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path: root/nixpkgs/pkgs/development/compilers/flutter/engine-artifacts/default.nix
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'nixpkgs/pkgs/development/compilers/flutter/engine-artifacts/default.nix')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 243 deletions
diff --git a/nixpkgs/pkgs/development/compilers/flutter/engine-artifacts/default.nix b/nixpkgs/pkgs/development/compilers/flutter/engine-artifacts/default.nix
deleted file mode 100644
index 30c293c8d75d..000000000000
--- a/nixpkgs/pkgs/development/compilers/flutter/engine-artifacts/default.nix
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,243 +0,0 @@
-{ lib
-, stdenv
-, hostPlatform
-, engineVersion
-, fetchurl
-, fetchzip
-, autoPatchelfHook
-, gtk3
-, flutterVersion
-, unzip
-, stdenvNoCC
-  hashes = (import ./hashes.nix).${engineVersion} or
-    (throw "There are no known artifact hashes for Flutter engine version ${engineVersion}.");
-  noticeText = stdenvNoCC.mkDerivation (finalAttrs: {
-    pname = "flutter-notice";
-    version = engineVersion;
-    dontUnpack = true;
-    src = fetchurl {
-      pname = "flutter-sky_engine-LICENSE";
-      version = engineVersion;
-      url = "https://raw.githubusercontent.com/flutter/engine/${engineVersion}/sky/packages/sky_engine/LICENSE";
-      sha256 = hashes.skyNotice;
-    };
-    flutterNotice = fetchurl {
-      pname = "flutter-LICENSE";
-      version = engineVersion;
-      url = "https://raw.githubusercontent.com/flutter/flutter/${flutterVersion}/LICENSE";
-      sha256 = hashes.flutterNotice;
-    };
-    installPhase =
-      ''
-        SRC_TEXT="$(cat $src)"
-        FLUTTER_NOTICE_TEXT="$(cat $flutterNotice)"
-        cat << EOF > $out
-        This artifact is from the Flutter SDK's engine.
-        This file carries third-party notices for its dependencies.
-        See also other files, that have LICENSE in the name, in the artifact directory.
-        Appendix 1/2: merged sky_engine LICENSE file (also found at ${finalAttrs.src.url})
-        $SRC_TEXT
-        Appendix 2/2: Flutter license (also found at ${finalAttrs.flutterNotice.url})
-        EOF
-      '';
-  });
-  artifacts =
-    {
-      common = {
-        flutter_patched_sdk = { archive = "flutter_patched_sdk.zip"; };
-        flutter_patched_sdk_product = { archive = "flutter_patched_sdk_product.zip"; };
-      };
-      platform = {
-        android =
-          (lib.genAttrs
-            [ "arm" "arm64" "x64" ]
-            (arch:
-              {
-                base = [
-                  { archive = "artifacts.zip"; }
-                ];
-                variants = lib.genAttrs [ "profile" "release" ]
-                  (variant: [
-                    { archive = "artifacts.zip"; }
-                    { subdirectory = true; archive = "${lib.toLower hostPlatform.uname.system}-x64.zip"; }
-                  ]);
-              })) //
-          {
-            "x86" = {
-              base = [
-                { archive = "artifacts.zip"; }
-              ];
-              variants.jit-release = [
-                { archive = "artifacts.zip"; }
-              ];
-            };
-          };
-        darwin = {
-          "arm64" = {
-            base = [
-              { archive = "artifacts.zip"; }
-              { archive = "font-subset.zip"; }
-            ];
-            variants = lib.genAttrs [ "profile" "release" ]
-              (variant: [
-                { archive = "artifacts.zip"; }
-              ]);
-          };
-          "x64" = {
-            base = [
-              { archive = "FlutterEmbedder.framework.zip"; }
-              { archive = "FlutterMacOS.framework.zip"; }
-              { archive = "artifacts.zip"; }
-              { archive = "font-subset.zip"; }
-              { archive = "gen_snapshot.zip"; }
-            ];
-            variants.profile = [
-              { archive = "FlutterMacOS.framework.zip"; }
-              { archive = "artifacts.zip"; }
-              { archive = "gen_snapshot.zip"; }
-            ];
-            variants.release = [
-              { archive = "FlutterMacOS.dSYM.zip"; }
-              { archive = "FlutterMacOS.framework.zip"; }
-              { archive = "artifacts.zip"; }
-              { archive = "gen_snapshot.zip"; }
-            ];
-          };
-        };
-        ios =
-          (lib.genAttrs
-            [ "" ]
-            (arch:
-              {
-                base = [
-                  { archive = "artifacts.zip"; }
-                ];
-                variants.profile = [
-                  { archive = "artifacts.zip"; }
-                ];
-                variants.release = [
-                  { archive = "artifacts.zip"; }
-                  { archive = "Flutter.dSYM.zip"; }
-                ];
-              }));
-        linux = lib.genAttrs
-          [ "arm64" "x64" ]
-          (arch:
-            let
-              linux-flutter-gtk = {
-                archive = "linux-${arch}-flutter-gtk.zip";
-                buildInputs = [ gtk3 ];
-              };
-            in
-            {
-              base = [
-                ({ archive = "artifacts.zip"; } // lib.optionalAttrs (arch == "arm64") {
-                  # For some reason, the arm64 artifacts are missing shader code in Flutter < 3.10.0.
-                  postPatch = ''
-                    if [ ! -d shader_lib ]; then
-                      ln -s ${lib.findSingle
-                        (pkg: lib.getName pkg == "flutter-artifact-linux-x64-artifacts")
-                        (throw "Could not find the x64 artifact archive.")
-                        (throw "Could not find the correct x64 artifact archive.")
-                        artifactDerivations.platform.linux.x64.base
-                      }/shader_lib .
-                    fi
-                  '';
-                })
-                { archive = "font-subset.zip"; }
-                (linux-flutter-gtk // {
-                  # https://github.com/flutter/flutter/commit/9d94a51b607600a39c14470c35c676eb3e30eed6
-                  variant = "debug";
-                })
-              ];
-              variants = lib.genAttrs [ "debug" "profile" "release" ] (variant: [
-                linux-flutter-gtk
-              ]);
-            });
-      };
-    };
-  mkArtifactDerivation = { platform ? null, variant ? null, subdirectory ? null, archive, ... }@args:
-    let
-      artifactDirectory = if platform == null then null else "${platform}${lib.optionalString (variant != null) "-${variant}"}";
-      archiveBasename = lib.removeSuffix ".${(lib.last (lib.splitString "." archive))}" archive;
-      overrideUnpackCmd = builtins.elem archive [ "FlutterEmbedder.framework.zip" "FlutterMacOS.framework.zip" ];
-    in
-    stdenv.mkDerivation ({
-      pname = "flutter-artifact${lib.optionalString (platform != null) "-${artifactDirectory}"}-${archiveBasename}";
-      version = engineVersion;
-      nativeBuildInputs = [ unzip ]
-        ++ lib.optionals stdenv.hostPlatform.isLinux [ autoPatchelfHook ];
-      src =
-        if overrideUnpackCmd then
-          (fetchurl {
-            url = "https://storage.googleapis.com/flutter_infra_release/flutter/${engineVersion}${lib.optionalString (platform != null) "/${artifactDirectory}"}/${archive}";
-            hash = (if artifactDirectory == null then hashes else hashes.${artifactDirectory}).${archive};
-          }) else
-          (fetchzip {
-            url = "https://storage.googleapis.com/flutter_infra_release/flutter/${engineVersion}${lib.optionalString (platform != null) "/${artifactDirectory}"}/${archive}";
-            stripRoot = false;
-            hash = (if artifactDirectory == null then hashes else hashes.${artifactDirectory}).${archive};
-          });
-      sourceRoot = if overrideUnpackCmd then "." else null;
-      unpackCmd = if overrideUnpackCmd then "unzip -o $src -d $out" else null;
-      installPhase =
-        let
-          destination = "$out/${if subdirectory == true then archiveBasename else if subdirectory != null then subdirectory else "."}";
-        in
-        ''
-          # ship the notice near all artifacts. if the artifact directory is / multiple directories are nested in $src, link it there. If there isn't a directory, link it in root
-          # this *isn't the same as the subdirectory variable above*
-          DIR_CNT="$(echo */ | wc -w)"
-          if [[ "$DIR_CNT" == 0 ]]; then
-            ln -s ${noticeText} LICENSE.README
-          else
-            for dir in */
-            do
-              ln -s ${noticeText} "$dir/LICENSE.README"
-            done
-          fi
-          mkdir -p "${destination}"
-          cp -r . "${destination}"
-        '';
-    } // args);
-  artifactDerivations = {
-    common = builtins.mapAttrs (name: mkArtifactDerivation) artifacts.common;
-    platform =
-      builtins.mapAttrs
-        (os: architectures:
-          builtins.mapAttrs
-            (architecture: variants: {
-              base = map
-                (args: mkArtifactDerivation ({
-                  platform = "${os}${lib.optionalString (architecture != "") "-${architecture}"}";
-                } // args))
-                variants.base;
-              variants = builtins.mapAttrs
-                (variant: variantArtifacts: map
-                  (args: mkArtifactDerivation ({
-                    platform = "${os}${lib.optionalString (architecture != "") "-${architecture}"}";
-                    inherit variant;
-                  } // args))
-                  variantArtifacts)
-                variants.variants;
-            })
-            architectures)
-        artifacts.platform;
-  };