{ stdenv, fetchurl, fetchpatch, zlib, openssl, libedit, pkgconfig, pam, autoreconfHook , etcDir ? null , hpnSupport ? false , withKerberos ? true , withGssapiPatches ? false , kerberos , libfido2 , withFIDO ? stdenv.hostPlatform.isUnix && !stdenv.hostPlatform.isMusl , linkOpenssl? true }: let # **please** update this patch when you update to a new openssh release. gssapiPatch = fetchpatch { name = "openssh-gssapi.patch"; url = "https://salsa.debian.org/ssh-team/openssh/raw/debian/1%258.2p1-1/debian/patches/gssapi.patch"; sha256 = "081gryqkfr5zr4f5m4v0piq1sxz06sb38z5lqxccgpivql7pa8d8"; }; in with stdenv.lib; stdenv.mkDerivation rec { pname = "openssh"; version = if hpnSupport then "8.1p1" else "8.2p1"; src = if hpnSupport then fetchurl { url = "https://github.com/rapier1/openssh-portable/archive/hpn-KitchenSink-8_1_P1.tar.gz"; sha256 = "1xiv28df9c15h44fv1i93fq8rvkyapjj9vj985ndnw3xk1nvqjyd"; } else fetchurl { url = "mirror://openbsd/OpenSSH/portable/${pname}-${version}.tar.gz"; sha256 = "0wg6ckzvvklbzznijxkk28fb8dnwyjd0w30ra0afwv6gwr8m34j3"; }; patches = [ ./locale_archive.patch # See discussion in https://github.com/NixOS/nixpkgs/pull/16966 ./dont_create_privsep_path.patch ./ssh-keysign.patch ] ++ optional withGssapiPatches (assert withKerberos; gssapiPatch); postPatch = # On Hydra this makes installation fail (sometimes?), # and nix store doesn't allow such fancy permission bits anyway. '' substituteInPlace Makefile.in --replace '$(INSTALL) -m 4711' '$(INSTALL) -m 0711' ''; nativeBuildInputs = [ pkgconfig ] ++ optional (hpnSupport || withGssapiPatches) autoreconfHook; buildInputs = [ zlib openssl libedit pam ] ++ optional withFIDO libfido2 ++ optional withKerberos kerberos; preConfigure = '' # Setting LD causes `configure' and `make' to disagree about which linker # to use: `configure' wants `gcc', but `make' wants `ld'. unset LD ''; # I set --disable-strip because later we strip anyway. And it fails to strip # properly when cross building. configureFlags = [ "--sbindir=\${out}/bin" "--localstatedir=/var" "--with-pid-dir=/run" "--with-mantype=man" "--with-libedit=yes" "--disable-strip" (if pam != null then "--with-pam" else "--without-pam") ] ++ optional (etcDir != null) "--sysconfdir=${etcDir}" ++ optional withFIDO "--with-security-key-builtin=yes" ++ optional withKerberos (assert kerberos != null; "--with-kerberos5=${kerberos}") ++ optional stdenv.isDarwin "--disable-libutil" ++ optional (!linkOpenssl) "--without-openssl"; buildFlags = [ "SSH_KEYSIGN=ssh-keysign" ]; enableParallelBuilding = true; hardeningEnable = [ "pie" ]; postInstall = '' # Install ssh-copy-id, it's very useful. cp contrib/ssh-copy-id $out/bin/ chmod +x $out/bin/ssh-copy-id cp contrib/ssh-copy-id.1 $out/share/man/man1/ ''; installTargets = [ "install-nokeys" ]; installFlags = [ "sysconfdir=\${out}/etc/ssh" ]; meta = { homepage = "http://www.openssh.com/"; description = "An implementation of the SSH protocol"; license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd2; platforms = platforms.unix ++ platforms.windows; maintainers = with maintainers; [ eelco aneeshusa ]; }; }