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path: root/modules/workstation/weechat/default.nix
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Diffstat (limited to 'modules/workstation/weechat/default.nix')
1 files changed, 152 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/modules/workstation/weechat/default.nix b/modules/workstation/weechat/default.nix
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..95ba03c1ecdc
--- /dev/null
+++ b/modules/workstation/weechat/default.nix
@@ -0,0 +1,152 @@
+{ config, pkgs, lib, ... }:
+with lib;
+  scripts = with pkgs.weechatScripts;
+    [ colorize_nicks weechat-go weechat-matrix zncplayback ];
+  networks = [
+    "blitzed" "gnome" "hackint" "indymedia" "ircnet" "libera"
+    "oftc" "pissnet" "tilde"
+  ];
+  matrixServers = { fairydust = "fairydust.space"; };
+  toWeeChat = value:
+    /**/ if value == true  then "on"
+    else if value == false then "off"
+    else if isList value   then concatStringsSep "," value
+    else toString value;
+  sec = [ "znc.username" "znc.password" ];
+  ignores = [
+    "osmbot-test oftc #osm-gb"
+  ];
+  cfgin = {
+    alias.cmd.B = "buffer";
+    alias.cmd.ZNC = "quote znc";
+    irc.look.buffer_switch_autojoin = false;
+    irc.look.color_nicks_in_nicklist = true;
+    irc.look.display_join_message = false;
+    irc.look.server_buffer = "independent";
+    irc.look.temporary_servers = true;
+    irc.server_default = {
+      addresses = "znc.qyliss.net/6697";
+      autoconnect = true;
+      capabilities = [ "account-notify" "away-notify" "cap-notify" "multi-prefix" "server-time" "znc.in/server-time-iso" "znc.in/self-message" "znc.in/playback" ];
+      nicks = "qyliss";
+      password = "\\\${sec.data.znc.password}";
+      ssl = true;
+      username = "\\\${sec.data.znc.username}";
+    };
+    irc.server = genAttrs networks (s:
+      { username = "'\\\${sec.data.znc.username}/${s}'"; });
+    plugins.var.python.zncplayback.servers = networks;
+    logger.color.backlog_end = "*default";
+    logger.look.backlog = 200;
+    matrix.look.human_buffer_names = true;
+    matrix.server = flip mapAttrs matrixServers (name: _: {
+      autoconnect = true;
+      device_name = "WeeChat (${config.networking.hostName})";
+      username = "qyliss";
+      password = "\\\${sec.data.fairydust.password}";
+    });
+    script.look.sort = "p,n";
+    weechat.bar.buflist.hidden = true;
+    weechat.bar.fset.items = "fset";
+    weechat.bar.input.items = "[mode_indicator]+ [input_prompt]+(away),[input_search],[input_paste],input_text";
+    weechat.bar.nicklist.size_max = 12;
+    weechat.bar.status.color_bg = 53;
+    weechat.bar.status.items = "[otr],[buffer_plugin],buffer_name+(buffer_modes)+{buffer_nicklist_count}+buffer_zoom+buffer_filter,[matrix_typing_notice],scroll,[lag],[hotlist],completion";
+    weechat.bar.title.color_bg = 53;
+    weechat.color.chat_nick_colors = [ "cyan" "magenta" "green" "brown" "lightblue" "lightcyan" "lightmagenta" "lightgreen" "blue" ];
+    weechat.color.chat_nick_self = "default";
+    weechat.color.status_count_other = "white";
+    weechat.color.status_data_other = "white";
+    weechat.color.status_nicklist_count = "white";
+    weechat.color.status_time = "white";
+    weechat.completion.default_template = "%(nicks)|%(irc_channels)|%(emoji)";
+    weechat.completion.nick_completer = ":";
+    weechat.look.buffer_notify_default = "message";
+    weechat.look.highlight = [
+      "spectrum" "spectrumos" "pr-tracker" "crosvm"
+      "qyliss" "alyssa*" "*dntmissher" "*@alyssa"
+    ];
+    weechat.look.hotlist_names_count = 10;
+    weechat.look.hotlist_names_level = 14;
+    weechat.look.mouse = true;
+    weechat.look.prefix_align_max = 12;
+    weechat.look.save_config_on_exit = false;
+    weechat.look.window_title = "WeeChat \\\${info:version}";
+  };
+  commands =
+    map (n: "/server add ${n} ${cfgin.irc.server_default.addresses}") networks ++
+    [ "/matrix server delete matrix_org" ] ++
+    mapAttrsToList (n: d: "/matrix server add ${n} ${d}") matrixServers ++
+    map (i: "/ignore add ${i}") ignores ++
+    mapAttrsToList (name: value: "/set ${name} ${toWeeChat value}")
+                   (flattenAttrs cfgin);
+  flattenAttrs' = sep: attrs:
+    listToAttrs (concatLists (flip mapAttrsToList attrs (k: v:
+      if isAttrs v then mapAttrsToList (k': nameValuePair "${k}${sep}${k'}") (flattenAttrs' sep v)
+                 else [ (nameValuePair k v) ])));
+  flattenAttrs = flattenAttrs' ".";
+  # If we were to pass --run-command ourselves, it would get forwarded
+  # to WeeChat before the /script loads, so scripts wouldn't be
+  # available and we wouldn't be able to do stuff like set up Matrix.
+  cfg = pkgs.runCommand "weechat-config" {} ''
+    LC_ALL=C.UTF-8 ${pkgs.weechat.override {
+      configure = { ... }: {
+        inherit scripts;
+        init = concatStringsSep ";" (commands ++ [ "/save" "/exit" ]);
+      };
+    }}/bin/weechat-headless -d $out
+  '';
+  weechatHome = "${config.users.users.qyliss.home}/state/weechat";
+  environment.extraInit = ''
+    export WEECHAT_HOME="$HOME/state/weechat"
+  '';
+  environment.systemPackages = with pkgs; [
+    (weechat.override {
+      configure = { ...}: {
+        inherit scripts;
+      };
+    })
+    weechatScripts.weechat-matrix # for helper scripts
+  ];
+  systemd.tmpfiles.packages = [ (pkgs.runCommand "weechat-tmpfiles" {} ''
+    conf=$out/lib/tmpfiles.d/weechat.conf
+    mkdir -p $(dirname $conf)
+    echo "d ${weechatHome} 0700 qyliss qyliss" > $conf
+    for file in ${cfg}/*.conf
+    do
+        if [ "$file" != ${cfg}/sec.conf ]
+        then echo "L+ ${weechatHome}/$(basename "$file") - - - - $file" >> $conf
+        fi
+    done
+  '') ];