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path: root/nixpkgs/doc/functions
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authorAlyssa Ross <hi@alyssa.is>2020-01-11 23:37:02 +0000
committerAlyssa Ross <hi@alyssa.is>2020-01-11 23:41:30 +0000
commit6c557e3f1c28cf87e9fba232811d6875dd1399c1 (patch)
tree035a071d5d8980df6de0fa42e2ef8fc0cce7055e /nixpkgs/doc/functions
parentda7500bc026e937ac7fce7b50f67a0e1765737a7 (diff)
parente4134747f5666bcab8680aff67fa3b63384f9a0f (diff)
Merge commit 'e4134747f5666bcab8680aff67fa3b63384f9a0f'
Diffstat (limited to 'nixpkgs/doc/functions')
11 files changed, 0 insertions, 1271 deletions
diff --git a/nixpkgs/doc/functions/appimagetools.xml b/nixpkgs/doc/functions/appimagetools.xml
deleted file mode 100644
index 37e4251cda2e..000000000000
--- a/nixpkgs/doc/functions/appimagetools.xml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,102 +0,0 @@
-<section xmlns="http://docbook.org/ns/docbook"
-         xmlns:xlink="http://www.w3.org/1999/xlink"
-         xmlns:xi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XInclude"
-         xml:id="sec-pkgs-appimageTools">
- <title>pkgs.appimageTools</title>
- <para>
-  <varname>pkgs.appimageTools</varname> is a set of functions for extracting and wrapping <link xlink:href="https://appimage.org/">AppImage</link> files. They are meant to be used if traditional packaging from source is infeasible, or it would take too long. To quickly run an AppImage file, <literal>pkgs.appimage-run</literal> can be used as well.
- </para>
- <warning>
-  <para>
-   The <varname>appimageTools</varname> API is unstable and may be subject to backwards-incompatible changes in the future.
-  </para>
- </warning>
- <section xml:id="ssec-pkgs-appimageTools-formats">
-  <title>AppImage formats</title>
-  <para>
-   There are different formats for AppImages, see <link xlink:href="https://github.com/AppImage/AppImageSpec/blob/74ad9ca2f94bf864a4a0dac1f369dd4f00bd1c28/draft.md#image-format">the specification</link> for details.
-  </para>
-  <itemizedlist>
-   <listitem>
-    <para>
-     Type 1 images are ISO 9660 files that are also ELF executables.
-    </para>
-   </listitem>
-   <listitem>
-    <para>
-     Type 2 images are ELF executables with an appended filesystem.
-    </para>
-   </listitem>
-  </itemizedlist>
-  <para>
-   They can be told apart with <command>file -k</command>:
-  </para>
-<prompt>$ </prompt>file -k type1.AppImage
-type1.AppImage: ELF 64-bit LSB executable, x86-64, version 1 (SYSV) ISO 9660 CD-ROM filesystem data 'AppImage' (Lepton 3.x), scale 0-0,
-spot sensor temperature 0.000000, unit celsius, color scheme 0, calibration: offset 0.000000, slope 0.000000, dynamically linked, interpreter /lib64/ld-linux-x86-64.so.2, for GNU/Linux 2.6.18, BuildID[sha1]=d629f6099d2344ad82818172add1d38c5e11bc6d, stripped\012- data
-<prompt>$ </prompt>file -k type2.AppImage
-type2.AppImage: ELF 64-bit LSB executable, x86-64, version 1 (SYSV) (Lepton 3.x), scale 232-60668, spot sensor temperature -4.187500, color scheme 15, show scale bar, calibration: offset -0.000000, slope 0.000000 (Lepton 2.x), scale 4111-45000, spot sensor temperature 412442.250000, color scheme 3, minimum point enabled, calibration: offset -75402534979642766821519867692934234112.000000, slope 5815371847733706829839455140374904832.000000, dynamically linked, interpreter /lib64/ld-linux-x86-64.so.2, for GNU/Linux 2.6.18, BuildID[sha1]=79dcc4e55a61c293c5e19edbd8d65b202842579f, stripped\012- data
-  <para>
-   Note how the type 1 AppImage is described as an <literal>ISO 9660 CD-ROM filesystem</literal>, and the type 2 AppImage is not.
-  </para>
- </section>
- <section xml:id="ssec-pkgs-appimageTools-wrapping">
-  <title>Wrapping</title>
-  <para>
-   Depending on the type of AppImage you're wrapping, you'll have to use <varname>wrapType1</varname> or <varname>wrapType2</varname>.
-  </para>
-appimageTools.wrapType2 { # or wrapType1
-  name = "patchwork"; <co xml:id='ex-appimageTools-wrapping-1' />
-  src = fetchurl { <co xml:id='ex-appimageTools-wrapping-2' />
-    url = https://github.com/ssbc/patchwork/releases/download/v3.11.4/Patchwork-3.11.4-linux-x86_64.AppImage;
-    sha256 =  "1blsprpkvm0ws9b96gb36f0rbf8f5jgmw4x6dsb1kswr4ysf591s";
-  };
-  extraPkgs = pkgs: with pkgs; [ ]; <co xml:id='ex-appimageTools-wrapping-3' />
-  <calloutlist>
-   <callout arearefs='ex-appimageTools-wrapping-1'>
-    <para>
-     <varname>name</varname> specifies the name of the resulting image.
-    </para>
-   </callout>
-   <callout arearefs='ex-appimageTools-wrapping-2'>
-    <para>
-     <varname>src</varname> specifies the AppImage file to extract.
-    </para>
-   </callout>
-   <callout arearefs='ex-appimageTools-wrapping-2'>
-    <para>
-     <varname>extraPkgs</varname> allows you to pass a function to include additional packages inside the FHS environment your AppImage is going to run in. There are a few ways to learn which dependencies an application needs:
-     <itemizedlist>
-      <listitem>
-       <para>
-        Looking through the extracted AppImage files, reading its scripts and running <command>patchelf</command> and <command>ldd</command> on its executables. This can also be done in <command>appimage-run</command>, by setting <command>APPIMAGE_DEBUG_EXEC=bash</command>.
-       </para>
-      </listitem>
-      <listitem>
-       <para>
-        Running <command>strace -vfefile</command> on the wrapped executable, looking for libraries that can't be found.
-       </para>
-      </listitem>
-     </itemizedlist>
-    </para>
-   </callout>
-  </calloutlist>
- </section>
diff --git a/nixpkgs/doc/functions/dockertools.xml b/nixpkgs/doc/functions/dockertools.xml
deleted file mode 100644
index 2243453c3e97..000000000000
--- a/nixpkgs/doc/functions/dockertools.xml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,484 +0,0 @@
-<section xmlns="http://docbook.org/ns/docbook"
-         xmlns:xlink="http://www.w3.org/1999/xlink"
-         xmlns:xi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XInclude"
-         xml:id="sec-pkgs-dockerTools">
- <title>pkgs.dockerTools</title>
- <para>
-  <varname>pkgs.dockerTools</varname> is a set of functions for creating and manipulating Docker images according to the <link xlink:href="https://github.com/moby/moby/blob/master/image/spec/v1.2.md#docker-image-specification-v120"> Docker Image Specification v1.2.0 </link>. Docker itself is not used to perform any of the operations done by these functions.
- </para>
- <warning>
-  <para>
-   The <varname>dockerTools</varname> API is unstable and may be subject to backwards-incompatible changes in the future.
-  </para>
- </warning>
- <section xml:id="ssec-pkgs-dockerTools-buildImage">
-  <title>buildImage</title>
-  <para>
-   This function is analogous to the <command>docker build</command> command, in that it can be used to build a Docker-compatible repository tarball containing a single image with one or multiple layers. As such, the result is suitable for being loaded in Docker with <command>docker load</command>.
-  </para>
-  <para>
-   The parameters of <varname>buildImage</varname> with relative example values are described below:
-  </para>
-  <example xml:id='ex-dockerTools-buildImage'>
-   <title>Docker build</title>
-buildImage {
-  name = "redis"; <co xml:id='ex-dockerTools-buildImage-1' />
-  tag = "latest"; <co xml:id='ex-dockerTools-buildImage-2' />
-  fromImage = someBaseImage; <co xml:id='ex-dockerTools-buildImage-3' />
-  fromImageName = null; <co xml:id='ex-dockerTools-buildImage-4' />
-  fromImageTag = "latest"; <co xml:id='ex-dockerTools-buildImage-5' />
-  contents = pkgs.redis; <co xml:id='ex-dockerTools-buildImage-6' />
-  runAsRoot = '' <co xml:id='ex-dockerTools-buildImage-runAsRoot' />
-    #!${pkgs.runtimeShell}
-    mkdir -p /data
-  '';
-  config = { <co xml:id='ex-dockerTools-buildImage-8' />
-    Cmd = [ "/bin/redis-server" ];
-    WorkingDir = "/data";
-    Volumes = {
-      "/data" = {};
-    };
-  };
-  </example>
-  <para>
-   The above example will build a Docker image <literal>redis/latest</literal> from the given base image. Loading and running this image in Docker results in <literal>redis-server</literal> being started automatically.
-  </para>
-  <calloutlist>
-   <callout arearefs='ex-dockerTools-buildImage-1'>
-    <para>
-     <varname>name</varname> specifies the name of the resulting image. This is the only required argument for <varname>buildImage</varname>.
-    </para>
-   </callout>
-   <callout arearefs='ex-dockerTools-buildImage-2'>
-    <para>
-     <varname>tag</varname> specifies the tag of the resulting image. By default it's <literal>null</literal>, which indicates that the nix output hash will be used as tag.
-    </para>
-   </callout>
-   <callout arearefs='ex-dockerTools-buildImage-3'>
-    <para>
-     <varname>fromImage</varname> is the repository tarball containing the base image. It must be a valid Docker image, such as exported by <command>docker save</command>. By default it's <literal>null</literal>, which can be seen as equivalent to <literal>FROM scratch</literal> of a <filename>Dockerfile</filename>.
-    </para>
-   </callout>
-   <callout arearefs='ex-dockerTools-buildImage-4'>
-    <para>
-     <varname>fromImageName</varname> can be used to further specify the base image within the repository, in case it contains multiple images. By default it's <literal>null</literal>, in which case <varname>buildImage</varname> will peek the first image available in the repository.
-    </para>
-   </callout>
-   <callout arearefs='ex-dockerTools-buildImage-5'>
-    <para>
-     <varname>fromImageTag</varname> can be used to further specify the tag of the base image within the repository, in case an image contains multiple tags. By default it's <literal>null</literal>, in which case <varname>buildImage</varname> will peek the first tag available for the base image.
-    </para>
-   </callout>
-   <callout arearefs='ex-dockerTools-buildImage-6'>
-    <para>
-     <varname>contents</varname> is a derivation that will be copied in the new layer of the resulting image. This can be similarly seen as <command>ADD contents/ /</command> in a <filename>Dockerfile</filename>. By default it's <literal>null</literal>.
-    </para>
-   </callout>
-   <callout arearefs='ex-dockerTools-buildImage-runAsRoot'>
-    <para>
-     <varname>runAsRoot</varname> is a bash script that will run as root in an environment that overlays the existing layers of the base image with the new resulting layer, including the previously copied <varname>contents</varname> derivation. This can be similarly seen as <command>RUN ...</command> in a <filename>Dockerfile</filename>.
-     <note>
-      <para>
-       Using this parameter requires the <literal>kvm</literal> device to be available.
-      </para>
-     </note>
-    </para>
-   </callout>
-   <callout arearefs='ex-dockerTools-buildImage-8'>
-    <para>
-     <varname>config</varname> is used to specify the configuration of the containers that will be started off the built image in Docker. The available options are listed in the <link xlink:href="https://github.com/moby/moby/blob/master/image/spec/v1.2.md#image-json-field-descriptions"> Docker Image Specification v1.2.0 </link>.
-    </para>
-   </callout>
-  </calloutlist>
-  <para>
-   After the new layer has been created, its closure (to which <varname>contents</varname>, <varname>config</varname> and <varname>runAsRoot</varname> contribute) will be copied in the layer itself. Only new dependencies that are not already in the existing layers will be copied.
-  </para>
-  <para>
-   At the end of the process, only one new single layer will be produced and added to the resulting image.
-  </para>
-  <para>
-   The resulting repository will only list the single image <varname>image/tag</varname>. In the case of <xref linkend='ex-dockerTools-buildImage'/> it would be <varname>redis/latest</varname>.
-  </para>
-  <para>
-   It is possible to inspect the arguments with which an image was built using its <varname>buildArgs</varname> attribute.
-  </para>
-  <note>
-   <para>
-    If you see errors similar to <literal>getProtocolByName: does not exist (no such protocol name: tcp)</literal> you may need to add <literal>pkgs.iana-etc</literal> to <varname>contents</varname>.
-   </para>
-  </note>
-  <note>
-   <para>
-    If you see errors similar to <literal>Error_Protocol ("certificate has unknown CA",True,UnknownCa)</literal> you may need to add <literal>pkgs.cacert</literal> to <varname>contents</varname>.
-   </para>
-  </note>
-  <example xml:id="example-pkgs-dockerTools-buildImage-creation-date">
-   <title>Impurely Defining a Docker Layer's Creation Date</title>
-   <para>
-    By default <function>buildImage</function> will use a static date of one second past the UNIX Epoch. This allows <function>buildImage</function> to produce binary reproducible images. When listing images with <command>docker images</command>, the newly created images will be listed like this:
-   </para>
-$ docker images
-hello        latest   08c791c7846e   48 years ago   25.2MB
-   <para>
-    You can break binary reproducibility but have a sorted, meaningful <literal>CREATED</literal> column by setting <literal>created</literal> to <literal>now</literal>.
-   </para>
-pkgs.dockerTools.buildImage {
-  name = "hello";
-  tag = "latest";
-  created = "now";
-  contents = pkgs.hello;
-  config.Cmd = [ "/bin/hello" ];
-   <para>
-    and now the Docker CLI will display a reasonable date and sort the images as expected:
-$ docker images
-REPOSITORY   TAG      IMAGE ID       CREATED              SIZE
-hello        latest   de2bf4786de6   About a minute ago   25.2MB
-    however, the produced images will not be binary reproducible.
-   </para>
-  </example>
- </section>
- <section xml:id="ssec-pkgs-dockerTools-buildLayeredImage">
-  <title>buildLayeredImage</title>
-  <para>
-   Create a Docker image with many of the store paths being on their own layer to improve sharing between images.
-  </para>
-  <variablelist>
-   <varlistentry>
-    <term>
-     <varname>name</varname>
-    </term>
-    <listitem>
-     <para>
-      The name of the resulting image.
-     </para>
-    </listitem>
-   </varlistentry>
-   <varlistentry>
-    <term>
-     <varname>tag</varname> <emphasis>optional</emphasis>
-    </term>
-    <listitem>
-     <para>
-      Tag of the generated image.
-     </para>
-     <para>
-      <emphasis>Default:</emphasis> the output path's hash
-     </para>
-    </listitem>
-   </varlistentry>
-   <varlistentry>
-    <term>
-     <varname>contents</varname> <emphasis>optional</emphasis>
-    </term>
-    <listitem>
-     <para>
-      Top level paths in the container. Either a single derivation, or a list of derivations.
-     </para>
-     <para>
-      <emphasis>Default:</emphasis> <literal>[]</literal>
-     </para>
-    </listitem>
-   </varlistentry>
-   <varlistentry>
-    <term>
-     <varname>config</varname> <emphasis>optional</emphasis>
-    </term>
-    <listitem>
-     <para>
-      Run-time configuration of the container. A full list of the options are available at in the <link xlink:href="https://github.com/moby/moby/blob/master/image/spec/v1.2.md#image-json-field-descriptions"> Docker Image Specification v1.2.0 </link>.
-     </para>
-     <para>
-      <emphasis>Default:</emphasis> <literal>{}</literal>
-     </para>
-    </listitem>
-   </varlistentry>
-   <varlistentry>
-    <term>
-     <varname>created</varname> <emphasis>optional</emphasis>
-    </term>
-    <listitem>
-     <para>
-      Date and time the layers were created. Follows the same <literal>now</literal> exception supported by <literal>buildImage</literal>.
-     </para>
-     <para>
-      <emphasis>Default:</emphasis> <literal>1970-01-01T00:00:01Z</literal>
-     </para>
-    </listitem>
-   </varlistentry>
-   <varlistentry>
-    <term>
-     <varname>maxLayers</varname> <emphasis>optional</emphasis>
-    </term>
-    <listitem>
-     <para>
-      Maximum number of layers to create.
-     </para>
-     <para>
-      <emphasis>Default:</emphasis> <literal>100</literal>
-     </para>
-     <para>
-      <emphasis>Maximum:</emphasis> <literal>125</literal>
-     </para>
-    </listitem>
-   </varlistentry>
-   <varlistentry>
-    <term>
-     <varname>extraCommands</varname> <emphasis>optional</emphasis>
-    </term>
-    <listitem>
-     <para>
-      Shell commands to run while building the final layer, without access to most of the layer contents. Changes to this layer are "on top" of all the other layers, so can create additional directories and files.
-     </para>
-    </listitem>
-   </varlistentry>
-  </variablelist>
-  <section xml:id="dockerTools-buildLayeredImage-arg-contents">
-   <title>Behavior of <varname>contents</varname> in the final image</title>
-   <para>
-    Each path directly listed in <varname>contents</varname> will have a symlink in the root of the image.
-   </para>
-   <para>
-    For example:
-pkgs.dockerTools.buildLayeredImage {
-  name = "hello";
-  contents = [ pkgs.hello ];
-    will create symlinks for all the paths in the <literal>hello</literal> package:
-/bin/hello -> /nix/store/h1zb1padqbbb7jicsvkmrym3r6snphxg-hello-2.10/bin/hello
-/share/info/hello.info -> /nix/store/h1zb1padqbbb7jicsvkmrym3r6snphxg-hello-2.10/share/info/hello.info
-/share/locale/bg/LC_MESSAGES/hello.mo -> /nix/store/h1zb1padqbbb7jicsvkmrym3r6snphxg-hello-2.10/share/locale/bg/LC_MESSAGES/hello.mo
-   </para>
-  </section>
-  <section xml:id="dockerTools-buildLayeredImage-arg-config">
-   <title>Automatic inclusion of <varname>config</varname> references</title>
-   <para>
-    The closure of <varname>config</varname> is automatically included in the closure of the final image.
-   </para>
-   <para>
-    This allows you to make very simple Docker images with very little code. This container will start up and run <command>hello</command>:
-pkgs.dockerTools.buildLayeredImage {
-  name = "hello";
-  config.Cmd = [ "${pkgs.hello}/bin/hello" ];
-   </para>
-  </section>
-  <section xml:id="dockerTools-buildLayeredImage-arg-maxLayers">
-   <title>Adjusting <varname>maxLayers</varname></title>
-   <para>
-    Increasing the <varname>maxLayers</varname> increases the number of layers which have a chance to be shared between different images.
-   </para>
-   <para>
-    Modern Docker installations support up to 128 layers, however older versions support as few as 42.
-   </para>
-   <para>
-    If the produced image will not be extended by other Docker builds, it is safe to set <varname>maxLayers</varname> to <literal>128</literal>. However it will be impossible to extend the image further.
-   </para>
-   <para>
-    The first (<literal>maxLayers-2</literal>) most "popular" paths will have their own individual layers, then layer #<literal>maxLayers-1</literal> will contain all the remaining "unpopular" paths, and finally layer #<literal>maxLayers</literal> will contain the Image configuration.
-   </para>
-   <para>
-    Docker's Layers are not inherently ordered, they are content-addressable and are not explicitly layered until they are composed in to an Image.
-   </para>
-  </section>
- </section>
- <section xml:id="ssec-pkgs-dockerTools-fetchFromRegistry">
-  <title>pullImage</title>
-  <para>
-   This function is analogous to the <command>docker pull</command> command, in that it can be used to pull a Docker image from a Docker registry. By default <link xlink:href="https://hub.docker.com/">Docker Hub</link> is used to pull images.
-  </para>
-  <para>
-   Its parameters are described in the example below:
-  </para>
-  <example xml:id='ex-dockerTools-pullImage'>
-   <title>Docker pull</title>
-pullImage {
-  imageName = "nixos/nix"; <co xml:id='ex-dockerTools-pullImage-1' />
-  imageDigest = "sha256:20d9485b25ecfd89204e843a962c1bd70e9cc6858d65d7f5fadc340246e2116b"; <co xml:id='ex-dockerTools-pullImage-2' />
-  finalImageName = "nix"; <co xml:id='ex-dockerTools-pullImage-3' />
-  finalImageTag = "1.11";  <co xml:id='ex-dockerTools-pullImage-4' />
-  sha256 = "0mqjy3zq2v6rrhizgb9nvhczl87lcfphq9601wcprdika2jz7qh8"; <co xml:id='ex-dockerTools-pullImage-5' />
-  os = "linux"; <co xml:id='ex-dockerTools-pullImage-6' />
-  arch = "x86_64"; <co xml:id='ex-dockerTools-pullImage-7' />
-  </example>
-  <calloutlist>
-   <callout arearefs='ex-dockerTools-pullImage-1'>
-    <para>
-     <varname>imageName</varname> specifies the name of the image to be downloaded, which can also include the registry namespace (e.g. <literal>nixos</literal>). This argument is required.
-    </para>
-   </callout>
-   <callout arearefs='ex-dockerTools-pullImage-2'>
-    <para>
-     <varname>imageDigest</varname> specifies the digest of the image to be downloaded. This argument is required.
-    </para>
-   </callout>
-   <callout arearefs='ex-dockerTools-pullImage-3'>
-    <para>
-     <varname>finalImageName</varname>, if specified, this is the name of the image to be created. Note it is never used to fetch the image since we prefer to rely on the immutable digest ID. By default it's equal to <varname>imageName</varname>.
-    </para>
-   </callout>
-   <callout arearefs='ex-dockerTools-pullImage-4'>
-    <para>
-     <varname>finalImageTag</varname>, if specified, this is the tag of the image to be created. Note it is never used to fetch the image since we prefer to rely on the immutable digest ID. By default it's <literal>latest</literal>.
-    </para>
-   </callout>
-   <callout arearefs='ex-dockerTools-pullImage-5'>
-    <para>
-     <varname>sha256</varname> is the checksum of the whole fetched image. This argument is required.
-    </para>
-   </callout>
-   <callout arearefs='ex-dockerTools-pullImage-6'>
-    <para>
-     <varname>os</varname>, if specified, is the operating system of the fetched image. By default it's <literal>linux</literal>.
-    </para>
-   </callout>
-   <callout arearefs='ex-dockerTools-pullImage-7'>
-    <para>
-     <varname>arch</varname>, if specified, is the cpu architecture of the fetched image. By default it's <literal>x86_64</literal>.
-    </para>
-   </callout>
-  </calloutlist>
-  <para>
-   <literal>nix-prefetch-docker</literal> command can be used to get required image parameters:
-<prompt>$ </prompt>nix run nixpkgs.nix-prefetch-docker -c nix-prefetch-docker --image-name mysql --image-tag 5
-   Since a given <varname>imageName</varname> may transparently refer to a manifest list of images which support multiple architectures and/or operating systems, you can supply the <option>--os</option> and <option>--arch</option> arguments to specify exactly which image you want. By default it will match the OS and architecture of the host the command is run on.
-<prompt>$ </prompt>nix-prefetch-docker --image-name mysql --image-tag 5 --arch x86_64 --os linux
-   Desired image name and tag can be set using <option>--final-image-name</option> and <option>--final-image-tag</option> arguments:
-<prompt>$ </prompt>nix-prefetch-docker --image-name mysql --image-tag 5 --final-image-name eu.gcr.io/my-project/mysql --final-image-tag prod
-  </para>
- </section>
- <section xml:id="ssec-pkgs-dockerTools-exportImage">
-  <title>exportImage</title>
-  <para>
-   This function is analogous to the <command>docker export</command> command, in that it can be used to flatten a Docker image that contains multiple layers. It is in fact the result of the merge of all the layers of the image. As such, the result is suitable for being imported in Docker with <command>docker import</command>.
-  </para>
-  <note>
-   <para>
-    Using this function requires the <literal>kvm</literal> device to be available.
-   </para>
-  </note>
-  <para>
-   The parameters of <varname>exportImage</varname> are the following:
-  </para>
-  <example xml:id='ex-dockerTools-exportImage'>
-   <title>Docker export</title>
-exportImage {
-  fromImage = someLayeredImage;
-  fromImageName = null;
-  fromImageTag = null;
-  name = someLayeredImage.name;
-  </example>
-  <para>
-   The parameters relative to the base image have the same synopsis as described in <xref linkend='ssec-pkgs-dockerTools-buildImage'/>, except that <varname>fromImage</varname> is the only required argument in this case.
-  </para>
-  <para>
-   The <varname>name</varname> argument is the name of the derivation output, which defaults to <varname>fromImage.name</varname>.
-  </para>
- </section>
- <section xml:id="ssec-pkgs-dockerTools-shadowSetup">
-  <title>shadowSetup</title>
-  <para>
-   This constant string is a helper for setting up the base files for managing users and groups, only if such files don't exist already. It is suitable for being used in a <varname>runAsRoot</varname> <xref linkend='ex-dockerTools-buildImage-runAsRoot'/> script for cases like in the example below:
-  </para>
-  <example xml:id='ex-dockerTools-shadowSetup'>
-   <title>Shadow base files</title>
-buildImage {
-  name = "shadow-basic";
-  runAsRoot = ''
-    #!${pkgs.runtimeShell}
-    ${shadowSetup}
-    groupadd -r redis
-    useradd -r -g redis redis
-    mkdir /data
-    chown redis:redis /data
-  '';
-  </example>
-  <para>
-   Creating base files like <literal>/etc/passwd</literal> or <literal>/etc/login.defs</literal> is necessary for shadow-utils to manipulate users and groups.
-  </para>
- </section>
diff --git a/nixpkgs/doc/functions/fetchers.xml b/nixpkgs/doc/functions/fetchers.xml
deleted file mode 100644
index 369c1fb153eb..000000000000
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-<section xmlns="http://docbook.org/ns/docbook"
-         xmlns:xlink="http://www.w3.org/1999/xlink"
-         xmlns:xi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XInclude"
-         xml:id="sec-pkgs-fetchers">
- <title>Fetcher functions</title>
- <para>
-  When using Nix, you will frequently need to download source code and other files from the internet. Nixpkgs comes with a few helper functions that allow you to fetch fixed-output derivations in a structured way.
- </para>
- <para>
-  The two fetcher primitives are <function>fetchurl</function> and <function>fetchzip</function>. Both of these have two required arguments, a URL and a hash. The hash is typically <literal>sha256</literal>, although many more hash algorithms are supported. Nixpkgs contributors are currently recommended to use <literal>sha256</literal>. This hash will be used by Nix to identify your source. A typical usage of fetchurl is provided below.
- </para>
-{ stdenv, fetchurl }:
-stdenv.mkDerivation {
-  name = "hello";
-  src = fetchurl {
-    url = "http://www.example.org/hello.tar.gz";
-    sha256 = "1111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111";
-  };
- <para>
-  The main difference between <function>fetchurl</function> and <function>fetchzip</function> is in how they store the contents. <function>fetchurl</function> will store the unaltered contents of the URL within the Nix store. <function>fetchzip</function> on the other hand will decompress the archive for you, making files and directories directly accessible in the future. <function>fetchzip</function> can only be used with archives. Despite the name, <function>fetchzip</function> is not limited to .zip files and can also be used with any tarball.
- </para>
- <para>
-  <function>fetchpatch</function> works very similarly to <function>fetchurl</function> with the same arguments expected. It expects patch files as a source and and performs normalization on them before computing the checksum. For example it will remove comments or other unstable parts that are sometimes added by version control systems and can change over time.
- </para>
- <para>
-  Other fetcher functions allow you to add source code directly from a VCS such as subversion or git. These are mostly straightforward names based on the name of the command used with the VCS system. Because they give you a working repository, they act most like <function>fetchzip</function>.
- </para>
- <variablelist>
-  <varlistentry>
-   <term>
-    <literal>fetchsvn</literal>
-   </term>
-   <listitem>
-    <para>
-     Used with Subversion. Expects <literal>url</literal> to a Subversion directory, <literal>rev</literal>, and <literal>sha256</literal>.
-    </para>
-   </listitem>
-  </varlistentry>
-  <varlistentry>
-   <term>
-    <literal>fetchgit</literal>
-   </term>
-   <listitem>
-    <para>
-     Used with Git. Expects <literal>url</literal> to a Git repo, <literal>rev</literal>, and <literal>sha256</literal>. <literal>rev</literal> in this case can be full the git commit id (SHA1 hash) or a tag name like <literal>refs/tags/v1.0</literal>.
-    </para>
-   </listitem>
-  </varlistentry>
-  <varlistentry>
-   <term>
-    <literal>fetchfossil</literal>
-   </term>
-   <listitem>
-    <para>
-     Used with Fossil. Expects <literal>url</literal> to a Fossil archive, <literal>rev</literal>, and <literal>sha256</literal>.
-    </para>
-   </listitem>
-  </varlistentry>
-  <varlistentry>
-   <term>
-    <literal>fetchcvs</literal>
-   </term>
-   <listitem>
-    <para>
-     Used with CVS. Expects <literal>cvsRoot</literal>, <literal>tag</literal>, and <literal>sha256</literal>.
-    </para>
-   </listitem>
-  </varlistentry>
-  <varlistentry>
-   <term>
-    <literal>fetchhg</literal>
-   </term>
-   <listitem>
-    <para>
-     Used with Mercurial. Expects <literal>url</literal>, <literal>rev</literal>, and <literal>sha256</literal>.
-    </para>
-   </listitem>
-  </varlistentry>
- </variablelist>
- <para>
-  A number of fetcher functions wrap part of <function>fetchurl</function> and <function>fetchzip</function>. They are mainly convenience functions intended for commonly used destinations of source code in Nixpkgs. These wrapper fetchers are listed below.
- </para>
- <variablelist>
-  <varlistentry>
-   <term>
-    <literal>fetchFromGitHub</literal>
-   </term>
-   <listitem>
-    <para>
-     <function>fetchFromGitHub</function> expects four arguments. <literal>owner</literal> is a string corresponding to the GitHub user or organization that controls this repository. <literal>repo</literal> corresponds to the name of the software repository. These are located at the top of every GitHub HTML page as <literal>owner</literal>/<literal>repo</literal>. <literal>rev</literal> corresponds to the Git commit hash or tag (e.g <literal>v1.0</literal>) that will be downloaded from Git. Finally, <literal>sha256</literal> corresponds to the hash of the extracted directory. Again, other hash algorithms are also available but <literal>sha256</literal> is currently preferred.
-    </para>
-   </listitem>
-  </varlistentry>
-  <varlistentry>
-   <term>
-    <literal>fetchFromGitLab</literal>
-   </term>
-   <listitem>
-    <para>
-     This is used with GitLab repositories. The arguments expected are very similar to fetchFromGitHub above.
-    </para>
-   </listitem>
-  </varlistentry>
-  <varlistentry>
-   <term>
-    <literal>fetchFromBitbucket</literal>
-   </term>
-   <listitem>
-    <para>
-     This is used with BitBucket repositories. The arguments expected are very similar to fetchFromGitHub above.
-    </para>
-   </listitem>
-  </varlistentry>
-  <varlistentry>
-   <term>
-    <literal>fetchFromSavannah</literal>
-   </term>
-   <listitem>
-    <para>
-     This is used with Savannah repositories. The arguments expected are very similar to fetchFromGitHub above.
-    </para>
-   </listitem>
-  </varlistentry>
-  <varlistentry>
-   <term>
-    <literal>fetchFromRepoOrCz</literal>
-   </term>
-   <listitem>
-    <para>
-     This is used with repo.or.cz repositories. The arguments expected are very similar to fetchFromGitHub above.
-    </para>
-   </listitem>
-  </varlistentry>
- </variablelist>
diff --git a/nixpkgs/doc/functions/fhs-environments.xml b/nixpkgs/doc/functions/fhs-environments.xml
deleted file mode 100644
index e7b81e97a23f..000000000000
--- a/nixpkgs/doc/functions/fhs-environments.xml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,122 +0,0 @@
-<section xmlns="http://docbook.org/ns/docbook"
-         xmlns:xlink="http://www.w3.org/1999/xlink"
-         xmlns:xi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XInclude"
-         xml:id="sec-fhs-environments">
- <title>buildFHSUserEnv</title>
- <para>
-  <function>buildFHSUserEnv</function> provides a way to build and run FHS-compatible lightweight sandboxes. It creates an isolated root with bound <filename>/nix/store</filename>, so its footprint in terms of disk space needed is quite small. This allows one to run software which is hard or unfeasible to patch for NixOS -- 3rd-party source trees with FHS assumptions, games distributed as tarballs, software with integrity checking and/or external self-updated binaries. It uses Linux namespaces feature to create temporary lightweight environments which are destroyed after all child processes exit, without root user rights requirement. Accepted arguments are:
- </para>
- <variablelist>
-  <varlistentry>
-   <term>
-    <literal>name</literal>
-   </term>
-   <listitem>
-    <para>
-     Environment name.
-    </para>
-   </listitem>
-  </varlistentry>
-  <varlistentry>
-   <term>
-    <literal>targetPkgs</literal>
-   </term>
-   <listitem>
-    <para>
-     Packages to be installed for the main host's architecture (i.e. x86_64 on x86_64 installations). Along with libraries binaries are also installed.
-    </para>
-   </listitem>
-  </varlistentry>
-  <varlistentry>
-   <term>
-    <literal>multiPkgs</literal>
-   </term>
-   <listitem>
-    <para>
-     Packages to be installed for all architectures supported by a host (i.e. i686 and x86_64 on x86_64 installations). Only libraries are installed by default.
-    </para>
-   </listitem>
-  </varlistentry>
-  <varlistentry>
-   <term>
-    <literal>extraBuildCommands</literal>
-   </term>
-   <listitem>
-    <para>
-     Additional commands to be executed for finalizing the directory structure.
-    </para>
-   </listitem>
-  </varlistentry>
-  <varlistentry>
-   <term>
-    <literal>extraBuildCommandsMulti</literal>
-   </term>
-   <listitem>
-    <para>
-     Like <literal>extraBuildCommands</literal>, but executed only on multilib architectures.
-    </para>
-   </listitem>
-  </varlistentry>
-  <varlistentry>
-   <term>
-    <literal>extraOutputsToInstall</literal>
-   </term>
-   <listitem>
-    <para>
-     Additional derivation outputs to be linked for both target and multi-architecture packages.
-    </para>
-   </listitem>
-  </varlistentry>
-  <varlistentry>
-   <term>
-    <literal>extraInstallCommands</literal>
-   </term>
-   <listitem>
-    <para>
-     Additional commands to be executed for finalizing the derivation with runner script.
-    </para>
-   </listitem>
-  </varlistentry>
-  <varlistentry>
-   <term>
-    <literal>runScript</literal>
-   </term>
-   <listitem>
-    <para>
-     A command that would be executed inside the sandbox and passed all the command line arguments. It defaults to <literal>bash</literal>.
-    </para>
-   </listitem>
-  </varlistentry>
- </variablelist>
- <para>
-  One can create a simple environment using a <literal>shell.nix</literal> like that:
- </para>
-{ pkgs ? import <nixpkgs> {} }:
-(pkgs.buildFHSUserEnv {
-  name = "simple-x11-env";
-  targetPkgs = pkgs: (with pkgs;
-    [ udev
-      alsaLib
-    ]) ++ (with pkgs.xorg;
-    [ libX11
-      libXcursor
-      libXrandr
-    ]);
-  multiPkgs = pkgs: (with pkgs;
-    [ udev
-      alsaLib
-    ]);
-  runScript = "bash";
- <para>
-  Running <literal>nix-shell</literal> would then drop you into a shell with these libraries and binaries available. You can use this to run closed-source applications which expect FHS structure without hassles: simply change <literal>runScript</literal> to the application path, e.g. <filename>./bin/start.sh</filename> -- relative paths are supported.
- </para>
diff --git a/nixpkgs/doc/functions/ocitools.xml b/nixpkgs/doc/functions/ocitools.xml
deleted file mode 100644
index f61075b242f8..000000000000
--- a/nixpkgs/doc/functions/ocitools.xml
+++ /dev/null
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-<section xmlns="http://docbook.org/ns/docbook"
-         xmlns:xlink="http://www.w3.org/1999/xlink"
-         xmlns:xi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XInclude"
-         xml:id="sec-pkgs-ociTools">
- <title>pkgs.ociTools</title>
- <para>
-  <varname>pkgs.ociTools</varname> is a set of functions for creating containers according to the <link xlink:href="https://github.com/opencontainers/runtime-spec">OCI container specification v1.0.0</link>. Beyond that it makes no assumptions about the container runner you choose to use to run the created container.
- </para>
- <section xml:id="ssec-pkgs-ociTools-buildContainer">
-  <title>buildContainer</title>
-  <para>
-   This function creates a simple OCI container that runs a single command inside of it. An OCI container consists of a <varname>config.json</varname> and a rootfs directory.The nix store of the container will contain all referenced dependencies of the given command.
-  </para>
-  <para>
-   The parameters of <varname>buildContainer</varname> with an example value are described below:
-  </para>
-  <example xml:id='ex-ociTools-buildContainer'>
-   <title>Build Container</title>
-buildContainer {
-  args = [ (with pkgs; writeScript "run.sh" ''
-    #!${bash}/bin/bash
-    ${coreutils}/bin/exec ${bash}/bin/bash
-  '').outPath ]; <co xml:id='ex-ociTools-buildContainer-1' />
-  mounts = {
-    "/data" = {
-      type = "none";
-      source = "/var/lib/mydata";
-      options = [ "bind" ];
-    };
-  };<co xml:id='ex-ociTools-buildContainer-2' />
-  readonly = false; <co xml:id='ex-ociTools-buildContainer-3' />
-    </programlisting>
-   <calloutlist>
-    <callout arearefs='ex-ociTools-buildContainer-1'>
-     <para>
-      <varname>args</varname> specifies a set of arguments to run inside the container. This is the only required argument for <varname>buildContainer</varname>. All referenced packages inside the derivation will be made available inside the container
-     </para>
-    </callout>
-    <callout arearefs='ex-ociTools-buildContainer-2'>
-     <para>
-      <varname>mounts</varname> specifies additional mount points chosen by the user. By default only a minimal set of necessary filesystems are mounted into the container (e.g procfs, cgroupfs)
-     </para>
-    </callout>
-    <callout arearefs='ex-ociTools-buildContainer-3'>
-     <para>
-      <varname>readonly</varname> makes the container's rootfs read-only if it is set to true. The default value is false <literal>false</literal>.
-     </para>
-    </callout>
-   </calloutlist>
-  </example>
- </section>
diff --git a/nixpkgs/doc/functions/overrides.xml b/nixpkgs/doc/functions/overrides.xml
deleted file mode 100644
index 4ba4283c6094..000000000000
--- a/nixpkgs/doc/functions/overrides.xml
+++ /dev/null
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-<section xmlns="http://docbook.org/ns/docbook"
-         xmlns:xlink="http://www.w3.org/1999/xlink"
-         xmlns:xi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XInclude"
-         xml:id="sec-overrides">
- <title>Overriding</title>
- <para>
-  Sometimes one wants to override parts of <literal>nixpkgs</literal>, e.g. derivation attributes, the results of derivations.
- </para>
- <para>
-  These functions are used to make changes to packages, returning only single packages. <link xlink:href="#chap-overlays">Overlays</link>, on the other hand, can be used to combine the overridden packages across the entire package set of Nixpkgs.
- </para>
- <section xml:id="sec-pkg-override">
-  <title>&lt;pkg&gt;.override</title>
-  <para>
-   The function <varname>override</varname> is usually available for all the derivations in the nixpkgs expression (<varname>pkgs</varname>).
-  </para>
-  <para>
-   It is used to override the arguments passed to a function.
-  </para>
-  <para>
-   Example usages:
-<programlisting>pkgs.foo.override { arg1 = val1; arg2 = val2; ... }</programlisting>
-<!-- TODO: move below programlisting to a new section about extending and overlays
-           and reference it
-  -->
-import pkgs.path { overlays = [ (self: super: {
-  foo = super.foo.override { barSupport = true ; };
-  })]};
-mypkg = pkgs.callPackage ./mypkg.nix {
-  mydep = pkgs.mydep.override { ... };
-  }
-  </para>
-  <para>
-   In the first example, <varname>pkgs.foo</varname> is the result of a function call with some default arguments, usually a derivation. Using <varname>pkgs.foo.override</varname> will call the same function with the given new arguments.
-  </para>
- </section>
- <section xml:id="sec-pkg-overrideAttrs">
-  <title>&lt;pkg&gt;.overrideAttrs</title>
-  <para>
-   The function <varname>overrideAttrs</varname> allows overriding the attribute set passed to a <varname>stdenv.mkDerivation</varname> call, producing a new derivation based on the original one. This function is available on all derivations produced by the <varname>stdenv.mkDerivation</varname> function, which is most packages in the nixpkgs expression <varname>pkgs</varname>.
-  </para>
-  <para>
-   Example usage:
-helloWithDebug = pkgs.hello.overrideAttrs (oldAttrs: rec {
-  separateDebugInfo = true;
-  </para>
-  <para>
-   In the above example, the <varname>separateDebugInfo</varname> attribute is overridden to be true, thus building debug info for <varname>helloWithDebug</varname>, while all other attributes will be retained from the original <varname>hello</varname> package.
-  </para>
-  <para>
-   The argument <varname>oldAttrs</varname> is conventionally used to refer to the attr set originally passed to <varname>stdenv.mkDerivation</varname>.
-  </para>
-  <note>
-   <para>
-    Note that <varname>separateDebugInfo</varname> is processed only by the <varname>stdenv.mkDerivation</varname> function, not the generated, raw Nix derivation. Thus, using <varname>overrideDerivation</varname> will not work in this case, as it overrides only the attributes of the final derivation. It is for this reason that <varname>overrideAttrs</varname> should be preferred in (almost) all cases to <varname>overrideDerivation</varname>, i.e. to allow using <varname>stdenv.mkDerivation</varname> to process input arguments, as well as the fact that it is easier to use (you can use the same attribute names you see in your Nix code, instead of the ones generated (e.g. <varname>buildInputs</varname> vs <varname>nativeBuildInputs</varname>), and it involves less typing).
-   </para>
-  </note>
- </section>
- <section xml:id="sec-pkg-overrideDerivation">
-  <title>&lt;pkg&gt;.overrideDerivation</title>
-  <warning>
-   <para>
-    You should prefer <varname>overrideAttrs</varname> in almost all cases, see its documentation for the reasons why. <varname>overrideDerivation</varname> is not deprecated and will continue to work, but is less nice to use and does not have as many abilities as <varname>overrideAttrs</varname>.
-   </para>
-  </warning>
-  <warning>
-   <para>
-    Do not use this function in Nixpkgs as it evaluates a Derivation before modifying it, which breaks package abstraction and removes error-checking of function arguments. In addition, this evaluation-per-function application incurs a performance penalty, which can become a problem if many overrides are used. It is only intended for ad-hoc customisation, such as in <filename>~/.config/nixpkgs/config.nix</filename>.
-   </para>
-  </warning>
-  <para>
-   The function <varname>overrideDerivation</varname> creates a new derivation based on an existing one by overriding the original's attributes with the attribute set produced by the specified function. This function is available on all derivations defined using the <varname>makeOverridable</varname> function. Most standard derivation-producing functions, such as <varname>stdenv.mkDerivation</varname>, are defined using this function, which means most packages in the nixpkgs expression, <varname>pkgs</varname>, have this function.
-  </para>
-  <para>
-   Example usage:
-mySed = pkgs.gnused.overrideDerivation (oldAttrs: {
-  name = "sed-4.2.2-pre";
-  src = fetchurl {
-    url = ftp://alpha.gnu.org/gnu/sed/sed-4.2.2-pre.tar.bz2;
-    sha256 = "11nq06d131y4wmf3drm0yk502d2xc6n5qy82cg88rb9nqd2lj41k";
-  };
-  patches = [];
-  </para>
-  <para>
-   In the above example, the <varname>name</varname>, <varname>src</varname>, and <varname>patches</varname> of the derivation will be overridden, while all other attributes will be retained from the original derivation.
-  </para>
-  <para>
-   The argument <varname>oldAttrs</varname> is used to refer to the attribute set of the original derivation.
-  </para>
-  <note>
-   <para>
-    A package's attributes are evaluated *before* being modified by the <varname>overrideDerivation</varname> function. For example, the <varname>name</varname> attribute reference in <varname>url = "mirror://gnu/hello/${name}.tar.gz";</varname> is filled-in *before* the <varname>overrideDerivation</varname> function modifies the attribute set. This means that overriding the <varname>name</varname> attribute, in this example, *will not* change the value of the <varname>url</varname> attribute. Instead, we need to override both the <varname>name</varname> *and* <varname>url</varname> attributes.
-   </para>
-  </note>
- </section>
- <section xml:id="sec-lib-makeOverridable">
-  <title>lib.makeOverridable</title>
-  <para>
-   The function <varname>lib.makeOverridable</varname> is used to make the result of a function easily customizable. This utility only makes sense for functions that accept an argument set and return an attribute set.
-  </para>
-  <para>
-   Example usage:
-f = { a, b }: { result = a+b; };
-c = lib.makeOverridable f { a = 1; b = 2; };
-  </para>
-  <para>
-   The variable <varname>c</varname> is the value of the <varname>f</varname> function applied with some default arguments. Hence the value of <varname>c.result</varname> is <literal>3</literal>, in this example.
-  </para>
-  <para>
-   The variable <varname>c</varname> however also has some additional functions, like <link linkend="sec-pkg-override">c.override</link> which can be used to override the default arguments. In this example the value of <varname>(c.override { a = 4; }).result</varname> is 6.
-  </para>
- </section>
diff --git a/nixpkgs/doc/functions/shell.xml b/nixpkgs/doc/functions/shell.xml
deleted file mode 100644
index cef65d06b882..000000000000
--- a/nixpkgs/doc/functions/shell.xml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,24 +0,0 @@
-<section xmlns="http://docbook.org/ns/docbook"
-         xmlns:xlink="http://www.w3.org/1999/xlink"
-         xmlns:xi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XInclude"
-         xml:id="sec-pkgs-mkShell">
- <title>pkgs.mkShell</title>
- <para>
-  <function>pkgs.mkShell</function> is a special kind of derivation that is only useful when using it combined with <command>nix-shell</command>. It will in fact fail to instantiate when invoked with <command>nix-build</command>.
- </para>
- <section xml:id="sec-pkgs-mkShell-usage">
-  <title>Usage</title>
-{ pkgs ? import <nixpkgs> {} }:
-pkgs.mkShell {
-  # this will make all the build inputs from hello and gnutar
-  # available to the shell environment
-  inputsFrom = with pkgs; [ hello gnutar ];
-  buildInputs = [ pkgs.gnumake ];
- </section>
diff --git a/nixpkgs/doc/functions/snap/example-firefox.nix b/nixpkgs/doc/functions/snap/example-firefox.nix
deleted file mode 100644
index d58c98a65a2e..000000000000
--- a/nixpkgs/doc/functions/snap/example-firefox.nix
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,28 +0,0 @@
-  inherit (import <nixpkgs> { }) snapTools firefox;
-in snapTools.makeSnap {
-  meta = {
-    name = "nix-example-firefox";
-    summary = firefox.meta.description;
-    architectures = [ "amd64" ];
-    apps.nix-example-firefox = {
-      command = "${firefox}/bin/firefox";
-      plugs = [
-        "pulseaudio"
-        "camera"
-        "browser-support"
-        "avahi-observe"
-        "cups-control"
-        "desktop"
-        "desktop-legacy"
-        "gsettings"
-        "home"
-        "network"
-        "mount-observe"
-        "removable-media"
-        "x11"
-      ];
-    };
-    confinement = "strict";
-  };
diff --git a/nixpkgs/doc/functions/snap/example-hello.nix b/nixpkgs/doc/functions/snap/example-hello.nix
deleted file mode 100644
index 123da80c5477..000000000000
--- a/nixpkgs/doc/functions/snap/example-hello.nix
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,12 +0,0 @@
-  inherit (import <nixpkgs> { }) snapTools hello;
-in snapTools.makeSnap {
-  meta = {
-    name = "hello";
-    summary = hello.meta.description;
-    description = hello.meta.longDescription;
-    architectures = [ "amd64" ];
-    confinement = "strict";
-    apps.hello.command = "${hello}/bin/hello";
-  };
diff --git a/nixpkgs/doc/functions/snaptools.xml b/nixpkgs/doc/functions/snaptools.xml
deleted file mode 100644
index 422fcfa37d88..000000000000
--- a/nixpkgs/doc/functions/snaptools.xml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,59 +0,0 @@
-<section xmlns="http://docbook.org/ns/docbook"
-         xmlns:xlink="http://www.w3.org/1999/xlink"
-         xmlns:xi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XInclude"
-         xml:id="sec-pkgs-snapTools">
- <title>pkgs.snapTools</title>
- <para>
-  <varname>pkgs.snapTools</varname> is a set of functions for creating Snapcraft images. Snap and Snapcraft is not used to perform these operations.
- </para>
- <section xml:id="ssec-pkgs-snapTools-makeSnap-signature">
-  <title>The makeSnap Function</title>
-  <para>
-   <function>makeSnap</function> takes a single named argument, <parameter>meta</parameter>. This argument mirrors <link xlink:href="https://docs.snapcraft.io/snap-format">the upstream <filename>snap.yaml</filename> format</link> exactly.
-  </para>
-  <para>
-   The <parameter>base</parameter> should not be be specified, as <function>makeSnap</function> will force set it.
-  </para>
-  <para>
-   Currently, <function>makeSnap</function> does not support creating GUI stubs.
-  </para>
- </section>
- <section xml:id="ssec-pkgs-snapTools-build-a-snap-hello">
-  <title>Build a Hello World Snap</title>
-  <example xml:id="ex-snapTools-buildSnap-hello">
-   <title>Making a Hello World Snap</title>
-   <para>
-    The following expression packages GNU Hello as a Snapcraft snap.
-   </para>
-<programlisting><xi:include href="./snap/example-hello.nix" parse="text" /></programlisting>
-   <para>
-    <command>nix-build</command> this expression and install it with <command>snap install ./result --dangerous</command>. <command>hello</command> will now be the Snapcraft version of the package.
-   </para>
-  </example>
- </section>
- <section xml:id="ssec-pkgs-snapTools-build-a-snap-firefox">
-  <title>Build a Hello World Snap</title>
-  <example xml:id="ex-snapTools-buildSnap-firefox">
-   <title>Making a Graphical Snap</title>
-   <para>
-    Graphical programs require many more integrations with the host. This example uses Firefox as an example, because it is one of the most complicated programs we could package.
-   </para>
-<programlisting><xi:include href="./snap/example-firefox.nix" parse="text" /></programlisting>
-   <para>
-    <command>nix-build</command> this expression and install it with <command>snap install ./result --dangerous</command>. <command>nix-example-firefox</command> will now be the Snapcraft version of the Firefox package.
-   </para>
-   <para>
-    The specific meaning behind plugs can be looked up in the <link xlink:href="https://docs.snapcraft.io/supported-interfaces">Snapcraft interface documentation</link>.
-   </para>
-  </example>
- </section>
diff --git a/nixpkgs/doc/functions/trivial-builders.xml b/nixpkgs/doc/functions/trivial-builders.xml
deleted file mode 100644
index ae9f3a1b255d..000000000000
--- a/nixpkgs/doc/functions/trivial-builders.xml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,79 +0,0 @@
-<section xmlns="http://docbook.org/ns/docbook"
-         xmlns:xlink="http://www.w3.org/1999/xlink"
-         xmlns:xi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XInclude"
-         xml:id="sec-trivial-builders">
- <title>Trivial builders</title>
- <para>
-  Nixpkgs provides a couple of functions that help with building derivations. The most important one, <function>stdenv.mkDerivation</function>, has already been documented above. The following functions wrap <function>stdenv.mkDerivation</function>, making it easier to use in certain cases.
- </para>
- <variablelist>
-  <varlistentry>
-   <term>
-    <literal>runCommand</literal>
-   </term>
-   <listitem>
-    <para>
-     This takes three arguments, <literal>name</literal>, <literal>env</literal>, and <literal>buildCommand</literal>. <literal>name</literal> is just the name that Nix will append to the store path in the same way that <literal>stdenv.mkDerivation</literal> uses its <literal>name</literal> attribute. <literal>env</literal> is an attribute set specifying environment variables that will be set for this derivation. These attributes are then passed to the wrapped <literal>stdenv.mkDerivation</literal>. <literal>buildCommand</literal> specifies the commands that will be run to create this derivation. Note that you will need to create <literal>$out</literal> for Nix to register the command as successful.
-    </para>
-    <para>
-     An example of using <literal>runCommand</literal> is provided below.
-    </para>
-(import &lt;nixpkgs&gt; {}).runCommand "my-example" {} ''
-  echo My example command is running
-  mkdir $out
-  echo I can write data to the Nix store > $out/message
-  echo I can also run basic commands like:
-  echo ls
-  ls
-  echo whoami
-  whoami
-  echo date
-  date
-   </listitem>
-  </varlistentry>
-  <varlistentry>
-   <term>
-    <literal>runCommandCC</literal>
-   </term>
-   <listitem>
-    <para>
-     This works just like <literal>runCommand</literal>. The only difference is that it also provides a C compiler in <literal>buildCommand</literal>’s environment. To minimize your dependencies, you should only use this if you are sure you will need a C compiler as part of running your command.
-    </para>
-   </listitem>
-  </varlistentry>
-  <varlistentry>
-   <term>
-    <literal>writeTextFile</literal>, <literal>writeText</literal>, <literal>writeTextDir</literal>, <literal>writeScript</literal>, <literal>writeScriptBin</literal>
-   </term>
-   <listitem>
-    <para>
-     These functions write <literal>text</literal> to the Nix store. This is useful for creating scripts from Nix expressions. <literal>writeTextFile</literal> takes an attribute set and expects two arguments, <literal>name</literal> and <literal>text</literal>. <literal>name</literal> corresponds to the name used in the Nix store path. <literal>text</literal> will be the contents of the file. You can also set <literal>executable</literal> to true to make this file have the executable bit set.
-    </para>
-    <para>
-     Many more commands wrap <literal>writeTextFile</literal> including <literal>writeText</literal>, <literal>writeTextDir</literal>, <literal>writeScript</literal>, and <literal>writeScriptBin</literal>. These are convenience functions over <literal>writeTextFile</literal>.
-    </para>
-   </listitem>
-  </varlistentry>
-  <varlistentry>
-   <term>
-    <literal>symlinkJoin</literal>
-   </term>
-   <listitem>
-    <para>
-     This can be used to put many derivations into the same directory structure. It works by creating a new derivation and adding symlinks to each of the paths listed. It expects two arguments, <literal>name</literal>, and <literal>paths</literal>. <literal>name</literal> is the name used in the Nix store path for the created derivation. <literal>paths</literal> is a list of paths that will be symlinked. These paths can be to Nix store derivations or any other subdirectory contained within.
-    </para>
-   </listitem>
-  </varlistentry>
- </variablelist>