import argparse import math import json import requests import sys from enum import Enum from libversion import Version from typing import ( Callable, Iterable, List, NamedTuple, Optional, Tuple, TypeVar, Type, cast, ) EnumValue = TypeVar("EnumValue", bound=Enum) def enum_to_arg(enum: Enum) -> str: return"_", "-") def arg_to_enum(enum_meta: Type[EnumValue], name: str) -> EnumValue: return enum_meta[name.upper().replace("-", "_")] def enum_to_arg_choices(enum_meta: Type[EnumValue]) -> Tuple[str, ...]: return tuple(enum_to_arg(v) for v in cast(Iterable[EnumValue], enum_meta)) class Stability(Enum): STABLE = "stable" UNSTABLE = "unstable" VersionPolicy = Callable[[Version], bool] VersionPredicate = Callable[[Version, Stability], bool] class VersionPredicateHolder(NamedTuple): function: VersionPredicate def version_to_list(version: str) -> List[int]: return list(map(int, version.split("."))) def odd_unstable(version: Version, selected: Stability) -> bool: try: version_parts = version_to_list(version.value) except: # Failing to parse as a list of numbers likely means the version contains a string tag like “beta”, therefore it is not a stable release. return selected != Stability.STABLE if len(version_parts) < 2: return True even = version_parts[1] % 2 == 0 prerelease = (version_parts[1] >= 90 and version_parts[1] < 100) or (version_parts[1] >= 900 and version_parts[1] < 1000) stable = even and not prerelease if selected == Stability.STABLE: return stable else: return True def tagged(version: Version, selected: Stability) -> bool: if selected == Stability.STABLE: return not ("alpha" in version.value or "beta" in version.value or "rc" in version.value) else: return True def no_policy(version: Version, selected: Stability) -> bool: return True class VersionPolicyKind(Enum): # HACK: Using function as values directly would make Enum # think they are methods and skip them. ODD_UNSTABLE = VersionPredicateHolder(odd_unstable) TAGGED = VersionPredicateHolder(tagged) NONE = VersionPredicateHolder(no_policy) def make_version_policy( version_policy_kind: VersionPolicyKind, selected: Stability, upper_bound: Optional[Version], ) -> VersionPolicy: version_predicate = version_policy_kind.value.function if not upper_bound: return lambda version: version_predicate(version, selected) else: return lambda version: version_predicate(version, selected) and version < upper_bound def find_versions(package_name: str, version_policy: VersionPolicy) -> List[Version]: # The structure of cache.json: cache = json.loads(requests.get(f"{package_name}/cache.json").text) if type(cache) != list or cache[0] != 4: raise Exception("Unknown format of cache.json file.") versions: Iterable[Version] = map(Version, cache[2][package_name]) versions = sorted(filter(version_policy, versions)) return versions parser = argparse.ArgumentParser( description="Find latest version for a GNOME package by crawling their release server.", ) parser.add_argument( "package-name", help="Name of the directory in containing the package.", ) parser.add_argument( "version-policy", help="Policy determining which versions are considered stable. GNOME packages usually denote stability by alpha/beta/rc tag in the version. For older packages, odd minor versions are unstable but there are exceptions.", choices=enum_to_arg_choices(VersionPolicyKind), nargs="?", default=enum_to_arg(VersionPolicyKind.TAGGED), ) parser.add_argument( "requested-release", help="Most of the time, we will want to update to stable version but sometimes it is useful to test.", choices=enum_to_arg_choices(Stability), nargs="?", default=enum_to_arg(Stability.STABLE), ) parser.add_argument( "--upper-bound", dest="upper-bound", help="Only look for versions older than this one (useful for pinning dependencies).", ) if __name__ == "__main__": args = parser.parse_args() package_name = getattr(args, "package-name") requested_release = arg_to_enum(Stability, getattr(args, "requested-release")) upper_bound = getattr(args, "upper-bound") if upper_bound is not None: upper_bound = Version(upper_bound) version_policy_kind = arg_to_enum(VersionPolicyKind, getattr(args, "version-policy")) version_policy = make_version_policy(version_policy_kind, requested_release, upper_bound) try: versions = find_versions(package_name, version_policy) except Exception as error: print(error, file=sys.stderr) sys.exit(1) if len(versions) == 0: print("No versions matched.", file=sys.stderr) sys.exit(1) print(versions[-1].value)