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path: root/nixpkgs/pkgs/development/compilers/gcc/12/default.nix
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Diffstat (limited to 'nixpkgs/pkgs/development/compilers/gcc/12/default.nix')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 359 deletions
diff --git a/nixpkgs/pkgs/development/compilers/gcc/12/default.nix b/nixpkgs/pkgs/development/compilers/gcc/12/default.nix
deleted file mode 100644
index 9665c2a9fe85..000000000000
--- a/nixpkgs/pkgs/development/compilers/gcc/12/default.nix
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,359 +0,0 @@
-{ lib, stdenv, targetPackages, fetchurl, fetchpatch, noSysDirs
-, langC ? true, langCC ? true, langFortran ? false
-, langAda ? false
-, langObjC ? stdenv.targetPlatform.isDarwin
-, langObjCpp ? stdenv.targetPlatform.isDarwin
-, langD ? false
-, langGo ? false
-, reproducibleBuild ? true
-, profiledCompiler ? false
-, langJit ? false
-, staticCompiler ? false
-, enableShared ? stdenv.targetPlatform.hasSharedLibraries
-, enableLTO ? stdenv.hostPlatform.hasSharedLibraries
-, texinfo ? null
-, perl ? null # optional, for texi2pod (then pod2man)
-, gmp, mpfr, libmpc, gettext, which, patchelf, binutils
-, isl ? null # optional, for the Graphite optimization framework.
-, zlib ? null
-, libucontext ? null
-, gnat-bootstrap ? null
-, enableMultilib ? false
-, enablePlugin ? stdenv.hostPlatform == stdenv.buildPlatform # Whether to support user-supplied plug-ins
-, name ? "gcc"
-, libcCross ? null
-, threadsCross ? null # for MinGW
-, withoutTargetLibc ? false
-, gnused ? null
-, cloog # unused; just for compat with gcc4, as we override the parameter on some places
-, buildPackages
-, libxcrypt
-, disableGdbPlugin ? !enablePlugin
-, nukeReferences
-, callPackage
-# Make sure we get GNU sed.
-assert stdenv.buildPlatform.isDarwin -> gnused != null;
-# The go frontend is written in c++
-assert langGo -> langCC;
-assert langAda -> gnat-bootstrap != null;
-# TODO: fixup D bootstapping, probably by using gdc11 (and maybe other changes).
-#   error: GDC is required to build d
-assert !langD;
-# threadsCross is just for MinGW
-assert threadsCross != {} -> stdenv.targetPlatform.isWindows;
-# profiledCompiler builds inject non-determinism in one of the compilation stages.
-# If turned on, we can't provide reproducible builds anymore
-assert reproducibleBuild -> profiledCompiler == false;
-with lib;
-with builtins;
-let majorVersion = "12";
-    version = "${majorVersion}.3.0";
-    disableBootstrap = !stdenv.hostPlatform.isDarwin && !profiledCompiler;
-    inherit (stdenv) buildPlatform hostPlatform targetPlatform;
-    patches =
-         optional (targetPlatform != hostPlatform) ../libstdc++-target.patch
-      ++ optional noSysDirs ../gcc-12-no-sys-dirs.patch
-      ++ optional noSysDirs ../no-sys-dirs-riscv.patch
-      ++ [
-        ../gnat-cflags-11.patch
-        ../gcc-12-gfortran-driving.patch
-        ../ppc-musl.patch
-        # backport ICE fix on ccache code
-        ./lambda-ICE-PR109241.patch
-      ]
-      # We only apply this patch when building a native toolchain for aarch64-darwin, as it breaks building
-      # a foreign one: https://github.com/iains/gcc-12-branch/issues/18
-      ++ optionals (stdenv.isDarwin && stdenv.isAarch64 && buildPlatform == hostPlatform && hostPlatform == targetPlatform) [
-        (fetchurl {
-          name = "gcc-12-darwin-aarch64-support.patch";
-          url = "https://raw.githubusercontent.com/Homebrew/formula-patches/f1188b90d610e2ed170b22512ff7435ba5c891e2/gcc/gcc-12.3.0.diff";
-          sha256 = "sha256-naL5ZNiurqfDBiPSU8PTbTmLqj25B+vjjiqc4fAFgYs=";
-        })
-      ] ++ optional langD ../libphobos.patch
-      # backport fixes to build gccgo with musl libc
-      ++ optionals (langGo && stdenv.hostPlatform.isMusl) [
-        (fetchpatch {
-          excludes = [ "gcc/go/gofrontend/MERGE" ];
-          url = "https://github.com/gcc-mirror/gcc/commit/cf79b1117bd177d3d4c6ed24b6fa243c3628ac2d.diff";
-          hash = "sha256-mS5ZiYi5D8CpGXrWg3tXlbhp4o86ew1imCTwaHLfl+I=";
-        })
-        (fetchpatch {
-          excludes = [ "gcc/go/gofrontend/MERGE" ];
-          url = "https://github.com/gcc-mirror/gcc/commit/7f195a2270910a6ed08bd76e3a16b0a6503f9faf.diff";
-          hash = "sha256-Ze/cFM0dQofKH00PWPDoklXUlwWhwA1nyTuiDAZ6FKo=";
-        })
-        (fetchpatch {
-          excludes = [ "gcc/go/gofrontend/MERGE" ];
-          url = "https://github.com/gcc-mirror/gcc/commit/762fd5e5547e464e25b4bee435db6df4eda0de90.diff";
-          hash = "sha256-o28upwTcHAnHG2Iq0OewzwSBEhHs+XpBGdIfZdT81pk=";
-        })
-        (fetchpatch {
-          excludes = [ "gcc/go/gofrontend/MERGE" ];
-          url = "https://github.com/gcc-mirror/gcc/commit/e73d9fcafbd07bc3714fbaf8a82db71d50015c92.diff";
-          hash = "sha256-1SjYCVHLEUihdON2TOC3Z2ufM+jf2vH0LvYtZL+c1Fo=";
-        })
-        (fetchpatch {
-          excludes = [ "gcc/go/gofrontend/MERGE" ];
-          url = "https://github.com/gcc-mirror/gcc/commit/b6c6a3d64f2e4e9347733290aca3c75898c44b2e.diff";
-          hash = "sha256-RycJ3YCHd3MXtYFjxP0zY2Wuw7/C4bWoBAQtTKJZPOQ=";
-        })
-        (fetchpatch {
-          excludes = [ "gcc/go/gofrontend/MERGE" ];
-          url = "https://github.com/gcc-mirror/gcc/commit/2b1a604a9b28fbf4f382060bebd04adb83acc2f9.diff";
-          hash = "sha256-WiBQG0Xbk75rHk+AMDvsbrm+dc7lDH0EONJXSdEeMGE=";
-        })
-        (fetchpatch {
-          url = "https://github.com/gcc-mirror/gcc/commit/c86b726c048eddc1be320c0bf64a897658bee13d.diff";
-          hash = "sha256-QSIlqDB6JRQhbj/c3ejlmbfWz9l9FurdSWxpwDebnlI=";
-        })
-      ]
-      # Fix detection of bootstrap compiler Ada support (cctools as) on Nix Darwin
-      ++ optional (stdenv.isDarwin && langAda) ../ada-cctools-as-detection-configure.patch
-      # Use absolute path in GNAT dylib install names on Darwin
-      ++ optional (stdenv.isDarwin && langAda) ../gnat-darwin-dylib-install-name.patch
-      # Obtain latest patch with ../update-mcfgthread-patches.sh
-      ++ optional (!withoutTargetLibc && targetPlatform.isMinGW && threadsCross.model == "mcf") ./Added-mcf-thread-model-support-from-mcfgthread.patch;
-    /* Cross-gcc settings (build == host != target) */
-    crossMingw = targetPlatform != hostPlatform && targetPlatform.libc == "msvcrt";
-    stageNameAddon = if withoutTargetLibc then "stage-static" else "stage-final";
-    crossNameAddon = optionalString (targetPlatform != hostPlatform) "${targetPlatform.config}-${stageNameAddon}-";
-    callFile = lib.callPackageWith {
-      # lets
-      inherit
-        majorVersion
-        version
-        buildPlatform
-        hostPlatform
-        targetPlatform
-        patches
-        crossMingw
-        stageNameAddon
-        crossNameAddon
-      ;
-      # inherit generated with 'nix eval --json --impure --expr "with import ./. {}; lib.attrNames (lib.functionArgs gcc12.cc.override)" | jq '.[]' --raw-output'
-      inherit
-        binutils
-        buildPackages
-        cloog
-        withoutTargetLibc
-        disableBootstrap
-        disableGdbPlugin
-        enableLTO
-        enableMultilib
-        enablePlugin
-        enableShared
-        fetchpatch
-        fetchurl
-        gettext
-        gmp
-        gnat-bootstrap
-        gnused
-        isl
-        langAda
-        langC
-        langCC
-        langD
-        langFortran
-        langGo
-        langJit
-        langObjC
-        langObjCpp
-        lib
-        libcCross
-        libmpc
-        libucontext
-        libxcrypt
-        mpfr
-        name
-        noSysDirs
-        nukeReferences
-        patchelf
-        perl
-        profiledCompiler
-        reproducibleBuild
-        staticCompiler
-        stdenv
-        targetPackages
-        texinfo
-        threadsCross
-        which
-        zip
-        zlib
-      ;
-    };
-lib.pipe (stdenv.mkDerivation ({
-  pname = "${crossNameAddon}${name}";
-  inherit version;
-  builder = ../builder.sh;
-  src = fetchurl {
-    url = "mirror://gcc/releases/gcc-${version}/gcc-${version}.tar.xz";
-    sha256 = "sha256-lJpdT5nnhkIak7Uysi/6tVeN5zITaZdbka7Jet/ajDs=";
-  };
-  inherit patches;
-  outputs = [ "out" "man" "info" ] ++ lib.optional (!langJit) "lib";
-  setOutputFlags = false;
-  NIX_NO_SELF_RPATH = true;
-  libc_dev = stdenv.cc.libc_dev;
-  hardeningDisable = [ "format" "pie" ];
-  postPatch = ''
-    configureScripts=$(find . -name configure)
-    for configureScript in $configureScripts; do
-      patchShebangs $configureScript
-    done
-  ''
-  # This should kill all the stdinc frameworks that gcc and friends like to
-  # insert into default search paths.
-  + lib.optionalString hostPlatform.isDarwin ''
-    substituteInPlace gcc/config/darwin-c.cc \
-      --replace 'if (stdinc)' 'if (0)'
-    substituteInPlace libgcc/config/t-slibgcc-darwin \
-      --replace "-install_name @shlib_slibdir@/\$(SHLIB_INSTALL_NAME)" "-install_name ''${!outputLib}/lib/\$(SHLIB_INSTALL_NAME)"
-    substituteInPlace libgfortran/configure \
-      --replace "-install_name \\\$rpath/\\\$soname" "-install_name ''${!outputLib}/lib/\\\$soname"
-  ''
-  + (
-    lib.optionalString (targetPlatform != hostPlatform || stdenv.cc.libc != null)
-      # On NixOS, use the right path to the dynamic linker instead of
-      # `/lib/ld*.so'.
-      (let
-        libc = if libcCross != null then libcCross else stdenv.cc.libc;
-      in
-        (
-        '' echo "fixing the \`GLIBC_DYNAMIC_LINKER', \`UCLIBC_DYNAMIC_LINKER', and \`MUSL_DYNAMIC_LINKER' macros..."
-           for header in "gcc/config/"*-gnu.h "gcc/config/"*"/"*.h
-           do
-             grep -q _DYNAMIC_LINKER "$header" || continue
-             echo "  fixing \`$header'..."
-             sed -i "$header" \
-                 -e 's|define[[:blank:]]*\([UCG]\+\)LIBC_DYNAMIC_LINKER\([0-9]*\)[[:blank:]]"\([^\"]\+\)"$|define \1LIBC_DYNAMIC_LINKER\2 "${libc.out}\3"|g' \
-                 -e 's|define[[:blank:]]*MUSL_DYNAMIC_LINKER\([0-9]*\)[[:blank:]]"\([^\"]\+\)"$|define MUSL_DYNAMIC_LINKER\1 "${libc.out}\2"|g'
-           done
-        ''
-        + lib.optionalString (targetPlatform.libc == "musl")
-        ''
-            sed -i gcc/config/linux.h -e '1i#undef LOCAL_INCLUDE_DIR'
-        ''
-        )
-    ))
-      + lib.optionalString targetPlatform.isAvr ''
-            makeFlagsArray+=(
-               '-s' # workaround for hitting hydra log limit
-               'LIMITS_H_TEST=false'
-            )
-          '';
-  inherit noSysDirs staticCompiler withoutTargetLibc
-    libcCross crossMingw;
-  inherit (callFile ../common/dependencies.nix { }) depsBuildBuild nativeBuildInputs depsBuildTarget buildInputs depsTargetTarget;
-  NIX_LDFLAGS = lib.optionalString  hostPlatform.isSunOS "-lm";
-  preConfigure = (callFile ../common/pre-configure.nix { }) + ''
-    ln -sf ${libxcrypt}/include/crypt.h libsanitizer/sanitizer_common/crypt.h
-  '';
-  dontDisableStatic = true;
-  configurePlatforms = [ "build" "host" "target" ];
-  configureFlags = callFile ../common/configure-flags.nix { };
-  targetConfig = if targetPlatform != hostPlatform then targetPlatform.config else null;
-  buildFlags =
-    # we do not yet have Nix-driven profiling
-    assert profiledCompiler -> !disableBootstrap;
-    let target =
-          lib.optionalString (profiledCompiler) "profiled" +
-          lib.optionalString (targetPlatform == hostPlatform && hostPlatform == buildPlatform && !disableBootstrap) "bootstrap";
-    in lib.optional (target != "") target;
-  # https://gcc.gnu.org/PR109898
-  enableParallelInstalling = false;
-  inherit (callFile ../common/strip-attributes.nix { })
-    stripDebugList
-    stripDebugListTarget
-    preFixup;
-  # https://gcc.gnu.org/install/specific.html#x86-64-x-solaris210
-  ${if hostPlatform.system == "x86_64-solaris" then "CC" else null} = "gcc -m64";
-  # Setting $CPATH and $LIBRARY_PATH to make sure both `gcc' and `xgcc' find the
-  # library headers and binaries, regarless of the language being compiled.
-  #
-  # Likewise, the LTO code doesn't find zlib.
-  #
-  # Cross-compiling, we need gcc not to read ./specs in order to build the g++
-  # compiler (after the specs for the cross-gcc are created). Having
-  # LIBRARY_PATH= makes gcc read the specs from ., and the build breaks.
-  CPATH = optionals (targetPlatform == hostPlatform) (makeSearchPathOutput "dev" "include" ([]
-    ++ optional (zlib != null) zlib
-  ));
-  LIBRARY_PATH = optionals (targetPlatform == hostPlatform) (makeLibraryPath (optional (zlib != null) zlib));
-  inherit (callFile ../common/extra-target-flags.nix { })
-    ;
-  passthru = {
-    inherit langC langCC langObjC langObjCpp langAda langFortran langGo langD version;
-    isGNU = true;
-  };
-  enableParallelBuilding = true;
-  inherit enableShared enableMultilib;
-  meta = {
-    inherit (callFile ../common/meta.nix { })
-      homepage
-      license
-      description
-      longDescription
-      platforms
-      maintainers
-    ;
-  };
-// optionalAttrs (enableMultilib) { dontMoveLib64 = true; }
-  (callPackage ../common/libgcc.nix   { inherit version langC langCC langJit targetPlatform hostPlatform withoutTargetLibc enableShared; })
-  (callPackage ../common/checksum.nix { inherit langC langCC; })