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path: root/nixpkgs/pkgs/by-name/ni/nim_builder/nim_builder.nim
diff options
authorAlyssa Ross <hi@alyssa.is>2023-12-01 19:00:09 +0100
committerAlyssa Ross <hi@alyssa.is>2023-12-01 19:00:09 +0100
commit9e9b07490d5bab5d115c66b80bdb10ff0c11ed8d (patch)
tree4368f9e4cb2d5b93a956c085337e45cb70f1e331 /nixpkgs/pkgs/by-name/ni/nim_builder/nim_builder.nim
parenta9cbfb6941b47d6f50129e6e36927882392daed7 (diff)
parent2344fe1da14cb08b0c18743b207995f9b8597915 (diff)
Merge https://github.com/NixOS/nixpkgs
Diffstat (limited to 'nixpkgs/pkgs/by-name/ni/nim_builder/nim_builder.nim')
1 files changed, 179 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/nixpkgs/pkgs/by-name/ni/nim_builder/nim_builder.nim b/nixpkgs/pkgs/by-name/ni/nim_builder/nim_builder.nim
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..ec1d3ccb45b9
--- /dev/null
+++ b/nixpkgs/pkgs/by-name/ni/nim_builder/nim_builder.nim
@@ -0,0 +1,179 @@
+# SPDX-FileCopyrightText: 2021 Nixpkgs/NixOS contributors
+## Custom Nim builder for Nixpkgs.
+import std/[os, osproc, parseutils, sequtils, streams, strutils]
+proc findNimbleFile(): string =
+  ## Copied from Nimble.
+  ## Copyright (c) 2015, Dominik Picheta
+  ## BSD3
+  let dir = getCurrentDir()
+  result = ""
+  var hits = 0
+  for kind, path in walkDir(dir):
+    if kind in {pcFile, pcLinkToFile}:
+      let ext = path.splitFile.ext
+      if ext == ".nimble":
+        result = path
+        inc hits
+  if hits >= 2:
+    quit("Only one .nimble file should be present in " & dir)
+  elif hits == 0:
+    quit("Could not find a file with a .nimble extension in " & dir)
+proc getEnvBool(key: string; default = false): bool =
+  ## Parse a boolean environmental variable.
+  let val = getEnv(key)
+  if val == "": default
+  else: parseBool(val)
+proc getNimbleFilePath(): string =
+  ## Get the Nimble file for the current package.
+  if existsEnv"nimbleFile":
+    getEnv"nimbleFile"
+  else:
+    findNimbleFile()
+proc getNimbleValue(filePath, key: string; default = ""): string =
+  ## Extract a string value from the Nimble file at ``filePath``.
+  var
+    fs = newFileStream(filePath, fmRead)
+    line: string
+  if fs.isNil:
+    quit("could not open " & filePath)
+  while fs.readline(line):
+    if line.startsWith(key):
+      var i = key.len
+      i.inc skipWhile(line, Whitespace, i)
+      if line[i] == '=':
+        inc i
+        i.inc skipWhile(line, Whitespace, i)
+        discard parseUntil(line, result, Newlines, i)
+        if result.len > 0 and result[0] == '"':
+          result = result.unescape
+        return
+  default
+proc getNimbleValues(filePath, key: string): seq[string] =
+  ## Extract a string sequence from the Nimble file at ``filePath``.
+  var gunk = getNimbleValue(filePath, key)
+  result = gunk.strip(chars = {'@', '[', ']'}).split(',')
+  if result == @[""]: reset result
+  apply(result) do (s: var string):
+    s = s.strip()
+    if s.len > 0 and s[0] == '"':
+      s = s.unescape()
+proc getOutputDir(name: string): string =
+  ## Return the output directory for output `name`.
+  ## If `name` is not a valid output then the first output
+  ## is returned as a default.
+  let outputs = splitWhitespace getEnv("outputs")
+  doAssert(outputs.len > 0)
+  if outputs.contains name:
+    result = getEnv(name)
+  if result == "":
+    result = getEnv("out")
+  if result == "":
+    result = getEnv(outputs[0], "/dev/null")
+proc configurePhase*() =
+  ## Generate "config.nims" which will be read by the Nim
+  ## compiler during later phases.
+  const configFilePath = "config.nims"
+  echo "generating ", configFilePath
+  let
+    nf = getNimbleFilePath()
+    mode =
+      if fileExists configFilePath: fmAppend
+      else: fmWrite
+  var cfg = newFileStream(configFilePath, mode)
+  proc switch(key, val: string) =
+    cfg.writeLine("switch(", key.escape, ",", val.escape, ")")
+  switch("backend", nf.getNimbleValue("backend", "c"))
+  switch("nimcache", getEnv("NIX_BUILD_TOP", ".") / "nimcache")
+  if getEnvBool("nimRelease", true):
+    switch("define", "release")
+  for def in getEnv("nimDefines").split:
+    if def != "":
+      switch("define", def)
+  for input in getEnv("NIX_NIM_BUILD_INPUTS").split:
+    if input != "":
+      for nimbleFile in walkFiles(input / "*.nimble"):
+        let inputSrc = normalizedPath(
+            input / nimbleFile.getNimbleValue("srcDir", "."))
+        echo "found nimble input ", inputSrc
+        switch("path", inputSrc)
+  close(cfg)
+proc buildPhase*() =
+  ## Build the programs listed in the Nimble file and
+  ## optionally some documentation.
+  var cmds: seq[string]
+  proc before(idx: int) =
+    echo "build job ", idx, ": ", cmds[idx]
+  let
+    nf = getNimbleFilePath()
+    bins = nf.getNimbleValues("bin")
+    srcDir = nf.getNimbleValue("srcDir", ".")
+    binDir = getOutputDir("bin") / "bin"
+  if bins != @[]:
+    for bin in bins:
+      cmds.add("nim compile $# --parallelBuild:$# --outdir:$# $#" %
+          [getenv("nimFlags"), getenv("NIX_BUILD_CORES","1"), binDir, normalizedPath(srcDir / bin)])
+  if getEnvBool"nimDoc":
+    echo "generating documentation"
+    let docDir = getOutputDir("doc") / "doc"
+    for path in walkFiles(srcDir / "*.nim"):
+      cmds.add("nim doc --outdir:$# $#" % [docDir, path])
+  if cmds.len > 0:
+    let err = execProcesses(
+      cmds, n = 1,
+      beforeRunEvent = before)
+    if err != 0: quit("build phase failed", err)
+proc installPhase*() =
+  ## Install the Nim sources if ``nimCopySources`` is
+  ## set in the environment.
+  if getEnvBool"nimCopySources":
+    let
+      nf = getNimbleFilePath()
+      srcDir = nf.getNimbleValue("srcDir", ".")
+      devDir = getOutputDir "dev"
+    echo "Install ", srcDir, " to ", devDir
+    copyDir(normalizedPath(srcDir), normalizedPath(devDir / srcDir))
+    copyFile(nf, devDir / nf.extractFilename)
+proc checkPhase*() =
+  ## Build and run the tests in ``tests``.
+  var cmds: seq[string]
+  proc before(idx: int) =
+    echo "check job ", idx, ": ", cmds[idx]
+  for path in walkPattern("tests/t*.nim"):
+    cmds.add("nim r $# $#" % [getenv("nimFlags"), path])
+  let err = execProcesses(
+    cmds, n = 1,
+    beforeRunEvent = before)
+  if err != 0: quit("check phase failed", err)
+when isMainModule:
+  import std/parseopt
+  var phase: string
+  for kind, key, val in getopt():
+    case kind
+    of cmdLongOption:
+      case key.toLowerAscii
+      of "phase":
+        if phase != "": quit("only a single phase may be specified")
+        phase = val
+      else: quit("unhandled argument " & key)
+    of cmdEnd: discard
+    else: quit("unhandled argument " & key)
+  case phase
+  of "configure": configurePhase()
+  of "build": buildPhase()
+  of "install": installPhase()
+  of "check": checkPhase()
+  else: quit("unhandled phase " & phase)