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path: root/nixpkgs/pkgs/stdenv/adapters.nix
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Diffstat (limited to 'nixpkgs/pkgs/stdenv/adapters.nix')
1 files changed, 178 insertions, 6 deletions
diff --git a/nixpkgs/pkgs/stdenv/adapters.nix b/nixpkgs/pkgs/stdenv/adapters.nix
index f7d7053c77a9..dd2987190718 100644
--- a/nixpkgs/pkgs/stdenv/adapters.nix
+++ b/nixpkgs/pkgs/stdenv/adapters.nix
@@ -42,6 +42,50 @@ rec {
     stdenv.override (prev: { allowedRequisites = null; extraBuildInputs = (prev.extraBuildInputs or []) ++ pkgs; });
+  # Override the libc++ dynamic library used in the stdenv to use the one from the platform’s
+  # default stdenv. This allows building packages and linking dependencies with different
+  # compiler versions while still using the same libc++ implementation for compatibility.
+  #
+  # Note that this adapter still uses the headers from the new stdenv’s libc++. This is necessary
+  # because older compilers may not be able to parse the headers from the default stdenv’s libc++.
+  overrideLibcxx = stdenv:
+    assert stdenv.cc.libcxx != null;
+    let
+      llvmLibcxxVersion = lib.getVersion llvmLibcxx;
+      stdenvLibcxxVersion = lib.getVersion stdenvLibcxx;
+      stdenvLibcxx = pkgs.stdenv.cc.libcxx;
+      stdenvCxxabi = pkgs.stdenv.cc.libcxx.cxxabi;
+      llvmLibcxx = stdenv.cc.libcxx;
+      llvmCxxabi = stdenv.cc.libcxx.cxxabi;
+      libcxx = pkgs.runCommand "${stdenvLibcxx.name}-${llvmLibcxxVersion}" {
+        outputs = [ "out" "dev" ];
+        inherit cxxabi;
+        isLLVM = true;
+      } ''
+        mkdir -p "$dev/nix-support"
+        ln -s '${stdenvLibcxx}' "$out"
+        echo '${stdenvLibcxx}' > "$dev/nix-support/propagated-build-inputs"
+        ln -s '${lib.getDev llvmLibcxx}/include' "$dev/include"
+      '';
+      cxxabi = pkgs.runCommand "${stdenvCxxabi.name}-${llvmLibcxxVersion}" {
+        outputs = [ "out" "dev" ];
+        inherit (stdenvCxxabi) libName;
+      } ''
+        mkdir -p "$dev/nix-support"
+        ln -s '${stdenvCxxabi}' "$out"
+        echo '${stdenvCxxabi}' > "$dev/nix-support/propagated-build-inputs"
+        ln -s '${lib.getDev llvmCxxabi}/include' "$dev/include"
+      '';
+    in
+    overrideCC stdenv (stdenv.cc.override {
+      inherit libcxx;
+      extraPackages = [ cxxabi pkgs.pkgsTargetTarget."llvmPackages_${lib.versions.major llvmLibcxxVersion}".compiler-rt ];
+    });
   # Override the setup script of stdenv.  Useful for testing new
   # versions of the setup script without causing a rebuild of
   # everything.
@@ -60,12 +104,13 @@ rec {
       mkDerivationFromStdenv = withOldMkDerivation old (stdenv: mkDerivationSuper: args:
       if stdenv.hostPlatform.isDarwin
       then throw "Cannot build fully static binaries on Darwin/macOS"
-      else (mkDerivationSuper args).overrideAttrs(finalAttrs: {
-        NIX_CFLAGS_LINK = toString (finalAttrs.NIX_CFLAGS_LINK or "") + " -static";
-      } // lib.optionalAttrs (!(finalAttrs.dontAddStaticConfigureFlags or false)) {
-        configureFlags = (finalAttrs.configureFlags or []) ++ [
-            "--disable-shared" # brrr...
-          ];
+      else (mkDerivationSuper args).overrideAttrs (args: {
+        NIX_CFLAGS_LINK = toString (args.NIX_CFLAGS_LINK or "") + " -static";
+      } // lib.optionalAttrs (!(args.dontAddStaticConfigureFlags or false)) {
+        configureFlags = (args.configureFlags or []) ++ [
+          "--disable-shared" # brrr...
+        ];
+        cmakeFlags = (args.cmakeFlags or []) ++ ["-DCMAKE_SKIP_INSTALL_RPATH=On"];
     } // lib.optionalAttrs (stdenv0.hostPlatform.libc == "glibc") {
       extraBuildInputs = (old.extraBuildInputs or []) ++ [
@@ -245,4 +290,131 @@ rec {
         env = (args.env or {}) // { NIX_CFLAGS_COMPILE = toString (args.env.NIX_CFLAGS_COMPILE or "") + " ${toString compilerFlags}"; };
+  # Overriding the SDK changes the Darwin SDK used to build the package, which:
+  # * Ensures that the compiler and bintools have the correct Libsystem version; and
+  # * Replaces any SDK references with those in the SDK corresponding to the requested SDK version.
+  #
+  # `sdkVersion` can be any of the following:
+  # * A version string indicating the requested SDK version; or
+  # * An attrset consisting of either or both of the following fields: darwinSdkVersion and darwinMinVersion.
+  overrideSDK = stdenv: sdkVersion:
+    let
+      inherit (
+        { inherit (stdenv.hostPlatform) darwinMinVersion darwinSdkVersion; }
+        // (if lib.isAttrs sdkVersion then sdkVersion else { darwinSdkVersion = sdkVersion; })
+      ) darwinMinVersion darwinSdkVersion;
+      sdk = pkgs.darwin."apple_sdk_${lib.replaceStrings [ "." ] [ "_" ] darwinSdkVersion}";
+      # TODO: Make this unconditional after #229210 has been merged,
+      # and the 10.12 SDK is updated to follow the new structure.
+      Libsystem = if darwinSdkVersion == "10.12" then pkgs.darwin.Libsystem else sdk.Libsystem;
+      replacePropagatedFrameworks = pkg:
+        let
+          propagatedInputs = pkg.propagatedBuildInputs;
+          mappedInputs = map mapPackageToSDK propagatedInputs;
+          env = {
+            inherit (pkg) outputs;
+            # Map old frameworks to new ones and the package’s outputs to their original outPaths.
+            # Also map any packages that have propagated frameworks to their proxy packages using
+            # the requested SDK version. These mappings are rendered into tab-separated files to be
+            # parsed and read back with `read`.
+            dependencies = lib.concatMapStrings (pair: "${pair.fst}\t${pair.snd}\n") (lib.zipLists propagatedInputs mappedInputs);
+            pkgOutputs = lib.concatMapStrings (output: "${output}\t${(lib.getOutput output pkg).outPath}\n") pkg.outputs;
+            passAsFile = [ "dependencies" "pkgOutputs" ];
+          };
+        in
+        # Only remap the package’s propagated inputs if there are any and if any of them were themselves remapped.
+        if lib.length propagatedInputs > 0 && propagatedInputs != mappedInputs
+          then pkgs.runCommand pkg.name env ''
+            # Iterate over the outputs in the package being replaced to make sure the proxy is
+            # a fully functional replacement. This is like `symlinkJoin` except for outputs and
+            # the contents of `nix-support`, which will be customized for the requested SDK.
+            while IFS=$'\t\n' read -r outputName pkgOutputPath; do
+              mkdir -p "''${!outputName}"
+              for targetPath in "$pkgOutputPath"/*; do
+                targetName=$(basename "$targetPath")
+                # `nix-support` is special-cased because any propagated inputs need their SDK
+                # frameworks replaced with those from the requested SDK.
+                if [ "$targetName" == "nix-support" ]; then
+                  mkdir "''${!outputName}/nix-support"
+                  for file in "$targetPath"/*; do
+                    fileName=$(basename "$file")
+                    if [ "$fileName" == "propagated-build-inputs" ]; then
+                      cp "$file" "''${!outputName}/nix-support/$fileName"
+                      while IFS=$'\t\n' read -r oldFramework newFramework; do
+                        substituteInPlace "''${!outputName}/nix-support/$fileName" \
+                          --replace "$oldFramework" "$newFramework"
+                      done < "$dependenciesPath"
+                    fi
+                  done
+                else
+                  ln -s "$targetPath" "''${!outputName}/$targetName"
+                fi
+              done
+            done < "$pkgOutputsPath"
+          ''
+        else pkg;
+      # Remap a framework from one SDK version to another.
+      mapPackageToSDK = pkg:
+        let
+          name = lib.getName pkg;
+          framework = lib.removePrefix "apple-framework-" name;
+        in
+        /**/ if pkg == null then pkg
+        else if name != framework then sdk.frameworks."${framework}"
+        else replacePropagatedFrameworks pkg;
+      mapRuntimeToSDK = pkg:
+        # Only remap xcbuild for now, which exports the SDK used to build it.
+        if pkg != null && lib.isAttrs pkg && lib.getName pkg == "xcodebuild"
+          then pkg.override { stdenv = overrideSDK stdenv { inherit darwinMinVersion darwinSdkVersion; }; }
+          else pkg;
+      mapInputsToSDK = inputs: args:
+        let
+          runsAtBuild = lib.flip lib.elem [
+            "depsBuildBuild"
+            "depsBuildBuildPropagated"
+            "nativeBuildInputs"
+            "propagatedNativeBuildInputs"
+            "depsBuildTarget"
+            "depsBuildTargetPropagated"
+          ];
+          atBuildInputs = lib.filter runsAtBuild inputs;
+          atRuntimeInputs = lib.subtractLists atBuildInputs inputs;
+        in
+        lib.genAttrs atRuntimeInputs (input: map mapPackageToSDK (args."${input}" or [ ]))
+        // lib.genAttrs atBuildInputs (input: map mapRuntimeToSDK (args."${input}" or [ ]));
+      mkCC = cc: cc.override {
+        bintools = cc.bintools.override { libc = Libsystem; };
+        libc = Libsystem;
+      };
+    in
+    # TODO: make this work across all input types and not just propagatedBuildInputs
+    stdenv.override (old: {
+      buildPlatform = old.buildPlatform // { inherit darwinMinVersion darwinSdkVersion; };
+      hostPlatform = old.hostPlatform // { inherit darwinMinVersion darwinSdkVersion; };
+      targetPlatform = old.targetPlatform // { inherit darwinMinVersion darwinSdkVersion; };
+      allowedRequisites = null;
+      cc = mkCC old.cc;
+      extraBuildInputs = [sdk.frameworks.CoreFoundation ];
+      mkDerivationFromStdenv = extendMkDerivationArgs old (mapInputsToSDK [
+        "buildInputs"
+        "nativeBuildInputs"
+        "propagatedNativeBuildInputs"
+        "propagatedBuildInputs"
+      ]);
+    });