{ lib, nvccCompatibilities, cudaVersion, pkgs, overrideCC, stdenv, wrapCCWith, stdenvAdapters, }: let gccMajorVersion = nvccCompatibilities.${cudaVersion}.gccMaxMajorVersion; cudaStdenv = stdenvAdapters.useLibsFrom stdenv pkgs."gcc${gccMajorVersion}Stdenv"; passthruExtra = { # cudaPackages.backendStdenv.nixpkgsCompatibleLibstdcxx has been removed, # if you need it you're likely doing something wrong. There has been a # warning here for a month or so. Now we can no longer return any # meaningful value in its place and drop the attribute entirely. }; assertCondition = true; in /* TODO: Consider testing whether we in fact use the newer libstdc++ */ lib.extendDerivation assertCondition passthruExtra cudaStdenv