{ stdenv, buildPackages, fetchurl, autoreconfHook, which, pkgconfig, perl, guile, libxml2 }: stdenv.mkDerivation rec { pname = "autogen"; version = "5.18.16"; src = fetchurl { url = "mirror://gnu/autogen/rel${version}/autogen-${version}.tar.xz"; sha256 = "16mlbdys8q4ckxlvxyhwkdnh1ay9f6g0cyp1kylkpalgnik398gq"; }; patches = let dp = { ver ? "1%255.18.16-4", pname, name ? (pname + ".diff"), sha256 }: fetchurl { url = "https://salsa.debian.org/debian/autogen/-/raw/debian/${ver}" + "/debian/patches/${pname}.diff?inline=false"; inherit name sha256; }; in [ (dp { pname = "20_no_Werror"; sha256 = "08z4s2ifiqyaacjpd9pzr59w8m4j3548kkaq1bwvp2gjn29m680x"; }) (dp { pname = "30_ag_macros.m4_syntax_error"; sha256 = "1z8vmbwbkz3505wd33i2xx91mlf8rwsa7klndq37nw821skxwyh3"; }) (dp { pname = "31_allow_overriding_AGexe_for_crossbuild"; sha256 = "0h9wkc9bqb509knh8mymi43hg6n6sxg2lixvjlchcx7z0j7p8xkf"; }) ]; outputs = [ "bin" "dev" "lib" "out" "man" "info" ]; nativeBuildInputs = [ which pkgconfig perl autoreconfHook/*patches applied*/ ] ++ stdenv.lib.optionals (stdenv.hostPlatform != stdenv.buildPlatform) [ # autogen needs a build autogen when cross-compiling buildPackages.buildPackages.autogen buildPackages.texinfo ]; buildInputs = [ guile libxml2 ]; configureFlags = stdenv.lib.optionals (stdenv.hostPlatform != stdenv.buildPlatform) [ "--with-libxml2=${libxml2.dev}" "--with-libxml2-cflags=-I${libxml2.dev}/include/libxml2" # the configure check for regcomp wants to run a host program "libopts_cv_with_libregex=yes" #"MAKEINFO=${buildPackages.texinfo}/bin/makeinfo" ]; #doCheck = true; # not reliable postInstall = '' mkdir -p $dev/bin mv $bin/bin/autoopts-config $dev/bin for f in $lib/lib/autogen/tpl-config.tlib $out/share/autogen/tpl-config.tlib; do sed -e "s|$dev/include|/no-such-autogen-include-path|" -i $f sed -e "s|$bin/bin|/no-such-autogen-bin-path|" -i $f sed -e "s|$lib/lib|/no-such-autogen-lib-path|" -i $f done '' + stdenv.lib.optionalString (!stdenv.hostPlatform.isDarwin) '' # remove /build/** from RPATHs for f in "$bin"/bin/*; do local nrp="$(patchelf --print-rpath "$f" | sed -E 's@(:|^)/build/[^:]*:@\1@g')" patchelf --set-rpath "$nrp" "$f" done ''; meta = with stdenv.lib; { description = "Automated text and program generation tool"; license = with licenses; [ gpl3Plus lgpl3Plus ]; homepage = "https://www.gnu.org/software/autogen/"; platforms = platforms.all; maintainers = [ ]; }; }