# TODO share code with thunderbird-bin/generate_sources.rb require "open-uri" version = if ARGV.empty? $stderr.puts("Usage: ruby generate_sources.rb > sources.nix") exit(-1) else ARGV[0] end base_path = "http://download-installer.cdn.mozilla.net/pub/firefox/releases" Source = Struct.new(:hash, :arch, :locale, :filename) sources = open("#{base_path}/#{version}/SHA512SUMS") do |input| input.readlines end.select do |line| /\/firefox-.*\.tar\.bz2$/ === line && !(/source/ === line) end.map do |line| hash, name = line.chomp.split(/ +/) Source.new(hash, *(name.split("/"))) end.sort_by do |source| [source.locale, source.arch] end arches = ["linux-i686", "linux-x86_64"] puts(<<"EOH") # This file is generated from generate_sources.rb. DO NOT EDIT. # Execute the following command to update the file. # # ruby generate_sources.rb 46.0.1 > sources.nix { version = "#{version}"; sources = [ EOH sources.each do |source| puts(%Q| { url = "#{base_path}/#{version}/#{source.arch}/#{source.locale}/firefox-#{version}.tar.bz2"; locale = "#{source.locale}"; arch = "#{source.arch}"; sha512 = "#{source.hash}"; }|) end puts(<<'EOF') ]; } EOF