use std::collections::{HashSet, VecDeque}; use std::env; use std::ffi::{OsStr, OsString}; use std::fs; use std::hash::Hash; use std::io::{BufRead, BufReader}; use std::iter::FromIterator; use std::os::unix; use std::path::{Component, Path, PathBuf}; use std::process::Command; use eyre::Context; use goblin::{elf::Elf, Object}; struct NonRepeatingQueue { queue: VecDeque, seen: HashSet, } impl NonRepeatingQueue { fn new() -> NonRepeatingQueue { NonRepeatingQueue { queue: VecDeque::new(), seen: HashSet::new(), } } } impl NonRepeatingQueue { fn push_back(&mut self, value: T) -> bool { if self.seen.contains(&value) { false } else { self.seen.insert(value.clone()); self.queue.push_back(value); true } } fn pop_front(&mut self) -> Option { self.queue.pop_front() } } fn add_dependencies + AsRef>( source: P, elf: Elf, queue: &mut NonRepeatingQueue>, ) { if let Some(interp) = elf.interpreter { queue.push_back(Box::from(Path::new(interp))); } let rpaths = if elf.runpaths.len() > 0 { elf.runpaths } else if elf.rpaths.len() > 0 { elf.rpaths } else { vec![] }; let rpaths_as_path = rpaths .into_iter() .flat_map(|p| p.split(":")) .map(|p| Box::::from(Path::new(p))) .collect::>(); for line in elf.libraries { let mut found = false; for path in &rpaths_as_path { let lib = path.join(line); if lib.exists() { // No need to recurse. The queue will bring it back round. queue.push_back(Box::from(lib.as_path())); found = true; break; } } if !found { // glibc makes it tricky to make this an error because // none of the files have a useful rpath. println!( "Warning: Couldn't satisfy dependency {} for {:?}", line, OsStr::new(&source) ); } } } fn copy_file< P: AsRef + AsRef + std::fmt::Debug, S: AsRef + AsRef + std::fmt::Debug, >( source: P, target: S, queue: &mut NonRepeatingQueue>, ) -> eyre::Result<()> { fs::copy(&source, &target) .wrap_err_with(|| format!("failed to copy {:?} to {:?}", source, target))?; let contents = fs::read(&source).wrap_err_with(|| format!("failed to read from {:?}", source))?; if let Ok(Object::Elf(e)) = Object::parse(&contents) { add_dependencies(source, e, queue); // Make file writable to strip it let mut permissions = fs::metadata(&target) .wrap_err_with(|| format!("failed to get metadata for {:?}", target))? .permissions(); permissions.set_readonly(false); fs::set_permissions(&target, permissions) .wrap_err_with(|| format!("failed to set readonly flag to false for {:?}", target))?; // Strip further than normal if let Ok(strip) = env::var("STRIP") { if !Command::new(strip) .arg("--strip-all") .arg(OsStr::new(&target)) .output()? .status .success() { println!("{:?} was not successfully stripped.", OsStr::new(&target)); } } }; Ok(()) } fn queue_dir + std::fmt::Debug>( source: P, queue: &mut NonRepeatingQueue>, ) -> eyre::Result<()> { for entry in fs::read_dir(&source).wrap_err_with(|| format!("failed to read dir {:?}", source))? { let entry = entry?; // No need to recurse. The queue will bring us back round here on its own. queue.push_back(Box::from(entry.path().as_path())); } Ok(()) } fn handle_path( root: &Path, p: &Path, queue: &mut NonRepeatingQueue>, ) -> eyre::Result<()> { let mut source = PathBuf::new(); let mut target = Path::new(root).to_path_buf(); let mut iter = p.components().peekable(); while let Some(comp) = { match comp { Component::Prefix(_) => panic!("This tool is not meant for Windows"), Component::RootDir => { target.clear(); target.push(root); source.clear(); source.push("/"); } Component::CurDir => {} Component::ParentDir => { // Don't over-pop the target if the path has too many ParentDirs if source.pop() { target.pop(); } } Component::Normal(name) => { target.push(name); source.push(name); let typ = fs::symlink_metadata(&source) .wrap_err_with(|| format!("failed to get symlink metadata for {:?}", source))? .file_type(); if typ.is_file() && !target.exists() { copy_file(&source, &target, queue)?; if let Some(filename) = source.file_name() { source.set_file_name(OsString::from_iter([ OsStr::new("."), filename, OsStr::new("-wrapped"), ])); let wrapped_path = source.as_path(); if wrapped_path.exists() { queue.push_back(Box::from(wrapped_path)); } } } else if typ.is_symlink() { let link_target = fs::read_link(&source) .wrap_err_with(|| format!("failed to resolve symlink of {:?}", source))?; // Create the link, then push its target to the queue if !target.exists() && !target.is_symlink() { unix::fs::symlink(&link_target, &target).wrap_err_with(|| { format!("failed to symlink {:?} to {:?}", link_target, target) })?; } source.pop(); source.push(link_target); while let Some(c) = { source.push(c); } let link_target_path = source.as_path(); if link_target_path.exists() { queue.push_back(Box::from(link_target_path)); } break; } else if typ.is_dir() { if !target.exists() { fs::create_dir(&target) .wrap_err_with(|| format!("failed to create dir {:?}", target))?; } // Only recursively copy if the directory is the target object if iter.peek().is_none() { queue_dir(&source, queue) .wrap_err_with(|| format!("failed to queue dir {:?}", source))?; } } } } } Ok(()) } fn main() -> eyre::Result<()> { let args: Vec = env::args().collect(); let input = fs::File::open(&args[1]).wrap_err_with(|| format!("failed to open file {:?}", &args[1]))?; let output = &args[2]; let out_path = Path::new(output); let mut queue = NonRepeatingQueue::>::new(); let mut lines = BufReader::new(input).lines(); while let Some(obj) = { // Lines should always come in pairs let obj = obj?; let sym =; let obj_path = Path::new(&obj); queue.push_back(Box::from(obj_path)); if !sym.is_empty() { println!("{} -> {}", &sym, &obj); // We don't care about preserving symlink structure here // nearly as much as for the actual objects. let link_string = format!("{}/{}", output, sym); let link_path = Path::new(&link_string); let mut link_parent = link_path.to_path_buf(); link_parent.pop(); fs::create_dir_all(&link_parent) .wrap_err_with(|| format!("failed to create directories to {:?}", link_parent))?; unix::fs::symlink(obj_path, link_path) .wrap_err_with(|| format!("failed to symlink {:?} to {:?}", obj_path, link_path))?; } } while let Some(obj) = queue.pop_front() { handle_path(out_path, &*obj, &mut queue)?; } Ok(()) }