# This is a pytest hook that skips tests that tries to access the network. # These tests will immediately fail, then get marked as "Expected fail" (xfail). from _pytest.runner import pytest_runtest_makereport as orig_pytest_runtest_makereport # We use BaseException to minimize the chance it gets caught and 'pass'ed class NixNetworkAccessDeniedError(BaseException): pass def pytest_runtest_makereport(item, call): """ Modifies test results after-the-fact. The function name is magic, see: https://docs.pytest.org/en/7.1.x/reference/reference.html?highlight=pytest_runtest_makereport#std-hook-pytest_runtest_makereport """ def iterate_exc_chain(exc: Exception): """ Recurses through exception chain, yielding all exceptions """ yield exc if getattr(exc, "__context__", None) is not None: yield from iterate_exc_chain(exc.__context__) if getattr(exc, "__cause__", None) is not None: yield from iterate_exc_chain(exc.__cause__) tr = orig_pytest_runtest_makereport(item, call) if call.excinfo is not None: for exc in iterate_exc_chain(call.excinfo.value): if isinstance(exc, NixNetworkAccessDeniedError): tr.outcome, tr.wasxfail = 'skipped', "reason: Requires network access." if isinstance(exc, FileNotFoundError): # gradio specific tr.outcome, tr.wasxfail = 'skipped', "reason: Pypi dist bad." return tr # replace network access with exception def deny_network_access(*a, **kw): raise NixNetworkAccessDeniedError import httpx import requests import socket import urllib import urllib3 import websockets httpx.AsyncClient.get = deny_network_access httpx.AsyncClient.head = deny_network_access httpx.Request = deny_network_access requests.get = deny_network_access requests.head = deny_network_access requests.post = deny_network_access socket.socket.connect = deny_network_access urllib.request.Request = deny_network_access urllib.request.urlopen = deny_network_access urllib3.connection.HTTPSConnection._new_conn = deny_network_access websockets.connect = deny_network_access