{ autoreconfHook , cmake , fetchFromGitLab , fetchpatch , mediastreamer , openh264 , pkg-config , lib , stdenv }: stdenv.mkDerivation rec { pname = "msopenh264"; version = "linphone-4.4.1"; src = fetchFromGitLab { domain = "gitlab.linphone.org"; owner = "public"; group = "BC"; repo = pname; rev = "5603a432be2ed10f5d5a5ce068ef83ab2a996d6b"; sha256 = "sha256-AqZ7tsNZw2Djgyo1JBJbT/c3eQVyEn6r3CT6DQLD/B8="; }; nativeBuildInputs = [ cmake ]; buildInputs = [ mediastreamer openh264 ]; # Do not build static libraries cmakeFlags = [ "-DENABLE_STATIC=NO" "-DCMAKE_SKIP_INSTALL_RPATH=ON" ]; # CMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX has no effect so let's install manually. See: # https://gitlab.linphone.org/BC/public/msopenh264/issues/1 installPhase = '' mkdir -p $out/lib/mediastreamer/plugins cp src/libmsopenh264.so $out/lib/mediastreamer/plugins/ ''; meta = with lib; { description = "H.264 encoder/decoder plugin for mediastreamer2. Part of the Linphone project."; homepage = "https://www.linphone.org/technical-corner/mediastreamer2"; license = licenses.gpl2; platforms = platforms.linux; maintainers = with maintainers; [ jluttine ]; }; }