{ stdenv, fetchurl, lib , autoconf, automake, gnum4, libtool, perl, uthash, pkgconfig, gettext , python, freetype, zlib, glib, libungif, libpng, libjpeg, libtiff, libxml2, cairo, pango , readline, woff2, zeromq, libuninameslist , withSpiro ? false, libspiro , withGTK ? false, gtk2 , withPython ? true , withExtras ? true , Carbon ? null, Cocoa ? null }: stdenv.mkDerivation rec { pname = "fontforge"; version = "20190801"; src = fetchurl { url = "https://github.com/${pname}/${pname}/releases/download/${version}/${pname}-${version}.tar.gz"; sha256 = "0lh8yx01asbzxm6car5cfi64njh5p4lxc7iv8dldr5rwg357a86r"; }; # use $SOURCE_DATE_EPOCH instead of non-deterministic timestamps postPatch = '' find . -type f -name '*.c' -exec sed -r -i 's#\btime\(&(.+)\)#if (getenv("SOURCE_DATE_EPOCH")) \1=atol(getenv("SOURCE_DATE_EPOCH")); else &#g' {} \; sed -r -i 's#author\s*!=\s*NULL#& \&\& !getenv("SOURCE_DATE_EPOCH")#g' fontforge/cvexport.c fontforge/dumppfa.c fontforge/print.c fontforge/svg.c fontforge/splineutil2.c sed -r -i 's#\bb.st_mtime#getenv("SOURCE_DATE_EPOCH") ? atol(getenv("SOURCE_DATE_EPOCH")) : &#g' fontforge/parsepfa.c fontforge/sfd.c fontforge/svg.c sed -r -i 's#^\s*ttf_fftm_dump#if (!getenv("SOURCE_DATE_EPOCH")) ttf_fftm_dump#g' fontforge/tottf.c sed -r -i 's#sprintf\(.+ author \);#if (!getenv("SOURCE_DATE_EPOCH")) &#g' fontforgeexe/fontinfo.c ''; # do not use x87's 80-bit arithmetic, rouding errors result in very different font binaries NIX_CFLAGS_COMPILE = lib.optionalString stdenv.isi686 "-msse2 -mfpmath=sse"; nativeBuildInputs = [ pkgconfig autoconf automake gnum4 libtool perl gettext ]; buildInputs = [ readline uthash woff2 zeromq libuninameslist python freetype zlib glib libungif libpng libjpeg libtiff libxml2 ] ++ lib.optionals withSpiro [libspiro] ++ lib.optionals withGTK [ gtk2 cairo pango ] ++ lib.optionals stdenv.isDarwin [ Carbon Cocoa ]; configureFlags = [ "--enable-woff2" ] ++ lib.optionals (!withPython) [ "--disable-python-scripting" "--disable-python-extension" ] ++ lib.optional withGTK "--enable-gtk2-use" ++ lib.optional (!withGTK) "--without-x" ++ lib.optional withExtras "--enable-fontforge-extras"; # work-around: git isn't really used, but configuration fails without it preConfigure = '' # The way $version propagates to $version of .pe-scripts (https://github.com/dejavu-fonts/dejavu-fonts/blob/358190f/scripts/generate.pe#L19) export SOURCE_DATE_EPOCH=$(date -d ${version} +%s) export GIT="$(type -P true)" ./bootstrap --skip-git --force ''; doCheck = false; # tries to wget some fonts doInstallCheck = doCheck; postInstall = # get rid of the runtime dependency on python lib.optionalString (!withPython) '' rm -r "$out/share/fontforge/python" ''; enableParallelBuilding = true; meta = { description = "A font editor"; homepage = "http://fontforge.github.io"; platforms = stdenv.lib.platforms.all; license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; maintainers = [ stdenv.lib.maintainers.erictapen ]; }; }