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path: root/nixpkgs/pkgs/misc/vscode-extensions/ms-dotnettools-csharp
diff options
authorAlyssa Ross <hi@alyssa.is>2021-04-09 18:28:16 +0000
committerAlyssa Ross <hi@alyssa.is>2021-04-12 18:46:15 +0000
commitfd2e737e0678ee7d8081baef05b305146a2c0034 (patch)
treeac3e9b27576a0382335532d126f9a66d486bc638 /nixpkgs/pkgs/misc/vscode-extensions/ms-dotnettools-csharp
parentcc207d720b6aa836e256c1ee9842bc739e630a8a (diff)
parent9e377a6ce42dccd9b624ae4ce8f978dc892ba0e2 (diff)
Merge remote-tracking branch 'nixpkgs/nixos-unstable'
Diffstat (limited to 'nixpkgs/pkgs/misc/vscode-extensions/ms-dotnettools-csharp')
4 files changed, 359 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/nixpkgs/pkgs/misc/vscode-extensions/ms-dotnettools-csharp/default.nix b/nixpkgs/pkgs/misc/vscode-extensions/ms-dotnettools-csharp/default.nix
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..a7b0e17ecbfb
--- /dev/null
+++ b/nixpkgs/pkgs/misc/vscode-extensions/ms-dotnettools-csharp/default.nix
@@ -0,0 +1,143 @@
+{ lib
+, fetchurl
+, vscode-utils
+, unzip
+, patchelf
+, makeWrapper
+, icu
+, stdenv
+, openssl
+, mono6
+  # Get as close as possible as the `package.json` required version.
+  # This is what drives omnisharp.
+  mono = mono6;
+  rtDepsSrcsFromJson = builtins.fromJSON (builtins.readFile ./rt-deps-bin-srcs.json);
+  rtDepsBinSrcs = builtins.mapAttrs (k: v:
+      let
+        # E.g: "OmniSharp-x86_64-linux"
+        kSplit = builtins.split "(-)" k;
+        name = builtins.elemAt kSplit 0;
+        arch = builtins.elemAt kSplit 2;
+        platform = builtins.elemAt kSplit 4;
+      in
+      {
+        inherit name arch platform;
+        installPath = v.installPath;
+        binaries = v.binaries;
+        bin-src = fetchurl {
+          urls = v.urls;
+          inherit (v) sha256;
+        };
+      }
+    )
+    rtDepsSrcsFromJson;
+  arch = "x86_64";
+  platform = "linux";
+  rtDepBinSrcByName = bSrcName:
+    rtDepsBinSrcs."${bSrcName}-${arch}-${platform}";
+  omnisharp = rtDepBinSrcByName "OmniSharp";
+  vsdbg = rtDepBinSrcByName "Debugger";
+  razor = rtDepBinSrcByName "Razor";
+vscode-utils.buildVscodeMarketplaceExtension {
+  mktplcRef = {
+    name = "csharp";
+    publisher = "ms-dotnettools";
+    version = "1.23.2";
+    sha256 = "0ydaiy8jfd1bj50bqiaz5wbl7r6qwmbz9b29bydimq0rdjgapaar";
+  };
+  nativeBuildInputs = [
+    unzip
+    patchelf
+    makeWrapper
+  ];
+  postPatch = ''
+    declare ext_unique_id
+    # See below as to why we cannot take the whole basename.
+    ext_unique_id="$(basename "$out" | head -c 32)"
+    # Fix 'Unable to connect to debuggerEventsPipeName .. exceeds the maximum length 107.' when
+    # attempting to launch a specific test in debug mode. The extension attemps to open
+    # a pipe in extension dir which would fail anyway. We change to target file path
+    # to a path in tmp dir with a short name based on the unique part of the nix store path.
+    # This is however a brittle patch as we're working on minified code.
+    # Hence the attempt to only hold on stable names.
+    # However, this really would better be fixed upstream.
+    sed -i \
+      -E -e 's/(this\._pipePath=[a-zA-Z0-9_]+\.join\()([a-zA-Z0-9_]+\.getExtensionPath\(\)[^,]*,)/\1require("os").tmpdir(), "'"$ext_unique_id"'"\+/g' \
+      "$PWD/dist/extension.js"
+    unzip_to() {
+      declare src_zip="''${1?}"
+      declare target_dir="''${2?}"
+      mkdir -p "$target_dir"
+      if unzip "$src_zip" -d "$target_dir"; then
+        true
+      elif [[ "1" -eq "$?" ]]; then
+        1>&2 echo "WARNING: unzip('$?' -> skipped files)."
+      else
+        1>&2 echo "ERROR: unzip('$?')."
+      fi
+    }
+    patchelf_add_icu_as_needed() {
+      declare elf="''${1?}"
+      declare icu_major_v="${
+        with builtins; head (splitVersion (parseDrvName icu.name).version)}"
+      for icu_lib in icui18n icuuc icudata; do
+        patchelf --add-needed "lib''${icu_lib}.so.$icu_major_v" "$elf"
+      done
+    }
+    patchelf_common() {
+      declare elf="''${1?}"
+      patchelf_add_icu_as_needed "$elf"
+      patchelf --add-needed "libssl.so" "$elf"
+      patchelf --set-interpreter "$(cat $NIX_CC/nix-support/dynamic-linker)" \
+        --set-rpath "${lib.makeLibraryPath [ stdenv.cc.cc openssl.out icu.out ]}:\$ORIGIN" \
+        "$elf"
+    }
+    declare omnisharp_dir="$PWD/${omnisharp.installPath}"
+    unzip_to "${omnisharp.bin-src}" "$omnisharp_dir"
+    rm "$omnisharp_dir/bin/mono"
+    ln -s -T "${mono6}/bin/mono" "$omnisharp_dir/bin/mono"
+    chmod a+x "$omnisharp_dir/run"
+    touch "$omnisharp_dir/install.Lock"
+    declare vsdbg_dir="$PWD/${vsdbg.installPath}"
+    unzip_to "${vsdbg.bin-src}" "$vsdbg_dir"
+    chmod a+x "$vsdbg_dir/vsdbg-ui"
+    chmod a+x "$vsdbg_dir/vsdbg"
+    touch "$vsdbg_dir/install.complete"
+    touch "$vsdbg_dir/install.Lock"
+    patchelf_common "$vsdbg_dir/vsdbg"
+    patchelf_common "$vsdbg_dir/vsdbg-ui"
+    declare razor_dir="$PWD/${razor.installPath}"
+    unzip_to "${razor.bin-src}" "$razor_dir"
+    chmod a+x "$razor_dir/rzls"
+    touch "$razor_dir/install.Lock"
+    patchelf_common "$razor_dir/rzls"
+  '';
+  meta = with lib; {
+    description = "C# for Visual Studio Code (powered by OmniSharp)";
+    license = licenses.mit;
+    maintainers = [ maintainers.jraygauthier ];
+    platforms = [ "x86_64-linux" ];
+  };
diff --git a/nixpkgs/pkgs/misc/vscode-extensions/ms-dotnettools-csharp/rt-deps-bin-srcs.json b/nixpkgs/pkgs/misc/vscode-extensions/ms-dotnettools-csharp/rt-deps-bin-srcs.json
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..91ee056efc1f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/nixpkgs/pkgs/misc/vscode-extensions/ms-dotnettools-csharp/rt-deps-bin-srcs.json
@@ -0,0 +1,37 @@
+  "OmniSharp-x86_64-linux": {
+    "installPath": ".omnisharp/1.37.1",
+    "binaries": [
+      "./mono.linux-x86_64",
+      "./run"
+    ],
+    "urls": [
+      "https://download.visualstudio.microsoft.com/download/pr/46933d64-075c-4f9f-b205-da4a839e2e3c/4bba2c3f40106056b53721c164ff86fa/omnisharp-linux-x64-1.37.1.zip",
+      "https://roslynomnisharp.blob.core.windows.net/releases/1.37.1/omnisharp-linux-x64-1.37.1.zip"
+    ],
+    "sha256": "0yzxkbq0fyq2bv0s7qmycxl0w54lla0vykg1a5lpv9j38k062vvz"
+  },
+  "Debugger-x86_64-linux": {
+    "installPath": ".debugger",
+    "binaries": [
+      "./vsdbg-ui",
+      "./vsdbg"
+    ],
+    "urls": [
+      "https://download.visualstudio.microsoft.com/download/pr/292d2e01-fb93-455f-a6b3-76cddad4f1ef/2e9b8bc5431d8f6c56025e76eaabbdff/coreclr-debug-linux-x64.zip",
+      "https://vsdebugger.blob.core.windows.net/coreclr-debug-1-22-2/coreclr-debug-linux-x64.zip"
+    ],
+    "sha256": "1lhyjq6g6lc1b4n4z57g0ssr5msqgsmrl8yli8j9ah5s3jq1lrda"
+  },
+  "Razor-x86_64-linux": {
+    "installPath": ".razor",
+    "binaries": [
+      "./rzls"
+    ],
+    "urls": [
+      "https://download.visualstudio.microsoft.com/download/pr/757f5246-2b09-43fe-9a8d-840cfd15092b/2b6d8eee0470acf725c1c7a09f8b6475/razorlanguageserver-linux-x64-6.0.0-alpha.1.20418.9.zip",
+      "https://razorvscodetest.blob.core.windows.net/languageserver/RazorLanguageServer-linux-x64-6.0.0-alpha.1.20418.9.zip"
+    ],
+    "sha256": "1hksxq867anb9h040497phszq64f6krg4a46w0xqrm6crj8znqr5"
+  }
diff --git a/nixpkgs/pkgs/misc/vscode-extensions/ms-dotnettools-csharp/update-bin-srcs b/nixpkgs/pkgs/misc/vscode-extensions/ms-dotnettools-csharp/update-bin-srcs
new file mode 100755
index 000000000000..ecd7efba05d8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/nixpkgs/pkgs/misc/vscode-extensions/ms-dotnettools-csharp/update-bin-srcs
@@ -0,0 +1,25 @@
+#!/usr/bin/env nix-shell
+#!nix-shell -I nixpkgs=../../../.. -i bash -p curl jq unzip
+set -euf -o pipefail
+declare scriptDir
+scriptDir=$(cd "$(dirname "$0")"; pwd)
+1>&2 echo "scriptDir='$scriptDir'"
+. "$scriptDir/update-bin-srcs-lib.sh"
+declare extPublisher="ms-dotnettools"
+declare extName="csharp"
+declare defaultExtVersion="1.23.2"
+declare extVersion="${1:-$defaultExtVersion}"
+formatExtRuntimeDeps \
+  "$extPublisher" "$extName" "$extVersion" \
+  | computeAndAttachExtRtDepsChecksums \
+  | jqStreamToJson \
+  | tee "$scriptDir/rt-deps-bin-srcs.json" \
+  | jq '.'
+# TODO: Unfortunatly no simple json to nix implementation available.
+# This would allow us to dump to './rt-deps-bin-srcs.nix' instead.
+# jsonToNix
diff --git a/nixpkgs/pkgs/misc/vscode-extensions/ms-dotnettools-csharp/update-bin-srcs-lib.sh b/nixpkgs/pkgs/misc/vscode-extensions/ms-dotnettools-csharp/update-bin-srcs-lib.sh
new file mode 100755
index 000000000000..ad494a37908a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/nixpkgs/pkgs/misc/vscode-extensions/ms-dotnettools-csharp/update-bin-srcs-lib.sh
@@ -0,0 +1,154 @@
+#!/usr/bin/env bash
+prefetchExtensionZip() {
+  declare publisher="${1?}"
+  declare name="${2?}"
+  declare version="${3?}"
+  1>&2 echo
+  1>&2 echo "------------- Downloading extension ---------------"
+  declare extZipStoreName="${publisher}-${name}.zip"
+  declare extUrl="https://${publisher}.gallery.vsassets.io/_apis/public/gallery/publisher/${publisher}/extension/${name}/${version}/assetbyname/Microsoft.VisualStudio.Services.VSIXPackage";
+  1>&2 echo "extUrl='$extUrl'"
+  declare nixPrefetchArgs=( --name "$extZipStoreName" --print-path "$extUrl" )
+  1>&2 printf "$ nix-prefetch-url"
+  1>&2 printf " %q" "${nixPrefetchArgs[@]}"
+  1>&2 printf " 2> /dev/null\n"
+  declare zipShaWStorePath
+  zipShaWStorePath=$(nix-prefetch-url "${nixPrefetchArgs[@]}" 2> /dev/null)
+  1>&2 echo "zipShaWStorePath='$zipShaWStorePath'"
+  echo "$zipShaWStorePath"
+prefetchExtensionUnpacked() {
+  declare publisher="${1?}"
+  declare name="${2?}"
+  declare version="${3?}"
+  declare zipShaWStorePath
+  zipShaWStorePath="$(prefetchExtensionZip "$publisher" "$name" "$version")"
+  declare zipStorePath
+  zipStorePath="$(echo "$zipShaWStorePath" | tail -n1)"
+  1>&2 echo "zipStorePath='$zipStorePath'"
+  function rm_tmpdir() {
+    1>&2 printf "rm -rf -- %q\n" "$tmpDir"
+    rm -rf -- "$tmpDir"
+    unset tmpDir
+    trap - INT TERM HUP EXIT
+  }
+  function make_trapped_tmpdir() {
+    tmpDir=$(mktemp -d)
+    trap rm_tmpdir INT TERM HUP EXIT
+  }
+  1>&2 echo
+  1>&2 echo "------------- Unpacking extension ---------------"
+  make_trapped_tmpdir
+  declare unzipArgs=( -q -d "$tmpDir" "$zipStorePath" )
+  1>&2 printf "$ unzip"
+  1>&2 printf " %q" "${unzipArgs[@]}"
+  1>&2 printf "\n"
+  unzip "${unzipArgs[@]}"
+  declare unpackedStoreName="${publisher}-${name}"
+  declare unpackedStorePath
+  unpackedStorePath="$(nix add-to-store -n "$unpackedStoreName" "$tmpDir")"
+  declare unpackedSha256
+  unpackedSha256="$(nix hash-path --base32 --type sha256 "$unpackedStorePath")"
+  1>&2 echo "unpackedStorePath='$unpackedStorePath'"
+  1>&2 echo "unpackedSha256='$unpackedSha256'"
+  rm_tmpdir
+  echo "$unpackedSha256"
+  echo "$unpackedStorePath"
+prefetchExtensionJson() {
+  declare publisher="${1?}"
+  declare name="${2?}"
+  declare version="${3?}"
+  declare unpackedShaWStorePath
+  unpackedShaWStorePath="$(prefetchExtensionUnpacked "$publisher" "$name" "$version")"
+  declare unpackedStorePath
+  unpackedStorePath="$(echo "$unpackedShaWStorePath" | tail -n1)"
+  1>&2 echo "unpackedStorePath='$unpackedStorePath'"
+  declare jsonShaWStorePath
+  jsonShaWStorePath=$(nix-prefetch-url --print-path "file://${unpackedStorePath}/extension/package.json" 2> /dev/null)
+  1>&2 echo "jsonShaWStorePath='$jsonShaWStorePath'"
+  echo "$jsonShaWStorePath"
+formatExtRuntimeDeps() {
+  declare publisher="${1?}"
+  declare name="${2?}"
+  declare version="${3?}"
+  declare jsonShaWStorePath
+  jsonShaWStorePath="$(prefetchExtensionJson "$publisher" "$name" "$version")"
+  declare jsonStorePath
+  jsonStorePath="$(echo "$jsonShaWStorePath" | tail -n1)"
+  1>&2 echo "jsonStorePath='$jsonStorePath'"
+  declare jqQuery
+  jqQuery=$(cat <<'EOF'
+.runtimeDependencies \
+| map(select(.platforms[] | in({"linux": null}))) \
+| map(select(.architectures[] | in({"x86_64": null}))) \
+| .[] | {(.id + "-" + (.architectures[0]) + "-" + (.platforms[0])): \
+{installPath, binaries, urls: [.url, .fallbackUrl]}}
+  1>&2 printf "$ cat %q | jq '%s'\n" "$jsonStorePath" "$jqQuery"
+  cat "$jsonStorePath" | jq "$jqQuery"
+computeExtRtDepChecksum() {
+  declare rtDepJsonObject="${1?}"
+  declare url
+  url="$(echo "$rtDepJsonObject" | jq -j '.[].urls[0]')"
+  declare sha256
+  1>&2 printf "$ nix-prefetch-url '%s'\n" "$url"
+  sha256="$(nix-prefetch-url "$url")"
+  1>&2 echo "$sha256"
+  echo "$sha256"
+computeAndAttachExtRtDepsChecksums() {
+  while read -r rtDepJsonObject; do
+    declare sha256
+    sha256="$(computeExtRtDepChecksum "$rtDepJsonObject")"
+    echo "$rtDepJsonObject" | jq --arg sha256 "$sha256" '.[].sha256 = $sha256'
+  done < <(cat - | jq  -c '.')
+jqStreamToJson() {
+  cat - | jq --slurp '. | add'
+jsonToNix() {
+  # TODO: Replacing this non functional stuff with a proper json to nix
+  # implementation would allow us to produce a 'rt-deps-bin-srcs.nix' file instead.
+  false
+  cat - | sed -E -e 's/": /" = /g' -e 's/,$/;/g' -e 's/  }$/  };/g'  -e 's/  ]$/  ];/g'