{ lib , stdenv , callPackage , swift , swiftpm , swiftpm2nix , Foundation , XCTest , CryptoKit , LocalAuthentication }: let sources = callPackage ../sources.nix { }; generated = swiftpm2nix.helpers ./generated; in stdenv.mkDerivation { pname = "swift-docc"; inherit (sources) version; src = sources.swift-docc; # TODO: We could build this from `apple/swift-docc-render` source, but that # repository is not tagged. renderArtifact = sources.swift-docc-render-artifact; nativeBuildInputs = [ swift swiftpm ]; buildInputs = [ Foundation XCTest ] ++ lib.optionals stdenv.isDarwin [ CryptoKit LocalAuthentication ]; configurePhase = generated.configure; # We only install the docc binary, so don't need the other products. # This works around a failure building generate-symbol-graph: # Sources/generate-symbol-graph/main.swift:13:18: error: module 'SwiftDocC' was not compiled for testing # TODO: Figure out the cause. It doesn't seem to happen outside Nixpkgs. swiftpmFlags = [ "--product docc" ]; # TODO: Tests depend on indexstore-db being provided by an existing Swift # toolchain. (ie. looks for `../lib/libIndexStore.so` relative to swiftc. #doCheck = true; installPhase = '' binPath="$(swiftpmBinPath)" mkdir -p $out/bin $out/share/docc cp $binPath/docc $out/bin/ ln -s $renderArtifact/dist $out/share/docc/render ''; # Canary to verify output of our Swift toolchain does not depend on the Swift # compiler itself. (Only its 'lib' output.) disallowedRequisites = [ swift.swift ]; meta = { description = "Documentation compiler for Swift"; mainProgram = "docc"; homepage = "https://github.com/apple/swift-docc"; platforms = with lib.platforms; linux ++ darwin; license = lib.licenses.asl20; maintainers = with lib.maintainers; [ dtzWill trepetti dduan trundle stephank ]; }; }