{ lib , buildPythonPackage , fetchFromGitHub , pillow , unittestCheckHook , pythonAtLeast }: buildPythonPackage rec { pname = "diffimg"; version = "0.3.0"; # github recognized 0.1.3, there's a v0.1.5 tag and setup.py says 0.3.0 format = "setuptools"; src = fetchFromGitHub { owner = "nicolashahn"; repo = "diffimg"; rev = "b82f0bb416f100f9105ccccf1995872b29302461"; hash = "sha256-H/UQsqyfdnlESBe7yRu6nK/0dakQkAfeFaZNwjCMvdM="; }; # it imports the wrong diff, # fix offered to upstream https://github.com/nicolashahn/diffimg/pull/6 postPatch = '' substituteInPlace diffimg/test.py \ --replace-warn "from diff import diff" "from diffimg.diff import diff" '' + lib.optionalString (pythonAtLeast "3.12") '' substituteInPlace diffimg/test.py \ --replace-warn "3503192421617232" "3503192421617233" ''; propagatedBuildInputs = [ pillow ]; pythonImportsCheck = [ "diffimg" ]; nativeCheckInputs = [ unittestCheckHook ]; meta = with lib; { description = "Differentiate images in python - get a ratio or percentage difference, and generate a diff image"; homepage = "https://github.com/nicolashahn/diffimg"; license = licenses.mit; maintainers = with maintainers; [ evils ]; }; }