{ lib , stdenv , fetchFromGitHub , libndtypes }: stdenv.mkDerivation { pname = "libxnd"; version = "unstable-2019-08-01"; src = fetchFromGitHub { owner = "xnd-project"; repo = "xnd"; rev = "6f305cd40d90b4f3fc2fe51ae144b433d186a6cc"; sha256 = "1n31d64qwlc7m3qkzbafhp0dgrvgvkdx89ykj63kll7r1n3yk59y"; }; buildInputs = [ libndtypes ]; # Override linker with cc (symlink to either gcc or clang) # Library expects to use cc for linking configureFlags = [ # Override linker with cc (symlink to either gcc or clang) # Library expects to use cc for linking "LD=${stdenv.cc.targetPrefix}cc" # needed for tests "--with-includes=${libndtypes}/include" "--with-libs=${libndtypes}/lib" ]; # other packages which depend on libxnd seem to expect overflow.h, but # it doesn't seem to be included in the installed headers. for now this # works, but the generic name of the header could produce problems # with collisions down the line. postInstall = '' cp libxnd/overflow.h $out/include/overflow.h ''; doCheck = true; meta = { description = "C library for managing typed memory blocks and Python container module"; homepage = "https://xnd.io/"; license = lib.licenses.bsdOriginal; maintainers = with lib.maintainers; [ costrouc ]; }; }