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authorEric Sagnes <eric.sagnes@gmail.com>2016-05-22 18:05:37 +0900
committerDomen Kožar <domen@dev.si>2016-05-22 10:05:37 +0100
commit96a4e1f80d1692965d3c4eb8152c00cc64b3216a (patch)
tree14a6a748795c70aa85eb05970ee5a69ef96a87b0 /doc/languages-frameworks
parentcc41cb30e33a071e4e5e86d277579fc02d0bf7de (diff)
nixpkgs manual: cleanup (#15611)
Diffstat (limited to 'doc/languages-frameworks')
3 files changed, 1193 insertions, 8 deletions
diff --git a/doc/languages-frameworks/beam.xml b/doc/languages-frameworks/beam.xml
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..2dc5aa63e458
--- /dev/null
+++ b/doc/languages-frameworks/beam.xml
@@ -0,0 +1,376 @@
+<section xmlns="http://docbook.org/ns/docbook"
+         xmlns:xlink="http://www.w3.org/1999/xlink"
+         xml:id="sec-beam">
+  <title>Beam Languages (Erlang &amp; Elixir)</title>
+  <section xml:id="beam-introduction">
+    <title>Introduction</title>
+    <para>
+      In this document and related Nix expressions we use the term
+      <emphasis>Beam</emphasis> to describe the environment. Beam is
+      the name of the Erlang Virtial Machine and, as far as we know,
+      from a packaging perspective all languages that run on Beam are
+      interchangable. The things that do change, like the build
+      system, are transperant to the users of the package. So we make
+      no distinction.
+    </para>
+  </section>
+<section xml:id="build-tools">
+  <title>Build Tools</title>
+  <section xml:id="build-tools-rebar3">
+    <title>Rebar3</title>
+    <para>
+      By default Rebar3 wants to manage it's own dependencies. In the
+      normal non-Nix, this is perfectly acceptable. In the Nix world it
+      is not. To support this we have created two versions of rebar3,
+      <literal>rebar3</literal> and <literal>rebar3-open</literal>. The
+      <literal>rebar3</literal> version has been patched to remove the
+      ability to download anything from it. If you are not running it a
+      nix-shell or a nix-build then its probably not going to work for
+      you. <literal>rebar3-open</literal> is the normal, un-modified
+      rebar3. It should work exactly as would any other version of
+      rebar3. Any Erlang package should rely on
+      <literal>rebar3</literal> and thats really what you should be
+      using too.
+    </para>
+  </section>
+  <section xml:id="build-tools-other">
+    <title>Mix &amp; Erlang.mk</title>
+    <para>
+      Both Mix and Erlang.mk work exactly as you would expect. There
+      is a bootstrap process that needs to be run for both of
+      them. However, that is supported by the
+      <literal>buildMix</literal> and <literal>buildErlangMk</literal> derivations.
+    </para>
+  </section>
+<section xml:id="how-to-install-beam-packages">
+  <title>How to install Beam packages</title>
+  <para>
+    Beam packages are not registered in the top level simply because
+    they are not relevant to the vast majority of Nix users. They are
+    installable using the <literal>beamPackages</literal> attribute
+    set.
+    You can list the avialable packages in the
+    <literal>beamPackages</literal> with the following command:
+  </para>
+  <programlisting>
+$ nix-env -f &quot;&lt;nixpkgs&gt;&quot; -qaP -A beamPackages
+beamPackages.esqlite    esqlite-0.2.1
+beamPackages.goldrush   goldrush-0.1.7
+beamPackages.ibrowse    ibrowse-4.2.2
+beamPackages.jiffy      jiffy-0.14.5
+beamPackages.lager      lager-3.0.2
+beamPackages.meck       meck-0.8.3
+beamPackages.rebar3-pc  pc-1.1.0
+  </programlisting>
+  <para>
+    To install any of those packages into your profile, refer to them by
+    their attribute path (first column):
+  </para>
+  <programlisting>
+$ nix-env -f &quot;&lt;nixpkgs&gt;&quot; -iA beamPackages.ibrowse
+  </programlisting>
+  <para>
+    The attribute path of any Beam packages corresponds to the name
+    of that particular package in Hex or its OTP Application/Release name.
+  </para>
+<section xml:id="packaging-beam-applications">
+  <title>Packaging Beam Applications</title>
+  <section  xml:id="packaging-erlang-applications">
+    <title>Erlang Applications</title>
+    <section xml:id="rebar3-packages">
+      <title>Rebar3 Packages</title>
+      <para>
+        There is a Nix functional called
+        <literal>buildRebar3</literal>. We use this function to make a
+        derivation that understands how to build the rebar3 project. For
+        example, the epression we use to build the <link
+        xlink:href="https://github.com/erlang-nix/hex2nix">hex2nix</link>
+        project follows.
+      </para>
+      <programlisting>
+        {stdenv, fetchFromGitHub, buildRebar3, ibrowse, jsx, erlware_commons }:
+          buildRebar3 rec {
+            name = "hex2nix";
+            version = "0.0.1";
+            src = fetchFromGitHub {
+              owner = "ericbmerritt";
+              repo = "hex2nix";
+              rev = "${version}";
+              sha256 = "1w7xjidz1l5yjmhlplfx7kphmnpvqm67w99hd2m7kdixwdxq0zqg";
+            };
+          beamDeps = [ ibrowse jsx erlware_commons ];
+        }
+      </programlisting>
+      <para>
+        The only visible difference between this derivation and
+        something like <literal>stdenv.mkDerivation</literal> is that we
+        have added <literal>erlangDeps</literal> to the derivation. If
+        you add your Beam dependencies here they will be correctly
+        handled by the system.
+      </para>
+      <para>
+        If your package needs to compile native code via Rebar's port
+        compilation mechenism. You should add <literal>compilePort =
+        true;</literal> to the derivation.
+      </para>
+    </section>
+    <section xml:id="erlang-mk-packages">
+      <title>Erlang.mk Packages</title>
+      <para>
+        Erlang.mk functions almost identically to Rebar. The only real
+        difference is that <literal>buildErlangMk</literal> is called
+        instead of <literal>buildRebar3</literal>
+      </para>
+      <programlisting>
+        { buildErlangMk, fetchHex,  cowlib, ranch }:
+          buildErlangMk {
+            name = "cowboy";
+            version = "1.0.4";
+            src = fetchHex {
+              pkg = "cowboy";
+              version = "1.0.4";
+              sha256 =
+                "6a0edee96885fae3a8dd0ac1f333538a42e807db638a9453064ccfdaa6b9fdac";
+            };
+            beamDeps  = [ cowlib ranch ];
+            meta = {
+              description = ''Small, fast, modular HTTP server written in
+                            Erlang.'';
+              license = stdenv.lib.licenses.isc;
+              homepage = "https://github.com/ninenines/cowboy";
+            };
+        }
+      </programlisting>
+    </section>
+    <section xml:id="mix-packages">
+      <title>Mix Packages</title>
+      <para>
+        Mix functions almost identically to Rebar. The only real
+        difference is that <literal>buildMix</literal> is called
+        instead of <literal>buildRebar3</literal>
+      </para>
+      <programlisting>
+        { buildMix, fetchHex, plug, absinthe }:
+        buildMix {
+          name = "absinthe_plug";
+          version = "1.0.0";
+          src = fetchHex {
+            pkg = "absinthe_plug";
+            version = "1.0.0";
+            sha256 =
+              "08459823fe1fd4f0325a8bf0c937a4520583a5a26d73b193040ab30a1dfc0b33";
+          };
+          beamDeps  = [ plug absinthe];
+          meta = {
+            description = ''A plug for Absinthe, an experimental GraphQL
+                            toolkit'';
+            license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3;
+            homepage = "https://github.com/CargoSense/absinthe_plug";
+         };
+       }
+      </programlisting>
+    </section>
+  </section>
+<section xml:id="how-to-develop">
+  <title>How to develop</title>
+  <section xml:id="accessing-an-environment">
+    <title>Accessing an Environment</title>
+    <para>
+      Often, all you want to do is be able to access a valid
+      environment that contains a specific package and its
+      dependencies. we can do that with the <literal>env</literal>
+      part of a derivation. For example, lets say we want to access an
+      erlang repl with ibrowse loaded up. We could do the following.
+    </para>
+    <programlisting>
+      ~/w/nixpkgs ❯❯❯ nix-shell -A beamPackages.ibrowse.env --run "erl"
+      Erlang/OTP 18 [erts-7.0] [source] [64-bit] [smp:4:4] [async-threads:10] [hipe] [kernel-poll:false]
+      Eshell V7.0  (abort with ^G)
+      1> m(ibrowse).
+      Module: ibrowse
+      MD5: 3b3e0137d0cbb28070146978a3392945
+      Compiled: January 10 2016, 23:34
+      Object file: /nix/store/g1rlf65rdgjs4abbyj4grp37ry7ywivj-ibrowse-4.2.2/lib/erlang/lib/ibrowse-4.2.2/ebin/ibrowse.beam
+      Compiler options:  [{outdir,"/tmp/nix-build-ibrowse-4.2.2.drv-0/hex-source-ibrowse-4.2.2/_build/default/lib/ibrowse/ebin"},
+      debug_info,debug_info,nowarn_shadow_vars,
+      warn_unused_import,warn_unused_vars,warnings_as_errors,
+      {i,"/tmp/nix-build-ibrowse-4.2.2.drv-0/hex-source-ibrowse-4.2.2/_build/default/lib/ibrowse/include"}]
+      Exports:
+      add_config/1                  send_req_direct/7
+      all_trace_off/0               set_dest/3
+      code_change/3                 set_max_attempts/3
+      get_config_value/1            set_max_pipeline_size/3
+      get_config_value/2            set_max_sessions/3
+      get_metrics/0                 show_dest_status/0
+      get_metrics/2                 show_dest_status/1
+      handle_call/3                 show_dest_status/2
+      handle_cast/2                 spawn_link_worker_process/1
+      handle_info/2                 spawn_link_worker_process/2
+      init/1                        spawn_worker_process/1
+      module_info/0                 spawn_worker_process/2
+      module_info/1                 start/0
+      rescan_config/0               start_link/0
+      rescan_config/1               stop/0
+      send_req/3                    stop_worker_process/1
+      send_req/4                    stream_close/1
+      send_req/5                    stream_next/1
+      send_req/6                    terminate/2
+      send_req_direct/4             trace_off/0
+      send_req_direct/5             trace_off/2
+      send_req_direct/6             trace_on/0
+      trace_on/2
+      ok
+      2>
+    </programlisting>
+    <para>
+      Notice the <literal>-A beamPackages.ibrowse.env</literal>.That
+      is the key to this functionality.
+    </para>
+  </section>
+  <section xml:id="creating-a-shell">
+    <title>Creating a Shell</title>
+    <para>
+      Getting access to an environment often isn't enough to do real
+      development. Many times we need to create a
+      <literal>shell.nix</literal> file and do our development inside
+      of the environment specified by that file. This file looks a lot
+      like the packageing described above. The main difference is that
+      <literal>src</literal> points to project root and we call the
+      package directly.
+    </para>
+    <programlisting>
+{ pkgs ? import &quot;&lt;nixpkgs&quot;&gt; {} }:
+with pkgs;
+  f = { buildRebar3, ibrowse, jsx, erlware_commons }:
+      buildRebar3 {
+        name = "hex2nix";
+        version = "0.1.0";
+        src = ./.;
+        erlangDeps = [ ibrowse jsx erlware_commons ];
+      };
+  drv = beamPackages.callPackage f {};
+ drv
+    </programlisting>
+    <section xml:id="building-in-a-shell">
+    <title>Building in a shell</title>
+    <para>
+      We can leveral the support of the Derivation, regardless of
+      which build Derivation is called by calling the commands themselv.s
+    </para>
+    <programlisting>
+# =============================================================================
+# Variables
+# =============================================================================
+NIX_TEMPLATES := "$(CURDIR)/nix-templates"
+PROJECT_NAME := thorndyke
+NIX_SHELL=nix-shell -I "$(NIX_PATH)" --pure
+# =============================================================================
+# Rules
+# =============================================================================
+.PHONY= all test clean repl shell build test analyze configure install \
+        test-nix-install publish plt analyze
+all: build
+        @ if [ "${${*}}" == "" ]; then \
+                echo "Environment variable $* not set"; \
+                exit 1; \
+        fi
+        rm -rf _build
+        rm -rf .cache
+        $(NIX_SHELL) --run "iex -pa './_build/prod/lib/*/ebin'"
+        $(NIX_SHELL)
+        $(NIX_SHELL) --command 'eval "$$configurePhase"'
+build: configure
+        $(NIX_SHELL) --command 'eval "$$buildPhase"'
+        $(NIX_SHELL) --command 'eval "$$installPhase"'
+        $(NIX_SHELL) --command 'mix test --no-start --no-deps-check'
+        $(NIX_SHELL) --run "mix dialyzer.plt --no-deps-check"
+analyze: build plt
+        $(NIX_SHELL) --run "mix dialyzer --no-compile"
+    </programlisting>
+    <para>
+      If you add the <literal>shell.nix</literal> as described and
+      user rebar as follows things should simply work. Aside from the
+      <literal>test</literal>, <literal>plt</literal>, and
+      <literal>analyze</literal> the talks work just fine for all of
+      the build Derivations.
+    </para>
+  </section>
+<section xml:id="generating-packages-from-hex-with-hex2nix">
+  <title>Generating Packages from Hex with Hex2Nix</title>
+  <para>
+    Updating the Hex packages requires the use of the
+    <literal>hex2nix</literal> tool. Given the path to the Erlang
+    modules (usually
+    <literal>pkgs/development/erlang-modules</literal>). It will
+    happily dump a file called
+    <literal>hex-packages.nix</literal>. That file will contain all
+    the packages that use a recognized build system in Hex. However,
+    it can't know whether or not all those packages are buildable.
+    </para>
+    <para>
+      To make life easier for our users, it makes good sense to go
+      ahead and attempt to build all those packages and remove the
+      ones that don't build. To do that, simply run the command (in
+      the root of your <literal>nixpkgs</literal> repository). that follows.
+    </para>
+    <programlisting>
+$ nix-build -A beamPackages
+    </programlisting>
+    <para>
+      That will build every package in
+      <literal>beamPackages</literal>. Then you can go through and
+      manually remove the ones that fail. Hopefully, someone will
+      improve <literal>hex2nix</literal> in the future to automate
+      that.
+    </para>
diff --git a/doc/languages-frameworks/haskell.md b/doc/languages-frameworks/haskell.md
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..ef10ea583697
--- /dev/null
+++ b/doc/languages-frameworks/haskell.md
@@ -0,0 +1,808 @@
+title: User's Guide for Haskell in Nixpkgs
+author: Peter Simons
+date: 2015-06-01
+# Haskell
+## How to install Haskell packages
+Nixpkgs distributes build instructions for all Haskell packages registered on
+[Hackage](http://hackage.haskell.org/), but strangely enough normal Nix package
+lookups don't seem to discover any of them, except for the default version of ghc, cabal-install, and stack:
+    $ nix-env -i alex
+    error: selector ‘alex’ matches no derivations
+    $ nix-env -qa ghc
+    ghc-7.10.2
+The Haskell package set is not registered in the top-level namespace because it
+is *huge*. If all Haskell packages were visible to these commands, then
+name-based search/install operations would be much slower than they are now. We
+avoided that by keeping all Haskell-related packages in a separate attribute
+set called `haskellPackages`, which the following command will list:
+    $ nix-env -f "<nixpkgs>" -qaP -A haskellPackages
+    haskellPackages.a50         a50-0.5
+    haskellPackages.abacate     haskell-abacate-
+    haskellPackages.abcBridge   haskell-abcBridge-0.12
+    haskellPackages.afv         afv-0.1.1
+    haskellPackages.alex        alex-3.1.4
+    haskellPackages.Allure      Allure-
+    haskellPackages.alms        alms-0.6.7
+    [... some 8000 entries omitted  ...]
+To install any of those packages into your profile, refer to them by their
+attribute path (first column):
+    $ nix-env -f "<nixpkgs>" -iA haskellPackages.Allure ...
+The attribute path of any Haskell packages corresponds to the name of that
+particular package on Hackage: the package `cabal-install` has the attribute
+`haskellPackages.cabal-install`, and so on. (Actually, this convention causes
+trouble with packages like `3dmodels` and `4Blocks`, because these names are
+invalid identifiers in the Nix language. The issue of how to deal with these
+rare corner cases is currently unresolved.)
+Haskell packages who's Nix name (second column) begins with a `haskell-` prefix
+are packages that provide a library whereas packages without that prefix
+provide just executables. Libraries may provide executables too, though: the
+package `haskell-pandoc`, for example, installs both a library and an
+application. You can install and use Haskell executables just like any other
+program in Nixpkgs, but using Haskell libraries for development is a bit
+trickier and we'll address that subject in great detail in section [How to
+create a development environment].
+Attribute paths are deterministic inside of Nixpkgs, but the path necessary to
+reach Nixpkgs varies from system to system. We dodged that problem by giving
+`nix-env` an explicit `-f "<nixpkgs>"` parameter, but if you call `nix-env`
+without that flag, then chances are the invocation fails:
+    $ nix-env -iA haskellPackages.cabal-install
+    error: attribute ‘haskellPackages’ in selection path
+           ‘haskellPackages.cabal-install’ not found
+On NixOS, for example, Nixpkgs does *not* exist in the top-level namespace by
+default. To figure out the proper attribute path, it's easiest to query for the
+path of a well-known Nixpkgs package, i.e.:
+    $ nix-env -qaP coreutils
+    nixos.coreutils  coreutils-8.23
+If your system responds like that (most NixOS installations will), then the
+attribute path to `haskellPackages` is `nixos.haskellPackages`. Thus, if you
+want to use `nix-env` without giving an explicit `-f` flag, then that's the way
+to do it:
+    $ nix-env -qaP -A nixos.haskellPackages
+    $ nix-env -iA nixos.haskellPackages.cabal-install
+Our current default compiler is GHC 7.10.x and the `haskellPackages` set
+contains packages built with that particular version. Nixpkgs contains the
+latest major release of every GHC since 6.10.4, however, and there is a whole
+family of package sets available that defines Hackage packages built with each
+of those compilers, too:
+    $ nix-env -f "<nixpkgs>" -qaP -A haskell.packages.ghc6123
+    $ nix-env -f "<nixpkgs>" -qaP -A haskell.packages.ghc763
+The name `haskellPackages` is really just a synonym for
+`haskell.packages.ghc7102`, because we prefer that package set internally and
+recommend it to our users as their default choice, but ultimately you are free
+to compile your Haskell packages with any GHC version you please. The following
+command displays the complete list of available compilers:
+    $ nix-env -f "<nixpkgs>" -qaP -A haskell.compiler
+    haskell.compiler.ghc6104        ghc-6.10.4
+    haskell.compiler.ghc6123        ghc-6.12.3
+    haskell.compiler.ghc704         ghc-7.0.4
+    haskell.compiler.ghc722         ghc-7.2.2
+    haskell.compiler.ghc742         ghc-7.4.2
+    haskell.compiler.ghc763         ghc-7.6.3
+    haskell.compiler.ghc784         ghc-7.8.4
+    haskell.compiler.ghc7102        ghc-7.10.2
+    haskell.compiler.ghcHEAD        ghc-7.11.20150402
+    haskell.compiler.ghcNokinds     ghc-nokinds-7.11.20150704
+    haskell.compiler.ghcjs          ghcjs-0.1.0
+    haskell.compiler.jhc            jhc-0.8.2
+    haskell.compiler.uhc            uhc-
+We have no package sets for `jhc` or `uhc` yet, unfortunately, but for every
+version of GHC listed above, there exists a package set based on that compiler.
+Also, the attributes `haskell.compiler.ghcXYC` and
+`haskell.packages.ghcXYC.ghc` are synonymous for the sake of convenience.
+## How to create a development environment
+### How to install a compiler
+A simple development environment consists of a Haskell compiler and one or both
+of the tools `cabal-install` and `stack`. We saw in section
+[How to install Haskell packages] how you can install those programs into your
+user profile:
+    $ nix-env -f "<nixpkgs>" -iA haskellPackages.ghc haskellPackages.cabal-install
+Instead of the default package set `haskellPackages`, you can also use the more
+precise name `haskell.compiler.ghc7102`, which has the advantage that it refers
+to the same GHC version regardless of what Nixpkgs considers "default" at any
+given time.
+Once you've made those tools available in `$PATH`, it's possible to build
+Hackage packages the same way people without access to Nix do it all the time:
+    $ cabal get lens-4.11 && cd lens-4.11
+    $ cabal install -j --dependencies-only
+    $ cabal configure
+    $ cabal build
+If you enjoy working with Cabal sandboxes, then that's entirely possible too:
+just execute the command
+    $ cabal sandbox init
+before installing the required dependencies.
+The `nix-shell` utility makes it easy to switch to a different compiler
+version; just enter the Nix shell environment with the command
+    $ nix-shell -p haskell.compiler.ghc784
+to bring GHC 7.8.4 into `$PATH`. Alternatively, you can use Stack instead of
+`nix-shell` directly to select compiler versions and other build tools
+per-project. It uses `nix-shell` under the hood when Nix support is turned on.
+See [How to build a Haskell project using Stack].
+If you're using `cabal-install`, re-running `cabal configure` inside the spawned
+shell switches your build to use that compiler instead. If you're working on
+a project that doesn't depend on any additional system libraries outside of GHC,
+then it's even sufficient to just run the `cabal configure` command inside of
+the shell:
+    $ nix-shell -p haskell.compiler.ghc784 --command "cabal configure"
+Afterwards, all other commands like `cabal build` work just fine in any shell
+environment, because the configure phase recorded the absolute paths to all
+required tools like GHC in its build configuration inside of the `dist/`
+directory. Please note, however, that `nix-collect-garbage` can break such an
+environment because the Nix store paths created by `nix-shell` aren't "alive"
+anymore once `nix-shell` has terminated. If you find that your Haskell builds
+no longer work after garbage collection, then you'll have to re-run `cabal
+configure` inside of a new `nix-shell` environment.
+### How to install a compiler with libraries
+GHC expects to find all installed libraries inside of its own `lib` directory.
+This approach works fine on traditional Unix systems, but it doesn't work for
+Nix, because GHC's store path is immutable once it's built. We cannot install
+additional libraries into that location. As a consequence, our copies of GHC
+don't know any packages except their own core libraries, like `base`,
+`containers`, `Cabal`, etc.
+We can register additional libraries to GHC, however, using a special build
+function called `ghcWithPackages`. That function expects one argument: a
+function that maps from an attribute set of Haskell packages to a list of
+packages, which determines the libraries known to that particular version of
+GHC. For example, the Nix expression `ghcWithPackages (pkgs: [pkgs.mtl])`
+generates a copy of GHC that has the `mtl` library registered in addition to
+its normal core packages:
+    $ nix-shell -p "haskellPackages.ghcWithPackages (pkgs: [pkgs.mtl])"
+    [nix-shell:~]$ ghc-pkg list mtl
+    /nix/store/zy79...-ghc-7.10.2/lib/ghc-7.10.2/package.conf.d:
+        mtl-2.2.1
+This function allows users to define their own development environment by means
+of an override. After adding the following snippet to `~/.nixpkgs/config.nix`,
+    {
+      packageOverrides = super: let self = super.pkgs; in
+      {
+        myHaskellEnv = self.haskell.packages.ghc7102.ghcWithPackages
+                         (haskellPackages: with haskellPackages; [
+                           # libraries
+                           arrows async cgi criterion
+                           # tools
+                           cabal-install haskintex
+                         ]);
+      };
+    }
+it's possible to install that compiler with `nix-env -f "<nixpkgs>" -iA
+myHaskellEnv`. If you'd like to switch that development environment to a
+different version of GHC, just replace the `ghc7102` bit in the previous
+definition with the appropriate name. Of course, it's also possible to define
+any number of these development environments! (You can't install two of them
+into the same profile at the same time, though, because that would result in
+file conflicts.)
+The generated `ghc` program is a wrapper script that re-directs the real
+GHC executable to use a new `lib` directory --- one that we specifically
+constructed to contain all those packages the user requested:
+    $ cat $(type -p ghc)
+    #! /nix/store/xlxj...-bash-4.3-p33/bin/bash -e
+    export NIX_GHC=/nix/store/19sm...-ghc-7.10.2/bin/ghc
+    export NIX_GHCPKG=/nix/store/19sm...-ghc-7.10.2/bin/ghc-pkg
+    export NIX_GHC_DOCDIR=/nix/store/19sm...-ghc-7.10.2/share/doc/ghc/html
+    export NIX_GHC_LIBDIR=/nix/store/19sm...-ghc-7.10.2/lib/ghc-7.10.2
+    exec /nix/store/j50p...-ghc-7.10.2/bin/ghc "-B$NIX_GHC_LIBDIR" "$@"
+The variables `$NIX_GHC`, `$NIX_GHCPKG`, etc. point to the *new* store path
+`ghcWithPackages` constructed specifically for this environment. The last line
+of the wrapper script then executes the real `ghc`, but passes the path to the
+new `lib` directory using GHC's `-B` flag.
+The purpose of those environment variables is to work around an impurity in the
+popular [ghc-paths](http://hackage.haskell.org/package/ghc-paths) library. That
+library promises to give its users access to GHC's installation paths. Only,
+the library can't possible know that path when it's compiled, because the path
+GHC considers its own is determined only much later, when the user configures
+it through `ghcWithPackages`. So we [patched
+to return the paths found in those environment variables at run-time rather
+than trying to guess them at compile-time.
+To make sure that mechanism works properly all the time, we recommend that you
+set those variables to meaningful values in your shell environment, too, i.e.
+by adding the following code to your `~/.bashrc`:
+    if type >/dev/null 2>&1 -p ghc; then
+      eval "$(egrep ^export "$(type -p ghc)")"
+    fi
+If you are certain that you'll use only one GHC environment which is located in
+your user profile, then you can use the following code, too, which has the
+advantage that it doesn't contain any paths from the Nix store, i.e. those
+settings always remain valid even if a `nix-env -u` operation updates the GHC
+environment in your profile:
+    if [ -e ~/.nix-profile/bin/ghc ]; then
+      export NIX_GHC="$HOME/.nix-profile/bin/ghc"
+      export NIX_GHCPKG="$HOME/.nix-profile/bin/ghc-pkg"
+      export NIX_GHC_DOCDIR="$HOME/.nix-profile/share/doc/ghc/html"
+      export NIX_GHC_LIBDIR="$HOME/.nix-profile/lib/ghc-$($NIX_GHC --numeric-version)"
+    fi
+### How to install a compiler with libraries, hoogle and documentation indexes
+If you plan to use your environment for interactive programming, not just
+compiling random Haskell code, you might want to replace `ghcWithPackages` in
+all the listings above with `ghcWithHoogle`.
+This environment generator not only produces an environment with GHC and all
+the specified libraries, but also generates a `hoogle` and `haddock` indexes
+for all the packages, and provides a wrapper script around `hoogle` binary that
+uses all those things. A precise name for this thing would be
+"`ghcWithPackagesAndHoogleAndDocumentationIndexes`", which is, regrettably, too
+long and scary.
+For example, installing the following environment
+    {
+      packageOverrides = super: let self = super.pkgs; in
+      {
+        myHaskellEnv = self.haskellPackages.ghcWithHoogle
+                         (haskellPackages: with haskellPackages; [
+                           # libraries
+                           arrows async cgi criterion
+                           # tools
+                           cabal-install haskintex
+                         ]);
+      };
+    }
+allows one to browse module documentation index [not too dissimilar to
+for all the specified packages and their dependencies by directing a browser of
+choice to `~/.nix-profiles/share/doc/hoogle/index.html` (or
+`/run/current-system/sw/share/doc/hoogle/index.html` in case you put it in
+`environment.systemPackages` in NixOS).
+After you've marveled enough at that try adding the following to your
+    :def hoogle \s -> return $ ":! hoogle search -cl --count=15 \"" ++ s ++ "\""
+    :def doc \s -> return $ ":! hoogle search -cl --info \"" ++ s ++ "\""
+and test it by typing into `ghci`:
+    :hoogle a -> a
+    :doc a -> a
+Be sure to note the links to `haddock` files in the output. With any modern and
+properly configured terminal emulator you can just click those links to
+navigate there.
+Finally, you can run
+    hoogle server -p 8080
+and navigate to http://localhost:8080/ for your own local
+[Hoogle](https://www.haskell.org/hoogle/). Note, however, that Firefox and
+possibly other browsers disallow navigation from `http:` to `file:` URIs for
+security reasons, which might be quite an inconvenience. See [this
+page](http://kb.mozillazine.org/Links_to_local_pages_do_not_work) for
+### How to build a Haskell project using Stack
+[Stack][http://haskellstack.org] is a popular build tool for Haskell projects.
+It has first-class support for Nix. Stack can optionally use Nix to
+automatically select the right version of GHC and other build tools to build,
+test and execute apps in an existing project downloaded from somewhere on the
+Internet. Pass the `--nix` flag to any `stack` command to do so, e.g.
+    $ git clone --recursive http://github.com/yesodweb/wai
+    $ cd wai
+    $ stack --nix build
+If you want `stack` to use Nix by default, you can add a `nix` section to the
+`stack.yaml` file, as explained in the [Stack documentation][stack-nix-doc]. For
+    nix:
+      enable: true
+      packages: [pkgconfig zeromq zlib]
+The example configuration snippet above tells Stack to create an ad hoc
+environment for `nix-shell` as in the below section, in which the `pkgconfig`,
+`zeromq` and `zlib` packages from Nixpkgs are available. All `stack` commands
+will implicitly be executed inside this ad hoc environment.
+Some projects have more sophisticated needs. For examples, some ad hoc
+environments might need to expose Nixpkgs packages compiled in a certain way, or
+with extra environment variables. In these cases, you'll need a `shell` field
+instead of `packages`:
+    nix:
+      enable: true
+      shell-file: shell.nix
+For more on how to write a `shell.nix` file see the below section. You'll need
+to express a derivation. Note that Nixpkgs ships with a convenience wrapper
+function around `mkDerivation` called `haskell.lib.buildStackProject` to help you
+create this derivation in exactly the way Stack expects. All of the same inputs
+as `mkDerivation` can be provided. For example, to build a Stack project that
+including packages that link against a version of the R library compiled with
+special options turned on:
+    with (import <nixpkgs> { });
+    let R = pkgs.R.override { enableStrictBarrier = true; };
+    in
+	haskell.lib.buildStackProject {
+      name = "HaskellR";
+	  buildInputs = [ R zeromq zlib ];
+    }
+[stack-nix-doc]: http://docs.haskellstack.org/en/stable/nix_integration.html
+### How to create ad hoc environments for `nix-shell`
+The easiest way to create an ad hoc development environment is to run
+`nix-shell` with the appropriate GHC environment given on the command-line:
+    nix-shell -p "haskellPackages.ghcWithPackages (pkgs: with pkgs; [mtl pandoc])"
+For more sophisticated use-cases, however, it's more convenient to save the
+desired configuration in a file called `shell.nix` that looks like this:
+    { nixpkgs ? import <nixpkgs> {}, compiler ? "ghc7102" }:
+    let
+      inherit (nixpkgs) pkgs;
+      ghc = pkgs.haskell.packages.${compiler}.ghcWithPackages (ps: with ps; [
+              monad-par mtl
+            ]);
+    in
+    pkgs.stdenv.mkDerivation {
+      name = "my-haskell-env-0";
+      buildInputs = [ ghc ];
+      shellHook = "eval $(egrep ^export ${ghc}/bin/ghc)";
+    }
+Now run `nix-shell` --- or even `nix-shell --pure` --- to enter a shell
+environment that has the appropriate compiler in `$PATH`. If you use `--pure`,
+then add all other packages that your development environment needs into the
+`buildInputs` attribute. If you'd like to switch to a different compiler
+version, then pass an appropriate `compiler` argument to the expression, i.e.
+`nix-shell --argstr compiler ghc784`.
+If you need such an environment because you'd like to compile a Hackage package
+outside of Nix --- i.e. because you're hacking on the latest version from Git
+---, then the package set provides suitable nix-shell environments for you
+already! Every Haskell package has an `env` attribute that provides a shell
+environment suitable for compiling that particular package. If you'd like to
+hack the `lens` library, for example, then you just have to check out the
+source code and enter the appropriate environment:
+      $ cabal get lens-4.11 && cd lens-4.11
+      Downloading lens-4.11...
+      Unpacking to lens-4.11/
+      $ nix-shell "<nixpkgs>" -A haskellPackages.lens.env
+      [nix-shell:/tmp/lens-4.11]$
+At point, you can run `cabal configure`, `cabal build`, and all the other
+development commands. Note that you need `cabal-install` installed in your
+`$PATH` already to use it here --- the `nix-shell` environment does not provide
+## How to create Nix builds for your own private Haskell packages
+If your own Haskell packages have build instructions for Cabal, then you can
+convert those automatically into build instructions for Nix using the
+`cabal2nix` utility, which you can install into your profile by running
+`nix-env -i cabal2nix`.
+### How to build a stand-alone project
+For example, let's assume that you're working on a private project called
+`foo`. To generate a Nix build expression for it, change into the project's
+top-level directory and run the command:
+    $ cabal2nix . >foo.nix
+Then write the following snippet into a file called `default.nix`:
+    { nixpkgs ? import <nixpkgs> {}, compiler ? "ghc7102" }:
+    nixpkgs.pkgs.haskell.packages.${compiler}.callPackage ./foo.nix { }
+Finally, store the following code in a file called `shell.nix`:
+    { nixpkgs ? import <nixpkgs> {}, compiler ? "ghc7102" }:
+    (import ./default.nix { inherit nixpkgs compiler; }).env
+At this point, you can run `nix-build` to have Nix compile your project and
+install it into a Nix store path. The local directory will contain a symlink
+called `result` after `nix-build` returns that points into that location. Of
+course, passing the flag `--argstr compiler ghc763` allows switching the build
+to any version of GHC currently supported.
+Furthermore, you can call `nix-shell` to enter an interactive development
+environment in which you can use `cabal configure` and `cabal build` to develop
+your code. That environment will automatically contain a proper GHC derivation
+with all the required libraries registered as well as all the system-level
+libraries your package might need.
+If your package does not depend on any system-level libraries, then it's
+sufficient to run
+    $ nix-shell --command "cabal configure"
+once to set up your build. `cabal-install` determines the absolute paths to all
+resources required for the build and writes them into a config file in the
+`dist/` directory. Once that's done, you can run `cabal build` and any other
+command for that project even outside of the `nix-shell` environment. This
+feature is particularly nice for those of us who like to edit their code with
+an IDE, like Emacs' `haskell-mode`, because it's not necessary to start Emacs
+inside of nix-shell just to make it find out the necessary settings for
+building the project; `cabal-install` has already done that for us.
+If you want to do some quick-and-dirty hacking and don't want to bother setting
+up a `default.nix` and `shell.nix` file manually, then you can use the
+`--shell` flag offered by `cabal2nix` to have it generate a stand-alone
+`nix-shell` environment for you. With that feature, running
+    $ cabal2nix --shell . >shell.nix
+    $ nix-shell --command "cabal configure"
+is usually enough to set up a build environment for any given Haskell package.
+You can even use that generated file to run `nix-build`, too:
+    $ nix-build shell.nix
+### How to build projects that depend on each other
+If you have multiple private Haskell packages that depend on each other, then
+you'll have to register those packages in the Nixpkgs set to make them visible
+for the dependency resolution performed by `callPackage`. First of all, change
+into each of your projects top-level directories and generate a `default.nix`
+file with `cabal2nix`:
+    $ cd ~/src/foo && cabal2nix . >default.nix
+    $ cd ~/src/bar && cabal2nix . >default.nix
+Then edit your `~/.nixpkgs/config.nix` file to register those builds in the
+default Haskell package set:
+      {
+        packageOverrides = super: let self = super.pkgs; in
+        {
+          haskellPackages = super.haskellPackages.override {
+            overrides = self: super: {
+              foo = self.callPackage ../src/foo {};
+              bar = self.callPackage ../src/bar {};
+            };
+          };
+        };
+      }
+Once that's accomplished, `nix-env -f "<nixpkgs>" -qA haskellPackages` will
+show your packages like any other package from Hackage, and you can build them
+    $ nix-build "<nixpkgs>" -A haskellPackages.foo
+or enter an interactive shell environment suitable for building them:
+    $ nix-shell "<nixpkgs>" -A haskellPackages.bar.env
+## Miscellaneous Topics
+### How to build with profiling enabled
+Every Haskell package set takes a function called `overrides` that you can use
+to manipulate the package as much as you please. One useful application of this
+feature is to replace the default `mkDerivation` function with one that enables
+library profiling for all packages. To accomplish that, add configure the
+following snippet in your `~/.nixpkgs/config.nix` file:
+    {
+      packageOverrides = super: let self = super.pkgs; in
+      {
+        profiledHaskellPackages = self.haskellPackages.override {
+          overrides = self: super: {
+            mkDerivation = args: super.mkDerivation (args // {
+              enableLibraryProfiling = true;
+            });
+          };
+        };
+      };
+    }
+Then, replace instances of `haskellPackages` in the `cabal2nix`-generated
+`default.nix` or `shell.nix` files with `profiledHaskellPackages`.
+### How to override package versions in a compiler-specific package set
+Nixpkgs provides the latest version of
+[`ghc-events`](http://hackage.haskell.org/package/ghc-events), which is
+at the time of this writing. This is fine for users of GHC 7.10.x, but GHC
+7.8.4 cannot compile that binary. Now, one way to solve that problem is to
+register an older version of `ghc-events` in the 7.8.x-specific package set.
+The first step is to generate Nix build instructions with `cabal2nix`:
+    $ cabal2nix cabal://ghc-events- >~/.nixpkgs/ghc-events-
+Then add the override in `~/.nixpkgs/config.nix`:
+    {
+      packageOverrides = super: let self = super.pkgs; in
+      {
+        haskell = super.haskell // {
+          packages = super.haskell.packages // {
+            ghc784 = super.haskell.packages.ghc784.override {
+              overrides = self: super: {
+                ghc-events = self.callPackage ./ghc-events- {};
+              };
+            };
+          };
+        };
+      };
+    }
+This code is a little crazy, no doubt, but it's necessary because the intuitive
+    haskell.packages.ghc784 = super.haskell.packages.ghc784.override {
+      overrides = self: super: {
+        ghc-events = self.callPackage ./ghc-events- {};
+      };
+    };
+doesn't do what we want it to: that code replaces the `haskell` package set in
+Nixpkgs with one that contains only one entry,`packages`, which contains only
+one entry `ghc784`. This override loses the `haskell.compiler` set, and it
+loses the `haskell.packages.ghcXYZ` sets for all compilers but GHC 7.8.4. To
+avoid that problem, we have to perform the convoluted little dance from above,
+iterating over each step in hierarchy.
+Once it's accomplished, however, we can install a variant of `ghc-events`
+that's compiled with GHC 7.8.4:
+    nix-env -f "<nixpkgs>" -iA haskell.packages.ghc784.ghc-events
+Unfortunately, it turns out that this build fails again while executing the
+test suite! Apparently, the release archive on Hackage is missing some data
+files that the test suite requires, so we cannot run it. We accomplish that by
+re-generating the Nix expression with the `--no-check` flag:
+    $ cabal2nix --no-check cabal://ghc-events- >~/.nixpkgs/ghc-events-
+Now the builds succeeds.
+Of course, in the concrete example of `ghc-events` this whole exercise is not
+an ideal solution, because `ghc-events` can analyze the output emitted by any
+version of GHC later than 6.12 regardless of the compiler version that was used
+to build the `ghc-events' executable, so strictly speaking there's no reason to
+prefer one built with GHC 7.8.x in the first place. However, for users who
+cannot use GHC 7.10.x at all for some reason, the approach of downgrading to an
+older version might be useful.
+### How to recover from GHC's infamous non-deterministic library ID bug
+GHC and distributed build farms don't get along well:
+    https://ghc.haskell.org/trac/ghc/ticket/4012
+When you see an error like this one
+    package foo- is broken due to missing package
+    text-
+then you have to download and re-install `foo` and all its dependents from
+    # nix-store -q --referrers /nix/store/*-haskell-text- \
+      | xargs -L 1 nix-store --repair-path --option binary-caches http://hydra.nixos.org
+If you're using additional Hydra servers other than `hydra.nixos.org`, then it
+might be necessary to purge the local caches that store data from those
+machines to disable these binary channels for the duration of the previous
+command, i.e. by running:
+    rm /nix/var/nix/binary-cache-v3.sqlite
+    rm /nix/var/nix/manifests/*
+    rm /nix/var/nix/channel-cache/*
+### How to use the Haste Haskell-to-Javascript transpiler
+Open a shell with `haste-compiler` and `haste-cabal-install` (you don't actually need
+`node`, but it can be useful to test stuff):
+    $ nix-shell -p "haskellPackages.ghcWithPackages (self: with self; [haste-cabal-install haste-compiler])" -p nodejs
+You may not need the following step but if `haste-boot` fails to compile all the
+packages it needs, this might do the trick
+    $ haste-cabal update
+`haste-boot` builds a set of core libraries so that they can be used from Javascript
+transpiled programs:
+    $ haste-boot
+Transpile and run a "Hello world" program:
+    $ echo 'module Main where main = putStrLn "Hello world"' > hello-world.hs
+    $ hastec --onexec hello-world.hs
+    $ node hello-world.js
+    Hello world
+### Builds on Darwin fail with `math.h` not found
+Users of GHC on Darwin have occasionally reported that builds fail, because the
+compiler complains about a missing include file:
+    fatal error: 'math.h' file not found
+The issue has been discussed at length in [ticket
+6390](https://github.com/NixOS/nixpkgs/issues/6390), and so far no good
+solution has been proposed. As a work-around, users who run into this problem
+can configure the environment variables
+    export NIX_CFLAGS_COMPILE="-idirafter /usr/include"
+    export NIX_CFLAGS_LINK="-L/usr/lib"
+in their `~/.bashrc` file to avoid the compiler error.
+### Builds using Stack complain about missing system libraries
+    --  While building package zlib- using:
+      runhaskell -package=Cabal- -clear-package-db [... lots of flags ...]
+    Process exited with code: ExitFailure 1
+    Logs have been written to: /home/foo/src/stack-ide/.stack-work/logs/zlib-
+    Configuring zlib-
+    Setup.hs: Missing dependency on a foreign library:
+    * Missing (or bad) header file: zlib.h
+    This problem can usually be solved by installing the system package that
+    provides this library (you may need the "-dev" version). If the library is
+    already installed but in a non-standard location then you can use the flags
+    --extra-include-dirs= and --extra-lib-dirs= to specify where it is.
+    If the header file does exist, it may contain errors that are caught by the C
+    compiler at the preprocessing stage. In this case you can re-run configure
+    with the verbosity flag -v3 to see the error messages.
+When you run the build inside of the nix-shell environment, the system
+is configured to find libz.so without any special flags -- the compiler
+and linker "just know" how to find it. Consequently, Cabal won't record
+any search paths for libz.so in the package description, which means
+that the package works fine inside of nix-shell, but once you leave the
+shell the shared object can no longer be found. That issue is by no
+means specific to Stack: you'll have that problem with any other
+Haskell package that's built inside of nix-shell but run outside of that
+You can remedy this issue in several ways. The easiest is to add a `nix` section
+to the `stack.yaml` like the following:
+    nix:
+      enable: true
+	  packages: [ zlib ]
+Stack's Nix support knows to add `${zlib}/lib` and `${zlib}/include` as an
+`--extra-lib-dirs` and `extra-include-dirs`, respectively. Alternatively, you
+can achieve the same effect by hand. First of all, run
+    $ nix-build --no-out-link "<nixpkgs>" -A zlib
+    /nix/store/alsvwzkiw4b7ip38l4nlfjijdvg3fvzn-zlib-1.2.8
+to find out the store path of the system's zlib library. Now, you can
+1) add that path (plus a "/lib" suffix) to your $LD_LIBRARY_PATH
+   environment variable to make sure your system linker finds libz.so
+   automatically. It's no pretty solution, but it will work.
+2) As a variant of (1), you can also install any number of system
+   libraries into your user's profile (or some other profile) and point
+   $LD_LIBRARY_PATH to that profile instead, so that you don't have to
+   list dozens of those store paths all over the place.
+3) The solution I prefer is to call stack with an appropriate
+   --extra-lib-dirs flag like so:
+    $ stack --extra-lib-dirs=/nix/store/alsvwzkiw4b7ip38l4nlfjijdvg3fvzn-zlib-1.2.8/lib build
+   Typically, you'll need --extra-include-dirs as well. It's possible
+   to add those flag to the project's "stack.yaml" or your user's
+   global "~/.stack/global/stack.yaml" file so that you don't have to
+   specify them manually every time. But again, you're likely better off using
+   Stack's Nix support instead.
+   The same thing applies to `cabal configure`, of course, if you're
+   building with `cabal-install` instead of Stack.
+### Creating statically linked binaries
+There are two levels of static linking. The first option is to configure the
+build with the Cabal flag `--disable-executable-dynamic`. In Nix expressions,
+this can be achieved by setting the attribute:
+    enableSharedExecutables = false;
+That gives you a binary with statically linked Haskell libraries and
+dynamically linked system libraries.
+To link both Haskell libraries and system libraries statically, the additional
+flags `--ghc-option=-optl=-static --ghc-option=-optl=-pthread` need to be used.
+In Nix, this is accomplished with:
+    configureFlags = [ "--ghc-option=-optl=-static" "--ghc-option=-optl=-pthread" ];
+It's important to realize, however, that most system libraries in Nix are built
+as shared libraries only, i.e. there is just no static library available that
+Cabal could link!
+## Other resources
+- The Youtube video [Nix Loves Haskell](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BsBhi_r-OeE)
+  provides an introduction into Haskell NG aimed at beginners. The slides are
+  available at http://cryp.to/nixos-meetup-3-slides.pdf and also -- in a form
+  ready for cut & paste -- at
+  https://github.com/NixOS/cabal2nix/blob/master/doc/nixos-meetup-3-slides.md.
+- Another Youtube video is [Escaping Cabal Hell with Nix](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mQd3s57n_2Y),
+  which discusses the subject of Haskell development with Nix but also provides
+  a basic introduction to Nix as well, i.e. it's suitable for viewers with
+  almost no prior Nix experience.
+- Oliver Charles wrote a very nice [Tutorial how to develop Haskell packages with Nix](http://wiki.ocharles.org.uk/Nix).
+- The *Journey into the Haskell NG infrastructure* series of postings
+  describe the new Haskell infrastructure in great detail:
+    - [Part 1](http://lists.science.uu.nl/pipermail/nix-dev/2015-January/015591.html)
+      explains the differences between the old and the new code and gives
+      instructions how to migrate to the new setup.
+    - [Part 2](http://lists.science.uu.nl/pipermail/nix-dev/2015-January/015608.html)
+      looks in-depth at how to tweak and configure your setup by means of
+      overrides.
+    - [Part 3](http://lists.science.uu.nl/pipermail/nix-dev/2015-April/016912.html)
+      describes the infrastructure that keeps the Haskell package set in Nixpkgs
+      up-to-date.
diff --git a/doc/languages-frameworks/index.xml b/doc/languages-frameworks/index.xml
index 395d46880217..8076c33f1b3f 100644
--- a/doc/languages-frameworks/index.xml
+++ b/doc/languages-frameworks/index.xml
@@ -13,19 +13,20 @@ in Nixpkgs to easily build packages for other programming languages,
 such as Perl or Haskell.  These are described in this chapter.</para>
-<xi:include href="perl.xml" />
-<xi:include href="python.xml" />
-<xi:include href="ruby.xml" />
+<xi:include href="beam.xml" />
+<xi:include href="bower.xml" />
+<xi:include href="coq.xml" />
 <xi:include href="go.xml" />
+<xi:include href="haskell.xml" />
+<xi:include href="idris.xml" /> <!-- generated from ../../pkgs/development/idris-modules/README.md  -->
 <xi:include href="java.xml" />
 <xi:include href="lua.xml" />
-<xi:include href="coq.xml" />
-<xi:include href="idris.xml" /> <!-- generated from ../../pkgs/development/idris-modules/README.md  -->
-<xi:include href="r.xml" /> <!-- generated from ../../pkgs/development/r-modules/README.md  -->
+<xi:include href="perl.xml" />
+<xi:include href="python.xml" />
 <xi:include href="qt.xml" />
+<xi:include href="r.xml" /> <!-- generated from ../../pkgs/development/r-modules/README.md  -->
+<xi:include href="ruby.xml" />
 <xi:include href="texlive.xml" />
-<xi:include href="bower.xml" />