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path: root/nixpkgs/pkgs/development/libraries/arrow-cpp/default.nix
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Diffstat (limited to 'nixpkgs/pkgs/development/libraries/arrow-cpp/default.nix')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 273 deletions
diff --git a/nixpkgs/pkgs/development/libraries/arrow-cpp/default.nix b/nixpkgs/pkgs/development/libraries/arrow-cpp/default.nix
deleted file mode 100644
index 174d5aa827f9..000000000000
--- a/nixpkgs/pkgs/development/libraries/arrow-cpp/default.nix
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,273 +0,0 @@
-{ stdenv
-, lib
-, fetchurl
-, fetchFromGitHub
-, fixDarwinDylibNames
-, autoconf
-, aws-sdk-cpp
-, boost
-, brotli
-, c-ares
-, cmake
-, crc32c
-, curl
-, flatbuffers
-, gflags
-, glog
-, google-cloud-cpp
-, grpc
-, gtest
-, libbacktrace
-, lz4
-, minio
-, ninja
-, nlohmann_json
-, openssl
-, perl
-, protobuf
-, python3
-, rapidjson
-, re2
-, snappy
-, sqlite
-, thrift
-, tzdata
-, utf8proc
-, which
-, zlib
-, zstd
-, enableShared ? !stdenv.hostPlatform.isStatic
-, enableFlight ? true
-, enableJemalloc ? !stdenv.isDarwin
-, enableS3 ? true
-, enableGcs ? !stdenv.isDarwin
-assert lib.asserts.assertMsg
-  ((enableS3 && stdenv.isDarwin) -> (lib.versionOlder boost.version "1.69" || lib.versionAtLeast boost.version "1.70"))
-  "S3 on Darwin requires Boost != 1.69";
-  arrow-testing = fetchFromGitHub {
-    name = "arrow-testing";
-    owner = "apache";
-    repo = "arrow-testing";
-    rev = "ad82a736c170e97b7c8c035ebd8a801c17eec170";
-    hash = "sha256-wN0dam0ZXOAJ+D8bGDMhsdaV3llI9LsiCXwqW9mR3gQ=";
-  };
-  parquet-testing = fetchFromGitHub {
-    name = "parquet-testing";
-    owner = "apache";
-    repo = "parquet-testing";
-    rev = "d69d979223e883faef9dc6fe3cf573087243c28a";
-    hash = "sha256-CUckfNjfDW05crWigzMP5b9UynviXKGZUlIr754OoGU=";
-  };
-  aws-sdk-cpp-arrow = aws-sdk-cpp.override {
-    apis = [
-      "cognito-identity"
-      "config"
-      "identity-management"
-      "s3"
-      "sts"
-      "transfer"
-    ];
-  };
-stdenv.mkDerivation (finalAttrs: {
-  pname = "arrow-cpp";
-  version = "15.0.0";
-  src = fetchurl {
-    url = "mirror://apache/arrow/arrow-${finalAttrs.version}/apache-arrow-${finalAttrs.version}.tar.gz";
-    hash = "sha256-Ad0/cOhdm1uTPsksDbik71BKUQX3jS2GIuhCeftFwl0=";
-  };
-  sourceRoot = "apache-arrow-${finalAttrs.version}/cpp";
-  # versions are all taken from
-  # https://github.com/apache/arrow/blob/apache-arrow-${version}/cpp/thirdparty/versions.txt
-  # jemalloc: arrow uses a custom prefix to prevent default allocator symbol
-  # collisions as well as custom build flags
-  ${if enableJemalloc then "ARROW_JEMALLOC_URL" else null} = fetchurl {
-    url = "https://github.com/jemalloc/jemalloc/releases/download/5.3.0/jemalloc-5.3.0.tar.bz2";
-    hash = "sha256-LbgtHnEZ3z5xt2QCGbbf6EeJvAU3mDw7esT3GJrs/qo=";
-  };
-  # mimalloc: arrow uses custom build flags for mimalloc
-  ARROW_MIMALLOC_URL = fetchFromGitHub {
-    owner = "microsoft";
-    repo = "mimalloc";
-    rev = "v2.0.6";
-    hash = "sha256-u2ITXABBN/dwU+mCIbL3tN1f4c17aBuSdNTV+Adtohc=";
-  };
-  ARROW_XSIMD_URL = fetchFromGitHub {
-    owner = "xtensor-stack";
-    repo = "xsimd";
-    rev = "9.0.1";
-    hash = "sha256-onALN6agtrHWigtFlCeefD9CiRZI4Y690XTzy2UDnrk=";
-  };
-  ARROW_SUBSTRAIT_URL = fetchFromGitHub {
-    owner = "substrait-io";
-    repo = "substrait";
-    rev = "v0.27.0";
-    hash = "sha256-wptEAXembah04pzqAz6UHeUxp+jMf6Lh/IdyuIhy/a8=";
-  };
-  nativeBuildInputs = [
-    cmake
-    ninja
-    autoconf # for vendored jemalloc
-    flatbuffers
-  ] ++ lib.optional stdenv.isDarwin fixDarwinDylibNames;
-  buildInputs = [
-    boost
-    brotli
-    flatbuffers
-    gflags
-    glog
-    gtest
-    libbacktrace
-    lz4
-    nlohmann_json # alternative JSON parser to rapidjson
-    protobuf # substrait requires protobuf
-    rapidjson
-    re2
-    snappy
-    thrift
-    utf8proc
-    zlib
-    zstd
-  ] ++ lib.optionals enableFlight [
-    grpc
-    openssl
-    protobuf
-    sqlite
-  ] ++ lib.optionals enableS3 [ aws-sdk-cpp-arrow openssl ]
-  ++ lib.optionals enableGcs [
-    crc32c
-    curl
-    google-cloud-cpp
-    grpc
-    nlohmann_json
-  ];
-  preConfigure = ''
-    patchShebangs build-support/
-    substituteInPlace "src/arrow/vendored/datetime/tz.cpp" \
-      --replace 'discover_tz_dir();' '"${tzdata}/share/zoneinfo";'
-  '';
-  cmakeFlags = [
-    "-DARROW_BUILD_SHARED=${if enableShared then "ON" else "OFF"}"
-    "-DARROW_BUILD_STATIC=${if enableShared then "OFF" else "ON"}"
-    "-Dxsimd_SOURCE=AUTO"
-    "-DARROW_DEPENDENCY_USE_SHARED=${if enableShared then "ON" else "OFF"}"
-    "-DARROW_FLIGHT_SQL=${if enableFlight then "ON" else "OFF"}"
-    "-DARROW_JEMALLOC=${if enableJemalloc then "ON" else "OFF"}"
-    "-DARROW_FLIGHT=${if enableFlight then "ON" else "OFF"}"
-    "-DARROW_FLIGHT_TESTING=${if enableFlight then "ON" else "OFF"}"
-    "-DARROW_S3=${if enableS3 then "ON" else "OFF"}"
-    "-DARROW_GCS=${if enableGcs then "ON" else "OFF"}"
-    # Parquet options:
-  ] ++ lib.optionals (!enableShared) [
-    "-DARROW_TEST_LINKAGE=static"
-  ] ++ lib.optionals stdenv.isDarwin [
-    "-DCMAKE_INSTALL_RPATH=@loader_path/../lib" # needed for tools executables
-  ] ++ lib.optionals (!stdenv.isx86_64) [ "-DARROW_USE_SIMD=OFF" ]
-  ++ lib.optionals enableS3 [ "-DAWSSDK_CORE_HEADER_FILE=${aws-sdk-cpp-arrow}/include/aws/core/Aws.h" ];
-  doInstallCheck = true;
-  ARROW_TEST_DATA = lib.optionalString finalAttrs.doInstallCheck "${arrow-testing}/data";
-  PARQUET_TEST_DATA = lib.optionalString finalAttrs.doInstallCheck "${parquet-testing}/data";
-    let
-      # Upstream Issue: https://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/ARROW-11398
-      filteredTests = lib.optionals stdenv.hostPlatform.isAarch64 [
-        "TestFilterKernelWithNumeric/3.CompareArrayAndFilterRandomNumeric"
-        "TestFilterKernelWithNumeric/7.CompareArrayAndFilterRandomNumeric"
-        "TestCompareKernel.PrimitiveRandomTests"
-      ] ++ lib.optionals enableS3 [
-        "S3OptionsTest.FromUri"
-        "S3RegionResolutionTest.NonExistentBucket"
-        "S3RegionResolutionTest.PublicBucket"
-        "S3RegionResolutionTest.RestrictedBucket"
-        "TestMinioServer.Connect"
-        "TestS3FS.*"
-        "TestS3FSGeneric.*"
-      ] ++ lib.optionals stdenv.isDarwin [
-        # TODO: revisit at 12.0.0 or when
-        # https://github.com/apache/arrow/commit/295c6644ca6b67c95a662410b2c7faea0920c989
-        # is available, see
-        # https://github.com/apache/arrow/pull/15288#discussion_r1071244661
-        "ExecPlanExecution.StressSourceSinkStopped"
-      ];
-    in
-    lib.optionalString finalAttrs.doInstallCheck "-${lib.concatStringsSep ":" filteredTests}";
-  __darwinAllowLocalNetworking = true;
-  nativeInstallCheckInputs = [ perl which sqlite ]
-    ++ lib.optionals enableS3 [ minio ]
-    ++ lib.optionals enableFlight [ python3 ];
-  installCheckPhase =
-    let
-      disabledTests = [
-        # requires networking
-        "arrow-gcsfs-test"
-        "arrow-flight-integration-test"
-      ];
-    in
-    ''
-      runHook preInstallCheck
-      ctest -L unittest --exclude-regex '^(${lib.concatStringsSep "|" disabledTests})$'
-      runHook postInstallCheck
-    '';
-  meta = with lib; {
-    description = "A cross-language development platform for in-memory data";
-    homepage = "https://arrow.apache.org/docs/cpp/";
-    license = licenses.asl20;
-    platforms = platforms.unix;
-    maintainers = with maintainers; [ tobim veprbl cpcloud ];
-  };
-  passthru = {
-    inherit enableFlight enableJemalloc enableS3 enableGcs;
-  };