#!/bin/sh libName=@libName@ # this is a quick and dirty implementation do_help(){ echo "$0 --str str in-file|- [out|-|psql:db]"; echo "in: - = STDIN or filename"; echo "out: - = STDIN or filename or psql:database_name" echo " psql:database_name will load the dump into the database" echo " if out is omitted in is used for out (same file)" echo "--str: different replacement string. Eg for Ubuntu use: '/usr/lib/postgresql/8.3/lib/liblwgeom'"; echo "WARNING: A postgis dump is not meant to be distributed - it still may be useful :)" } if [ -z "$1" -o "$1" = --help -o "$1" = -h ]; then do_help; exit 1 fi tostr='$libdir/'"$libName" if [ "$1" == "--str" ]; then to="$2"; shift 2 fi i=$1 o="${2:-$1}" cmd_in(){ case "$i" in -) cat;; *) cat "$i";; esac } cmd_out(){ case "$o" in -) cat;; # stdout psql:*) psql "${o:5}";; # pipe into psql *) t=`mktemp`; cat > "$t"; mv "$t" "$o" ;; esac } cmd_replace(){ contents=`cat` # get wrong library path: fromstr=$(echo "$contents" | head -n 50 | sed -n "s/.*AS '\([^']*\)'.*/\1/p" | head -n 1) echo "$contents" | sed "s@AS '$fromstr@AS '$tostr@g" } cmd_in | cmd_replace | cmd_out