use anyhow::{anyhow, bail, Context}; use lock::UrlOrString; use rayon::prelude::*; use serde_json::{Map, Value}; use std::{ fs, io::{self, Read}, process::{Command, Stdio}, }; use tempfile::{tempdir, TempDir}; use url::Url; use crate::util; pub mod lock; pub fn lockfile(content: &str, force_git_deps: bool) -> anyhow::Result> { let mut packages = lock::packages(content) .context("failed to extract packages from lockfile")? .into_par_iter() .map(|p| { let n =; Package::from_lock(p).with_context(|| format!("failed to parse data for {n}")) }) .collect::>>()?; let mut new = Vec::new(); for pkg in packages .iter() .filter(|p| matches!(p.specifics, Specifics::Git { .. })) { let dir = match &pkg.specifics { Specifics::Git { workdir } => workdir, Specifics::Registry { .. } => unimplemented!(), }; let path = dir.path().join("package"); let lockfile_contents = fs::read_to_string(path.join("package-lock.json")); let package_json_path = path.join("package.json"); let mut package_json: Map = serde_json::from_str(&fs::read_to_string(package_json_path)?)?; if let Some(scripts) = package_json .get_mut("scripts") .and_then(Value::as_object_mut) { // for typ in [ "postinstall", "build", "preinstall", "install", "prepack", "prepare", ] { if scripts.contains_key(typ) && lockfile_contents.is_err() && !force_git_deps { bail!("Git dependency {} contains install scripts, but has no lockfile, which is something that will probably break. Open an issue if you can't feasibly patch this dependency out, and we'll come up with a workaround.\nIf you'd like to attempt to try to use this dependency anyways, set `forceGitDeps = true`.",; } } } if let Ok(lockfile_contents) = lockfile_contents { new.append(&mut lockfile(&lockfile_contents, force_git_deps)?); } } packages.append(&mut new); packages.par_sort_by(|x, y| { x.url .partial_cmp(&y.url) .expect("resolved should be comparable") }); packages.dedup_by(|x, y| x.url == y.url); Ok(packages) } #[derive(Debug)] pub struct Package { pub name: String, pub url: Url, specifics: Specifics, } #[derive(Debug)] enum Specifics { Registry { integrity: lock::Hash }, Git { workdir: TempDir }, } impl Package { fn from_lock(pkg: lock::Package) -> anyhow::Result { let mut resolved = match pkg .resolved .expect("at this point, packages should have URLs") { UrlOrString::Url(u) => u, UrlOrString::String(_) => panic!("at this point, all packages should have URLs"), }; let specifics = match get_hosted_git_url(&resolved)? { Some(hosted) => { let mut body = util::get_url_with_retry(&hosted)?; let workdir = tempdir()?; let tar_path = workdir.path().join("package"); fs::create_dir(&tar_path)?; let mut cmd = Command::new("tar") .args(["--extract", "--gzip", "--strip-components=1", "-C"]) .arg(&tar_path) .stdin(Stdio::piped()) .spawn()?; io::copy(&mut body, &mut cmd.stdin.take().unwrap())?; let exit = cmd.wait()?; if !exit.success() { bail!( "failed to extract tarball for {}: tar exited with status code {}",, exit.code().unwrap() ); } resolved = hosted; Specifics::Git { workdir } } None => Specifics::Registry { integrity: pkg .integrity .expect("non-git dependencies should have associated integrity") .into_best() .expect("non-git dependencies should have non-empty associated integrity"), }, }; Ok(Package { name:, url: resolved, specifics, }) } pub fn tarball(&self) -> anyhow::Result> { match &self.specifics { Specifics::Registry { .. } => { let mut body = Vec::new(); util::get_url_with_retry(&self.url)?.read_to_end(&mut body)?; Ok(body) } Specifics::Git { workdir } => Ok(Command::new("tar") .args([ "--sort=name", "--mtime=@0", "--owner=0", "--group=0", "--numeric-owner", "--format=gnu", "-I", "gzip -n -9", "--create", "-C", ]) .arg(workdir.path()) .arg("package") .output()? .stdout), } } pub fn integrity(&self) -> Option<&lock::Hash> { match &self.specifics { Specifics::Registry { integrity } => Some(integrity), Specifics::Git { .. } => None, } } } #[allow(clippy::case_sensitive_file_extension_comparisons)] fn get_hosted_git_url(url: &Url) -> anyhow::Result> { if ["git", "git+ssh", "git+https", "ssh"].contains(&url.scheme()) { let mut s = url .path_segments() .ok_or_else(|| anyhow!("bad URL: {url}"))?; let mut get_url = || match url.host_str()? { "" => { let user =; let mut project =; let typ =; let mut commit =; if typ.is_none() { commit = url.fragment(); } else if typ.is_some() && typ != Some("tree") { return None; } if project.ends_with(".git") { project = project.strip_suffix(".git")?; } let commit = commit.unwrap(); Some( Url::parse(&format!( "{user}/{project}/tar.gz/{commit}" )) .ok()?, ) } "" => { let user =; let mut project =; let aux =; if aux == Some("get") { return None; } if project.ends_with(".git") { project = project.strip_suffix(".git")?; } let commit = url.fragment()?; Some( Url::parse(&format!( "{user}/{project}/get/{commit}.tar.gz" )) .ok()?, ) } "" => { /* let path = &url.path()[1..]; if path.contains("/~/") || path.contains("/archive.tar.gz") { return None; } let user =; let mut project =; if project.ends_with(".git") { project = project.strip_suffix(".git")?; } let commit = url.fragment()?; Some( Url::parse(&format!( "{user}/{project}/repository/archive.tar.gz?ref={commit}" )) .ok()?, ) */ // lmao: None } "" => { let user =; let mut project =; let aux =; if aux == Some("archive") { return None; } if project.ends_with(".git") { project = project.strip_suffix(".git")?; } let commit = url.fragment()?; Some( Url::parse(&format!( "{user}/{project}/archive/{commit}.tar.gz" )) .ok()?, ) } _ => None, }; match get_url() { Some(u) => Ok(Some(u)), None => Err(anyhow!("This lockfile either contains a Git dependency with an unsupported host, or a malformed URL in the lockfile: {url}")) } } else { Ok(None) } } #[cfg(test)] mod tests { use super::get_hosted_git_url; use url::Url; #[test] fn hosted_git_urls() { for (input, expected) in [ ( "git+ssh://", Some(""), ), ( "git+ssh://", Some("") ), ( "git+ssh://", Some("") ), ] { assert_eq!( get_hosted_git_url(&Url::parse(input).unwrap()).unwrap(),|u| Url::parse(u).unwrap()) ); } assert!( get_hosted_git_url(&Url::parse("ssh://").unwrap()) .is_err(), "GitLab URLs should be marked as invalid (lol)" ); } }