= Testing Patches :page-parent: How-to Guides // SPDX-FileCopyrightText: 2022 Alyssa Ross // SPDX-License-Identifier: GFDL-1.3-no-invariants-or-later OR CC-BY-SA-4.0 Potential changes to Spectrum are posted to and discussed on the https://spectrum-os.org/participating.html#spectrum-devel[devel@spectrum-os.org] mailing list. == Apply the patch If you haven't already, you'll first need to xref:b4.adoc[install and configure] https://git.kernel.org/pub/scm/utils/b4/b4.git/about/[b4]. Then: . Find the patch series you want to test on https://spectrum-os.org/lists/archives/spectrum-devel/[public-inbox]. . Navigate to the "permalink" page for any patch in the series. . Copy the Message-Id for the patch, as shown on the permalink page, e.g. \20220511092352.70E54C980@atuin.qyliss.net. . In a checkout of the appropriate git repository (https://spectrum-os.org/git/spectrum[Spectrum] or https://spectrum-os.org/git/nixpkgs[Spectrum Nixpkgs]), Run `b4 am` with the patch's Message-Id to download all the patches in the series into a file. + [example] [source,shell] ---- b4 am 20220511092352.70E54C980@atuin.qyliss.net ---- . b4 will indicate the file name it has downloaded the patches into with a line like: + [example] [listing] Writing ./20220424_hi_host_rootfs_fix_weston_hotplugging.mbx + Run `git am` on that file to apply the patches, for example: + [example] [source,shell] ---- git am 20220424_hi_host_rootfs_fix_weston_hotplugging.mbx ---- == Post your test results When you've tested a patch, it's really helpful to xref:replying.adoc[reply] with your test results. If the patch worked for you, please reply to it and include a line like the following, separated from any reply text: ---- Tested-by: John Smith ---- This format is recognized by tooling, so any lines in this format in patch replies will be automatically included in the commit message when a patch is applied. It's also helpful to explain in your reply how you tested the patch, but you don't have to if it's obvious. (For example, if a patch is supposed to fix a bug, and you verified that after applying the patch the bug is fixed, just the Tested-by line on its own is enough to indicate that.) If you found an issue with the patch, do not include a Tested-by line, and instead reply to the patch explaining what you tested, what you expected to happen, and what actually happened.