{ lib , stdenv , callPackage , fetchpatch , fetchurl , testers , cmake }: stdenv.mkDerivation (finalAttrs: { pname = "geos"; version = "3.11.2"; src = fetchurl { url = "https://download.osgeo.org/geos/${finalAttrs.pname}-${finalAttrs.version}.tar.bz2"; hash = "sha256-sfB3ZpSBxaPmKv/EnpbrBvKBmHpdNv2rIlIX5bgl5Mw="; }; patches = [ # Pull upstream fix of `gcc-13` build failure: # https://github.com/libgeos/geos/pull/805 (fetchpatch { name = "gcc-13.patch"; url = "https://github.com/libgeos/geos/commit/bea3188be44075034fd349f5bb117c943bdb7fb1.patch"; hash = "sha256-dQT3Hf9YJchgjon/r46TLIXXbE6C0ZnewyvfYJea4jM="; }) ]; nativeBuildInputs = [ cmake ]; doCheck = true; passthru.tests = { pkg-config = testers.testMetaPkgConfig finalAttrs.finalPackage; geos = callPackage ./tests.nix { geos = finalAttrs.finalPackage; }; }; meta = with lib; { description = "C/C++ library for computational geometry with a focus on algorithms used in geographic information systems (GIS) software"; homepage = "https://libgeos.org"; license = licenses.lgpl21Only; maintainers = teams.geospatial.members; pkgConfigModules = [ "geos" ]; mainProgram = "geosop"; }; })