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path: root/nixpkgs/pkgs/applications/video/kodi/default.nix
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Diffstat (limited to 'nixpkgs/pkgs/applications/video/kodi/default.nix')
1 files changed, 11 insertions, 289 deletions
diff --git a/nixpkgs/pkgs/applications/video/kodi/default.nix b/nixpkgs/pkgs/applications/video/kodi/default.nix
index 3aaa465a3ccb..3f382efff11b 100644
--- a/nixpkgs/pkgs/applications/video/kodi/default.nix
+++ b/nixpkgs/pkgs/applications/video/kodi/default.nix
@@ -1,292 +1,14 @@
-{ stdenv, lib, fetchpatch, fetchurl, fetchFromGitHub, autoconf, automake, libtool, makeWrapper, linuxHeaders
-, pkg-config, cmake, gnumake, yasm, python2Packages
-, libgcrypt, libgpgerror, libunistring
-, boost, avahi, lame, autoreconfHook
-, gettext, pcre-cpp, yajl, fribidi, which
-, openssl, gperf, tinyxml2, taglib, libssh, swig, jre_headless
-, libxml2, systemd
-, alsaLib, libGLU, libGL, glew, fontconfig, freetype, ftgl
-, libjpeg, libpng, libtiff
-, libmpeg2, libsamplerate, libmad
-, libogg, libvorbis, flac, libxslt
-, lzo, libcdio, libmodplug, libass, libbluray
-, sqlite, libmysqlclient, nasm, gnutls, libva, libdrm
-, curl, bzip2, zip, unzip, glxinfo
-, libcec, libcec_platform, dcadec, libuuid
-, libcrossguid, libmicrohttpd
-, bluez, doxygen, giflib, glib, harfbuzz, lcms2, libidn, libpthreadstubs, libtasn1
-, libplist, p11-kit, zlib, flatbuffers, fmt, fstrcmp, rapidjson
-, lirc
-, x11Support ? true, libX11, xorgproto, libXt, libXmu, libXext, libXinerama, libXrandr, libXtst, libXfixes, xdpyinfo, libXdmcp
-, dbusSupport ? true, dbus ? null
-, joystickSupport ? true, cwiid ? null
-, nfsSupport ? true, libnfs ? null
-, pulseSupport ? true, libpulseaudio ? null
-, rtmpSupport ? true, rtmpdump ? null
-, sambaSupport ? true, samba ? null
-, udevSupport ? true, udev ? null
-, usbSupport  ? false, libusb-compat-0_1 ? null
-, vdpauSupport ? true, libvdpau ? null
-, useWayland ? false, wayland ? null, wayland-protocols ? null
-, waylandpp ?  null, libxkbcommon ? null
-, useGbm ? false, mesa ? null, libinput ? null
-, buildPackages
-assert dbusSupport  -> dbus != null;
-assert nfsSupport   -> libnfs != null;
-assert pulseSupport -> libpulseaudio != null;
-assert rtmpSupport  -> rtmpdump != null;
-assert sambaSupport -> samba != null;
-assert udevSupport  -> udev != null;
-assert usbSupport   -> libusb-compat-0_1 != null && ! udevSupport; # libusb-compat-0_1 won't be used if udev is avaliable
-assert vdpauSupport -> libvdpau != null;
-assert useWayland -> wayland != null && wayland-protocols != null && waylandpp != null && libxkbcommon != null;
+{ callPackage, ... } @ args:
-  kodiReleaseDate = "20200728";
-  kodiVersion = "18.9";
-  rel = "Leia";
-  kodi_src = fetchFromGitHub {
-    owner  = "xbmc";
-    repo   = "xbmc";
-    rev    = "${kodiVersion}-${rel}";
-    sha256 = "0nnf7823pixj6n2fkjc8rbdjwayvhlbglij2by4rnjzzfgmqmw20";
-  };
-  cmakeProto = fetchurl {
-    url = "https://raw.githubusercontent.com/pramsey/libght/ca9b1121c352ea10170636e170040e1af015bad1/cmake/modules/CheckPrototypeExists.cmake";
-    sha256  = "1zai82gm5x55n3xvdv7mns3ja6a2k81x9zz0nk42j6s2yb0fkjxh";
-  };
-  cmakeProtoPatch = ''
-    # get rid of windows headers as they will otherwise be found first
-    rm -rf msvc
-    cp ${cmakeProto} cmake/${cmakeProto.name}
-    # we need to enable support for C++ for check_prototype_exists to do its thing
-    substituteInPlace CMakeLists.txt --replace 'LANGUAGES C' 'LANGUAGES C CXX'
-    if [ -f cmake/CheckHeadersSTDC.cmake ]; then
-      sed -i cmake/CheckHeadersSTDC.cmake \
-        -e '7iinclude(CheckPrototypeExists)'
-    fi
-  '';
-  kodiDependency = { name, version, rev, sha256, ... } @attrs:
-    let
-      attrs' = builtins.removeAttrs attrs ["name" "version" "rev" "sha256"];
-    in stdenv.mkDerivation ({
-      name = "kodi-${lib.toLower name}-${version}";
-      src = fetchFromGitHub {
-        owner = "xbmc";
-        repo  = name;
-        inherit rev sha256;
+  unwrapped = callPackage ./unwrapped.nix (removeAttrs args [ "callPackage" ]);
+  kodiPackages = callPackage ../../../top-level/kodi-packages.nix { kodi = unwrapped; };
+  unwrapped.overrideAttrs (oldAttrs: {
+    passthru = oldAttrs.passthru // {
+      packages = kodiPackages;
+      withPackages = func: callPackage ./wrapper.nix {
+        kodi = unwrapped;
+        addons = kodiPackages.requiredKodiAddons (func kodiPackages);
-    } // attrs');
-  ffmpeg = kodiDependency rec {
-    name    = "FFmpeg";
-    version = "4.0.3";
-    rev     = "${version}-${rel}-18.2";
-    sha256  = "1krsjlr949iy5l6ljxancza1yi6w1annxc5s6k283i9mb15qy8cy";
-    preConfigure = ''
-      cp ${kodi_src}/tools/depends/target/ffmpeg/{CMakeLists.txt,*.cmake} .
-      sed -i 's/ --cpu=''${CPU}//' CMakeLists.txt
-      sed -i 's/--strip=''${CMAKE_STRIP}/--strip=''${CMAKE_STRIP} --ranlib=''${CMAKE_RANLIB}/' CMakeLists.txt
-    '';
-    cmakeFlags = lib.optionals (stdenv.hostPlatform != stdenv.buildPlatform) [
-      "-DCPU=${stdenv.hostPlatform.parsed.cpu.name}"
-      "-DOS=${stdenv.hostPlatform.parsed.kernel.name}"
-      "-DPKG_CONFIG_EXECUTABLE=pkg-config"
-    ];
-    buildInputs = [ libidn libtasn1 p11-kit zlib libva ]
-      ++ lib.optional  vdpauSupport    libvdpau;
-    nativeBuildInputs = [ cmake nasm pkg-config gnutls ];
-  };
-  # We can build these externally but FindLibDvd.cmake forces us to build it
-  # them, so we currently just use them for the src.
-  libdvdcss = kodiDependency rec {
-    name              = "libdvdcss";
-    version           = "1.4.2";
-    rev               = "${version}-${rel}-Beta-5";
-    sha256            = "0j41ydzx0imaix069s3z07xqw9q95k7llh06fc27dcn6f7b8ydyl";
-    buildInputs       = [ linuxHeaders ];
-    nativeBuildInputs = [ cmake pkg-config ];
-    postPatch = ''
-      rm -rf msvc
-      substituteInPlace config.h.cm \
-        --replace '#cmakedefine O_BINARY "''${O_BINARY}"' '#define O_BINARY 0'
-    '';
-    cmakeFlags = [
-    ];
-  };
-  libdvdnav = kodiDependency rec {
-    name              = "libdvdnav";
-    version           = "6.0.0";
-    rev               = "${version}-${rel}-Alpha-3";
-    sha256            = "0qwlf4lgahxqxk1r2pzl866mi03pbp7l1fc0rk522sc0ak2s9jhb";
-    buildInputs       = [ libdvdcss libdvdread ];
-    nativeBuildInputs = [ cmake pkg-config ];
-    postPatch         = cmakeProtoPatch;
-    postInstall = ''
-      mv $out/lib/liblibdvdnav.so $out/lib/libdvdnav.so
-    '';
-  };
-  libdvdread = kodiDependency rec {
-    name              = "libdvdread";
-    version           = "6.0.0";
-    rev               = "${version}-${rel}-Alpha-3";
-    sha256            = "1xxn01mhkdnp10cqdr357wx77vyzfb5glqpqyg8m0skyi75aii59";
-    buildInputs       = [ libdvdcss ];
-    nativeBuildInputs = [ cmake pkg-config ];
-    configureFlags    = [ "--with-libdvdcss" ];
-    postPatch         = cmakeProtoPatch;
-  };
-in stdenv.mkDerivation {
-    name = "kodi-${lib.optionalString useWayland "wayland-"}${kodiVersion}";
-    src = kodi_src;
-    buildInputs = [
-      gnutls libidn libtasn1 nasm p11-kit
-      libxml2 python2Packages.python
-      boost libmicrohttpd
-      gettext pcre-cpp yajl fribidi libva libdrm
-      openssl gperf tinyxml2 taglib libssh
-      alsaLib libGL libGLU fontconfig freetype ftgl
-      libjpeg libpng libtiff
-      libmpeg2 libsamplerate libmad
-      libogg libvorbis flac libxslt systemd
-      lzo libcdio libmodplug libass libbluray
-      sqlite libmysqlclient avahi lame
-      curl bzip2 zip unzip glxinfo
-      libcec libcec_platform dcadec libuuid
-      libgcrypt libgpgerror libunistring
-      libcrossguid libplist
-      bluez giflib glib harfbuzz lcms2 libpthreadstubs
-      ffmpeg flatbuffers fmt fstrcmp rapidjson
-      lirc
-      # libdvdcss libdvdnav libdvdread
-    ]
-    ++ lib.optional x11Support [
-      libX11 xorgproto libXt libXmu libXext.dev libXdmcp
-      libXinerama libXrandr.dev libXtst libXfixes
-    ]
-    ++ lib.optional  dbusSupport     dbus
-    ++ lib.optional joystickSupport cwiid
-    ++ lib.optional  nfsSupport      libnfs
-    ++ lib.optional  pulseSupport    libpulseaudio
-    ++ lib.optional  rtmpSupport     rtmpdump
-    ++ lib.optional  sambaSupport    samba
-    ++ lib.optional  udevSupport     udev
-    ++ lib.optional  usbSupport      libusb-compat-0_1
-    ++ lib.optional  vdpauSupport    libvdpau
-    ++ lib.optionals useWayland [
-      wayland
-      waylandpp.dev
-      wayland-protocols
-      # Not sure why ".dev" is needed here, but CMake doesn't find libxkbcommon otherwise
-      libxkbcommon.dev
-    ]
-    ++ lib.optional useGbm [
-      libxkbcommon.dev
-      mesa.dev
-      libinput.dev
-    ];
-    nativeBuildInputs = [
-      cmake
-      doxygen
-      makeWrapper
-      which
-      pkg-config gnumake
-      autoconf automake libtool # still needed for some components. Check if that is the case with 19.0
-      jre_headless yasm gettext python2Packages.python flatbuffers
-      # for TexturePacker
-      giflib zlib libpng libjpeg lzo
-    ] ++ lib.optionals useWayland [ wayland-protocols waylandpp.bin ];
-    depsBuildBuild = [
-      buildPackages.stdenv.cc
-    ];
-    cmakeFlags = [
-      "-Dlibdvdcss_URL=${libdvdcss.src}"
-      "-Dlibdvdnav_URL=${libdvdnav.src}"
-      "-Dlibdvdread_URL=${libdvdread.src}"
-      "-DGIT_VERSION=${kodiReleaseDate}"
-      "-DLIRC_DEVICE=/run/lirc/lircd"
-      "-DSWIG_EXECUTABLE=${buildPackages.swig}/bin/swig"
-      "-DFLATBUFFERS_FLATC_EXECUTABLE=${buildPackages.flatbuffers}/bin/flatc"
-      "-DPYTHON_EXECUTABLE=${buildPackages.python2Packages.python}/bin/python"
-    ] ++ lib.optional useWayland [
-      "-DCORE_PLATFORM_NAME=wayland"
-      "-DWAYLANDPP_SCANNER=${buildPackages.waylandpp}/bin/wayland-scanner++"
-    ] ++ lib.optional useGbm [
-      "-DGBM_RENDER_SYSTEM=gles"
-    ];
-    # 14 tests fail but the biggest issue is that every test takes 30 seconds -
-    # I'm guessing there is a thing waiting to time out
-    doCheck = false;
-    # Need these tools on the build system when cross compiling,
-    # hacky, but have found no other way.
-    preConfigure = lib.optionalString (stdenv.hostPlatform != stdenv.buildPlatform) ''
-      CXX=c++ LD=ld make -C tools/depends/native/JsonSchemaBuilder
-      cmakeFlags+=" -DWITH_JSONSCHEMABUILDER=$PWD/tools/depends/native/JsonSchemaBuilder/bin"
-      CXX=c++ LD=ld make EXTRA_CONFIGURE= -C tools/depends/native/TexturePacker
-      cmakeFlags+=" -DWITH_TEXTUREPACKER=$PWD/tools/depends/native/TexturePacker/bin"
-    '';
-    postPatch = ''
-      substituteInPlace xbmc/platform/linux/LinuxTimezone.cpp \
-        --replace 'usr/share/zoneinfo' 'etc/zoneinfo'
-    '';
-    postInstall = ''
-      for p in $(ls $out/bin/) ; do
-        wrapProgram $out/bin/$p \
-          --prefix PATH            ":" "${lib.makeBinPath ([ python2Packages.python glxinfo ] ++ lib.optional x11Support xdpyinfo)}" \
-          --prefix LD_LIBRARY_PATH ":" "${lib.makeLibraryPath
-              ([ curl systemd libmad libvdpau libcec libcec_platform libass ]
-                 ++ lib.optional nfsSupport libnfs
-                 ++ lib.optional rtmpSupport rtmpdump)}"
-      done
-      substituteInPlace $out/share/xsessions/kodi.desktop \
-        --replace kodi-standalone $out/bin/kodi-standalone
-    '';
-    doInstallCheck = true;
-    installCheckPhase = "$out/bin/kodi --version";
-    passthru = {
-      pythonPackages = python2Packages;
-    meta = with lib; {
-      description = "Media center";
-      homepage    = "https://kodi.tv/";
-      license     = licenses.gpl2;
-      platforms   = platforms.linux;
-      maintainers = with maintainers; [ domenkozar titanous edwtjo peterhoeg sephalon ];
-    };
+  })