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authorLin Jian <me@linj.tech>2022-10-04 22:57:02 +0800
committerLin Jian <me@linj.tech>2022-10-04 23:16:07 +0800
commitc91c353b5dcc077c4ea60d7104ed784330109fe7 (patch)
parentdfa7c2a85b230ca01f259fa8a7305ece9a0c953c (diff)
Split into two overlays: one for emacs and one for emacs packages
Emacs packages in nixpkgs have binary cache since [1]. It is useful to
split the whole overlay into two seperated ones so that users can use
emacs packages in nixpkgs with emacsWithPackagesFromUsePackage or
emacsWithPackagesFromPackageRequires in this overlay.

[1]: https://github.com/NixOS/nixpkgs/pull/188110
5 files changed, 238 insertions, 210 deletions
diff --git a/README.org b/README.org
index 432b8bca55be..676dc0e1665e 100644
--- a/README.org
+++ b/README.org
@@ -36,17 +36,25 @@ It is recommended you read Nixpkgs and NixOS documentation on package overlays a
 ** Contents of the overlay
-*** Elpa
+This overlay consists of two overlays: =emacs= and =package=.
+You can use both of them as a whole overlay or only one of them.
+*** =package= overlay
+**** Elpa
 Daily generations of Elpa.
-*** Melpa / Melpa stable
+**** Melpa / Melpa stable
 Daily generations of Melpa & Melpa stable attribute sets.
-*** EXWM & needed dependencies
+**** EXWM & needed dependencies
 This overlay provides fresh versions of EXWM and dependencies. This is
 updated daily.
-*** Emacs from Git and latest (including pre-releases)
+*** =emacs= overlay
+**** Emacs from Git and latest (including pre-releases)
 This overlay also provides two versions (latest from git) for Emacs. These
 are updated daily.
@@ -63,7 +71,7 @@ We also provide two attributes named =emacsGit-nox= and =emacsUnstable-nox=
 if you wish to have Emacs built without X dependencies.
 =emacsPgtk= and =emacsPgtkNativeComp= use the experimental pgtk feature which supports Wayland natively.
-** Extra library functionality
+**** Extra library functionality
 This overlay comes with extra functions to generate an Emacs closure
 from various types of dependency declaration. (These are abstractions
 on top of =emacsWithPackages=.)
diff --git a/flake.nix b/flake.nix
index 85668a85dd3d..9be11c905f3c 100644
--- a/flake.nix
+++ b/flake.nix
@@ -9,14 +9,19 @@
     , flake-utils
     }: {
       # self: super: must be named final: prev: for `nix flake check` to be happy
-      overlay = final: prev:
-        import ./overlays final prev;
+      overlays = {
+        default = final: prev: import ./overlays final prev;
+        emacs = final: prev: import ./overlays/emacs.nix final prev;
+        package = final: prev: import ./overlays/package.nix final prev;
+      };
+      # for backward compatibility, is safe to delete, not referenced anywhere
+      overlay = self.overlays.default;
     } // flake-utils.lib.eachDefaultSystem (system: (
         pkgs = import nixpkgs {
           inherit system;
           config.allowAliases = false;
-          overlays = [ self.overlay ];
+          overlays = [ self.overlays.default ];
         inherit (pkgs) lib;
         overlayAttrs = builtins.attrNames (import ./. pkgs pkgs);
diff --git a/overlays/default.nix b/overlays/default.nix
index 70d10f8346de..089b5494dca9 100644
--- a/overlays/default.nix
+++ b/overlays/default.nix
@@ -1,205 +1,10 @@
 self: super:
-  mkExDrv = emacsPackages: name: args:
-    let
-      repoMeta = super.lib.importJSON (./repos/exwm/. + "/${name}.json");
-    in
-    emacsPackages.melpaBuild (
-      args // {
-        pname = name;
-        ename = name;
-        version = repoMeta.version;
-        commit = repoMeta.rev;
-        recipe = builtins.toFile "recipe" ''
-          (${name} :fetcher github
-          :repo "ch11ng/${name}")
-        '';
-        src = super.fetchFromGitHub {
-          owner = "ch11ng";
-          repo = name;
-          inherit (repoMeta) rev sha256;
-        };
-      }
-    );
-  mkGitEmacs = namePrefix: jsonFile: { ... }@args:
-    let
-      repoMeta = super.lib.importJSON jsonFile;
-      fetcher =
-        if repoMeta.type == "savannah" then
-          super.fetchFromSavannah
-        else if repoMeta.type == "github" then
-          super.fetchFromGitHub
-        else
-          throw "Unknown repository type ${repoMeta.type}!";
-    in
-    builtins.foldl'
-      (drv: fn: fn drv)
-      super.emacs
-      [
-        (drv: drv.override ({ srcRepo = true; } // args))
-        (
-          drv: drv.overrideAttrs (
-            old: {
-              name = "${namePrefix}-${repoMeta.version}";
-              inherit (repoMeta) version;
-              src = fetcher (builtins.removeAttrs repoMeta [ "type" "version" ]);
-              patches = [ ];
-              postPatch = old.postPatch + ''
-                substituteInPlace lisp/loadup.el \
-                --replace '(emacs-repository-get-version)' '"${repoMeta.rev}"' \
-                --replace '(emacs-repository-get-branch)' '"master"'
-              '' +
-              # XXX: remove when https://github.com/NixOS/nixpkgs/pull/193621 is merged
-                (super.lib.optionalString (old ? NATIVE_FULL_AOT)
-                    (let backendPath = (super.lib.concatStringsSep " "
-                      (builtins.map (x: ''\"-B${x}\"'') [
-                        # Paths necessary so the JIT compiler finds its libraries:
-                        "${super.lib.getLib self.libgccjit}/lib"
-                        "${super.lib.getLib self.libgccjit}/lib/gcc"
-                        "${super.lib.getLib self.stdenv.cc.libc}/lib"
-                        # Executable paths necessary for compilation (ld, as):
-                        "${super.lib.getBin self.stdenv.cc.cc}/bin"
-                        "${super.lib.getBin self.stdenv.cc.bintools}/bin"
-                        "${super.lib.getBin self.stdenv.cc.bintools.bintools}/bin"
-                      ]));
-                     in ''
-                        substituteInPlace lisp/emacs-lisp/comp.el --replace \
-                            "(defcustom comp-libgccjit-reproducer nil" \
-                            "(setq native-comp-driver-options '(${backendPath}))
-(defcustom comp-libgccjit-reproducer nil"
-                    ''));
-            }
-          )
-        )
-        # reconnect pkgs to the built emacs
-        (
-          drv:
-          let
-            result = drv.overrideAttrs (old: {
-              passthru = old.passthru // {
-                pkgs = self.emacsPackagesFor result;
-              };
-            });
-          in
-          result
-        )
-      ];
-  mkPgtkEmacs = namePrefix: jsonFile: { ... }@args: (mkGitEmacs namePrefix jsonFile args).overrideAttrs (
-    old: {
-      configureFlags = (super.lib.remove "--with-xft" old.configureFlags)
-        ++ super.lib.singleton "--with-pgtk";
-    }
-  );
-  emacsGit = mkGitEmacs "emacs-git" ./repos/emacs/emacs-master.json { withSQLite3 = true; withWebP = true; };
-  emacsNativeComp = super.emacsNativeComp or (mkGitEmacs "emacs-native-comp" ./repos/emacs/emacs-unstable.json { nativeComp = true; });
-  emacsGitNativeComp = mkGitEmacs "emacs-git-native-comp" ./repos/emacs/emacs-master.json {
-    withSQLite3 = true;
-    withWebP = true;
-    nativeComp = true;
-  };
-  emacsPgtk = mkPgtkEmacs "emacs-pgtk" ./repos/emacs/emacs-master.json { withSQLite3 = true; withGTK3 = true; };
-  emacsPgtkNativeComp = mkPgtkEmacs "emacs-pgtk-native-comp" ./repos/emacs/emacs-master.json { nativeComp = true; withSQLite3 = true; withGTK3 = true; };
-  emacsUnstable = (mkGitEmacs "emacs-unstable" ./repos/emacs/emacs-unstable.json { });
+  inherit (super.lib) foldl' flip extends;
+  overlays = [
+    # package overlay must be applied before emacs overlay
+    (import ./package.nix)
+    (import ./emacs.nix)
+  ];
-  inherit emacsGit emacsUnstable;
-  inherit emacsNativeComp emacsGitNativeComp;
-  inherit emacsPgtk emacsPgtkNativeComp;
-  emacsGit-nox = (
-    (
-      emacsGit.override {
-        withNS = false;
-        withX = false;
-        withGTK2 = false;
-        withGTK3 = false;
-        withWebP = false;
-      }
-    ).overrideAttrs (
-      oa: {
-        name = "${oa.name}-nox";
-      }
-    )
-  );
-  emacsUnstable-nox = (
-    (
-      emacsUnstable.override {
-        withNS = false;
-        withX = false;
-        withGTK2 = false;
-        withGTK3 = false;
-        withWebP = false;
-      }
-    ).overrideAttrs (
-      oa: {
-        name = "${oa.name}-nox";
-      }
-    )
-  );
-  emacsWithPackagesFromUsePackage = import ./elisp.nix { pkgs = self; };
-  emacsWithPackagesFromPackageRequires = import ./packreq.nix { pkgs = self; };
-  emacsPackagesFor = emacs: (
-    (super.emacsPackagesFor emacs).overrideScope' (
-      eself: esuper:
-        let
-          melpaStablePackages = esuper.melpaStablePackages.override {
-            archiveJson = ./repos/melpa/recipes-archive-melpa.json;
-          };
-          melpaPackages = esuper.melpaPackages.override {
-            archiveJson = ./repos/melpa/recipes-archive-melpa.json;
-          };
-          elpaPackages = esuper.elpaPackages.override {
-            generated = ./repos/elpa/elpa-generated.nix;
-          };
-          epkgs = esuper.override {
-            inherit melpaStablePackages melpaPackages elpaPackages;
-          };
-        in
-        epkgs
-        // super.lib.optionalAttrs (super.lib.hasAttr "nongnuPackages" esuper) {
-          nongnuPackages = esuper.nongnuPackages.override {
-            generated = ./repos/nongnu/nongnu-generated.nix;
-          };
-        } // {
-          xelb = mkExDrv eself "xelb" {
-            packageRequires = [ eself.cl-generic eself.emacs ];
-          };
-          exwm = mkExDrv eself "exwm" {
-            packageRequires = [ eself.xelb ];
-          };
-        }
-    )
-  );
-} // super.lib.optionalAttrs (super.config.allowAliases or true) {
-  emacsGcc = builtins.trace "emacsGcc has been renamed to emacsNativeComp, please update your expression." emacsNativeComp;
-  emacsPgtkGcc = builtins.trace "emacsPgtkGcc has been renamed to emacsPgtkNativeComp, please update your expression." emacsPgtkNativeComp;
+foldl' (flip extends) (_: super) overlays self
diff --git a/overlays/emacs.nix b/overlays/emacs.nix
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..1b93d4473ec0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/overlays/emacs.nix
@@ -0,0 +1,143 @@
+self: super:
+  mkGitEmacs = namePrefix: jsonFile: { ... }@args:
+    let
+      repoMeta = super.lib.importJSON jsonFile;
+      fetcher =
+        if repoMeta.type == "savannah" then
+          super.fetchFromSavannah
+        else if repoMeta.type == "github" then
+          super.fetchFromGitHub
+        else
+          throw "Unknown repository type ${repoMeta.type}!";
+    in
+    builtins.foldl'
+      (drv: fn: fn drv)
+      super.emacs
+      [
+        (drv: drv.override ({ srcRepo = true; } // args))
+        (
+          drv: drv.overrideAttrs (
+            old: {
+              name = "${namePrefix}-${repoMeta.version}";
+              inherit (repoMeta) version;
+              src = fetcher (builtins.removeAttrs repoMeta [ "type" "version" ]);
+              patches = [ ];
+              postPatch = old.postPatch + ''
+                substituteInPlace lisp/loadup.el \
+                --replace '(emacs-repository-get-version)' '"${repoMeta.rev}"' \
+                --replace '(emacs-repository-get-branch)' '"master"'
+              '' +
+              # XXX: remove when https://github.com/NixOS/nixpkgs/pull/193621 is merged
+                (super.lib.optionalString (old ? NATIVE_FULL_AOT)
+                    (let backendPath = (super.lib.concatStringsSep " "
+                      (builtins.map (x: ''\"-B${x}\"'') [
+                        # Paths necessary so the JIT compiler finds its libraries:
+                        "${super.lib.getLib self.libgccjit}/lib"
+                        "${super.lib.getLib self.libgccjit}/lib/gcc"
+                        "${super.lib.getLib self.stdenv.cc.libc}/lib"
+                        # Executable paths necessary for compilation (ld, as):
+                        "${super.lib.getBin self.stdenv.cc.cc}/bin"
+                        "${super.lib.getBin self.stdenv.cc.bintools}/bin"
+                        "${super.lib.getBin self.stdenv.cc.bintools.bintools}/bin"
+                      ]));
+                     in ''
+                        substituteInPlace lisp/emacs-lisp/comp.el --replace \
+                            "(defcustom comp-libgccjit-reproducer nil" \
+                            "(setq native-comp-driver-options '(${backendPath}))
+(defcustom comp-libgccjit-reproducer nil"
+                    ''));
+            }
+          )
+        )
+        # reconnect pkgs to the built emacs
+        (
+          drv:
+          let
+            result = drv.overrideAttrs (old: {
+              passthru = old.passthru // {
+                pkgs = self.emacsPackagesFor result;
+              };
+            });
+          in
+          result
+        )
+      ];
+  mkPgtkEmacs = namePrefix: jsonFile: { ... }@args: (mkGitEmacs namePrefix jsonFile args).overrideAttrs (
+    old: {
+      configureFlags = (super.lib.remove "--with-xft" old.configureFlags)
+        ++ super.lib.singleton "--with-pgtk";
+    }
+  );
+  emacsGit = mkGitEmacs "emacs-git" ../repos/emacs/emacs-master.json { withSQLite3 = true; withWebP = true; };
+  emacsNativeComp = super.emacsNativeComp or (mkGitEmacs "emacs-native-comp" ../repos/emacs/emacs-unstable.json { nativeComp = true; });
+  emacsGitNativeComp = mkGitEmacs "emacs-git-native-comp" ../repos/emacs/emacs-master.json {
+    withSQLite3 = true;
+    withWebP = true;
+    nativeComp = true;
+  };
+  emacsPgtk = mkPgtkEmacs "emacs-pgtk" ../repos/emacs/emacs-master.json { withSQLite3 = true; withGTK3 = true; };
+  emacsPgtkNativeComp = mkPgtkEmacs "emacs-pgtk-native-comp" ../repos/emacs/emacs-master.json { nativeComp = true; withSQLite3 = true; withGTK3 = true; };
+  emacsUnstable = (mkGitEmacs "emacs-unstable" ../repos/emacs/emacs-unstable.json { });
+  inherit emacsGit emacsUnstable;
+  inherit emacsNativeComp emacsGitNativeComp;
+  inherit emacsPgtk emacsPgtkNativeComp;
+  emacsGit-nox = (
+    (
+      emacsGit.override {
+        withNS = false;
+        withX = false;
+        withGTK2 = false;
+        withGTK3 = false;
+        withWebP = false;
+      }
+    ).overrideAttrs (
+      oa: {
+        name = "${oa.name}-nox";
+      }
+    )
+  );
+  emacsUnstable-nox = (
+    (
+      emacsUnstable.override {
+        withNS = false;
+        withX = false;
+        withGTK2 = false;
+        withGTK3 = false;
+        withWebP = false;
+      }
+    ).overrideAttrs (
+      oa: {
+        name = "${oa.name}-nox";
+      }
+    )
+  );
+  emacsWithPackagesFromUsePackage = import ../elisp.nix { pkgs = self; };
+  emacsWithPackagesFromPackageRequires = import ../packreq.nix { pkgs = self; };
+} // super.lib.optionalAttrs (super.config.allowAliases or true) {
+  emacsGcc = builtins.trace "emacsGcc has been renamed to emacsNativeComp, please update your expression." emacsNativeComp;
+  emacsPgtkGcc = builtins.trace "emacsPgtkGcc has been renamed to emacsPgtkNativeComp, please update your expression." emacsPgtkNativeComp;
diff --git a/overlays/package.nix b/overlays/package.nix
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..f85fd8f14053
--- /dev/null
+++ b/overlays/package.nix
@@ -0,0 +1,67 @@
+self: super:
+  mkExDrv = emacsPackages: name: args:
+    let
+      repoMeta = super.lib.importJSON (../repos/exwm/. + "/${name}.json");
+    in
+    emacsPackages.melpaBuild (
+      args // {
+        pname = name;
+        ename = name;
+        version = repoMeta.version;
+        commit = repoMeta.rev;
+        recipe = builtins.toFile "recipe" ''
+          (${name} :fetcher github
+          :repo "ch11ng/${name}")
+        '';
+        src = super.fetchFromGitHub {
+          owner = "ch11ng";
+          repo = name;
+          inherit (repoMeta) rev sha256;
+        };
+      }
+    );
+  emacsPackagesFor = emacs: (
+    (super.emacsPackagesFor emacs).overrideScope' (
+      eself: esuper:
+        let
+          melpaStablePackages = esuper.melpaStablePackages.override {
+            archiveJson = ../repos/melpa/recipes-archive-melpa.json;
+          };
+          melpaPackages = esuper.melpaPackages.override {
+            archiveJson = ../repos/melpa/recipes-archive-melpa.json;
+          };
+          elpaPackages = esuper.elpaPackages.override {
+            generated = ../repos/elpa/elpa-generated.nix;
+          };
+          epkgs = esuper.override {
+            inherit melpaStablePackages melpaPackages elpaPackages;
+          };
+        in
+        epkgs
+        // super.lib.optionalAttrs (super.lib.hasAttr "nongnuPackages" esuper) {
+          nongnuPackages = esuper.nongnuPackages.override {
+            generated = ../repos/nongnu/nongnu-generated.nix;
+          };
+        } // {
+          xelb = mkExDrv eself "xelb" {
+            packageRequires = [ eself.cl-generic eself.emacs ];
+          };
+          exwm = mkExDrv eself "exwm" {
+            packageRequires = [ eself.xelb ];
+          };
+        }
+    )
+  );