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path: root/nixpkgs/pkgs/development/libraries/science/math/amd-libflame/default.nix
diff options
authorAlyssa Ross <hi@alyssa.is>2023-10-20 22:09:03 +0000
committerAlyssa Ross <hi@alyssa.is>2023-10-20 22:09:03 +0000
commit50c21d167f7114fa1dbd95e5c4fb30eeb1a2d02e (patch)
treef2556b911180125ccbb7ed0e78a54e92da89adce /nixpkgs/pkgs/development/libraries/science/math/amd-libflame/default.nix
parent4c16d4548a98563c9d9ad76f4e5b2202864ccd54 (diff)
parentcfc75eec4603c06503ae750f88cf397e00796ea8 (diff)
Merge commit 'cfc75eec4603c06503ae750f88cf397e00796ea8'
Diffstat (limited to 'nixpkgs/pkgs/development/libraries/science/math/amd-libflame/default.nix')
1 files changed, 25 insertions, 41 deletions
diff --git a/nixpkgs/pkgs/development/libraries/science/math/amd-libflame/default.nix b/nixpkgs/pkgs/development/libraries/science/math/amd-libflame/default.nix
index a5b657379411..2ed35d26b907 100644
--- a/nixpkgs/pkgs/development/libraries/science/math/amd-libflame/default.nix
+++ b/nixpkgs/pkgs/development/libraries/science/math/amd-libflame/default.nix
@@ -1,78 +1,62 @@
 { lib
 , stdenv
 , fetchFromGitHub
+, cmake
 , gfortran
 , python3
 , amd-blis
+, aocl-utils
 , withOpenMP ? true
 , blas64 ? false
+, withAMDOpt ? false
-# right now only LP64 is supported
-assert !blas64;
 stdenv.mkDerivation rec {
   pname = "amd-libflame";
-  version = "3.0";
+  version = "4.1";
   src = fetchFromGitHub {
     owner = "amd";
     repo = "libflame";
     rev = version;
-    hash = "sha256-jESae5NqANw90RBbIHH2oGEq5/mudc4IONv50P/AeQ0=";
+    hash = "sha256-SZk11oOAnvn1vb7ucX6U9b0YtAJNxl3tQu4ExHpwwoo=";
-  patches = [
-    # The LAPACKE interface is compiled as a separate static library,
-    # we want the main dynamic library to provide LAPACKE symbols.
-    # This patch adds lapacke.a to the shared library as well.
-    ./add-lapacke.diff
-  ];
-  passthru = { inherit blas64; };
-  nativeBuildInputs = [ gfortran python3 ];
+  postPatch = ''
+    patchShebangs build
-  buildInputs = [ amd-blis ];
+    # Enforce reproducible build compiler flags
+    substituteInPlace CMakeLists.txt --replace '-mtune=native' ""
+  '';
-  configureFlags = [
-    # Build a dynamic library with a LAPACK interface.
-    "--disable-static-build"
-    "--enable-dynamic-build"
-    "--enable-lapack2flame"
+  passthru = { inherit blas64; };
-    # Use C BLAS interface.
-    "--enable-cblas-interfaces"
+  nativeBuildInputs = [ cmake gfortran python3 ];
-    # Avoid overloading maximum number of arguments.
-    "--enable-max-arg-list-hack"
+  buildInputs = [ amd-blis aocl-utils ];
-    # libflame by default leaves BLAS symbols unresolved and leaves it
-    # up to the application to explicitly link to a BLAS. This is
-    # problematic for us, since then the BLAS library becomes an
-    # implicit dependency. Moreover, since the point of the AMD forks
-    # is to optimized for recent AMD CPUs, link against AMD BLIS.
-    "LDFLAGS=-lcblas"
+  cmakeFlags = [
+    "-DLIBAOCLUTILS_LIBRARY_PATH=${lib.getLib aocl-utils}/lib"
+    "-DLIBAOCLUTILS_INCLUDE_PATH=${lib.getDev aocl-utils}/include"
-  ++ lib.optionals withOpenMP [ "--enable-multithreading=openmp" ];
-  enableParallelBuilding = true;
-  postPatch = ''
-    patchShebangs build
-  '';
+  ++ lib.optional (!withOpenMP) "ENABLE_MULTITHREADING=OFF"
+  ++ lib.optional blas64 "ENABLE_ILP64=ON"
+  ++ lib.optional withAMDOpt "ENABLE_AMD_OPT=ON";
   postInstall = ''
-    ln -s $out/lib/libflame.so.${version} $out/lib/liblapack.so.3
-    ln -s $out/lib/libflame.so.${version} $out/lib/liblapacke.so.3
+    ln -s $out/lib/libflame.so $out/lib/liblapack.so.3
+    ln -s $out/lib/libflame.so $out/lib/liblapacke.so.3
   meta = with lib; {
     description = "LAPACK-compatible linear algebra library optimized for AMD CPUs";
     homepage = "https://developer.amd.com/amd-aocl/blas-library/";
     license = licenses.bsd3;
-    maintainers = with maintainers; [ ];
+    maintainers = [ maintainers.markuskowa ];
     platforms = [ "x86_64-linux" ];