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path: root/nixpkgs/pkgs/applications/networking/browsers/chromium/update.nix
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Diffstat (limited to 'nixpkgs/pkgs/applications/networking/browsers/chromium/update.nix')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 271 deletions
diff --git a/nixpkgs/pkgs/applications/networking/browsers/chromium/update.nix b/nixpkgs/pkgs/applications/networking/browsers/chromium/update.nix
deleted file mode 100644
index 6dff17c69ddb..000000000000
--- a/nixpkgs/pkgs/applications/networking/browsers/chromium/update.nix
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,271 +0,0 @@
-let maybePkgs = import ../../../../../. {}; in
-{ stdenv     ? maybePkgs.stdenv
-, runCommand ? maybePkgs.runCommand
-, fetchurl   ? maybePkgs.fetchurl
-, writeText  ? maybePkgs.writeText
-, curl       ? maybePkgs.curl
-, cacert     ? maybePkgs.cacert
-, nix        ? maybePkgs.nix
-  inherit (stdenv) lib;
-  sources = if builtins.pathExists ./upstream-info.nix
-            then import ./upstream-info.nix
-            else {};
-  bucketURL = "https://commondatastorage.googleapis.com/"
-            + "chromium-browser-official";
-  mkVerURL = version: "${bucketURL}/chromium-${version}.tar.xz";
-  debURL = "https://dl.google.com/linux/chrome/deb/pool/main/g";
-  getDebURL = channelName: version: arch: mirror: let
-    packageSuffix = if channelName == "dev" then "unstable" else channelName;
-    packageName = "google-chrome-${packageSuffix}";
-  in "${mirror}/${packageName}/${packageName}_${version}-1_${arch}.deb";
-  # Untrusted mirrors, don't try to update from them!
-  debMirrors = [
-    ""
-    "http://mirror.pcbeta.com/google/chrome/deb/pool/main/g"
-    "http://repo.fdzh.org/chrome/deb/pool/main/g"
-  ];
-in {
-  getChannel = channel: let
-    chanAttrs = builtins.getAttr channel sources;
-  in {
-    inherit channel;
-    inherit (chanAttrs) version;
-    main = fetchurl {
-      url = mkVerURL chanAttrs.version;
-      inherit (chanAttrs) sha256;
-    };
-    binary = fetchurl (let
-      mkUrls = arch: let
-        mkURLForMirror = getDebURL channel chanAttrs.version arch;
-      in map mkURLForMirror ([ debURL ] ++ debMirrors);
-    in if stdenv.is64bit && chanAttrs ? sha256bin64 then {
-      urls = mkUrls "amd64";
-      sha256 = chanAttrs.sha256bin64;
-    } else if !stdenv.is64bit && chanAttrs ? sha256bin32 then {
-      urls = mkUrls "i386";
-      sha256 = chanAttrs.sha256bin32;
-    } else throw "No Chrome plugins are available for your architecture.");
-  };
-  update = let
-    csv2nix = name: src: import (runCommand "${name}.nix" {
-      src = builtins.fetchurl src;
-    } ''
-      esc() { echo "\"$(echo "$1" | sed -e 's/"\\$/\\&/')\""; } # ohai emacs "
-      IFS=, read -r -a headings <<< "$(head -n1 "$src")"
-      echo "[" > "$out"
-      tail -n +2 "$src" | while IFS=, read -r -a line; do
-        echo "  {"
-        for idx in "''${!headings[@]}"; do
-          echo "    $(esc "''${headings[idx]}") = $(esc ''${line[$idx]});"
-        done
-        echo "  }"
-      done >> "$out"
-      echo "]" >> "$out"
-    '');
-    channels = lib.fold lib.recursiveUpdate {} (map (attrs: {
-      ${attrs.os}.${attrs.channel} = attrs // {
-        history = let
-          drvName = "omahaproxy-${attrs.os}.${attrs.channel}-info";
-          history = csv2nix drvName "http://omahaproxy.appspot.com/history";
-          cond = h: attrs.os == h.os && attrs.channel == h.channel
-                 && lib.versionOlder h.version attrs.current_version;
-          # Note that this is a *reverse* sort!
-          sorter = a: b: lib.versionOlder b.version a.version;
-          sorted = builtins.sort sorter (lib.filter cond history);
-        in map (lib.flip removeAttrs ["os" "channel"]) sorted;
-        version = attrs.current_version;
-      };
-    }) (csv2nix "omahaproxy-info" "http://omahaproxy.appspot.com/all?csv=1"));
-    /*
-      XXX: This is essentially the same as:
-        builtins.tryEval (builtins.fetchurl url)
-      ... except that tryEval on fetchurl isn't working and doesn't catch
-      errors for fetchurl, so we go for a different approach.
-      We only have fixed-output derivations that can have networking access, so
-      we abuse SHA1 and its weaknesses to forge a fixed-output derivation which
-      is not so fixed, because it emits different contents that have the same
-      SHA1 hash.
-      Using this method, we can distinguish whether the URL is available or
-      whether it's not based on the actual content.
-      So let's use tryEval as soon as it's working with fetchurl in Nix.
-    */
-    tryFetch = url: let
-      # SHA1 hash collisions from https://shattered.io/static/shattered.pdf:
-      collisions = runCommand "sha1-collisions" {
-        outputs = [ "out" "good" "bad" ];
-        base64 = ''
-          QlpoOTFBWSZTWbL5V5MABl///////9Pv///v////+/////HDdK739/677r+W3/75rUNr4
-          o0GIGgBoGQAABVTUExEZATTICnkxNR+p6E09JppoyamjGhkm0ammIyaekbUejU9JiGnqZ
-          qaaDxJ6m0JkZMQ2oaYmJ6gxqMyE2TUzJqfItligtJQJfYbl9Zy9QjQuB5mHQRdSSXCCTH
-          MgmSDYmdOoOmLTBJWiCpOhMQYpQlOYpJjn+wQUJSTCEpOMekaFaaNB6glCC0hKEJdHr6B
-          S8GckoIIF+551Ro4RCw260VCEpWJSlpWx/PMrLyVoyhWMAneDilBcUIeZ1j6NCkus0qUC
-          Wnahhk5KT4GpWMh3vm2nJWjTL9Qg+84iExBJhNKpbV9tvEN265t3fu/TKkt4rXFTsV+Nc
-          upJXhOhOhJMQQktrqt4K8mSh9M2DAO2X7uXGVL9YQxUtzQmS7uBndL7M6R7vX869VxqPu
-          renSuHYNq1yTXOfNWLwgvKlRlFYqLCs6OChDp0HuTzCWscmGudLyqUuwVGG75nmyZhKpJ
-          yOE/pOZyHyrZxGM51DYIN+Jc8yVJgAykxKCEtW55MlfudLg3KG6TtozalunXrroSxUpVL
-          StWrWLFihMnVpkyZOrQnUrE6xq1CGtJlbAb5ShMbV1CZgqlKC0wCFCpMmUKSEkvFLaZC8
-          wHOCVAlvzaJQ/T+XLb5Dh5TNM67p6KZ4e4ZSGyVENx2O27LzrTIteAreTkMZpW95GS0CE
-          JYhMc4nToTJ0wQhKEyddaLb/rTqmgJSlkpnALxMhlNmuKEpkEkqhKUoEq3SoKUpIQcDgW
-          lC0rYahMmLuPQ0fHqZaF4v2W8IoJ2EhMhYmSw7qql27WJS+G4rUplToFi2rSv0NSrVvDU
-          pltQ8Lv6F8pXyxmFBSxiLSxglNC4uvXVKmAtusXy4YXGX1ixedEvXF1aX6t8adYnYCpC6
-          rW1ZzdZYlCCxKEv8vpbqdSsXl8v1jCQv0KEPxPTa/5rtWSF1dSgg4z4KjfIMNtgwWoWLE
-          sRhKxsSA9ji7V5LRPwtumeQ8V57UtFSPIUmtQdOQfseI2Ly1DMtk4Jl8n927w34zrWG6P
-          i4jzC82js/46Rt2IZoadWxOtMInS2xYmcu8mOw9PLYxQ4bdfFw3ZPf/g2pzSwZDhGrZAl
-          9lqky0W+yeanadC037xk496t0Dq3ctfmqmjgie8ln9k6Q0K1krb3dK9el4Xsu44LpGcen
-          r2eQZ1s1IhOhnE56WnXf0BLWn9Xz15fMkzi4kpVxiTKGEpffErEEMvEeMZhUl6yD1SdeJ
-          YbxzGNM3ak2TAaglLZlDCVnoM6wV5DRrycwF8Zh/fRsdmhkMfAO1duwknrsFwrzePWeMw
-          l107DWzymxdQwiSXx/lncnn75jL9mUzw2bUDqj20LTgtawxK2SlQg1CCZDQMgSpEqLjRM
-          sykM9zbSIUqil0zNk7Nu+b5J0DKZlhl9CtpGKgX5uyp0idoJ3we9bSrY7PupnUL5eWiDp
-          V5mmnNUhOnYi8xyClkLbNmAXyoWk7GaVrM2umkbpqHDzDymiKjetgzTocWNsJ2E0zPcfh
-          t46J4ipaXGCfF7fuO0a70c82bvqo3HceIcRlshgu73seO8BqlLIap2z5jTOY+T2ucCnBt
-          Atva3aHdchJg9AJ5YdKHz7LoA3VKmeqxAlFyEnQLBxB2PAhAZ8KvmuR6ELXws1Qr13Nd1
-          i4nsp189jqvaNzt+0nEnIaniuP1+/UOZdyfoZh57ku8sYHKdvfW/jYSUks+0rK+qtte+p
-          y8jWL9cOJ0fV8rrH/t+85/p1z2N67p/ZsZ3JmdyliL7lrNxZUlx0MVIl6PxXOUuGOeArW
-          3vuEvJ2beoh7SGyZKHKbR2bBWO1d49JDIcVM6lQtu9UO8ec8pOnXmkcponBPLNM2CwZ9k
-          NC/4ct6rQkPkQHMcV/8XckU4UJCy+VeTA==
-        '';
-      } ''
-        echo "$base64" | base64 -d | tar xj
-        mv good.pdf "$good"
-        mv bad.pdf "$bad"
-        touch "$out"
-      '';
-      cacheVal = let
-        urlHash = builtins.hashString "sha256" url;
-        timeSlice = builtins.currentTime / 600;
-      in "${urlHash}-${toString timeSlice}";
-    in {
-      success = import (runCommand "check-success" {
-        result = stdenv.mkDerivation {
-          name = "tryfetch-${cacheVal}";
-          inherit url;
-          outputHash = "d00bbe65d80f6d53d5c15da7c6b4f0a655c5a86a";
-          outputHashMode = "flat";
-          outputHashAlgo = "sha1";
-          nativeBuildInputs = [ curl ];
-          preferLocalBuild = true;
-          inherit (collisions) good bad;
-          buildCommand = ''
-            if SSL_CERT_FILE="${cacert}/etc/ssl/certs/ca-bundle.crt" \
-               curl -s -L -f -I "$url" > /dev/null; then
-              cp "$good" "$out"
-            else
-              cp "$bad" "$out"
-            fi
-          '';
-          impureEnvVars = lib.fetchers.proxyImpureEnvVars;
-        };
-        inherit (collisions) good;
-      } ''
-        if cmp -s "$result" "$good"; then
-          echo true > "$out"
-        else
-          echo false > "$out"
-        fi
-      '');
-      value = builtins.fetchurl url;
-    };
-    fetchLatest = channel: let
-      result = tryFetch (mkVerURL channel.version);
-    in if result.success then result.value else fetchLatest (channel // {
-      version = if channel.history != []
-                then (lib.head channel.history).version
-                else throw "Unfortunately there's no older version than " +
-                           "${channel.version} available for channel " +
-                           "${channel.channel} on ${channel.os}.";
-      history = lib.tail channel.history;
-    });
-    getHash = path: import (runCommand "gethash.nix" {
-      inherit path;
-      nativeBuildInputs = [ nix ];
-    } ''
-      sha256="$(nix-hash --flat --base32 --type sha256 "$path")"
-      echo "\"$sha256\"" > "$out"
-    '');
-    isLatest = channel: version: let
-      ourVersion = sources.${channel}.version or null;
-    in if ourVersion == null then false
-       else lib.versionOlder version sources.${channel}.version
-         || version == sources.${channel}.version;
-    # We only support GNU/Linux right now.
-    linuxChannels = let
-      genLatest = channelName: channel: let
-        newUpstream = {
-          inherit (channel) version;
-          sha256 = getHash (fetchLatest channel);
-        };
-        keepOld = let
-          oldChannel = sources.${channelName};
-        in {
-          inherit (oldChannel) version sha256;
-        } // lib.optionalAttrs (oldChannel ? sha256bin32) {
-          inherit (oldChannel) sha256bin32;
-        } // lib.optionalAttrs (oldChannel ? sha256bin64) {
-          inherit (oldChannel) sha256bin64;
-        };
-      in if isLatest channelName channel.version then keepOld else newUpstream;
-    in lib.mapAttrs genLatest channels.linux;
-    getLinuxFlash = channelName: channel: let
-      inherit (channel) version;
-      fetchArch = arch: tryFetch (getDebURL channelName version arch debURL);
-      packages = lib.genAttrs ["i386" "amd64"] fetchArch;
-      isNew = arch: attr: !(builtins.hasAttr attr channel)
-                       && packages.${arch}.success;
-    in channel // lib.optionalAttrs (isNew "i386" "sha256bin32") {
-      sha256bin32 = getHash (packages.i386.value);
-    } // lib.optionalAttrs (isNew "amd64" "sha256bin64") {
-      sha256bin64 = getHash (packages.amd64.value);
-    };
-    newChannels = lib.mapAttrs getLinuxFlash linuxChannels;
-    dumpAttrs = indent: attrs: let
-      mkVal = val: if lib.isAttrs val then dumpAttrs (indent + 1) val
-                   else "\"${lib.escape ["$" "\\" "\""] (toString val)}\"";
-      mkIndent = level: lib.concatStrings (builtins.genList (_: "  ") level);
-      mkAttr = key: val: "${mkIndent (indent + 1)}${key} = ${mkVal val};\n";
-      attrLines = lib.mapAttrsToList mkAttr attrs;
-    in "{\n" + (lib.concatStrings attrLines) + (mkIndent indent) + "}";
-  in writeText "chromium-new-upstream-info.nix" ''
-    # This file is autogenerated from update.sh in the same directory.
-    ${dumpAttrs 0 newChannels}
-  '';