{ stdenv, buildGoModule, fetchFromGitHub, gnum4, pam, fscrypt-experimental }: # Don't use this for anything important yet! buildGoModule rec { pname = "fscrypt"; version = "0.2.9"; src = fetchFromGitHub { owner = "google"; repo = "fscrypt"; rev = "v${version}"; sha256 = "020hhdarbn3bwlc2j2g89868v8nfx8562z1a778ihpvvsa4ykr31"; }; postPatch = '' substituteInPlace Makefile \ --replace 'TAG_VERSION := $(shell git describe --tags)' "" \ --replace "/usr/local" "$out" ''; vendorSha256 = "0yak221mlyfacvlsaq9g3xiyk94n94vqgkbaji8d21pi8hhr38m6"; nativeBuildInputs = [ gnum4 ]; buildInputs = [ pam ]; buildPhase = '' make ''; installPhase = '' make install ''; preFixup = '' remove-references-to -t ${fscrypt-experimental.go} $out/lib/security/pam_fscrypt.so ''; meta = with stdenv.lib; { description = "A high-level tool for the management of Linux filesystem encryption"; longDescription = '' This tool manages metadata, key generation, key wrapping, PAM integration, and provides a uniform interface for creating and modifying encrypted directories. ''; inherit (src.meta) homepage; changelog = "https://github.com/google/fscrypt/releases/tag/v${version}"; license = licenses.asl20; platforms = platforms.linux; maintainers = with maintainers; [ primeos ]; }; }