{ lib , buildPythonPackage , fetchPypi , pythonOlder , setuptools , pytestCheckHook , vcrpy , citeproc-py , requests }: buildPythonPackage rec { pname = "duecredit"; version = "0.9.3"; pyproject = true; disabled = pythonOlder "3.8"; src = fetchPypi { inherit pname version; hash = "sha256-+DeOqQ0R+XUlkuSHySFj2oDZqf85mT64PAi/LtTso3I="; }; nativeBuildInputs = [ setuptools ]; propagatedBuildInputs = [ citeproc-py requests ]; nativeCheckInputs = [ pytestCheckHook vcrpy ]; disabledTests = [ "test_import_doi" ]; # tries to access network preCheck = '' export HOME=$(mktemp -d) ''; pythonImportsCheck = [ "duecredit" ]; meta = with lib; { homepage = "https://github.com/duecredit/duecredit"; description = "Simple framework to embed references in code"; changelog = "https://github.com/duecredit/duecredit/releases/tag/${version}"; license = licenses.bsd2; maintainers = with maintainers; [ bcdarwin ]; }; }