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path: root/nixpkgs/pkgs/development/libraries/gdbm
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authorAlyssa Ross <hi@alyssa.is>2019-01-07 02:18:36 +0000
committerAlyssa Ross <hi@alyssa.is>2019-01-07 02:18:47 +0000
commit36f56d99fa0a0765c9f1de4a5f17a9b05830c3f2 (patch)
treeb3faaf573407b32aa645237a4d16b82778a39a92 /nixpkgs/pkgs/development/libraries/gdbm
parent4e31070265257dc67d120c27e0f75c2344fdfa9a (diff)
parentabf060725d7614bd3b9f96764262dfbc2f9c2199 (diff)
Add 'nixpkgs/' from commit 'abf060725d7614bd3b9f96764262dfbc2f9c2199'
git-subtree-dir: nixpkgs
git-subtree-mainline: 4e31070265257dc67d120c27e0f75c2344fdfa9a
git-subtree-split: abf060725d7614bd3b9f96764262dfbc2f9c2199
Diffstat (limited to 'nixpkgs/pkgs/development/libraries/gdbm')
1 files changed, 68 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/nixpkgs/pkgs/development/libraries/gdbm/default.nix b/nixpkgs/pkgs/development/libraries/gdbm/default.nix
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..9b1fc2b4ac56
--- /dev/null
+++ b/nixpkgs/pkgs/development/libraries/gdbm/default.nix
@@ -0,0 +1,68 @@
+{ stdenv, lib, fetchurl }:
+stdenv.mkDerivation rec {
+  name = "gdbm-1.18.1";
+  # FIXME: remove on update to > 1.18.1
+  NIX_CFLAGS_COMPILE = if stdenv.cc.isClang then "-Wno-error=return-type" else null;
+  src = fetchurl {
+    url = "mirror://gnu/gdbm/${name}.tar.gz";
+    sha256 = "1p4ibds6z3ccy65lkmd6lm7js0kwifvl53r0fd759fjxgr917rl6";
+  };
+  doCheck = true; # not cross;
+  # Linking static stubs on cygwin requires correct ordering.
+  # Consider upstreaming this.
+  # Disable dbmfetch03.at test because it depends on unlink()
+  # failing on a link in a chmod -w directory, which cygwin
+  # apparently allows.
+  postPatch = lib.optionalString stdenv.buildPlatform.isCygwin ''
+      substituteInPlace tests/Makefile.in --replace \
+        '_LDADD = ../src/libgdbm.la ../compat/libgdbm_compat.la' \
+        '_LDADD = ../compat/libgdbm_compat.la ../src/libgdbm.la'
+      substituteInPlace tests/testsuite.at --replace \
+        'm4_include([dbmfetch03.at])' ""
+  '';
+  configureFlags = [ "--enable-libgdbm-compat" ];
+  postInstall = ''
+    # create symlinks for compatibility
+    install -dm755 $out/include/gdbm
+    (
+      cd $out/include/gdbm
+      ln -s ../gdbm.h gdbm.h
+      ln -s ../ndbm.h ndbm.h
+      ln -s ../dbm.h  dbm.h
+    )
+  '';
+  meta = with lib; {
+    description = "GNU dbm key/value database library";
+    longDescription =
+      '' GNU dbm (or GDBM, for short) is a library of database functions that
+         use extensible hashing and work similar to the standard UNIX dbm.
+         These routines are provided to a programmer needing to create and
+         manipulate a hashed database.
+         The basic use of GDBM is to store key/data pairs in a data file.
+         Each key must be unique and each key is paired with only one data
+         item.
+         The library provides primitives for storing key/data pairs,
+         searching and retrieving the data by its key and deleting a key
+         along with its data.  It also support sequential iteration over all
+         key/data pairs in a database.
+         For compatibility with programs using old UNIX dbm function, the
+         package also provides traditional dbm and ndbm interfaces.
+      '';
+    homepage = https://www.gnu.org/software/gdbm/;
+    license = licenses.gpl3Plus;
+    platforms = platforms.all;
+    maintainers = [ maintainers.vrthra ];
+  };