# wrap whole file into an attrset 1itl: { # no indentation $a} # trash packages we don't want /^name .*\./,/^$/d # quote package names, as some start with a number :-/ s/^name (.*)/name "\1"/ # form an attrmap per package /^name /s/^name (.*)/\1 = {/p /^$/,1i}; # extract hashes of *.tar.xz s/^containerchecksum (.*)/ sha512.run = "\1";/p s/^doccontainerchecksum (.*)/ sha512.doc = "\1";/p s/^srccontainerchecksum (.*)/ sha512.source = "\1";/p /^runfiles /i\ hasRunfiles = true; # number of path components to strip, defaulting to 1 ("texmf-dist/") /^relocated 1/i\ stripPrefix = 0; # extract version and clean unwanted chars from it /^catalogue-version/y/ \/~/_--/ /^catalogue-version/s/[\#,:\(\)]//g s/^catalogue-version_(.*)/ version = "\1";/p # extract deps s/^depend ([^.]*)$/ deps."\1" = tl."\1";/p