    replace --file ''${mescc_in} --output ''${mescc_in} --match-on "(getenv \"includedir\")" --replace-with "\"''${MES_PREFIX}/include\""
+    replace --file ''${mescc_in} --output ''${mescc_in} --match-on "(getenv \"libdir\")" --replace-with "\"''${MES_PREFIX}/lib\""
+    replace --file ''${mescc_in} --output ''${mescc_in} --match-on @prefix@ --replace-with ''${MES_PREFIX}
+    replace --file ''${mescc_in} --output ''${mescc_in} --match-on @VERSION@ --replace-with ${version}
+    replace --file ''${mescc_in} --output ''${mescc_in} --match-on @mes_cpu@ --replace-with x86
+    replace --file ''${mescc_in} --output ''${mescc_in} --match-on @mes_kernel@ --replace-with linux
+    mkdir -p ''${bin}/bin
+    cp ''${mescc_in} ''${bin}/bin/mescc.scm
+    # Build mes-m2
+    mes_cpu=x86
+    stage0_cpu=x86
+    kaem --verbose --strict --file kaem.run
+    cp bin/mes-m2 ''${bin}/bin/mes-m2
+    chmod 555 ''${bin}/bin/mes-m2
+  '';
+  srcPrefix = "${srcPost.out}/mes-${version}";
+  cc = "${srcPost.bin}/bin/mes-m2";
+  ccArgs = [
+    "-e" "main"
+    "${srcPost.bin}/bin/mescc.scm"
+    "--"
+    "-D" "HAVE_CONFIG_H=1"
+    "-I" "${srcPrefix}/include"
+    "-I" "${srcPrefix}/include/linux/x86"
+  ];
+  CC = toString ([ cc ] ++ ccArgs);
+  stripExt = source:
+    lib.replaceStrings
+      [ ".c" ]
+      [ "" ]
+      (builtins.baseNameOf source);
+  compile = source: kaem.runCommand (stripExt source) {} ''
+    mkdir ''${out}
+    cd ''${out}
+    ${CC} -c ${srcPrefix}/${source}
+  '';
+  crt1 = compile "/lib/linux/x86-mes-mescc/crt1.c";
+  getRes = suffix: res: "${res}/${res.name}${suffix}";
+  archive = out: sources:
+    "catm ${out} ${lib.concatMapStringsSep " " (getRes ".o") sources}";
+  sourceArchive = out: sources:
+    "catm ${out} ${lib.concatMapStringsSep " " (getRes ".s") sources}";
+  mkLib = libname: sources: let
+    os = map compile sources;
+  in kaem.runCommand "${pname}-${libname}-${version}" {
+    inherit meta;
+  } ''
+    LIBDIR=''${out}/lib
+    mkdir -p ''${LIBDIR}
+    cd ''${LIBDIR}
+    ${archive "${libname}.a" os}
+    ${sourceArchive "${libname}.s" os}
+  '';
+  libc-mini = mkLib "libc-mini" libc_mini_SOURCES;
+  libmescc = mkLib "libmescc" libmescc_SOURCES;
+  libc = mkLib "libc" libc_SOURCES;
+  libc_tcc = mkLib "libc+tcc" libc_tcc_SOURCES;
+  # Recompile Mes and Mes C library using mes-m2 bootstrapped Mes
+  libs = kaem.runCommand "${pname}-m2-libs-${version}" {
+    inherit pname version;
+    passthru.tests.get-version = result: kaem.runCommand "${pname}-get-version-${version}" {} ''
+      ${result}/bin/mes --version
+      mkdir ''${out}
+    '';
+    inherit meta;
+  }
+  ''
+    LIBDIR=''${out}/lib
+    mkdir -p ''${out} ''${LIBDIR}
+    mkdir -p ''${LIBDIR}/x86-mes
+    # crt1.o
+    cp ${crt1}/crt1.o ''${LIBDIR}/x86-mes
+    cp ${crt1}/crt1.s ''${LIBDIR}/x86-mes
+    # libc-mini.a
+    cp ${libc-mini}/lib/libc-mini.a ''${LIBDIR}/x86-mes
+    cp ${libc-mini}/lib/libc-mini.s ''${LIBDIR}/x86-mes
+    # libmescc.a
+    cp ${libmescc}/lib/libmescc.a ''${LIBDIR}/x86-mes
+    cp ${libmescc}/lib/libmescc.s ''${LIBDIR}/x86-mes
+    # libc.a
+    cp ${libc}/lib/libc.a ''${LIBDIR}/x86-mes
+    cp ${libc}/lib/libc.s ''${LIBDIR}/x86-mes
+    # libc+tcc.a
+    cp ${libc_tcc}/lib/libc+tcc.a ''${LIBDIR}/x86-mes
+    cp ${libc_tcc}/lib/libc+tcc.s ''${LIBDIR}/x86-mes
+  '';
+  # Build mes itself
+  compiler = kaem.runCommand "${pname}-${version}" {
+    inherit pname version;
+    passthru.tests.get-version = result: kaem.runCommand "${pname}-get-version-${version}" {} ''
+      ${result}/bin/mes --version
+      mkdir ''${out}
+    '';
+    inherit meta;
+  }
+  ''
+    mkdir -p ''${out}/bin
+    ${srcPost.bin}/bin/mes-m2 -e main ${srcPost.bin}/bin/mescc.scm -- \
+      --base-address 0x08048000 \
+      -L ''${srcPrefix}/lib \
+      -L ${libs}/lib \
+      -lc \
+      -lmescc \
+      -nostdlib \
+      -o ''${out}/bin/mes \
+      ${libs}/lib/x86-mes/crt1.o \
+      ${lib.concatMapStringsSep " " (getRes ".o") (map compile mes_SOURCES)}
+  '';
+in {
+  inherit srcPost srcPrefix nyacc;
+  inherit compiler libs;