diff --git a/nocturne/cpp/CMakeLists.txt b/nocturne/cpp/CMakeLists.txt index c67815f..e1f825b 100644 --- a/nocturne/cpp/CMakeLists.txt +++ b/nocturne/cpp/CMakeLists.txt @@ -62,8 +62,7 @@ include(FetchContent) FetchContent_Declare( googletest - GIT_REPOSITORY https://github.com/google/googletest.git - GIT_TAG main + SOURCE_DIR @gtest_src@ ) set(gtest_force_shared_crt ON CACHE BOOL "" FORCE) diff --git a/setup.py b/setup.py index 4863ae6..b5d3545 100644 --- a/setup.py +++ b/setup.py @@ -92,6 +92,8 @@ def main(): # with open("./requirements.txt", "r") as f: # requires = f.read().splitlines() setup( + # Adding `packages=` is necessary to get `python setup.py install` to work + packages=["nocturne", "cfgs"], ext_modules=[CMakeExtension("nocturne", "./nocturne")], cmdclass=dict(build_ext=CMakeBuild), )