# IMPORTANT: Making changes? # # Validate your changes with python3 ./closure-graph.py --test # Using a simple algorithm, convert the references to a path in to a # sorted list of dependent paths based on how often they're referenced # and how deep in the tree they live. Equally-"popular" paths are then # sorted by name. # # The existing writeReferencesToFile prints the paths in a simple # ascii-based sorting of the paths. # # Sorting the paths by graph improves the chances that the difference # between two builds appear near the end of the list, instead of near # the beginning. This makes a difference for Nix builds which export a # closure for another program to consume, if that program implements its # own level of binary diffing. # # For an example, Docker Images. If each store path is a separate layer # then Docker Images can be very efficiently transfered between systems, # and we get very good cache reuse between images built with the same # version of Nixpkgs. However, since Docker only reliably supports a # small number of layers (42) it is important to pick the individual # layers carefully. By storing very popular store paths in the first 40 # layers, we improve the chances that the next Docker image will share # many of those layers.* # # Given the dependency tree: # # A - B - C - D -\ # \ \ \ \ # \ \ \ \ # \ \ - E ---- F # \- G # # Nodes which have multiple references are duplicated: # # A - B - C - D - F # \ \ \ # \ \ \- E - F # \ \ # \ \- E - F # \ # \- G # # Each leaf node is now replaced by a counter defaulted to 1: # # A - B - C - D - (F:1) # \ \ \ # \ \ \- E - (F:1) # \ \ # \ \- E - (F:1) # \ # \- (G:1) # # Then each leaf counter is merged with its parent node, replacing the # parent node with a counter of 1, and each existing counter being # incremented by 1. That is to say `- D - (F:1)` becomes `- (D:1, F:2)`: # # A - B - C - (D:1, F:2) # \ \ \ # \ \ \- (E:1, F:2) # \ \ # \ \- (E:1, F:2) # \ # \- (G:1) # # Then each leaf counter is merged with its parent node again, merging # any counters, then incrementing each: # # A - B - (C:1, D:2, E:2, F:5) # \ \ # \ \- (E:1, F:2) # \ # \- (G:1) # # And again: # # A - (B:1, C:2, D:3, E:4, F:8) # \ # \- (G:1) # # And again: # # (A:1, B:2, C:3, D:4, E:5, F:9, G:2) # # and then paths have the following "popularity": # # A 1 # B 2 # C 3 # D 4 # E 5 # F 9 # G 2 # # and the popularity contest would result in the paths being printed as: # # F # E # D # C # B # G # A # # * Note: People who have used a Dockerfile before assume Docker's # Layers are inherently ordered. However, this is not true -- Docker # layers are content-addressable and are not explicitly layered until # they are composed in to an Image. import sys import json import unittest from pprint import pprint from collections import defaultdict # Find paths in the original dataset which are never referenced by # any other paths def find_roots(closures): roots = []; for closure in closures: path = closure['path'] if not any_refer_to(path, closures): roots.append(path) return roots class TestFindRoots(unittest.TestCase): def test_find_roots(self): self.assertCountEqual( find_roots([ { "path": "/nix/store/foo", "references": [ "/nix/store/foo", "/nix/store/bar" ] }, { "path": "/nix/store/bar", "references": [ "/nix/store/bar", "/nix/store/tux" ] }, { "path": "/nix/store/hello", "references": [ ] } ]), ["/nix/store/foo", "/nix/store/hello"] ) def any_refer_to(path, closures): for closure in closures: if path != closure['path']: if path in closure['references']: return True return False class TestAnyReferTo(unittest.TestCase): def test_has_references(self): self.assertTrue( any_refer_to( "/nix/store/bar", [ { "path": "/nix/store/foo", "references": [ "/nix/store/bar" ] }, ] ), ) def test_no_references(self): self.assertFalse( any_refer_to( "/nix/store/foo", [ { "path": "/nix/store/foo", "references": [ "/nix/store/foo", "/nix/store/bar" ] }, ] ), ) def all_paths(closures): paths = [] for closure in closures: paths.append(closure['path']) paths.extend(closure['references']) paths.sort() return list(set(paths)) class TestAllPaths(unittest.TestCase): def test_returns_all_paths(self): self.assertCountEqual( all_paths([ { "path": "/nix/store/foo", "references": [ "/nix/store/foo", "/nix/store/bar" ] }, { "path": "/nix/store/bar", "references": [ "/nix/store/bar", "/nix/store/tux" ] }, { "path": "/nix/store/hello", "references": [ ] } ]), ["/nix/store/foo", "/nix/store/bar", "/nix/store/hello", "/nix/store/tux",] ) def test_no_references(self): self.assertFalse( any_refer_to( "/nix/store/foo", [ { "path": "/nix/store/foo", "references": [ "/nix/store/foo", "/nix/store/bar" ] }, ] ), ) # Convert: # # [ # { path: /nix/store/foo, references: [ /nix/store/foo, /nix/store/bar, /nix/store/baz ] }, # { path: /nix/store/bar, references: [ /nix/store/bar, /nix/store/baz ] }, # { path: /nix/store/baz, references: [ /nix/store/baz, /nix/store/tux ] }, # { path: /nix/store/tux, references: [ /nix/store/tux ] } # ] # # To: # { # /nix/store/foo: [ /nix/store/bar, /nix/store/baz ], # /nix/store/bar: [ /nix/store/baz ], # /nix/store/baz: [ /nix/store/tux ] }, # /nix/store/tux: [ ] # } # # Note that it drops self-references to avoid loops. def make_lookup(closures): lookup = {} for closure in closures: # paths often self-refer nonreferential_paths = [ref for ref in closure['references'] if ref != closure['path']] lookup[closure['path']] = nonreferential_paths return lookup class TestMakeLookup(unittest.TestCase): def test_returns_lookp(self): self.assertDictEqual( make_lookup([ { "path": "/nix/store/foo", "references": [ "/nix/store/foo", "/nix/store/bar" ] }, { "path": "/nix/store/bar", "references": [ "/nix/store/bar", "/nix/store/tux" ] }, { "path": "/nix/store/hello", "references": [ ] } ]), { "/nix/store/foo": [ "/nix/store/bar" ], "/nix/store/bar": [ "/nix/store/tux" ], "/nix/store/hello": [ ], } ) # Convert: # # /nix/store/foo with # { # /nix/store/foo: [ /nix/store/bar, /nix/store/baz ], # /nix/store/bar: [ /nix/store/baz ], # /nix/store/baz: [ /nix/store/tux ] }, # /nix/store/tux: [ ] # } # # To: # # { # /nix/store/bar: { # /nix/store/baz: { # /nix/store/tux: {} # } # }, # /nix/store/baz: { # /nix/store/tux: {} # } # } def make_graph_segment_from_root(root, lookup): children = {} for ref in lookup[root]: children[ref] = make_graph_segment_from_root(ref, lookup) return children class TestMakeGraphSegmentFromRoot(unittest.TestCase): def test_returns_graph(self): self.assertDictEqual( make_graph_segment_from_root("/nix/store/foo", { "/nix/store/foo": [ "/nix/store/bar" ], "/nix/store/bar": [ "/nix/store/tux" ], "/nix/store/tux": [ ], "/nix/store/hello": [ ], }), { "/nix/store/bar": { "/nix/store/tux": {} } } ) def test_returns_graph_tiny(self): self.assertDictEqual( make_graph_segment_from_root("/nix/store/tux", { "/nix/store/foo": [ "/nix/store/bar" ], "/nix/store/bar": [ "/nix/store/tux" ], "/nix/store/tux": [ ], }), {} ) # Convert a graph segment in to a popularity-counted dictionary: # # From: # { # /nix/store/foo: { # /nix/store/bar: { # /nix/store/baz: { # /nix/store/tux: {} # } # } # /nix/store/baz: { # /nix/store/tux: {} # } # } # } # # to: # [ # /nix/store/foo: 1 # /nix/store/bar: 2 # /nix/store/baz: 4 # /nix/store/tux: 6 # ] def graph_popularity_contest(full_graph): popularity = defaultdict(int) for path, subgraph in full_graph.items(): popularity[path] += 1 subcontest = graph_popularity_contest(subgraph) for subpath, subpopularity in subcontest.items(): popularity[subpath] += subpopularity + 1 return popularity class TestGraphPopularityContest(unittest.TestCase): def test_counts_popularity(self): self.assertDictEqual( graph_popularity_contest({ "/nix/store/foo": { "/nix/store/bar": { "/nix/store/baz": { "/nix/store/tux": {} } }, "/nix/store/baz": { "/nix/store/tux": {} } } }), { "/nix/store/foo": 1, "/nix/store/bar": 2, "/nix/store/baz": 4, "/nix/store/tux": 6, } ) # Emit a list of packages by popularity, most first: # # From: # [ # /nix/store/foo: 1 # /nix/store/bar: 1 # /nix/store/baz: 2 # /nix/store/tux: 2 # ] # # To: # [ /nix/store/baz /nix/store/tux /nix/store/bar /nix/store/foo ] def order_by_popularity(paths): paths_by_popularity = defaultdict(list) popularities = [] for path, popularity in paths.items(): popularities.append(popularity) paths_by_popularity[popularity].append(path) popularities = list(set(popularities)) popularities.sort() flat_ordered = [] for popularity in popularities: paths = paths_by_popularity[popularity] paths.sort(key=package_name) flat_ordered.extend(reversed(paths)) return list(reversed(flat_ordered)) class TestOrderByPopularity(unittest.TestCase): def test_returns_in_order(self): self.assertEqual( order_by_popularity({ "/nix/store/foo": 1, "/nix/store/bar": 1, "/nix/store/baz": 2, "/nix/store/tux": 2, }), [ "/nix/store/baz", "/nix/store/tux", "/nix/store/bar", "/nix/store/foo" ] ) def package_name(path): parts = path.split('-') start = parts.pop(0) # don't throw away any data, so the order is always the same. # even in cases where only the hash at the start has changed. parts.append(start) return '-'.join(parts) def main(): filename = sys.argv[1] key = sys.argv[2] with open(filename) as f: data = json.load(f) # Data comes in as: # [ # { path: /nix/store/foo, references: [ /nix/store/foo, /nix/store/bar, /nix/store/baz ] }, # { path: /nix/store/bar, references: [ /nix/store/bar, /nix/store/baz ] }, # { path: /nix/store/baz, references: [ /nix/store/baz, /nix/store/tux ] }, # { path: /nix/store/tux, references: [ /nix/store/tux ] } # ] # # and we want to get out a list of paths ordered by how universally, # important they are, ie: tux is referenced by every path, transitively # so it should be #1 # # [ # /nix/store/tux, # /nix/store/baz, # /nix/store/bar, # /nix/store/foo, # ] graph = data[key] roots = find_roots(graph); lookup = make_lookup(graph) full_graph = {} for root in roots: full_graph[root] = make_graph_segment_from_root(root, lookup) ordered = order_by_popularity(graph_popularity_contest(full_graph)) missing = [] for path in all_paths(graph): if path not in ordered: missing.append(path) ordered.extend(missing) print("\n".join(ordered)) if "--test" in sys.argv: # Don't pass --test otherwise unittest gets mad unittest.main(argv = [f for f in sys.argv if f != "--test" ]) else: main()