{ lib, stdenv, fetchurl, jre, writeScript, common-updater-scripts, git, nixfmt , nix, coreutils, gnused, disableRemoteLogging ? true }: let repo = "git@github.com:lihaoyi/Ammonite.git"; common = { scalaVersion, sha256 }: stdenv.mkDerivation rec { pname = "ammonite"; version = "3.0.0-M1"; src = fetchurl { url = "https://github.com/lihaoyi/Ammonite/releases/download/${version}/${scalaVersion}-${version}"; inherit sha256; }; dontUnpack = true; installPhase = '' install -Dm755 $src $out/bin/amm sed -i '0,/java/{s|java|${jre}/bin/java|}' $out/bin/amm '' + lib.optionalString (disableRemoteLogging) '' sed -i "0,/ammonite.Main/{s|ammonite.Main'|ammonite.Main' --no-remote-logging|}" $out/bin/amm sed -i '1i #!/bin/sh' $out/bin/amm ''; passthru = { updateScript = writeScript "update.sh" '' #!${stdenv.shell} set -o errexit PATH=${ lib.makeBinPath [ common-updater-scripts coreutils git gnused nix nixfmt ] } oldVersion="$(nix-instantiate --eval -E "with import ./. {}; lib.getVersion ${pname}" | tr -d '"')" latestTag="$(git -c 'versionsort.suffix=-' ls-remote --exit-code --refs --sort='version:refname' --tags ${repo} '*.*.*' | tail --lines=1 | cut --delimiter='/' --fields=3)" if [ "$oldVersion" != "$latestTag" ]; then nixpkgs="$(git rev-parse --show-toplevel)" default_nix="$nixpkgs/pkgs/development/tools/ammonite/default.nix" update-source-version ${pname}_2_12 "$latestTag" --version-key=version --print-changes sed -i "s|$latestTag|$oldVersion|g" "$default_nix" update-source-version ${pname}_2_13 "$latestTag" --version-key=version --print-changes nixfmt "$default_nix" else echo "${pname} is already up-to-date" fi ''; }; doInstallCheck = true; installCheckPhase = '' runHook preInstallCheck $out/bin/amm -h "$PWD" -c 'val foo = 21; println(foo * 2)' | grep 42 runHook postInstallCheck ''; meta = with lib; { description = "Improved Scala REPL"; longDescription = '' The Ammonite-REPL is an improved Scala REPL, re-implemented from first principles. It is much more featureful than the default REPL and comes with a lot of ergonomic improvements and configurability that may be familiar to people coming from IDEs or other REPLs such as IPython or Zsh. ''; homepage = "https://github.com/com-lihaoyi/Ammonite"; license = licenses.mit; maintainers = [ maintainers.nequissimus ]; mainProgram = "amm"; platforms = platforms.all; }; }; in { ammonite_2_12 = common { scalaVersion = "2.12"; sha256 = "sha256-SlweOVHudknbInM4rfEPJ9bLd3Z/EImLhVLzeKfjfMQ="; }; ammonite_2_13 = common { scalaVersion = "2.13"; sha256 = "sha256-2BydXmF6AkWDdG5rbRLD2I/6z3w3UD0dCd5Tp+3lU7c="; }; }