{ supportedSystems, nixpkgs, pkgs, nix }: pkgs.runCommand "nixpkgs-release-checks" { src = nixpkgs; buildInputs = [nix]; } '' set -o pipefail export NIX_STORE_DIR=$TMPDIR/store export NIX_STATE_DIR=$TMPDIR/state export NIX_PATH=nixpkgs=$TMPDIR/barf.nix opts=(--option build-users-group "") nix-store --init echo 'abort "Illegal use of in Nixpkgs."' > $TMPDIR/barf.nix # Make sure that Nixpkgs does not use . badFiles=$(find $src/pkgs -type f -name '*.nix' -print | xargs grep -l '^[^#]* to refer to itself." echo "The offending files: $badFiles" exit 1 fi # Make sure that no paths collide on case-preserving or case-insensitive filesysytems. conflictingPaths=$(find $src | awk '{ print $1 " " tolower($1) }' | sort -k2 | uniq -D -f 1 | cut -d ' ' -f 1) if [[ -n $conflictingPaths ]]; then echo "Files in nixpkgs must not vary only by case" echo "The offending paths: $conflictingPaths" exit 1 fi src2=$TMPDIR/foo cp -rd $src $src2 # Check that all-packages.nix evaluates on a number of platforms without any warnings. for platform in ${pkgs.lib.concatStringsSep " " supportedSystems}; do header "checking Nixpkgs on $platform" # To get a call trace; see https://nixos.org/manual/nixpkgs/stable/#function-library-lib.trivial.warn # Relies on impure eval export NIX_ABORT_ON_WARN=true set +e ( set -x nix-env -f $src \ --show-trace --argstr system "$platform" \ --arg config '{ allowAliases = false; }' \ --option experimental-features 'no-url-literals' \ -qa --drv-path --system-filter \* --system \ "''${opts[@]}" 2> eval-warnings.log > packages1 ) rc=$? set -e if [ "$rc" != "0" ]; then cat eval-warnings.log exit $rc fi s1=$(sha1sum packages1 | cut -c1-40) echo $s1 nix-env -f $src2 \ --show-trace --argstr system "$platform" \ --arg config '{ allowAliases = false; }' \ --option experimental-features 'no-url-literals' \ -qa --drv-path --system-filter \* --system \ "''${opts[@]}" > packages2 s2=$(sha1sum packages2 | cut -c1-40) if [[ $s1 != $s2 ]]; then echo "Nixpkgs evaluation depends on Nixpkgs path" diff packages1 packages2 exit 1 fi # Catch any trace calls not caught by NIX_ABORT_ON_WARN (lib.warn) if [ -s eval-warnings.log ]; then echo "Nixpkgs on $platform evaluated with warnings, aborting" exit 1 fi rm eval-warnings.log nix-env -f $src \ --show-trace --argstr system "$platform" \ --arg config '{ allowAliases = false; }' \ --option experimental-features 'no-url-literals' \ -qa --drv-path --system-filter \* --system --meta --xml \ "''${opts[@]}" > /dev/null done touch $out ''