= Creating VMs :page-parent: Reference // SPDX-FileCopyrightText: 2022 Alyssa Ross // SPDX-License-Identifier: GFDL-1.3-no-invariants-or-later OR CC-BY-SA-4.0 == Configuration Each VM is configured using a directory under svc/data/ on the xref:user-partition.adoc[user partition]. The name of the directory determines the name of the VM. The directory can contain the following files: vmlinux:: An uncompressed Linux kernel image for the VM to boot. *Required.* rootfs.ext4:: A disk image that will be provided to the guest as a virtio-blk device. *Required.* providers/net:: A directory containing a file named for each VM that should provide networking to this VM. The contents of these files are ignored. === Example A configuration directory for a VM called "appvm-lynx" dedicated to the https://lynx.invisible-island.net[Lynx] web browser, set up to have networking provided by a VM named "netvm" would look like this: ---- appvm-lynx ├── providers/ │   └── net/ │   └── netvm ├── rootfs.ext4 └── vmlinux* ---- == Devices The virtual devices described here are always created for Spectrum VMs. It's important for guests to recognize these devices and use them in the intended way so that they integrate into the rest of the system. === Logging Every VM has a serial console that is connected to the host system's logging infrastructure. The console is write-only -- there will never be any input to read from the console. === User interface Every VM has a virtio-console device to use to interact with the user of the Spectrum system. === Networking The Spectrum host system can create network connections between VMs. These take the form of virtio-net devices. Guests must support the VIRTIO_NET_F_MAC feature. A guest can distinguish between virtual inter-guest network connections and hardware network connections through the MAC address of the corresponding network interface: guest network interfaces for inter-guest networking have the OUI `0A:B3:EC`. Connections to *network provider VMs* have the IP address to use encoded in the client interface's MAC address. The client guest should configure an IPv4 address in ``, where the final two octets of the IP address are the final two octets of the interface's MAC address. For example, an application VM where a network interface named `eth0` has the MAC address `0A:B3:EC:00:A5:46` should configure `eth0` with the IPv4 address `` (because `A5` in hexadecimal is `165` in decimal, and `46` in hexadecimal is `70` in decimal).