from __future__ import annotations import dataclasses as dc import html import itertools from typing import cast, get_args, Iterable, Literal, Sequence from markdown_it.token import Token from .utils import Freezeable # FragmentType is used to restrict structural include blocks. FragmentType = Literal['preface', 'part', 'chapter', 'section', 'appendix'] # in the TOC all fragments are allowed, plus the all-encompassing book. TocEntryType = Literal['book', 'preface', 'part', 'chapter', 'section', 'appendix', 'example', 'figure'] def is_include(token: Token) -> bool: return token.type == "fence" and"{=include=} ") # toplevel file must contain only the title headings and includes, anything else # would cause strange rendering. def _check_book_structure(tokens: Sequence[Token]) -> None: for token in tokens[6:]: if not is_include(token): assert raise RuntimeError(f"unexpected content in line {[0] + 1}, " "expected structural include") # much like books, parts may not contain headings other than their title heading. # this is a limitation of the current renderers and TOC generators that do not handle # this case well even though it is supported in docbook (and probably supportable # anywhere else). def _check_part_structure(tokens: Sequence[Token]) -> None: _check_fragment_structure(tokens) for token in tokens[3:]: if token.type == 'heading_open': assert raise RuntimeError(f"unexpected heading in line {[0] + 1}") # two include blocks must either be adjacent or separated by a heading, otherwise # we cannot generate a correct TOC (since there'd be nothing to link to between # the two includes). def _check_fragment_structure(tokens: Sequence[Token]) -> None: for i, token in enumerate(tokens): if is_include(token) \ and i + 1 < len(tokens) \ and not (is_include(tokens[i + 1]) or tokens[i + 1].type == 'heading_open'): assert raise RuntimeError(f"unexpected content in line {[0] + 1}, " "expected heading or structural include") def check_structure(kind: TocEntryType, tokens: Sequence[Token]) -> None: wanted = { 'h1': 'title' } wanted |= { 'h2': 'subtitle' } if kind == 'book' else {} for (i, (tag, role)) in enumerate(wanted.items()): if len(tokens) < 3 * (i + 1): raise RuntimeError(f"missing {role} ({tag}) heading") token = tokens[3 * i] if token.type != 'heading_open' or token.tag != tag: assert raise RuntimeError(f"expected {role} ({tag}) heading in line {[0] + 1}", token) for t in tokens[3 * len(wanted):]: if t.type != 'heading_open' or not (role := wanted.get(t.tag, '')): continue assert raise RuntimeError( f"only one {role} heading ({t.markup} [text...]) allowed per " f"{kind}, but found a second in line {[0] + 1}. " "please remove all such headings except the first or demote the subsequent headings.", t) last_heading_level = 0 for token in tokens: if token.type != 'heading_open': continue # book subtitle headings do not need an id, only book title headings do. # every other headings needs one too. we need this to build a TOC and to # provide stable links if the manual changes shape. if 'id' not in token.attrs and (kind != 'book' or token.tag != 'h2'): assert raise RuntimeError(f"heading in line {[0] + 1} does not have an id") level = int(token.tag[1:]) # because tag = h1..h6 if level > last_heading_level + 1: assert raise RuntimeError(f"heading in line {[0] + 1} skips one or more heading levels, " "which is currently not allowed") last_heading_level = level if kind == 'book': _check_book_structure(tokens) elif kind == 'part': _check_part_structure(tokens) else: _check_fragment_structure(tokens) @dc.dataclass(frozen=True) class XrefTarget: id: str """link label for `[](#local-references)`""" title_html: str """toc label""" toc_html: str | None """text for `` tags and `title="..."` attributes""" title: str | None """path to file that contains the anchor""" path: str """whether to drop the `#anchor` from links when expanding xrefs""" drop_fragment: bool = False """whether to drop the `path.html` from links when expanding xrefs. mostly useful for docbook compatibility""" drop_target: bool = False def href(self) -> str: path = "" if self.drop_target else html.escape(self.path, True) return path if self.drop_fragment else f"{path}#{html.escape(, True)}" @dc.dataclass class TocEntry(Freezeable): kind: TocEntryType target: XrefTarget parent: TocEntry | None = None prev: TocEntry | None = None next: TocEntry | None = None children: list[TocEntry] = dc.field(default_factory=list) starts_new_chunk: bool = False examples: list[TocEntry] = dc.field(default_factory=list) figures: list[TocEntry] = dc.field(default_factory=list) @property def root(self) -> TocEntry: return self.parent.root if self.parent else self @classmethod def of(cls, token: Token) -> TocEntry: entry = token.meta.get('TocEntry') if not isinstance(entry, TocEntry): raise RuntimeError('requested toc entry, none found', token) return entry @classmethod def collect_and_link(cls, xrefs: dict[str, XrefTarget], tokens: Sequence[Token]) -> TocEntry: entries, examples, figures = cls._collect_entries(xrefs, tokens, 'book') def flatten_with_parent(this: TocEntry, parent: TocEntry | None) -> Iterable[TocEntry]: this.parent = parent return itertools.chain([this], *[ flatten_with_parent(c, this) for c in this.children ]) flat = list(flatten_with_parent(entries, None)) prev = flat[0] prev.starts_new_chunk = True paths_seen = set([]) for c in flat[1:]: if != and not in paths_seen: c.starts_new_chunk = True c.prev, = prev, c prev = c paths_seen.add( flat[0].examples = examples flat[0].figures = figures for c in flat: c.freeze() return entries @classmethod def _collect_entries(cls, xrefs: dict[str, XrefTarget], tokens: Sequence[Token], kind: TocEntryType) -> tuple[TocEntry, list[TocEntry], list[TocEntry]]: # we assume that check_structure has been run recursively over the entire input. # list contains (tag, entry) pairs that will collapse to a single entry for # the full sequence. entries: list[tuple[str, TocEntry]] = [] examples: list[TocEntry] = [] figures: list[TocEntry] = [] for token in tokens: if token.type.startswith('included_') and (included := token.meta.get('included')): fragment_type_str = token.type[9:].removesuffix('s') assert fragment_type_str in get_args(TocEntryType) fragment_type = cast(TocEntryType, fragment_type_str) for fragment, _path in included: subentries, subexamples, subfigures = cls._collect_entries(xrefs, fragment, fragment_type) entries[-1][1].children.append(subentries) examples += subexamples figures += subfigures elif token.type == 'heading_open' and (id := cast(str, token.attrs.get('id', ''))): while len(entries) > 1 and entries[-1][0] >= token.tag: entries[-2][1].children.append(entries.pop()[1]) entries.append((token.tag, TocEntry(kind if token.tag == 'h1' else 'section', xrefs[id]))) token.meta['TocEntry'] = entries[-1][1] elif token.type == 'example_open' and (id := cast(str, token.attrs.get('id', ''))): examples.append(TocEntry('example', xrefs[id])) elif token.type == 'figure_open' and (id := cast(str, token.attrs.get('id', ''))): figures.append(TocEntry('figure', xrefs[id])) while len(entries) > 1: entries[-2][1].children.append(entries.pop()[1]) return (entries[0][1], examples, figures)