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path: root/nixpkgs/pkgs/development/cuda-modules/generic-builders
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Diffstat (limited to 'nixpkgs/pkgs/development/cuda-modules/generic-builders')
2 files changed, 80 insertions, 49 deletions
diff --git a/nixpkgs/pkgs/development/cuda-modules/generic-builders/manifest.nix b/nixpkgs/pkgs/development/cuda-modules/generic-builders/manifest.nix
index 5a4c5280d7db..38b80ff29f77 100644
--- a/nixpkgs/pkgs/development/cuda-modules/generic-builders/manifest.nix
+++ b/nixpkgs/pkgs/development/cuda-modules/generic-builders/manifest.nix
@@ -26,6 +26,7 @@
   # See ./modules/generic/manifests/feature/release.nix
+  cudaMajorMinorVersion,
   inherit (lib)
@@ -42,6 +43,9 @@ let
   # Get the redist architectures for which package provides distributables.
   # These are used by meta.platforms.
   supportedRedistArchs = builtins.attrNames featureRelease;
+  # redistArch :: String
+  # The redistArch is the name of the architecture for which the redistributable is built.
+  # It is `"unsupported"` if the redistributable is not supported on the target platform.
   redistArch = flags.getRedistArch hostPlatform.system;
 backendStdenv.mkDerivation (
@@ -86,8 +90,18 @@ backendStdenv.mkDerivation (
+        # Filter out outputs that don't exist in the redistributable.
+        # NOTE: In the case the redistributable isn't supported on the target platform,
+        # we will have `outputs = [ "out" ] ++ possibleOutputs`. This is of note because platforms which
+        # aren't supported would otherwise have evaluation errors when trying to access outputs other than `out`.
+        # The alternative would be to have `outputs = [ "out" ]` when`redistArch = "unsupported"`, but that would
+        # require adding guards throughout the entirety of the CUDA package set to ensure `cudaSupport` is true --
+        # recall that OfBorg will evaluate packages marked as broken and that `cudaPackages` will be evaluated with
+        # `cudaSupport = false`!
         additionalOutputs =
-          if redistArch == "unsupported" then possibleOutputs else builtins.filter hasOutput possibleOutputs;
+          if redistArch == "unsupported"
+          then possibleOutputs
+          else builtins.filter hasOutput possibleOutputs;
         # The out output is special -- it's the default output and we always include it.
         outputs = [ "out" ] ++ additionalOutputs;
@@ -98,7 +112,7 @@ backendStdenv.mkDerivation (
     outputToPatterns = {
       bin = [ "bin" ];
       dev = [
-        "share/pkg-config"
+        "share/pkgconfig"
@@ -111,38 +125,61 @@ backendStdenv.mkDerivation (
       python = ["**/*.whl"];
-    # Useful for introspecting why something went wrong.
-    # Maps descriptions of why the derivation would be marked broken to
-    # booleans indicating whether that description is true.
-    brokenConditions = {};
+    # Useful for introspecting why something went wrong. Maps descriptions of why the derivation would be marked as
+    # broken on have badPlatforms include the current platform.
-    src = fetchurl {
-      url =
-        if (builtins.hasAttr redistArch redistribRelease) then
-          "https://developer.download.nvidia.com/compute/${redistName}/redist/${
-            redistribRelease.${redistArch}.relative_path
-          }"
-        else
-          "cannot-construct-an-url-for-the-${redistArch}-platform";
-      sha256 = redistribRelease.${redistArch}.sha256 or lib.fakeHash;
-    };
+    # brokenConditions :: AttrSet Bool
+    # Sets `meta.broken = true` if any of the conditions are true.
+    # Example: Broken on a specific version of CUDA or when a dependency has a specific version.
+    brokenConditions = { };
+    # badPlatformsConditions :: AttrSet Bool
+    # Sets `meta.badPlatforms = meta.platforms` if any of the conditions are true.
+    # Example: Broken on a specific architecture when some condition is met (like targeting Jetson).
+    badPlatformsConditions = { };
+    # src :: Optional Derivation
+    src = trivial.pipe redistArch [
+      # If redistArch doesn't exist in redistribRelease, return null.
+      (redistArch: redistribRelease.${redistArch} or null)
+      # If the release is non-null, fetch the source; otherwise, return null.
+      (trivial.mapNullable (
+        { relative_path, sha256, ... }:
+        fetchurl {
+          url = "https://developer.download.nvidia.com/compute/${redistName}/redist/${relative_path}";
+          inherit sha256;
+        }
+      ))
+    ];
+    # Handle the pkg-config files:
+    # 1. No FHS
+    # 2. Location expected by the pkg-config wrapper
+    # 3. Generate unversioned names too
     postPatch = ''
-      if [[ -d pkg-config ]] ; then
-        mkdir -p share/pkg-config
-        mv pkg-config/* share/pkg-config/
-        rmdir pkg-config
-      fi
+      for path in pkg-config pkgconfig ; do
+        [[ -d "$path" ]] || continue
+        mkdir -p share/pkgconfig
+        mv "$path"/* share/pkgconfig/
+        rmdir "$path"
+      done
-      for pc in share/pkg-config/*.pc ; do
+      for pc in share/pkgconfig/*.pc ; do
         sed -i \
           -e "s|^cudaroot\s*=.*\$|cudaroot=''${!outputDev}|" \
           -e "s|^libdir\s*=.*/lib\$|libdir=''${!outputLib}/lib|" \
           -e "s|^includedir\s*=.*/include\$|includedir=''${!outputDev}/include|" \
+      # E.g. cuda-11.8.pc -> cuda.pc
+      for pc in share/pkgconfig/*-"$majorMinorVersion.pc" ; do
+        ln -s "$(basename "$pc")" "''${pc%-$majorMinorVersion.pc}".pc
+      done
+    env.majorMinorVersion = cudaMajorMinorVersion;
     # We do need some other phases, like configurePhase, so the multiple-output setup hook works.
     dontBuild = true;
@@ -239,11 +276,10 @@ backendStdenv.mkDerivation (
     # libcuda needs to be resolved during runtime
-    # NOTE: Due to the use of __structuredAttrs, we can't use a list for autoPatchelfIgnoreMissingDeps, since it
-    # will take only the first value. Instead, we produce a string with the values separated by spaces.
-    # Using the `env` attribute ensures that the value is representable as one of the primitives allowed by
-    # bash's environment variables.
-    env.autoPatchelfIgnoreMissingDeps = "libcuda.so libcuda.so.*";
+    autoPatchelfIgnoreMissingDeps = [
+      "libcuda.so"
+      "libcuda.so.*"
+    ];
     # The out output leverages the same functionality which backs the `symlinkJoin` function in
     # Nixpkgs:
@@ -284,17 +320,18 @@ backendStdenv.mkDerivation (
     meta = {
       description = "${redistribRelease.name}. By downloading and using the packages you accept the terms and conditions of the ${finalAttrs.meta.license.shortName}";
       sourceProvenance = [sourceTypes.binaryNativeCode];
-      platforms =
-        lists.concatMap
-          (
-            redistArch:
-            let
-              nixSystem = flags.getNixSystem redistArch;
-            in
-            lists.optionals (!(strings.hasPrefix "unsupported-" nixSystem)) [ nixSystem ]
-          )
-          supportedRedistArchs;
       broken = lists.any trivial.id (attrsets.attrValues finalAttrs.brokenConditions);
+      platforms = trivial.pipe supportedRedistArchs [
+        # Map each redist arch to the equivalent nix system or null if there is no equivalent.
+        (builtins.map flags.getNixSystem)
+        # Filter out unsupported systems
+        (builtins.filter (nixSystem: !(strings.hasPrefix "unsupported-" nixSystem)))
+      ];
+      badPlatforms =
+        let
+          isBadPlatform = lists.any trivial.id (attrsets.attrValues finalAttrs.badPlatformsConditions);
+        in
+        lists.optionals isBadPlatform finalAttrs.meta.platforms;
       license = licenses.unfree;
       maintainers = teams.cuda.members;
       # Force the use of the default, fat output by default (even though `dev` exists, which
diff --git a/nixpkgs/pkgs/development/cuda-modules/generic-builders/multiplex.nix b/nixpkgs/pkgs/development/cuda-modules/generic-builders/multiplex.nix
index 5480da730726..6353b07545a4 100644
--- a/nixpkgs/pkgs/development/cuda-modules/generic-builders/multiplex.nix
+++ b/nixpkgs/pkgs/development/cuda-modules/generic-builders/multiplex.nix
@@ -20,7 +20,7 @@
   # The featureRelease is used to populate meta.platforms (by way of looking at the attribute names)
   # and to determine the outputs of the package.
   # shimFn :: {package, redistArch} -> AttrSet
-  shimsFn ? ({package, redistArch}: throw "shimsFn must be provided"),
+  shimsFn ? (throw "shimsFn must be provided"),
   # fixupFn :: Path
   # A path (or nix expression) to be evaluated with callPackage and then
   # provided to the package's overrideAttrs function.
@@ -29,16 +29,8 @@
   # - cudaVersion
   # - mkVersionedPackageName
   # - package
-  fixupFn ? (
-    {
-      final,
-      cudaVersion,
-      mkVersionedPackageName,
-      package,
-      ...
-    }:
-    throw "fixupFn must be provided"
-  ),
+  # - ...
+  fixupFn ? (throw "fixupFn must be provided"),
   inherit (lib)
@@ -80,9 +72,11 @@ let
     && strings.versionAtLeast package.maxCudaVersion cudaVersion;
   # Get all of the packages for our given platform.
+  # redistArch :: String
+  # Value is `"unsupported"` if the platform is not supported.
   redistArch = flags.getRedistArch hostPlatform.system;
-  allReleases = builtins.concatMap (xs: xs) (builtins.attrValues releaseSets);
+  allReleases = lists.flatten (builtins.attrValues releaseSets);
   # All the supported packages we can build for our platform.
   # perSystemReleases :: List Package