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path: root/pkgs/applications/networking/browsers/firefox
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authorSLNOS <anonymous@wired>2019-01-01 00:00:00 +0000
committerJan Malakhovski <oxij@oxij.org>2019-01-31 17:02:45 +0000
commitff6cc1ac0e3f4ece8634aea5cb2ab19757089800 (patch)
tree8144dfe011f69fd29f73226d8dc7745f1070260d /pkgs/applications/networking/browsers/firefox
parentab118f384727637fa635d18268f00e8b6eface0e (diff)
firefoxPackages.icecat: init at 60.3.0, 52.6.0
It works, but this state is far from ideal: GNU guys update generated source
tarballs very infrequently. Ideally, src needs to be generated by running
makeicecat over firefox src. Will do later.
Diffstat (limited to 'pkgs/applications/networking/browsers/firefox')
2 files changed, 94 insertions, 10 deletions
diff --git a/pkgs/applications/networking/browsers/firefox/common.nix b/pkgs/applications/networking/browsers/firefox/common.nix
index 933d16c027ee..62074441d8cc 100644
--- a/pkgs/applications/networking/browsers/firefox/common.nix
+++ b/pkgs/applications/networking/browsers/firefox/common.nix
@@ -1,6 +1,7 @@
 { pname, ffversion, meta, updateScript ? null
 , src, unpackPhase ? null, patches ? []
 , extraNativeBuildInputs ? [], extraConfigureFlags ? [], extraMakeFlags ? []
+, isIceCatLike ? false, icversion ? null
 , isTorBrowserLike ? false, tbversion ? null }:
 { lib, stdenv, pkgconfig, pango, perl, python2, zip, libIDL
@@ -25,7 +26,7 @@
 ## privacy-related options
-, privacySupport ? isTorBrowserLike
+, privacySupport ? isTorBrowserLike || isIceCatLike
 # WARNING: NEVER set any of the options below to `true` by default.
 # Set to `privacySupport` or `false`.
@@ -75,15 +76,23 @@ let
   default-toolkit = if stdenv.isDarwin then "cairo-cocoa"
                     else "cairo-gtk${if gtk3Support then "3" else "2"}";
+  binaryName = if isIceCatLike then "icecat" else "firefox";
+  binaryNameCapitalized = lib.toUpper (lib.substring 0 1 binaryName) + lib.substring 1 (-1) binaryName;
+  browserName = if stdenv.isDarwin then binaryNameCapitalized else binaryName;
   execdir = if stdenv.isDarwin
-            then "/Applications/${browserName}.app/Contents/MacOS"
+            then "/Applications/${binaryNameCapitalized}.app/Contents/MacOS"
             else "/bin";
-  browserName = if stdenv.isDarwin then "Firefox" else "firefox";
+  browserVersion = if isIceCatLike then icversion
+                   else if isTorBrowserLike then tbversion
+                   else ffversion;
 stdenv.mkDerivation rec {
   name = "${pname}-unwrapped-${version}";
-  version = if !isTorBrowserLike then ffversion else tbversion;
+  version = browserVersion;
   inherit src unpackPhase patches meta;
@@ -270,22 +279,22 @@ stdenv.mkDerivation rec {
   installPhase = if stdenv.isDarwin then ''
     mkdir -p $out/Applications
-    cp -LR dist/Firefox.app $out/Applications
+    cp -LR dist/${binaryNameCapitalized}.app $out/Applications
   '' else null;
   postInstall = lib.optionalString stdenv.isLinux ''
     # Remove SDK cruft. FIXME: move to a separate output?
-    rm -rf $out/share/idl $out/include $out/lib/firefox-devel-*
+    rm -rf $out/share/idl $out/include $out/lib/${binaryName}-devel-*
     # Needed to find Mozilla runtime
-    gappsWrapperArgs+=(--argv0 "$out/bin/.firefox-wrapped")
+    gappsWrapperArgs+=(--argv0 "$out/bin/.${binaryName}-wrapped")
   postFixup = lib.optionalString stdenv.isLinux ''
     # Fix notifications. LibXUL uses dlopen for this, unfortunately; see #18712.
     patchelf --set-rpath "${lib.getLib libnotify
-      }/lib:$(patchelf --print-rpath "$out"/lib/firefox*/libxul.so)" \
-        "$out"/lib/firefox*/libxul.so
+      }/lib:$(patchelf --print-rpath "$out"/lib/${binaryName}*/libxul.so)" \
+        "$out"/lib/${binaryName}*/libxul.so
   doInstallCheck = true;
@@ -297,6 +306,7 @@ stdenv.mkDerivation rec {
   passthru = {
     inherit version updateScript;
     isFirefox3Like = true;
+    inherit isIceCatLike;
     inherit isTorBrowserLike;
     gtk = gtk2;
     inherit nspr;
diff --git a/pkgs/applications/networking/browsers/firefox/packages.nix b/pkgs/applications/networking/browsers/firefox/packages.nix
index e16d28048a85..5d03d9c1db38 100644
--- a/pkgs/applications/networking/browsers/firefox/packages.nix
+++ b/pkgs/applications/networking/browsers/firefox/packages.nix
@@ -92,6 +92,80 @@ rec {
 } // (let
+  iccommon = args: common (args // {
+    pname = "icecat";
+    isIceCatLike = true;
+    meta = (args.meta or {}) // {
+      description = "The GNU version of the Firefox web browser";
+      longDescription = ''
+        GNUzilla is the GNU version of the Mozilla suite, and GNU
+        IceCat is the GNU version of the Firefox web browser.
+        Notable differences from mainline Firefox:
+        - entirely free software, no non-free plugins, addons,
+          artwork,
+        - no telemetry, no "studies",
+        - sane privacy and security defaults (for instance, unlike
+          Firefox, IceCat does _zero_ network requests on startup by
+          default, which means that with IceCat you won't need to
+          unplug your Ethernet cable each time you want to create a
+          new browser profile without announcing that action to a
+          bunch of data-hungry corporations),
+        - all essential privacy and security settings can be
+          configured directly from the main screen,
+        - optional first party isolation (like TorBrowser),
+        - comes with HTTPS Everywhere (like TorBrowser), Tor Browser
+          Button (like TorBrowser Bundle), LibreJS, and SpyBlock
+          plugins out of the box.
+        This package can be installed together with Firefox and
+        TorBrowser, it will use distinct binary names and profile
+        directories.
+      '';
+      homepage = "https://www.gnu.org/software/gnuzilla/";
+      platforms = lib.platforms.unix;
+      license = with lib.licenses; [ mpl20 gpl3Plus ];
+    };
+  });
+in rec {
+  icecat = iccommon rec {
+    ffversion = "60.3.0";
+    icversion = "${ffversion}-gnu1";
+    src = fetchurl {
+      url = "mirror://gnu/gnuzilla/${ffversion}/icecat-${icversion}.tar.bz2";
+      sha256 = "0icnl64nxcyf7dprpdpygxhabsvyhps8c3ixysj9bcdlj9q34ib1";
+    };
+    patches = nixpkgsPatches ++ [
+      ./no-buildconfig.patch
+    ];
+  };
+  icecat-52 = iccommon rec {
+    ffversion = "52.6.0";
+    icversion = "${ffversion}-gnu1";
+    src = fetchurl {
+      url = "mirror://gnu/gnuzilla/${ffversion}/icecat-${icversion}.tar.bz2";
+      sha256 = "09fn54glqg1aa93hnz5zdcy07cps09dbni2b4200azh6nang630a";
+    };
+    patches = nixpkgsPatches ++ [
+      # this one is actually an omnipresent bug
+      # https://bugzilla.mozilla.org/show_bug.cgi?id=1444519
+      ./fix-pa-context-connect-retval.patch
+    ];
+    meta.knownVulnerabilities = [ "Support ended in August 2018." ];
+  };
+}) // (let
   tbcommon = args: common (args // {
     pname = "tor-browser";
     isTorBrowserLike = true;
@@ -109,7 +183,7 @@ rec {
     patches = nixpkgsPatches;
-    meta = {
+    meta = (args.meta or {}) // {
       description = "A web browser built from TorBrowser source tree";
       longDescription = ''
         This is a version of TorBrowser with bundle-related patches