{ lib , stdenv , fetchFromGitLab , cmake , boost , properties-cpp , pkg-config }: stdenv.mkDerivation rec { pname = "process-cpp"; version = "unstable-2021-05-11"; src = fetchFromGitLab { domain = "gitlab.com"; owner = "ubports"; repo = "development/core/lib-cpp/process-cpp"; rev = "ee6d99a3278343f5fdcec7ed3dad38763e257310"; sha256 = "sha256-jDYXKCzrg/ZGFC2xpyfkn/f7J3t0cdOwHK2mLlYWNN0="; }; postPatch = '' # Excludes tests from tainting nativeBuildInputs with their dependencies when not being run # Tests fail upon verifying OOM score adjustment via /proc//oom_score # [ RUN ] LinuxProcess.adjusting_proc_oom_score_adj_works # /build/source/tests/linux_process_test.cpp:83: Failure # Value of: is_approximately_equal(oom_score.value, core::posix::linux::proc::process::OomScoreAdj::max_value()) # Actual: false (333 > 10) # Expected: true sed -i '/tests/d' CMakeLists.txt ''; nativeBuildInputs = [ cmake pkg-config ]; buildInputs = [ boost properties-cpp ]; meta = with lib; { description = "A simple convenience library for handling processes in C++11"; homepage = "https://gitlab.com/ubports/development/core/lib-cpp/process-cpp"; license = with licenses; [ gpl3Only lgpl3Only ]; maintainers = with maintainers; [ onny ]; platforms = platforms.linux; }; }