{stdenv, fetchurl, which}: let s = # Generated upstream information rec { baseName="firejail"; version="0.9.56"; name="${baseName}-${version}"; hash="0b9ig0a91i19sfm94a6yl510pm4dlidmani3fsnb7vh0qy3l9121"; url="https://vorboss.dl.sourceforge.net/project/firejail/firejail/firejail-0.9.56.tar.xz"; sha256="0b9ig0a91i19sfm94a6yl510pm4dlidmani3fsnb7vh0qy3l9121"; }; buildInputs = [ which ]; in stdenv.mkDerivation { inherit (s) name version; inherit buildInputs; src = fetchurl { inherit (s) url sha256; name = "${s.name}.tar.bz2"; }; prePatch = '' # Allow whitelisting ~/.nix-profile substituteInPlace etc/firejail.config --replace \ '# follow-symlink-as-user yes' \ 'follow-symlink-as-user no' ''; preConfigure = '' sed -e 's@/bin/bash@${stdenv.shell}@g' -i $( grep -lr /bin/bash .) sed -e "s@/bin/cp@$(which cp)@g" -i $( grep -lr /bin/cp .) ''; preBuild = '' sed -e "s@/etc/@$out/etc/@g" -e "/chmod u+s/d" -i Makefile ''; # We need to set the directory for the .local override files back to # /etc/firejail so we can actually override them postInstall = '' sed -E -e 's@^include (.*)(/firejail/.*.local)$@include /etc\2@g' -i $out/etc/firejail/*.profile ''; enableParallelBuilding = true; meta = { inherit (s) version; description = ''Namespace-based sandboxing tool for Linux''; license = stdenv.lib.licenses.gpl2Plus ; maintainers = [stdenv.lib.maintainers.raskin]; platforms = stdenv.lib.platforms.linux; homepage = https://l3net.wordpress.com/projects/firejail/; downloadPage = "http://sourceforge.net/projects/firejail/files/firejail/"; }; }