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6 files changed, 6 insertions, 723 deletions
diff --git a/nixos/doc/manual/release-notes/rl-1903.xml b/nixos/doc/manual/release-notes/rl-1903.xml
index 9405bf063d51..69e94fbccc5c 100644
--- a/nixos/doc/manual/release-notes/rl-1903.xml
+++ b/nixos/doc/manual/release-notes/rl-1903.xml
@@ -364,6 +364,12 @@
        of maintainers.
+   <listitem>
+     <para>
+       The owncloud server packages and httpd subservice module were removed
+       from nixpkgs due to the lack of maintainers.
+     </para>
+   </listitem>
diff --git a/nixos/modules/services/web-servers/apache-httpd/owncloud.nix b/nixos/modules/services/web-servers/apache-httpd/owncloud.nix
deleted file mode 100644
index 6345a9a56935..000000000000
--- a/nixos/modules/services/web-servers/apache-httpd/owncloud.nix
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,608 +0,0 @@
-{ config, lib, pkgs, serverInfo, php, ... }:
-with lib;
-  owncloudConfig = pkgs.writeText "config.php"
-    ''
-      <?php
-      /* Only enable this for local development and not in productive environments */
-      /* This will disable the minifier and outputs some additional debug informations */
-      define("DEBUG", false);
-      $CONFIG = array(
-      /* Flag to indicate ownCloud is successfully installed (true = installed) */
-      "installed" => true,
-      /* Type of database, can be sqlite, mysql or pgsql */
-      "dbtype" => "${config.dbType}",
-      /* Name of the ownCloud database */
-      "dbname" => "${config.dbName}",
-      /* User to access the ownCloud database */
-      "dbuser" => "${config.dbUser}",
-      /* Password to access the ownCloud database */
-      "dbpassword" => "${config.dbPassword}",
-      /* Host running the ownCloud database. To specify a port use "HOSTNAME:####"; to specify a unix sockets use "localhost:/path/to/socket". */
-      "dbhost" => "${config.dbServer}",
-      /* Prefix for the ownCloud tables in the database */
-      "dbtableprefix" => "",
-      /* Force use of HTTPS connection (true = use HTTPS) */
-      "forcessl" => ${config.forceSSL},
-      /* Blacklist a specific file and disallow the upload of files with this name - WARNING: USE THIS ONLY IF YOU KNOW WHAT YOU ARE DOING. */
-      "blacklisted_files" => array('.htaccess'),
-      /* The automatic hostname detection of ownCloud can fail in certain reverse proxy and CLI/cron situations. This option allows to manually override the automatic detection. You can also add a port. For example "www.example.com:88" */
-      "overwritehost" => "${config.overwriteHost}",
-      /* The automatic protocol detection of ownCloud can fail in certain reverse proxy and CLI/cron situations. This option allows to manually override the protocol detection. For example "https" */
-      "overwriteprotocol" => "${config.overwriteProtocol}",
-      /* The automatic webroot detection of ownCloud can fail in certain reverse proxy and CLI/cron situations. This option allows to manually override the automatic detection. For example "/domain.tld/ownCloud". The value "/" can be used to remove the root. */
-      "overwritewebroot" => "${config.overwriteWebRoot}",
-      /* The automatic detection of ownCloud can fail in certain reverse proxy and CLI/cron situations. This option allows to define a manually override condition as regular expression for the remote ip address. For example "^10\.0\.0\.[1-3]$" */
-      "overwritecondaddr" => "",
-      /* A proxy to use to connect to the internet. For example "myproxy.org:88" */
-      "proxy" => "",
-      /* The optional authentication for the proxy to use to connect to the internet. The format is: [username]:[password] */
-      "proxyuserpwd" => "",
-      /* List of trusted domains, to prevent host header poisoning ownCloud is only using these Host headers */
-      ${if config.trustedDomain != "" then "'trusted_domains' => array('${config.trustedDomain}')," else ""}
-      /* Theme to use for ownCloud */
-      "theme" => "",
-      /* Optional ownCloud default language - overrides automatic language detection on public pages like login or shared items. This has no effect on the user's language preference configured under "personal -> language" once they have logged in */
-      "default_language" => "${config.defaultLang}",
-      /* Path to the parent directory of the 3rdparty directory */
-      "3rdpartyroot" => "",
-      /* URL to the parent directory of the 3rdparty directory, as seen by the browser */
-      "3rdpartyurl" => "",
-      /* Default app to open on login.
-       * This can be a comma-separated list of app ids.
-       * If the first app is not enabled for the current user,
-       * it will try with the second one and so on. If no enabled app could be found,
-       * the "files" app will be displayed instead. */
-      "defaultapp" => "${config.defaultApp}",
-      /* Enable the help menu item in the settings */
-      "knowledgebaseenabled" => true,
-      /* Enable installing apps from the appstore */
-      "appstoreenabled" => ${config.appStoreEnable},
-      /* URL of the appstore to use, server should understand OCS */
-      "appstoreurl" => "https://api.owncloud.com/v1",
-      /* Domain name used by ownCloud for the sender mail address, e.g. no-reply@example.com */
-      "mail_domain" => "${config.mailFromDomain}",
-      /* FROM address used by ownCloud for the sender mail address, e.g. owncloud@example.com
-         This setting overwrites the built in 'sharing-noreply' and 'lostpassword-noreply'
-         FROM addresses, that ownCloud uses
-      */
-      "mail_from_address" => "${config.mailFrom}",
-      /* Enable SMTP class debugging */
-      "mail_smtpdebug" => false,
-      /* Mode to use for sending mail, can be sendmail, smtp, qmail or php, see PHPMailer docs */
-      "mail_smtpmode" => "${config.SMTPMode}",
-      /* Host to use for sending mail, depends on mail_smtpmode if this is used */
-      "mail_smtphost" => "${config.SMTPHost}",
-      /* Port to use for sending mail, depends on mail_smtpmode if this is used */
-      "mail_smtpport" => ${config.SMTPPort},
-      /* SMTP server timeout in seconds for sending mail, depends on mail_smtpmode if this is used */
-      "mail_smtptimeout" => ${config.SMTPTimeout},
-      /* SMTP connection prefix or sending mail, depends on mail_smtpmode if this is used.
-         Can be "", ssl or tls */
-      "mail_smtpsecure" => "${config.SMTPSecure}",
-      /* authentication needed to send mail, depends on mail_smtpmode if this is used
-       * (false = disable authentication)
-       */
-      "mail_smtpauth" => ${config.SMTPAuth},
-      /* authentication type needed to send mail, depends on mail_smtpmode if this is used
-       * Can be LOGIN (default), PLAIN or NTLM */
-      "mail_smtpauthtype" => "${config.SMTPAuthType}",
-      /* Username to use for sendmail mail, depends on mail_smtpauth if this is used */
-      "mail_smtpname" => "${config.SMTPUser}",
-      /* Password to use for sendmail mail, depends on mail_smtpauth if this is used */
-      "mail_smtppassword" => "${config.SMTPPass}",
-      /* memcached servers (Only used when xCache, APC and APCu are absent.) */
-      "memcached_servers" => array(
-          // hostname, port and optional weight. Also see:
-          // http://www.php.net/manual/en/memcached.addservers.php
-          // http://www.php.net/manual/en/memcached.addserver.php
-          //array('localhost', 11211),
-          //array('other.host.local', 11211),
-      ),
-      /* How long should ownCloud keep deleted files in the trash bin, default value:  30 days */
-      'trashbin_retention_obligation' => 30,
-      /* Disable/Enable auto expire for the trash bin, by default auto expire is enabled */
-      'trashbin_auto_expire' => true,
-      /* allow user to change his display name, if it is supported by the back-end */
-      'allow_user_to_change_display_name' => true,
-      /* Check 3rdparty apps for malicious code fragments */
-      "appcodechecker" => true,
-      /* Check if ownCloud is up to date */
-      "updatechecker" => true,
-      /* Are we connected to the internet or are we running in a closed network? */
-      "has_internet_connection" => true,
-      /* Check if the ownCloud WebDAV server is working correctly. Can be disabled if not needed in special situations*/
-      "check_for_working_webdav" => true,
-      /* Check if .htaccess protection of data is working correctly. Can be disabled if not needed in special situations*/
-      "check_for_working_htaccess" => true,
-      /* Place to log to, can be owncloud and syslog (owncloud is log menu item in admin menu) */
-      "log_type" => "owncloud",
-      /* File for the owncloud logger to log to, (default is ownloud.log in the data dir) */
-      "logfile" => "${config.dataDir}/owncloud.log",
-      /* Loglevel to start logging at. 0=DEBUG, 1=INFO, 2=WARN, 3=ERROR (default is WARN) */
-      "loglevel" => "2",
-      /* date format to be used while writing to the owncloud logfile */
-      'logdateformat' => 'F d, Y H:i:s',
-      ${tzSetting}
-      /* Append all database queries and parameters to the log file.
-       (watch out, this option can increase the size of your log file)*/
-      "log_query" => false,
-      /* Whether ownCloud should log the last successfull cron exec */
-      "cron_log" => true,
-      /*
-       * Configure the size in bytes log rotation should happen, 0 or false disables the rotation.
-       * This rotates the current owncloud logfile to a new name, this way the total log usage
-       * will stay limited and older entries are available for a while longer. The
-       * total disk usage is twice the configured size.
-       * WARNING: When you use this, the log entries will eventually be lost.
-       */
-      'log_rotate_size' => "104857600", // 104857600, // 100 MiB
-      /* Lifetime of the remember login cookie, default is 15 days */
-      "remember_login_cookie_lifetime" => 1296000,
-      /* Life time of a session after inactivity */
-      "session_lifetime" => 86400,
-      /*
-       * Enable/disable session keep alive when a user is logged in in the Web UI.
-       * This is achieved by sending a "heartbeat" to the server to prevent
-       * the session timing out.
-       */
-      "session_keepalive" => true,
-      /* Custom CSP policy, changing this will overwrite the standard policy */
-      "custom_csp_policy" => "default-src 'self'; script-src 'self' 'unsafe-eval'; style-src 'self' 'unsafe-inline'; frame-src *; img-src *; font-src 'self' data:; media-src *",
-      /* Enable/disable X-Frame-Restriction */
-      "xframe_restriction" => true,
-      /* The directory where the user data is stored, default to data in the owncloud
-       * directory. The sqlite database is also stored here, when sqlite is used.
-       */
-      "datadirectory" => "${config.dataDir}/storage",
-      /* The directory where the skeleton files are located. These files will be copied to the data
-       * directory of new users. Leave empty to not copy any skeleton files.
-       */
-      // "skeletondirectory" => "",
-      /* Enable maintenance mode to disable ownCloud
-         If you want to prevent users to login to ownCloud before you start doing some maintenance work,
-         you need to set the value of the maintenance parameter to true.
-         Please keep in mind that users who are already logged-in are kicked out of ownCloud instantly.
-      */
-      "maintenance" => false,
-      "apps_paths" => array(
-      /* Set an array of path for your apps directories
-       key 'path' is for the fs path and the key 'url' is for the http path to your
-       applications paths. 'writable' indicates whether the user can install apps in this folder.
-       You must have at least 1 app folder writable or you must set the parameter 'appstoreenabled' to false
-      */
-          array(
-              'path'=> '${config.dataDir}/apps',
-              'url' => '/apps',
-              'writable' => true,
-          ),
-      ),
-      'user_backends'=>array(
-          /*
-          array(
-              'class'=>'OC_User_IMAP',
-              'arguments'=>array('{imap.gmail.com:993/imap/ssl}INBOX')
-          )
-          */
-      ),
-      //links to custom clients
-      'customclient_desktop' => ''', //http://owncloud.org/sync-clients/
-      'customclient_android' => ''', //https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.owncloud.android
-      'customclient_ios' => ''', //https://itunes.apple.com/us/app/owncloud/id543672169?mt=8
-      // PREVIEW
-      'enable_previews' => true,
-      /* the max width of a generated preview, if value is null, there is no limit */
-      'preview_max_x' => null,
-      /* the max height of a generated preview, if value is null, there is no limit */
-      'preview_max_y' => null,
-      /* the max factor to scale a preview, default is set to 10 */
-      'preview_max_scale_factor' => 10,
-      /* custom path for libreoffice / openoffice binary */
-      'preview_libreoffice_path' => '${config.libreofficePath}',
-      /* cl parameters for libreoffice / openoffice */
-      'preview_office_cl_parameters' => ''',
-      /* whether avatars should be enabled */
-      'enable_avatars' => true,
-      // Extra SSL options to be used for configuration
-      'openssl' => array(
-          'config' => '/etc/ssl/openssl.cnf',
-      ),
-      // default cipher used for file encryption, currently we support AES-128-CFB and AES-256-CFB
-      'cipher' => 'AES-256-CFB',
-      /* whether usage of the instance should be restricted to admin users only */
-      'singleuser' => false,
-      /* all css and js files will be served by the web server statically in one js file and ons css file*/
-      'asset-pipeline.enabled' => false,
-      /* where mount.json file should be stored, defaults to data/mount.json */
-      'mount_file' => ''',
-      /*
-       * Location of the cache folder, defaults to "data/$user/cache" where "$user" is the current user.
-       *
-       * When specified, the format will change to "$cache_path/$user" where "$cache_path" is the configured
-       * cache directory and "$user" is the user.
-       *
-       */
-      'cache_path' => ''',
-      /* EXPERIMENTAL: option whether to include external storage in quota calculation, defaults to false */
-      'quota_include_external_storage' => false,
-      /*
-       * specifies how often the filesystem is checked for changes made outside owncloud
-       * 0 -> never check the filesystem for outside changes, provides a performance increase when it's certain that no changes are made directly to the filesystem
-       * 1 -> check each file or folder at most once per request, recomended for general use if outside changes might happen
-       * 2 -> check every time the filesystem is used, causes a performance hit when using external storages, not recomended for regular use
-       */
-      'filesystem_check_changes' => 1,
-      /* If true, prevent owncloud from changing the cache due to changes in the filesystem for all storage */
-      'filesystem_cache_readonly' => false,
-      /**
-       * define default folder for shared files and folders
-       */
-      'share_folder' => '/',
-      'version' => '${config.package.version}',
-      'openssl' => '${pkgs.openssl.bin}/bin/openssl'
-      );
-    '';
-  tzSetting = let tz = serverInfo.fullConfig.time.timeZone; in optionalString (!isNull tz) ''
-    /* timezone used while writing to the owncloud logfile (default: UTC) */
-    'logtimezone' => '${tz}',
-  '';
-  postgresql = serverInfo.fullConfig.services.postgresql.package;
-  setupDb = pkgs.writeScript "setup-owncloud-db" ''
-    #!${pkgs.runtimeShell}
-    PATH="${postgresql}/bin"
-    createuser --no-superuser --no-createdb --no-createrole "${config.dbUser}" || true
-    createdb "${config.dbName}" -O "${config.dbUser}" || true
-    psql -U postgres -d postgres -c "alter user ${config.dbUser} with password '${config.dbPassword}';" || true
-    QUERY="CREATE TABLE appconfig
-             ( appid       VARCHAR( 255 ) NOT NULL
-             , configkey   VARCHAR( 255 ) NOT NULL
-             , configvalue VARCHAR( 255 ) NOT NULL
-             );
-           GRANT ALL ON appconfig TO ${config.dbUser};
-           ALTER TABLE appconfig OWNER TO ${config.dbUser};"
-    psql -h "/tmp" -U postgres -d ${config.dbName} -Atw -c "$QUERY" || true
-  '';
-rec {
-  extraConfig =
-    ''
-      ${if config.urlPrefix != "" then "Alias ${config.urlPrefix} ${config.package}" else ''
-        RewriteEngine On
-        RewriteCond %{DOCUMENT_ROOT}%{REQUEST_URI} !-f
-        RewriteCond %{DOCUMENT_ROOT}%{REQUEST_URI} !-d
-      ''}
-      <Directory ${config.package}>
-        Include ${config.package}/.htaccess
-      </Directory>
-    '';
-  globalEnvVars = [
-    { name = "OC_CONFIG_PATH"; value = "${config.dataDir}/config/"; }
-  ];
-  documentRoot = if config.urlPrefix == "" then config.package else null;
-  enablePHP = true;
-  options = {
-    package = mkOption {
-      type = types.package;
-      default = pkgs.owncloud70;
-      defaultText = "pkgs.owncloud70";
-      example = literalExample "pkgs.owncloud70";
-      description = ''
-          ownCloud package to use.
-      '';
-    };
-    urlPrefix = mkOption {
-      default = "";
-      example = "/owncloud";
-      description = ''
-        The URL prefix under which the owncloud service appears.
-      '';
-    };
-    id = mkOption {
-      default = "main";
-      description = ''
-        A unique identifier necessary to keep multiple owncloud server
-        instances on the same machine apart.  This is used to
-        disambiguate the administrative scripts, which get names like
-        mediawiki-$id-change-password.
-      '';
-    };
-    adminUser = mkOption {
-      default = "owncloud";
-      description = "The admin user name for accessing owncloud.";
-    };
-    adminPassword = mkOption {
-      description = "The admin password for accessing owncloud.";
-    };
-    dbType = mkOption {
-      default = "pgsql";
-      description = "Type of database, in NixOS, for now, only pgsql.";
-    };
-    dbName = mkOption {
-      default = "owncloud";
-      description = "Name of the database that holds the owncloud data.";
-    };
-    dbServer = mkOption {
-      default = "localhost:5432";
-      description = ''
-        The location of the database server.
-      '';
-    };
-    dbUser = mkOption {
-      default = "owncloud";
-      description = "The user name for accessing the database.";
-    };
-    dbPassword = mkOption {
-      example = "foobar";
-      description = ''
-        The password of the database user.  Warning: this is stored in
-        cleartext in the Nix store!
-      '';
-    };
-    forceSSL = mkOption {
-      default = "false";
-      description = "Force use of HTTPS connection.";
-    };
-    adminAddr = mkOption {
-      default = serverInfo.serverConfig.adminAddr;
-      example = "admin@example.com";
-      description = ''
-        Emergency contact e-mail address.  Defaults to the Apache
-        admin address.
-      '';
-    };
-    siteName = mkOption {
-      default = "owncloud";
-      example = "Foobar owncloud";
-      description = "Name of the owncloud";
-    };
-    trustedDomain = mkOption {
-      default = "";
-      description = "Trusted domain";
-    };
-    defaultLang = mkOption {
-      default = "";
-      description = "Default language";
-    };
-    defaultApp = mkOption {
-      default = "";
-      description = "Default application";
-    };
-    appStoreEnable = mkOption {
-      default = "true";
-      description = "Enable app store";
-    };
-    mailFrom = mkOption {
-      default = "no-reply";
-      description = "Mail from";
-    };
-    mailFromDomain = mkOption {
-      default = "example.xyz";
-      description = "Mail from domain";
-    };
-    SMTPMode = mkOption {
-      default = "smtp";
-      description = "Which mode to use for sending mail: sendmail, smtp, qmail or php.";
-    };
-    SMTPHost = mkOption {
-      default = "";
-      description = "SMTP host";
-    };
-    SMTPPort = mkOption {
-      default = "25";
-      description = "SMTP port";
-    };
-    SMTPTimeout = mkOption {
-      default = "10";
-      description = "SMTP mode";
-    };
-    SMTPSecure = mkOption {
-      default = "ssl";
-      description = "SMTP secure";
-    };
-    SMTPAuth = mkOption {
-      default = "true";
-      description = "SMTP auth";
-    };
-    SMTPAuthType = mkOption {
-      default = "LOGIN";
-      description = "SMTP auth type";
-    };
-    SMTPUser = mkOption {
-      default = "";
-      description = "SMTP user";
-    };
-    SMTPPass = mkOption {
-      default = "";
-      description = "SMTP pass";
-    };
-    dataDir = mkOption {
-      default = "/var/lib/owncloud";
-      description = "Data dir";
-    };
-    libreofficePath = mkOption {
-      default = "/usr/bin/libreoffice";
-      description = "Path for LibreOffice/OpenOffice binary.";
-    };
-    overwriteHost = mkOption {
-      default = "";
-      description = "The automatic hostname detection of ownCloud can fail in
-        certain reverse proxy and CLI/cron situations. This option allows to
-        manually override the automatic detection. You can also add a port.";
-    };
-    overwriteProtocol = mkOption {
-      default = "";
-      description = "The automatic protocol detection of ownCloud can fail in
-        certain reverse proxy and CLI/cron situations. This option allows to
-        manually override the protocol detection.";
-    };
-    overwriteWebRoot = mkOption {
-      default = "";
-      description = "The automatic webroot detection of ownCloud can fail in
-        certain reverse proxy and CLI/cron situations. This option allows to
-        manually override the automatic detection.";
-    };
-  };
-  startupScript = pkgs.writeScript "owncloud_startup.sh" ''
-    if [ ! -d ${config.dataDir}/config ]; then
-      mkdir -p ${config.dataDir}/config
-      cp ${owncloudConfig} ${config.dataDir}/config/config.php
-      mkdir -p ${config.dataDir}/storage
-      mkdir -p ${config.dataDir}/apps
-      cp -r ${config.package}/apps/* ${config.dataDir}/apps/
-      chmod -R ug+rw ${config.dataDir}
-      chmod -R o-rwx ${config.dataDir}
-      chown -R wwwrun:wwwrun ${config.dataDir}
-      ${pkgs.sudo}/bin/sudo -u postgres ${setupDb}
-    fi
-    if [ -e ${config.package}/config/ca-bundle.crt ]; then
-      cp -f ${config.package}/config/ca-bundle.crt ${config.dataDir}/config/
-    fi
-    ${php}/bin/php ${config.package}/occ upgrade >> ${config.dataDir}/upgrade.log || true
-    chown wwwrun:wwwrun ${config.dataDir}/owncloud.log || true
-    QUERY="INSERT INTO groups (gid) values('admin');
-           INSERT INTO users (uid,password)
-             values('${config.adminUser}','${builtins.hashString "sha1" config.adminPassword}');
-           INSERT INTO group_user (gid,uid)
-             values('admin','${config.adminUser}');"
-    ${pkgs.sudo}/bin/sudo -u postgres ${postgresql}/bin/psql -h "/tmp" -U postgres -d ${config.dbName} -Atw -c "$QUERY" || true
-  '';
diff --git a/nixos/tests/all-tests.nix b/nixos/tests/all-tests.nix
index 10781168ee47..ca5015ded3e8 100644
--- a/nixos/tests/all-tests.nix
+++ b/nixos/tests/all-tests.nix
@@ -156,7 +156,6 @@ in
   openssh = handleTest ./openssh.nix {};
   osquery = handleTest ./osquery.nix {};
   ostree = handleTest ./ostree.nix {};
-  owncloud = handleTest ./owncloud.nix {};
   pam-oath-login = handleTest ./pam-oath-login.nix {};
   peerflix = handleTest ./peerflix.nix {};
   pgjwt = handleTest ./pgjwt.nix {};
diff --git a/nixos/tests/owncloud.nix b/nixos/tests/owncloud.nix
deleted file mode 100644
index c968569f2008..000000000000
--- a/nixos/tests/owncloud.nix
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,39 +0,0 @@
-import ./make-test.nix ({ ... }:
-  name = "owncloud";
-  nodes =
-    { web =
-        { ... }:
-        {
-          services.postgresql.enable = true;
-          services.httpd = {
-            enable = true;
-            logPerVirtualHost = true;
-            adminAddr = "example@example.com";
-            virtualHosts = [
-              {
-                hostName = "owncloud";
-                extraSubservices =
-                  [
-                    {
-                      serviceType   = "owncloud";
-                      adminPassword = "secret";
-                      dbPassword    = "secret";
-                    }
-                  ];
-              }
-            ];
-          };
-        };
-    };
-  testScript = ''
-    startAll;
-    $web->waitForUnit("postgresql");
-    $web->waitForUnit("httpd");
-    $web->succeed("curl -L");
-  '';
diff --git a/pkgs/servers/owncloud/default.nix b/pkgs/servers/owncloud/default.nix
deleted file mode 100644
index 14a4a2868f0e..000000000000
--- a/pkgs/servers/owncloud/default.nix
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,65 +0,0 @@
-{ stdenv, fetchurl }:
-  common = { versiona, sha256 }: stdenv.mkDerivation (rec {
-    name= "owncloud-${version}";
-    version= versiona;
-    src = fetchurl {
-      url = "https://download.owncloud.org/community/${name}.tar.bz2";
-      inherit sha256;
-    };
-    installPhase =
-      ''
-        mkdir -p $out
-        find . -maxdepth 1 -execdir cp -r '{}' $out \;
-        substituteInPlace $out/lib/base.php \
-          --replace 'OC_Config::$object = new \OC\Config(self::$configDir);' \
-                    'self::$configDir = getenv("OC_CONFIG_PATH"); OC_Config::$object = new \OC\Config(self::$configDir);'
-      '';
-    meta = {
-      description = "An enterprise file sharing solution for online collaboration and storage";
-      homepage = https://owncloud.org;
-      maintainers = with stdenv.lib.maintainers; [ matejc ];
-      license = stdenv.lib.licenses.agpl3Plus;
-      platforms = with stdenv.lib.platforms; unix;
-    };
-  });
-in {
-  owncloud70 = common {
-    versiona = "7.0.15";
-    sha256 = "1b2a0fccxlkqyyzsymx7qw8qbhsks3i6h1ybvxv8nn8hgw33nqv7";
-  };
-  owncloud80 = common {
-    versiona = "8.0.16";
-    sha256 = "1pgfawrmx6n02h7h6g5wk0sa1kgablqa8ljfiywyw8znxxa5lnrm";
-  };
-  owncloud81 = common {
-    versiona = "8.1.11";
-    sha256 = "04izfzj3ckcs0x882kkggp6y7zcrhdihm71wkd9vk6j5fn8k9am0";
-  };
-  owncloud82 = common {
-    versiona = "8.2.9";
-    sha256 = "09gzpxd9gjg8h57m8j0r6xnr85fdb951ykwmjby811c6730769pw";
-  };
-  owncloud90 = common {
-    versiona = "9.0.7";
-    sha256 = "1j6xrd4dhc0v0maa3z8n392nfc9hrnvbxxyqr8g8kz88w9vbqa6h";
-  };
-  owncloud91 = common {
-    versiona = "9.1.3";
-    sha256 = "1sgnsj2ng14lh05n5kc3jv03xk6xnkyx7xj1rasxlqgvzwsyp8g0";
-  };
diff --git a/pkgs/top-level/all-packages.nix b/pkgs/top-level/all-packages.nix
index 092fefd429e1..df5e40734b62 100644
--- a/pkgs/top-level/all-packages.nix
+++ b/pkgs/top-level/all-packages.nix
@@ -4665,16 +4665,6 @@ in
   overmind = callPackage ../applications/misc/overmind { };
-  owncloud = owncloud70;
-  inherit (callPackages ../servers/owncloud { })
-    owncloud70
-    owncloud80
-    owncloud81
-    owncloud82
-    owncloud90
-    owncloud91;
   owncloud-client = libsForQt5.callPackage ../applications/networking/owncloud-client { };
   oxidized = callPackage ../tools/admin/oxidized { };