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path: root/sys
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authorAlyssa Ross <hi@alyssa.is>2021-01-12 13:52:51 +0000
committerAlyssa Ross <hi@alyssa.is>2021-01-12 14:07:25 +0000
commite24dc3e236719c488fe57f33375947ba9134e175 (patch)
treef40aa5b3da36f86febdae1fc114cada6547ea187 /sys
parent46ec819d56fc3f39ed4951edb782c755a59ed8e4 (diff)
sys/atuin: update for new ACME module
The new module defaults to using an "acme" group, which can replace
the "tls" group I had set up before.  But it will instead use the
"nginx" group if using enableACME, so I have to stay away from that
and only use useACMEHost, setting up the certificates manually.

But that's a very good thing, because it turns out that even though I
was trying to generate only two certificates (one for qyliss.net and
one for spectrum-os.org), the ACME module was actually generating one
per subdomain because of enableACME.

Finally, now that atuin.nix is starting to be split up, and because
there's less shared configuration, don't mapAttrs over Nginx virtual
hosts or ACME certificates, which was confusing and forced everything
to be defined at once in the same file.
Diffstat (limited to 'sys')
1 files changed, 160 insertions, 189 deletions
diff --git a/sys/atuin.nix b/sys/atuin.nix
index 587d70627228..d34b2958616e 100644
--- a/sys/atuin.nix
+++ b/sys/atuin.nix
@@ -1,5 +1,125 @@
 { config, pkgs, lib, ... }:
+  publicInboxCss = pkgs.runCommand "216light.css" {} ''
+    unpackFile ${pkgs.public-inbox.src}
+    cp */contrib/css/216light.css $out
+  '';
+  cgitCss = pkgs.runCommand "cgit-extra.css" {
+    licenseHeader = ''
+      /*
+       * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
+       * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License v2 as published
+       * by the Free Software Foundation.
+       *
+       * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+       * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+       * GNU General Public License for more details.
+       *
+       * See <https://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
+       */
+    '';
+    # Adapted from
+    # <https://git.causal.agency/src/plain/www/git.causal.agency/custom.css>,
+    # distributed as a Larger Work under a Secondary License,
+    # as permitted by the terms of the
+    # Mozilla Public License Version 2.0.
+    extraCss = ''
+      * { line-height: 1.25em; }
+      article {
+        font-family: sans-serif;
+        max-width: 70ch;
+        margin-left: auto;
+        margin-right: auto;
+      }
+      div#cgit {
+        margin: auto;
+        font-family: monospace;
+        -moz-tab-size: 4;
+        tab-size: 4;
+        display: table;
+      }
+      div#cgit table#header {
+        margin-left: auto;
+        margin-right: auto;
+      }
+      div#cgit table#header td.logo {
+        display: none;
+      }
+      div#cgit table#header td.main {
+        font-size: 1em;
+        font-weight: bold;
+      }
+      div#cgit table#header td.sub {
+        border-top: none;
+      }
+      div#cgit table.tabs {
+        margin-left: auto;
+        margin-right: auto;
+        border-bottom: none;
+      }
+      div#cgit div.content {
+        border-bottom: none;
+        min-width: 108ch;
+      }
+      div#cgit div.content div#summary {
+        display: table;
+        margin-left: auto;
+        margin-right: auto;
+      }
+      div#cgit div.notes {
+        border: none;
+        background: transparent;
+        padding: 0;
+      }
+      div#cgit table.list {
+        margin-left: auto;
+        margin-right: auto;
+      }
+      div#cgit table.list th a {
+        color: inherit;
+      }
+      div#cgit table.list tr:nth-child(even) {
+        background: inherit;
+      }
+      div#cgit table.list tr:hover {
+        background: inherit;
+      }
+      div#cgit table.list tr.nohover-highlight:hover:nth-child(even) {
+        background: inherit;
+      }
+      div#cgit table.list td:last-child {
+        width: 0;
+      }
+      div#cgit div.footer {
+        font-size: 1em;
+        margin-top: 0;
+      }
+      div#cgit table.blob td.linenumbers:nth-last-child(3) {
+        display: none;
+      }
+      div#cgit table.blob td.linenumbers a:target {
+        color: goldenrod;
+        text-decoration: underline;
+        outline: none;
+      }
+    '';
+    passAsFile = [ "licenseHeader" "extraCss" ];
+  } ''
+    cat $licenseHeaderPath ${pkgs.cgit}/cgit/cgit.css $extraCssPath > $out
+  '';
   imports = [
@@ -91,42 +211,12 @@
-  security.acme.certs =
-    with lib;
-    let
-      coalesce = maybe: default: if maybe == null then default else maybe;
-      toAttrs = val: if isList val then genAttrs val (_: null) else val;
-      vhostDomains = mapAttrsToList
-        (name: { serverName, ... }: coalesce serverName name)
-        config.services.nginx.virtualHosts;
-      domains = {
-        "qyliss.net" = {};
-        "spectrum-os.org" = { extraDomains = [ "spectrum-os.com" "spectrumos.org" ]; };
-      };
-    in
-      mapAttrs (
-        domain:
-        { postRun ? "systemctl reload nginx.service"
-        , webroot ? "/var/lib/acme/acme-challenge"
-        , group ? "tls"
-        , extraDomains ? {}
-        , ...
-        } @ value:
-        let
-          extraDomainsFromVhosts =
-            toAttrs (filter (hasSuffix ".${domain}") vhostDomains);
-        in
-          value // {
-            inherit postRun webroot group;
-            extraDomains = extraDomainsFromVhosts // (toAttrs extraDomains);
-          }
-      ) domains;
-  users.groups.tls.members = [ "nginx" ];
+  security.acme.certs."qyliss.net" = {
+    webroot = "/var/lib/acme/acme-challenge";
+    extraDomainNames = [ "git.qyliss.net" ];
+  };
+  users.groups.acme.members = [ "nginx" ];
   users.users.qyliss.home = "/home/qyliss";
   services.cgit.instances.qyliss = {
     vhost = "git.qyliss.net";
@@ -158,159 +248,40 @@
     projectRoot = "/home/qyliss/git";
-  services.nginx.virtualHosts =
-    let
-      vhosts = {
-        "spectrum-os.org".locations = {
-          "/".root = "/home/spectrum/www";
-          "= /git/cgit.css".alias = cgitCss.outPath;
-          "= /lists/archives/public-inbox.css".alias = publicInboxCss.outPath;
-          "/lists/archives".proxyPass = "http://unix:/run/public-inbox-httpd.sock:/lists/archives";
-          "= /lists/archives".return = "301 /lists/archives/";
-        };
-        default = {
-          serverName = null;
-          default = true;
-          enableACME = false;
-          useACMEHost = "qyliss.net";
-          locations."/".return = "https://alyssa.is/";
-          locations."/dns-query".proxyPass = "http://[::1]:4448/";
-        };
-        "git.qyliss.net" = {
-          locations = {
-            "= /cgit.css".alias = cgitCss.outPath;
-          };
-        };
-      };
-      publicInboxCss = pkgs.runCommand "216light.css" {} ''
-        unpackFile ${pkgs.public-inbox.src}
-        cp */contrib/css/216light.css $out
-      '';
-      cgitCss = pkgs.runCommand "cgit-extra.css" {
-        licenseHeader = ''
-          /*
-           * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
-           * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License v2 as published
-           * by the Free Software Foundation.
-           *
-           * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
-           * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
-           * GNU General Public License for more details.
-           *
-           * See <https://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
-           */
-        '';
-        # Adapted from
-        # <https://git.causal.agency/src/plain/www/git.causal.agency/custom.css>,
-        # distributed as a Larger Work under a Secondary License,
-        # as permitted by the terms of the
-        # Mozilla Public License Version 2.0.
-        extraCss = ''
-          * { line-height: 1.25em; }
-          article {
-            font-family: sans-serif;
-            max-width: 70ch;
-            margin-left: auto;
-            margin-right: auto;
-          }
-          div#cgit {
-            margin: auto;
-            font-family: monospace;
-            -moz-tab-size: 4;
-            tab-size: 4;
-            display: table;
-          }
-          div#cgit table#header {
-            margin-left: auto;
-            margin-right: auto;
-          }
-          div#cgit table#header td.logo {
-            display: none;
-          }
-          div#cgit table#header td.main {
-            font-size: 1em;
-            font-weight: bold;
-          }
-          div#cgit table#header td.sub {
-            border-top: none;
-          }
-          div#cgit table.tabs {
-            margin-left: auto;
-            margin-right: auto;
-            border-bottom: none;
-          }
-          div#cgit div.content {
-            border-bottom: none;
-            min-width: 108ch;
-          }
-          div#cgit div.content div#summary {
-            display: table;
-            margin-left: auto;
-            margin-right: auto;
-          }
-          div#cgit div.notes {
-            border: none;
-            background: transparent;
-            padding: 0;
-          }
-          div#cgit table.list {
-            margin-left: auto;
-            margin-right: auto;
-          }
-          div#cgit table.list th a {
-            color: inherit;
-          }
-          div#cgit table.list tr:nth-child(even) {
-            background: inherit;
-          }
-          div#cgit table.list tr:hover {
-            background: inherit;
-          }
-          div#cgit table.list tr.nohover-highlight:hover:nth-child(even) {
-            background: inherit;
-          }
-          div#cgit table.list td:last-child {
-            width: 0;
-          }
-          div#cgit div.footer {
-            font-size: 1em;
-            margin-top: 0;
-          }
-          div#cgit table.blob td.linenumbers:nth-last-child(3) {
-            display: none;
-          }
-          div#cgit table.blob td.linenumbers a:target {
-            color: goldenrod;
-            text-decoration: underline;
-            outline: none;
-          }
-        '';
-        passAsFile = [ "licenseHeader" "extraCss" ];
-      } ''
-        cat $licenseHeaderPath ${pkgs.cgit}/cgit/cgit.css $extraCssPath > $out
-      '';
-    in
-      lib.mapAttrs (
-        _: { forceSSL ? true, enableACME ? true, ... } @ args:
-        args // { inherit forceSSL enableACME; }
-      )
-        vhosts;
+  services.nginx.virtualHosts."spectrum-os.org" = {
+    forceSSL = true;
+    useACMEHost = "spectrum-os.org";
+    locations = {
+      "/".root = "/home/spectrum/www";
+      "= /git/cgit.css".alias = cgitCss.outPath;
+      "= /lists/archives/public-inbox.css".alias = publicInboxCss.outPath;
+      "/lists/archives".proxyPass = "http://unix:/run/public-inbox-httpd.sock:/lists/archives";
+      "= /lists/archives".return = "301 /lists/archives/";
+    };
+  };
+  services.nginx.virtualHosts.default = {
+    serverName = null;
+    default = true;
+    forceSSL = true;
+    useACMEHost = "qyliss.net";
+    locations."/".return = "https://alyssa.is/";
+    locations."/dns-query".proxyPass = "http://[::1]:4448/";
+  };
+  services.nginx.virtualHosts."git.qyliss.net" = {
+    forceSSL = true;
+    useACMEHost = "qyliss.net";
+    locations = {
+      "= /cgit.css".alias = cgitCss.outPath;
+    };
+  };
   users.groups.spectrum.members = [ "qyliss" ];
   system.activationScripts.spectrum-home = lib.stringAfter [ "users" ] ''