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path: root/nixpkgs/pkgs/misc/vim-plugins/vim2nix/autoload/nix.vim
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Diffstat (limited to 'nixpkgs/pkgs/misc/vim-plugins/vim2nix/autoload/nix.vim')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 307 deletions
diff --git a/nixpkgs/pkgs/misc/vim-plugins/vim2nix/autoload/nix.vim b/nixpkgs/pkgs/misc/vim-plugins/vim2nix/autoload/nix.vim
deleted file mode 100644
index 0ddbeaae6be1..000000000000
--- a/nixpkgs/pkgs/misc/vim-plugins/vim2nix/autoload/nix.vim
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,307 +0,0 @@
-" usage example:
-" call nix#ExportPluginsForNix({'path_to_nixpkgs': '/etc/nixos/nixpkgs', 'names': ["vim-addon-manager", "vim-addon-nix"], 'cache_file': 'cache'})
-let s:plugin_root = expand('<sfile>:h:h')
-fun! nix#ToNixAttrName(s) abort
-    return nix#ToNixName(a:s)
-fun! nix#ToNixName(s) abort
-  return substitute(substitute(a:s, '[:/.]', '-', 'g'), 'github-', '', 'g')
-fun! s:System(...)
-  let args = a:000
-  let r = call('vam#utils#System', args)
-  if r is 0
-    throw "command ".join(args, '').' failed'
-  else
-    return r
-  endif
-fun! nix#DependenciesFromCheckout(opts, name, repository, dir)
-  " check for dependencies
-  " vam#PluginDirFromName(a:name)
-  let info = vam#ReadAddonInfo(vam#AddonInfoFile(a:dir, a:name))
-  return keys(get(info, 'dependencies', {}))
-" without deps
-fun! nix#NixDerivation(opts, name, repository) abort
-  let n_a_name = nix#ToNixAttrName(a:name)
-  let n_n_name = nix#ToNixName(a:name)
-  let type = get(a:repository, 'type', '')
-  let created_notice = " # created by nix#NixDerivation"
-  let ancf = s:plugin_root.'/additional-nix-code/'.a:name
-  let additional_nix_code = file_readable(ancf) ? join(readfile(ancf), "\n") : ""
-  if type == 'git'
-    " should be using shell abstraction ..
-    echo 'fetching '. a:repository.url
-    let s = s:System('$ --fetch-submodules $ 2>&1',a:opts.nix_prefetch_git, a:repository.url)
-    let rev = matchstr(s, 'git revision is \zs[^\n\r]\+\ze')
-    let sha256 = matchstr(s, 'hash is \zs[^\n\r]\+\ze')
-    let dir = matchstr(s, 'path is \zs[^\n\r]\+\ze')
-    let date = matchstr(s, 'Commit date is \zs[0-9-]\+\ze')
-    let dependencies = nix#DependenciesFromCheckout(a:opts, a:name, a:repository, dir)
-    return {'n_a_name': n_a_name, 'n_n_name': n_n_name, 'dependencies': dependencies, 'derivation': join([
-          \ '  '.n_a_name.' = buildVimPluginFrom2Nix {'.created_notice,
-          \ '    name = "'.n_n_name.'-'.date.'";',
-          \ '    src = fetchgit {',
-          \ '      url = "'. a:repository.url .'";',
-          \ '      rev = "'.rev.'";',
-          \ '      sha256 = "'.sha256.'";',
-          \ '    };',
-          \ '    dependencies = ['.join(map(copy(dependencies), "'\"'.nix#ToNixAttrName(v:val).'\"'")).'];',
-          \ additional_nix_code,
-          \ '  };',
-          \ '',
-          \ '',
-          \ ], "\n")}
-  elseif type == 'hg'
-    " should be using shell abstraction ..
-    echo 'fetching '. a:repository.url
-    let s = s:System('$ $ 2>&1',a:opts.nix_prefetch_hg, a:repository.url)
-    let rev = matchstr(s, 'hg revision is \zs[^\n\r]\+\ze')
-    let sha256 = matchstr(s, 'hash is \zs[^\n\r]\+\ze')
-    let dir = matchstr(s, 'path is \zs[^\n\r]\+\ze')
-    let dependencies = nix#DependenciesFromCheckout(a:opts, a:name, a:repository, dir)
-    return {'n_a_name': n_a_name, 'n_n_name': n_n_name, 'dependencies': dependencies, 'derivation':  join([
-          \ '  '.n_a_name.' = buildVimPluginFrom2Nix {'.created_notice,
-          \ '    name = "'.n_n_name.'";',
-          \ '    src = fetchhg {',
-          \ '      url = "'. a:repository.url .'";',
-          \ '      rev = "'.rev.'";',
-          \ '      sha256 = "'.sha256.'";',
-          \ '    };',
-          \ '    dependencies = ['.join(map(copy(dependencies), "'\"'.nix#ToNixAttrName(v:val).'\"'")).'];',
-          \ additional_nix_code,
-          \ '  };',
-          \ '',
-          \ '',
-          \ ], "\n")}
-  elseif type == 'archive'
-    let sha256 = split(s:System('nix-prefetch-url $ 2>/dev/null', a:repository.url), "\n")[0]
-    " we should unpack the sources, look for the addon-info.json file ..
-    " however most packages who have the addon-info.json file also are on
-    " github thus will be of type "git" instead. The dependency information
-    " from vim-pi is encoded in the reposiotry. Thus this is likely to do the
-    " right thing most of the time.
-    let addon_info = get(a:repository, 'addon-info', {})
-    let dependencies = keys(get(addon_info, 'dependencies', {}))
-    return {'n_a_name': n_a_name, 'n_n_name': n_n_name, 'dependencies': dependencies, 'derivation':  join([
-          \ '  '.n_a_name.' = buildVimPluginFrom2Nix {'.created_notice,
-          \ '    name = "'.n_n_name.'";',
-          \ '    src = fetchurl {',
-          \ '      url = "'. a:repository.url .'";',
-          \ '      name = "'. a:repository.archive_name .'";',
-          \ '      sha256 = "'.sha256.'";',
-          \ '    };',
-          \ '    buildInputs = [ unzip ];',
-          \ '    dependencies = ['.join(map(copy(dependencies), "'\"'.nix#ToNixAttrName(v:val).'\"'")).'];',
-          \ '    meta = {',
-          \ '       homepage = "http://www.vim.org/scripts/script.php?script_id='.a:repository.vim_script_nr.'";',
-          \ '    };',
-          \ addon_info == {} ? '' : ('    addon_info = '.nix#ToNix(string(addon_info), [], "").';'),
-          \ additional_nix_code,
-          \ '  };',
-          \ '',
-          \ '',
-          \ ], "\n")}
-  else
-    throw a:name.' TODO: implement source '.string(a:repository)
-  endif
-" also tries to handle dependencies
-fun! nix#AddNixDerivation(opts, cache, name, ...) abort
-  if has_key(a:cache, a:name) | return | endif
-  let repository = a:0 > 0 ? a:1 : {}
-  let name = a:name
-  if repository == {}
-    call vam#install#LoadPool()
-    let list = matchlist(a:name, 'github:\([^/]*\)\%(\/\(.*\)\)\?$')
-    if len(list) > 0
-      if '' != list[2]
-        let name = list[2]
-        let repository = { 'type': 'git', 'owner': list[1], 'repo': list[2], 'url': 'https://github.com/'.list[1].'/'.list[2] }
-      else
-        let name = list[1]
-        let repository = { 'type': 'git', 'owner': list[1], 'repo': 'vim-addon-'.list[1], 'url': 'https://github.com/'.list[1].'/vim-addon-'.list[1] }
-      endif
-    else
-      let repository = get(g:vim_addon_manager.plugin_sources, a:name, {})
-      if repository == {}
-        throw "repository ".a:name." unkown!"
-      else
-          if repository.url =~ 'github'
-            let owner = matchstr(repository.url, 'github.com/\zs.\+\ze/')
-            let repo = matchstr(repository.url, '\/\zs[^\/]\+\ze$')
-            let url = repository.url
-            let repository = { 'type': 'git', 'owner': owner, 'repo': repo, 'url': url }
-          endif
-      endif
-    endif
-  endif
-  let a:cache[a:name] = nix#NixDerivation(a:opts, name, repository)
-  " take known dependencies into account:
-  let deps = get(a:cache[a:name], 'dependencies', [])
-  call extend(a:opts.names_to_process, deps)
-  call extend(a:opts.names_to_export,  deps)
-fun! nix#TopNixOptsByParent(parents)
-  if (a:parents == [])
-    return {'ind': '  ', 'next_ind': '    ', 'sep': "\n"}
-  else
-    return {'ind': '', 'next_ind': '', 'sep': ' '}
-  endif
-fun! nix#ToNix(x, parents, opts_fun) abort
-  let opts = a:opts_fun == "" ? "" : call(a:opts_fun, [a:parents])
-  let next_parents = [a:x] + a:parents
-  let seps = a:0 > 1 ? a:2 : []
-  let ind = get(opts, 'ind', '')
-  let next_ind = get(opts, 'next_ind', ind.'  ')
-  let sep = get(opts, 'sep', ind.'  ')
-  if type(a:x) == type("")
-    return "''". substitute(a:x, '[$]', '$$', 'g')."''"
-  elseif type(a:x) == type({})
-    let s = ind."{".sep
-    for [k,v] in items(a:x)
-      let s .= '"'.k.'" = '.nix#ToNix(v, next_parents, a:opts_fun).";".sep
-      unlet k v
-    endfor
-    return  s.ind."}"
-    " let s = ind."{\n"
-    " for [k,v] in items(a:x)
-    "   let s .= next_ind . nix#ToNix(k).' = '.nix#ToNix(v, next_ind)."\n"
-    "   unlet k v
-    " endfor
-    " return  s.ind."}\n"
-  elseif type(a:x) == type([])
-    let s = ind."[".sep
-    for v in a:x
-      let s .= next_ind . nix#ToNix(v, next_parents, a:opts_fun)."".sep
-      unlet v
-    endfor
-    return s.ind."]"
-  endif
-" with dependencies
-" opts.cache_file (caches the checkout and dependency information
-" opts.path_to_nixpkgs or  opts.nix_prefetch_{git,hg}
-" opts.plugin_dictionaries: list of any
-"     - string
-"     - dictionary having key name or names
-" This is so that plugin script files can be loaded/ merged
-fun! nix#ExportPluginsForNix(opts) abort
-  let cache_file = get(a:opts, 'cache_file', '')
-  let opts = a:opts
-  " set nix_prefetch_* scripts
-  for scm in ['git', 'hg']
-    if !has_key(opts, 'nix_prefetch_'.scm)
-      let opts['nix_prefetch_'.scm] = a:opts.path_to_nixpkgs.'/pkgs/build-support/fetch'.scm.'/nix-prefetch-'.scm
-    endif
-  endfor
-  " create list of names from dictionaries
-  let a:opts.names_to_process = []
-  for x in a:opts.plugin_dictionaries
-    if type(x) == type('')
-      call add(opts.names_to_process, x)
-    elseif type(x) == type({}) && has_key(x, 'name')
-      call add(opts.names_to_process, x.name)
-    elseif type(x) == type({}) && has_key(x, 'names')
-      call extend(opts.names_to_process, x.names)
-    else
-      throw "unexpected"
-    endif
-    unlet x
-  endfor
-  let a:opts.names_to_export = a:opts.names_to_process
-  let cache = (cache_file == '' || !filereadable(cache_file)) ? {} : eval(readfile(cache_file)[0])
-  let failed = {}
-  while len(opts.names_to_process) > 0
-    let name = opts.names_to_process[0]
-    if get(opts, 'try_catch', 1)
-      try
-        call nix#AddNixDerivation(opts, cache, name)
-      catch /.*/
-        echom 'failed : '.name.' '.v:exception
-        let failed[name] = v:exception
-      endtry
-    else
-      call nix#AddNixDerivation(opts, cache, name)
-    endif
-    let opts.names_to_process = opts.names_to_process[1:]
-  endwhile
-  echom join(keys(failed), ", ")
-  echom string(failed)
-  if cache_file != ''
-    call writefile([string(cache)], cache_file)
-  endif
-  enew
-  let uniq = {}
-  for x in a:opts.names_to_export
-    let uniq[x] = 1
-  endfor
-  for k in sort(keys(uniq))
-    call append('$', split(cache[k].derivation,"\n"))
-  endfor
-  " for VAM users output vam.pluginDictionaries which can be fed to
-  " vim_customizable.customize.vimrc.vam.pluginDictionaries
-  call append('$', ["", "", "", '# vam.pluginDictionaries'])
-  let ns = []
-  for x in a:opts.plugin_dictionaries
-    if type(x) == type("")
-      call add(ns, nix#ToNixAttrName(x))
-    elseif type(x) == type({})
-      if has_key(x, 'name')
-        call add(ns, extend({'name': nix#ToNixAttrName(x.name)}, x, "keep"))
-      elseif has_key(x, 'names')
-        call add(ns, extend({'names': map(copy(x.names), 'nix#ToNixAttrName(v:val)')}, x, "keep"))
-      else
-        throw "unexpected"
-      endif
-    else
-      throw "unexpected"
-    endif
-    unlet x
-  endfor
-  call append('$', split(nix#ToNix(ns, [], 'nix#TopNixOptsByParent'), "\n"))
-  " failures:
-  for [k,v] in items(failed)
-    call append('$', ['# '.k.', failure: '.v])
-    unlet k v
-  endfor