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path: root/nixpkgs/nixos/modules/services/matrix/maubot.nix
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Diffstat (limited to 'nixpkgs/nixos/modules/services/matrix/maubot.nix')
1 files changed, 459 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/nixpkgs/nixos/modules/services/matrix/maubot.nix b/nixpkgs/nixos/modules/services/matrix/maubot.nix
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..7d392c22983b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/nixpkgs/nixos/modules/services/matrix/maubot.nix
@@ -0,0 +1,459 @@
+{ lib
+, config
+, pkgs
+, ...
+  cfg = config.services.maubot;
+  wrapper1 =
+    if cfg.plugins == [ ]
+    then cfg.package
+    else cfg.package.withPlugins (_: cfg.plugins);
+  wrapper2 =
+    if cfg.pythonPackages == [ ]
+    then wrapper1
+    else wrapper1.withPythonPackages (_: cfg.pythonPackages);
+  settings = lib.recursiveUpdate cfg.settings {
+    plugin_directories.trash =
+      if cfg.settings.plugin_directories.trash == null
+      then "delete"
+      else cfg.settings.plugin_directories.trash;
+    server.unshared_secret = "generate";
+  };
+  finalPackage = wrapper2.withBaseConfig settings;
+  isPostgresql = db: builtins.isString db && lib.hasPrefix "postgresql://" db;
+  isLocalPostgresDB = db: isPostgresql db && builtins.any (x: lib.hasInfix x db) [
+    "@"
+    "@::1/"
+    "@[::1]/"
+    "@localhost/"
+  ];
+  parsePostgresDB = db:
+    let
+      noSchema = lib.removePrefix "postgresql://" db;
+    in {
+      username = builtins.head (lib.splitString "@" noSchema);
+      database = lib.last (lib.splitString "/" noSchema);
+    };
+  postgresDBs = [
+    cfg.settings.database
+    cfg.settings.crypto_database
+    cfg.settings.plugin_databases.postgres
+  ];
+  localPostgresDBs = builtins.filter isLocalPostgresDB postgresDBs;
+  parsedLocalPostgresDBs = map parsePostgresDB localPostgresDBs;
+  parsedPostgresDBs = map parsePostgresDB postgresDBs;
+  hasLocalPostgresDB = localPostgresDBs != [ ];
+  options.services.maubot = with lib; {
+    enable = mkEnableOption (mdDoc "maubot");
+    package = lib.mkPackageOption pkgs "maubot" { };
+    plugins = mkOption {
+      type = types.listOf types.package;
+      default = [ ];
+      example = literalExpression ''
+        with config.services.maubot.package.plugins; [
+          xyz.maubot.reactbot
+          xyz.maubot.rss
+        ];
+      '';
+      description = mdDoc ''
+        List of additional maubot plugins to make available.
+      '';
+    };
+    pythonPackages = mkOption {
+      type = types.listOf types.package;
+      default = [ ];
+      example = literalExpression ''
+        with pkgs.python3Packages; [
+          aiohttp
+        ];
+      '';
+      description = mdDoc ''
+        List of additional Python packages to make available for maubot.
+      '';
+    };
+    dataDir = mkOption {
+      type = types.str;
+      default = "/var/lib/maubot";
+      description = mdDoc ''
+        The directory where maubot stores its stateful data.
+      '';
+    };
+    extraConfigFile = mkOption {
+      type = types.str;
+      default = "./config.yaml";
+      defaultText = literalExpression ''"''${config.services.maubot.dataDir}/config.yaml"'';
+      description = mdDoc ''
+        A file for storing secrets. You can pass homeserver registration keys here.
+        If it already exists, **it must contain `server.unshared_secret`** which is used for signing API keys.
+        If `configMutable` is not set to true, **maubot user must have write access to this file**.
+      '';
+    };
+    configMutable = mkOption {
+      type = types.bool;
+      default = false;
+      description = mdDoc ''
+        Whether maubot should write updated config into `extraConfigFile`. **This will make your Nix module settings have no effect besides the initial config, as extraConfigFile takes precedence over NixOS settings!**
+      '';
+    };
+    settings = mkOption {
+      default = { };
+      description = mdDoc ''
+        YAML settings for maubot. See the
+        [example configuration](https://github.com/maubot/maubot/blob/master/maubot/example-config.yaml)
+        for more info.
+        Secrets should be passed in by using `extraConfigFile`.
+      '';
+      type = with types; submodule {
+        options = {
+          database = mkOption {
+            type = str;
+            default = "sqlite:maubot.db";
+            example = "postgresql://username:password@hostname/dbname";
+            description = mdDoc ''
+              The full URI to the database. SQLite and Postgres are fully supported.
+              Other DBMSes supported by SQLAlchemy may or may not work.
+            '';
+          };
+          crypto_database = mkOption {
+            type = str;
+            default = "default";
+            example = "postgresql://username:password@hostname/dbname";
+            description = mdDoc ''
+              Separate database URL for the crypto database. By default, the regular database is also used for crypto.
+            '';
+          };
+          database_opts = mkOption {
+            type = types.attrs;
+            default = { };
+            description = mdDoc ''
+              Additional arguments for asyncpg.create_pool() or sqlite3.connect()
+            '';
+          };
+          plugin_directories = mkOption {
+            default = { };
+            description = mdDoc "Plugin directory paths";
+            type = submodule {
+              options = {
+                upload = mkOption {
+                  type = types.str;
+                  default = "./plugins";
+                  defaultText = literalExpression ''"''${config.services.maubot.dataDir}/plugins"'';
+                  description = mdDoc ''
+                    The directory where uploaded new plugins should be stored.
+                  '';
+                };
+                load = mkOption {
+                  type = types.listOf types.str;
+                  default = [ "./plugins" ];
+                  defaultText = literalExpression ''[ "''${config.services.maubot.dataDir}/plugins" ]'';
+                  description = mdDoc ''
+                    The directories from which plugins should be loaded. Duplicate plugin IDs will be moved to the trash.
+                  '';
+                };
+                trash = mkOption {
+                  type = with types; nullOr str;
+                  default = "./trash";
+                  defaultText = literalExpression ''"''${config.services.maubot.dataDir}/trash"'';
+                  description = mdDoc ''
+                    The directory where old plugin versions and conflicting plugins should be moved. Set to null to delete files immediately.
+                  '';
+                };
+              };
+            };
+          };
+          plugin_databases = mkOption {
+            description = mdDoc "Plugin database settings";
+            default = { };
+            type = submodule {
+              options = {
+                sqlite = mkOption {
+                  type = types.str;
+                  default = "./plugins";
+                  defaultText = literalExpression ''"''${config.services.maubot.dataDir}/plugins"'';
+                  description = mdDoc ''
+                    The directory where SQLite plugin databases should be stored.
+                  '';
+                };
+                postgres = mkOption {
+                  type = types.nullOr types.str;
+                  default = if isPostgresql cfg.settings.database then "default" else null;
+                  defaultText = literalExpression ''if isPostgresql config.services.maubot.settings.database then "default" else null'';
+                  description = mdDoc ''
+                    The connection URL for plugin database. See [example config](https://github.com/maubot/maubot/blob/master/maubot/example-config.yaml) for exact format.
+                  '';
+                };
+                postgres_max_conns_per_plugin = mkOption {
+                  type = types.nullOr types.int;
+                  default = 3;
+                  description = mdDoc ''
+                    Maximum number of connections per plugin instance.
+                  '';
+                };
+                postgres_opts = mkOption {
+                  type = types.attrs;
+                  default = { };
+                  description = mdDoc ''
+                    Overrides for the default database_opts when using a non-default postgres connection URL.
+                  '';
+                };
+              };
+            };
+          };
+          server = mkOption {
+            default = { };
+            description = mdDoc "Listener config";
+            type = submodule {
+              options = {
+                hostname = mkOption {
+                  type = types.str;
+                  default = "";
+                  description = mdDoc ''
+                    The IP to listen on
+                  '';
+                };
+                port = mkOption {
+                  type = types.port;
+                  default = 29316;
+                  description = mdDoc ''
+                    The port to listen on
+                  '';
+                };
+                public_url = mkOption {
+                  type = types.str;
+                  default = "http://${cfg.settings.server.hostname}:${toString cfg.settings.server.port}";
+                  defaultText = literalExpression ''"http://''${config.services.maubot.settings.server.hostname}:''${toString config.services.maubot.settings.server.port}"'';
+                  description = mdDoc ''
+                    Public base URL where the server is visible.
+                  '';
+                };
+                ui_base_path = mkOption {
+                  type = types.str;
+                  default = "/_matrix/maubot";
+                  description = mdDoc ''
+                    The base path for the UI.
+                  '';
+                };
+                plugin_base_path = mkOption {
+                  type = types.str;
+                  default = "${config.services.maubot.settings.server.ui_base_path}/plugin/";
+                  defaultText = literalExpression ''
+                    "''${config.services.maubot.settings.server.ui_base_path}/plugin/"
+                  '';
+                  description = mdDoc ''
+                    The base path for plugin endpoints. The instance ID will be appended directly.
+                  '';
+                };
+                override_resource_path = mkOption {
+                  type = types.nullOr types.str;
+                  default = null;
+                  description = mdDoc ''
+                    Override path from where to load UI resources.
+                  '';
+                };
+              };
+            };
+          };
+          homeservers = mkOption {
+            type = types.attrsOf (types.submodule {
+              options = {
+                url = mkOption {
+                  type = types.str;
+                  description = mdDoc ''
+                    Client-server API URL
+                  '';
+                };
+              };
+            });
+            default = {
+              "matrix.org" = {
+                url = "https://matrix-client.matrix.org";
+              };
+            };
+            description = mdDoc ''
+              Known homeservers. This is required for the `mbc auth` command and also allows more convenient access from the management UI.
+              If you want to specify registration secrets, pass this via extraConfigFile instead.
+            '';
+          };
+          admins = mkOption {
+            type = types.attrsOf types.str;
+            default = { root = ""; };
+            description = mdDoc ''
+              List of administrator users. Plaintext passwords will be bcrypted on startup. Set empty password
+              to prevent normal login. Root is a special user that can't have a password and will always exist.
+            '';
+          };
+          api_features = mkOption {
+            type = types.attrsOf bool;
+            default = {
+              login = true;
+              plugin = true;
+              plugin_upload = true;
+              instance = true;
+              instance_database = true;
+              client = true;
+              client_proxy = true;
+              client_auth = true;
+              dev_open = true;
+              log = true;
+            };
+            description = mdDoc ''
+              API feature switches.
+            '';
+          };
+          logging = mkOption {
+            type = types.attrs;
+            description = mdDoc ''
+              Python logging configuration. See [section 16.7.2 of the Python
+              documentation](https://docs.python.org/3.6/library/logging.config.html#configuration-dictionary-schema)
+              for more info.
+            '';
+            default = {
+              version = 1;
+              formatters = {
+                colored = {
+                  "()" = "maubot.lib.color_log.ColorFormatter";
+                  format = "[%(asctime)s] [%(levelname)s@%(name)s] %(message)s";
+                };
+                normal = {
+                  format = "[%(asctime)s] [%(levelname)s@%(name)s] %(message)s";
+                };
+              };
+              handlers = {
+                file = {
+                  class = "logging.handlers.RotatingFileHandler";
+                  formatter = "normal";
+                  filename = "./maubot.log";
+                  maxBytes = 10485760;
+                  backupCount = 10;
+                };
+                console = {
+                  class = "logging.StreamHandler";
+                  formatter = "colored";
+                };
+              };
+              loggers = {
+                maubot = {
+                  level = "DEBUG";
+                };
+                mau = {
+                  level = "DEBUG";
+                };
+                aiohttp = {
+                  level = "INFO";
+                };
+              };
+              root = {
+                level = "DEBUG";
+                handlers = [ "file" "console" ];
+              };
+            };
+          };
+        };
+      };
+    };
+  };
+  config = lib.mkIf cfg.enable {
+    warnings = lib.optional (builtins.any (x: x.username != x.database) parsedLocalPostgresDBs) ''
+      The Maubot database username doesn't match the database name! This means the user won't be automatically
+      granted ownership of the database. Consider changing either the username or the database name.
+    '';
+    assertions = [
+      {
+        assertion = builtins.all (x: !lib.hasInfix ":" x.username) parsedPostgresDBs;
+        message = ''
+          Putting database passwords in your Nix config makes them world-readable. To securely put passwords
+          in your Maubot config, change /var/lib/maubot/config.yaml after running Maubot at least once as
+          described in the NixOS manual.
+        '';
+      }
+      {
+        assertion = hasLocalPostgresDB -> config.services.postgresql.enable;
+        message = ''
+          Cannot deploy maubot with a configuration for a local postgresql database and a missing postgresql service.
+        '';
+      }
+    ];
+    services.postgresql = lib.mkIf hasLocalPostgresDB {
+      enable = true;
+      ensureDatabases = map (x: x.database) parsedLocalPostgresDBs;
+      ensureUsers = lib.flip map parsedLocalPostgresDBs (x: {
+        name = x.username;
+        ensureDBOwnership = lib.mkIf (x.username == x.database) true;
+      });
+    };
+    users.users.maubot = {
+      group = "maubot";
+      home = cfg.dataDir;
+      # otherwise StateDirectory is enough
+      createHome = lib.mkIf (cfg.dataDir != "/var/lib/maubot") true;
+      isSystemUser = true;
+    };
+    users.groups.maubot = { };
+    systemd.services.maubot = rec {
+      description = "maubot - a plugin-based Matrix bot system written in Python";
+      after = [ "network.target" ] ++ wants ++ lib.optional hasLocalPostgresDB "postgresql.service";
+      # all plugins get automatically disabled if maubot starts before synapse
+      wants = lib.optional config.services.matrix-synapse.enable config.services.matrix-synapse.serviceUnit;
+      wantedBy = [ "multi-user.target" ];
+      preStart = ''
+        if [ ! -f "${cfg.extraConfigFile}" ]; then
+          echo "server:" > "${cfg.extraConfigFile}"
+          echo "    unshared_secret: $(head -c40 /dev/random | base32 | ${pkgs.gawk}/bin/awk '{print tolower($0)}')" > "${cfg.extraConfigFile}"
+          chmod 640 "${cfg.extraConfigFile}"
+        fi
+      '';
+      serviceConfig = {
+        ExecStart = "${finalPackage}/bin/maubot --config ${cfg.extraConfigFile}" + lib.optionalString (!cfg.configMutable) " --no-update";
+        User = "maubot";
+        Group = "maubot";
+        Restart = "on-failure";
+        RestartSec = "10s";
+        StateDirectory = lib.mkIf (cfg.dataDir == "/var/lib/maubot") "maubot";
+        WorkingDirectory = cfg.dataDir;
+      };
+    };
+  };
+  meta.maintainers = with lib.maintainers; [ chayleaf ];
+  meta.doc = ./maubot.md;